The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 4 Friday, April 24, 1959 Dinner Tominorrow Night r 7he Cling Scriptures _ _ by fad? hfamm Source of Greatest Power .' Drawing Serious For BSU Speaker Cartooning is a serious business for Jack Hamm, 43-year old Bay lor University art instructor, who will speak at the Baptist Student Union Banquet tomorrow night at 6:30 at Clay ton’s Restaurant. Each week Hamm sends a Hamm sermon, in the form of religious cartoons, free to more than 1,000 newspapers and other publications throughout the U.S. and in over 30 foreign coun tries. The syndicated drawings reach a public estimated at more than a million persons. The “preacher with a pen” re fuses to accept even voluntary pay for his sketches and cartoons and will mail them to any publication in the world that will print them. The expense of materials, produc tion and mailing runs into several hundred dollars each month, which he pays from his own pocket with the exception of donations from friends. The syndicated cartoons, which began as a hobby, take up three- fourths of Hamm’s busy schedule. He and his wife do the entire mail ing of the cartoons each week. He sends two matted cartoons each week, to each publisher on his list an order to give editors a choice. Why does Hamm pursue this ex pensive hobby ? It is due simply to his strong conviction that “religion and not world-wide diplomacy will solve the problems of today.” He has combined his call to the gospel and his talent for art to reach a much greater public than would be possible from a single pulpit. At the same time, he has won several national awards for his patriotic and religious cartoons. The Waco artist will speak be fore an expected 150 persons to morrow night. Tickets for the dinner are $2. Ben Trotter*, BSU president, will emcee the program. Accounting Meet To Draw 200 Men mm-. is "WAIT ON THE LORD; BE-OF GOOD COURAGE, AND HE SHALL STRENGTHEN THINE HEART"' •— 27-J4 wmiiKimm Churches Announce Services For Sunday Morning, Evening A&>! Christian Church Sunday School is at 9:45 a.m. and morning worship is at 11 a.m. A Fellowship of Christian Church es of Burton, Brenham, Bryan, Somerville and College Station will be held at 6:30 p.m. Supper will be served, to be followed by a worship service. The Rev. T. V. Lewis of Brenham will be guest speaker. A&M Church of Christ Bible Classes begin at 9:45 a.m., with a worship service to follow at 10:45 a.m. Sermon topic will be “The Church and Its Worship.” Topic for the 7:15 p.m. service will be “Be Thou An Example.” Bethel Lutheran Church Morning worship, with “The Source of Your Blessings” as ser mon topic, is at 8:15 a.m. Sunday A Lincoln monument marks the spot of an old blockhouse in Dix on, 111. It was in this blockhouse that Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln met and were friends in the days of the Black Hawk War. School and Bible Classes are at 9:30 a.m., w r ith a worship service to follow at 10:45. Membership lecture will be at 7:30 p.m. History Prof Plans Paper Presentation Dr. John H. Hill of the Depart ment of History and Government, will present a paper on “The Char acter of Raymond of Toulouse—A Re-evaluation-from Textual Study” at the 12th annual Conference on Foreign Languages (Medieval Section) at the University of Ken tucky Thursday through Saturday. Hill’s paper is a part of a larger study involving the translation and establishment of the text of Ray mond d’Aguilers’ History of Those Who Captured Jerusalem, which has been supported by grants from the American Philosophical Soci ety for the summers of 1958 and 1959. THREE DANCES (Continued from Page 1) congregation through free syndi-B cated religious sketches and car® toons. The Waco artist spend several hundred dollars each wee from his own pocketbook, an sometimes goes in debt to suppl the cartoons free to any mewspap er in the world that witll prin them. His drawings currently appea in more than a thousand publica-] tions throughout the U. ■ S., an through translations in 30-c»dd for- 1 eign countries. RV Ball and Banqujet Ross Volunteers will hojld their annual banquet at 6 Saturday night at the Triangle Resitaurant followed at 9 p. m. by the ball in the MSC Ballroom. Speaker for the RV Bamjuet will be Louie E. Throgmortom, vice president and director of public services for the Republic National Life Insurance Co. in Dallas. The Aggieland Orchestra will play for the ball. Films of the New Orleans Mar- dis Gras parade will be shown in the Ballroom immediately prior to the ball. More than 200 accountants and business men from throughout the United States will attend the 12th annual Accounting Conference to be held Monday and Tuesday. The opening session will be held at 9 a.m. Monday in the ballroom of the Memorial Student Center with Vice President Earl Rudder giving the welcome address. Don Ransom of Convair Aircraft Corp. at Fort Worth, member of the Na tional Association of Accountants, is conference chairman. Mrs. Davis to Give Book Review Mrs. L. L. Davis, businesswo man and book reviewer from Aus tin, presented a book review of “I’ll Take Texas” by Mary Laswell for the A&M Women’s Social Club this afternoon in the Assembly Room of the Memorial Student Center. Mrs. Davis is a graduate of Drury College, and has reviewed books professionally for the past 15 years. She is a personal friend of the author and brought the fresh approach of the author’s own comments to the group. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES VM day 3* per word P* r word each additional day Minimum charge—401 DEADLINES 4 p. m. day before publloatloa Clasolfled Display 80^ per column Inch each Insertion PHONE VI 6-8415 FOR SALE BY OWNER. Very nice two bedroom house with large screened porch. Three years old. Recently repainted. Panel-Ray heaters, 220 wiring, fenced yard. Con venient to college. $450 down. Monthly payments approximately $60 includir taxes and insurance. 406 Poplar, VI 6-523 107U G. E. Thinline air-conditioner, $130. 1 ' i linet with Olympia typewriter, $95. Bass liner, $8. Gas stove, $25. 24” Admiral TV, $65. TA 2-5185. 107t3. room house near campus. Low down pai students. Call VI 6-4577. Corner lot. yment. Good investment for 1070 Complete VM Stereo-System. $125. John Martin, dorm 3-425. VI 6-9998. 106t5 culture Engineering Research Room 101, Agriculture Engineering ing. College Station, Texas, until 10 a. m., Friday, May 1, 1969. Prospect bidders should contact the Agriculture 1 gineering Research Department or phone VI 6-4316 for further information. 105t3 SENIOR BOOTS, very w-xOVi-lb, two years old, very comfortable. GH CAP, 6%. Two excellent GREEN BLOUSES, IKE JACKET, size 39. One pair Zubik PINKS. 33-30, one year old. Cal] VI 6-6917. See them at dorm 2-112, Bob Pfeuffer. 105t3 RCA Victor television set $50. VI 6-7036. 1954 Buick Special 4-door sedan. White- wall tires, radio, heater, and Dynaflow. 205 Grove, College Station. 105t3 BY OWNER. Three bedrooms, screened porch with patio, lots of storage space, 120 Walton. 104tfn _ itio, double garage. Near College, 10 Call VI 6-7043 for appointment. 1951 4-wheei drive Jeep. Power take-off ad wine 6-6823. VI and front mounti condition. VI 5 p. m. inch. In excellent 6-6800 after 10413 REMINGTON RAND PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. Quiet-writer model. $50. Bob Drummond, J-ll, Walton. 104t3. FOR SALE: One stop repair sei for your home. “DOCTOR FIXIT” will plan, build. plan, build, and complete the loan for you on any repair, addition or remodel ing needed for your home. farm, or busi ness. Call “DOCTOR FIXIT” at MARION PUGBT LUMBER CO. for one stop serv ice. Phone VI 6-5711 today. 104t4 Two bedroom home. Fenced back yard. 106 Poplar, C. S. VI 6-6273. 102tl0 Small house on approximately 50’ x 100’ lot. Located near campus in nice neighbor ed ne: hood. 413 Eisenhower. Financed on G. I. bill. Call R. A. Smith, VI 6-5078 after 1956 Ford Country Sedan Station Wagon. One owner. Good tires, radio, heater, over drive. See at 300 Live Oak, C. S. VI 6-6607. STUDENT DIRECTORIES .... $1.00. OFFICE OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, YMCA, BASEMENT. 61tfti Mufflers, tail pipes and dual sets. Wholesale prices. WHITE’S AUTO STORE, 216 N. Bryan. 41tfn Texas’ leading life Insnrance company ias a special plan for senior Aggies. See Eugene Bush at North Gate for details. 22tfn Ed Beck, senior center on Ken tucky’s NCAA champion basket ball team, is a Methodist minister. RADIO—PHONO—TV Service By SOSOLIK TUBES TESTED FREE BY EXPERTS 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Bry*n SPECIAL NOTICE Plastic binding service for thesis, re ports, papers, etc. AGGIELAND STUDIO. 72tfn Let me keep your children for you by hour, day or week. Will pick them up and bring them home. VI 6-5505. 63tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. G. C. Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tfe PETS FOR SALE A.K.C. Registered Beagles. $20 and up. VI 6-4467. 103tfn WORK WANTED Would like to keep infant in my home. VI 6-6604. 107t3 DAY AND NIGHT NURSERY. Mrs. York, 2701 College Avenue. TA 2-0844. 103t5 TYPING WANTED. 16 years experience. Reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call TA 2-4812. 80tfn Your reports will be typed quickly and accurately on electric typewriters at the Bi-City Secretarial Service, 3408A Texas Avenue, Phone VI 6-5786. 71tfn FOR RENT Furnished one bedroom apartment. 2108 Maloney, TA 3-4620. 107t2 Unfurnished, one or two bedroom house. Near A&M. VI 6-4455. 106t2 After May 21. Handsome three room furnished apartment. Wired for air con ditioning. VI 6-6541. 106t2 AVAILABLE NOWI Two room fur nished apartment just redecorated. VI 6- 6541. 106t2 Nice, garage apartment. Living room with TV connection on cable, bedroom, , two large closets, kitchen, bath with hot i and cold water, car garage. Freshly re decorated throughout. On southside of campus, 3 blocks from shopping district. 100 Grove, VI 6-6954. 106tfn . Clean furnished one bedroom apartment with screened porch. South Gate. $55. VI 6-5711 or VI 6-6638. 106tfn Available June 1. Unfurnished brick J apartment. One bedroom, carport. North Gate. Call VI 6-4526. 104tfn ; One room. Private entrance and pri vate bath. In College Park. VI 6-7258. 104t8 Nice, clean, completely furnished apart- ! ment. Two blocks from post office. Small and reasonably priced. Ideal for some boy who really wants to study. Call VI 6-7248. . 102tfn Nice, clean, quiet apartment for couple or students. Close to College. $55. VI 6- 6638 or VI 6-5711. lOltfn Unfurnished three room duplex on Boy- ett St. Two blocks north of Campus Theatre. Inquire 807 Dellwood in Bryan or call TA 3-3380. 83tfn. Bedroom with kitchen privilegea. VI 6- ! 5334. 52tfn Sewing machines. Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfi, All swans on the Thames River belong to the Queen of England. TYPEWRITERS Rental - Sales - Service Distributors For: Royal and Olivetti Typewriters Olivetti & Odhner Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES MS Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN,TEXAS U J’ P i • the Art of K P otard A cl^etenti Cooking Is Not Lost g HELP WANTED Counter women needed. Must have neat, leasant appearance. Experience not neces- iry. Apply in person. HOTARD’S OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed In the Office •r telephoned so as to arrive »f Student Publications (Ground Flool YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of I p.m. of the day proceeding ibllcatlon — Director of Student PubUoa- >ns. ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMINA TIONS FOR MAJORS IN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Students planning to graduate before ?lish Proficiencj ing June 1960 report for English Proficiency Examination, Tuesday, May 5, at 4:00 p. m. in room 231, G. Rollie White Coli- C. E. Tishler, Head Department of Health and Physical Education 107t5 Ph. D. Language Examination Examinations for meeting the foreign quirement for the Ph. D. de language requirement for gree will be given Friday, May 1st at 8 :UU a. m. and 1:00 p. m. in Room 129, Aca demic Building. Students wishing to take this examination should leave the material amination should leave the materl er which they wish to be examined over which they with the Secretary in the Department of Modern Languages not later than 6:00 rn .Languages not , Tuesday, April 28. J. J. Woolket, Head Department of Modern Languages 104t5 PROFICIENCY EXAMINA- OF EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY ite before lartment re- Proficiency ms Tuesday. April 28 at 3:00 ’hursda: Academic Building. Students planning to graduat June 1960 with a degree in the Departnc of Education and Psychology should port for departmental English Proficie ay, April 30 at 3 :00 p. m. i 102. Academic Building. G. P. Parker, Head Dept, of Education and Psychology 104t6 Regalia For The Baccalaureate- Commencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the egree of Doctor of Philosophy are re- uired to order hoods as well as the doc- >r’s cap and gown. The hoods are to rft at the Registrar’s Office no lati :00 p. m., Tuesday, May ce no later than his ar- the College Exchange hoods will not be worn since all such candi- Degree will ’ill wear appropriate military uniforms. Rental of caps and gowns may be ar- .j —— i*—i Store. Orders ced between 8:00 a. m., Mon- :06 noon, Saturda follows: DoctOi own. C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee 100t20 EAttLYBIRD SHOPPE TOGS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Boys FABRICS — SHOES RMceneat Village 3601 Texaa Are. DR. M. W. DEASON Optometrist Contact Lenses Hours — 9:00 to 5:30 Evenings by Appointment 214 No. Main TA 2-3530 You Can Have The Best FRIEDRICH Window Air Conditioner JOE FAULK ’32 Auto & Appliance Furniture 214 N. Bryan Cavitt at Coulter \. For a Fuller Life. For You.. CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES A&M CHRISTIAN CHURCH 8:30 A.M.—Coffee Time 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Services FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 9:40 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Worship 6:15 P.M.—Training Union 1:15 P.M.—Worship CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Sunday Service 2:00-4:00 p. m. Tuesdays—Reading Room BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:30 A.M.—Church School 8:15 A 10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship (Synod) 8:15 A.M.—Morning Worship 9:30 A.M.—Church School 10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 10:00 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:30 P.M.—Young People’s Service 7:30 P.M.—Preaching Service A&M METHODIST CHURCH 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 10:55 A.M.—Morning Worship 4:30 A 6:00 P.M.—MYF Meeting* ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC 7:30 9:00 11:00 ^BWlWSiinday Masses 6:15 P. M.—Tuesdnyy and Thursday Mass 6:30 A. M.—Other Weekday Masses CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 26th East and Coulter, Bryan 8:45 A.M.—Priesthood Meeting 10:00 A.M.—Sunday School 7:00 P.M.—Sacrament Meeting 6:30, 7:30 P.M»—Saturday Confession* COLLEGE HEIGHTS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:30 P.M.—Young People’s Service 7:30 P.M.—Evening Worship FAITH CHURCH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:15 A.M.—Sunday School 10:30 A.M.—Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.—Evening Service UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP 10:00 A.M.—Adult Forum and Church School, YMCA 7:45 P.M.—First, third and fifth Sun days, In YMCA Cabinet room A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:45 A.M.—Bible Classes 10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:15 P.M.—Bible Class 7:15 P.M.—Evening Service ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion 9:15 A.M.—Church School 9:15 A*.M.—Morning prayer and sermon 11:00 A.M.—Morning prayer and sermon 7:00 P.M.—Evening prayer A&M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9.45 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Worship SrS ' If IIIII : ■ * ll§! 11 ■ - In His IMAGE How small man seems, compared to a mountain or even a tree. And yet, how great is his potential! Man can fashion a tree into a chair, a boat, or a house. And he can, if he wants, tunnel through a mountain. Man has been created in God’s own image; he has been given dominion over the earth and over all other creatures on the earth. Among the many gifts which God has given to man are intelligence, initiative and will power. But the use of these gifts mu,st be moti vated by the love of God if. man is to be rewarded with peace and happiness. Down through the ages, the Church has been teach ing man that the misuse of intelligence and power brings or and self-destruction, while love-motivated use of i. s gifts brings joy, peace of mind and salvation. Church attendance, prayer and worship will help anyone understand the proper relationship between God and man. Copyright 1959. Keister Adv. Service, Strasburg, Va. ‘ • . :V A.tV THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There arc four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. T hey are: (I) For his own sake. (2) For his children’s sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. Chapter Verses Sunday Cenesis Monday Genesis “ ' Psa: 1 1-25 1 20-31 Tuesday Psalms 8 1-9 Wednesday Psalms 1 1-6 Thursday Ephesians 4 1-24 Friday Colossiang 3 1-17 Saturday Jeremiah 31 31-34 J4i((ier 3unera( JJo BRYAN, TEXAS 602 West 26th St PHONE TA 2-1672 Dairy Products Milk—lc« Cream TA 2-3763 Campus and Circle Theatres College Station College Station’s Own Banking Service College Station State Bank NORTH GATE Central Texas Hardware Co. BRYAN • HARDWARE • CHINA WARE • CRYSTAL • GIFTS Bryan Communities Since 1909 First State Bank & Trust Co. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BRYAN The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” Bryan Building City National & Loan Bank Member Association FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION BRYAN Bryan ICE CREAM o