The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 05, 1959, Image 4
. ,u - L Gladiola FLOUR With coupon from Houston Post 14c 5 lb. bag Gladiola BISCUITS limit 6 can s Gladiola CAKE MIXES ^ 5 89 Kimbells PINTO BEANS 2b ^19< Mayfields Medium GRADE A EGGS ^ 39c Sanitary or Carnation I EL K 9 a ^ on carton for S9 C Elgin OLEO Texsun GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Colored and Quartered 46-Oz. Can lb. box 6 Ibs - 1.00 4 Por 1.00 25c 6-Oz. can -<• ; y t: 5 Ft,r 89c fcf. .- •* Sunshine KRISPY CRACKERS Libby’s Frozen ORANGE JUICE Hills-O-Home Frozen STRAWBERRIES ? * * le^z. pack ■ ' 4 15c Burkes' r ■ fW, ' \ ~~"' v BLACK PEPPER 4-o z .can 25c Jet Quality DOG FOOD 9 cans 1.00 WOLF BRAND CHILI »o. 2 ca„ 59c WESSON OIL «*• 49c BROOKDALE SALMON TaI1Can 39c CRUSTENE SHORTENING 3 »59c LIBBY'S CUT GREEN BEANS 303 Can 6 for $1.00 CATSUP 14-Oz. Bottles 5 for $1.00 GARDEN PEAS 6 Cans for $1.00 QUALITY PEACHES 2^ Can 29c FRUIT COCKTAIL . . . . 303 Can 4 for $1.00 Fancy RED POTATOES . . . 10-Ib. bag 39c Golden BANANAS *«25 Fresh Good Tasty TOMATOES 2-lbs. 29c RADISHES . . 2 bags 15c Lean Round STEAK PORK ROAST Brazos Valley FANCY FRYERS Fresh Lean b 89 ib 29' ib 29' Fresh Gulf • Hormel Dairy TROUT lb. 39c BACON . . . . . lb. 59c SPECIALS GOOD MARCH 5-6-7, 1959 MILLER'S SUPER MARKET 3800 TEXAS AVENUE VI 6-6613 PAGE 4 Thursday, March 5, 1959: The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas Rhodes Awards Made Available To Aggies, Profs Students and faculty members interested in obtaining information on Rhodes Scholarships can do so by contacting Aldon D. Bell, as sistant to the American secretary for the Rhodes Scholarship Trust Fund, in the Birch Room of the Memorial Student Center on Wed nesday, March 11. Bell will be in the Birch Room from 8-12:30 p.m. to give informa tion to anyone interested in the scholarship. The $1,700 a year scholarship is offered only to those students hav ing at least junior standing at some recognized degree-granting school in the United States. Basis of selection are literary and schol astic ability and attainments, de votion to duty, leadership and a recognized interest and success in sports. R. H. Ballinger, local Rhodes Scholarship representative, said juniors, in particular, should be in terested in getting the information on the scholarship. Third Lab Manual Published by Lee The third edition of a laboratory manual by D. Ralph Lee of the De partment of Chemisti’y has been published by the Burgess Publish ing Co. of Minneapolis, Minn. Lee’s book, “General Chemistry for Colleges,” deals with labora tory experiments, qualitative anal ysis and solution of problems and is designed for the beginning course in general chemistry for colleges. The manual, which is used in colleges in the U.S. and in other countries, contains detailed draw ings and illustrations by Samuel M. Cleland, professpy of engineer ing drawing. IL J,..Bayry... ^.t a -re^ortf^frof^sso it Monmount Park when he shd died 22 winners. Board Okays Appointments The board of directors of the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege System, meeting here Satur day, approved appointments for various parts of the System as fol lows: School of Agriculture, Depart ment of Agronomy, Mrs. Joyce P. Potter, clerical, Agricultural Education, Lloyd Wilbur Bergsma and Harold Theo- dore Wiedemann, both farm man agement specialists and assistant professors; biochemisty and nutri tion, Clifford M. Trest and Wood- ie P. Williams, graduate teaching assistants; wildlife management, Mrs. Myrtle Allene Wilson, cleri cal. Athletic Department, Troy C. Chandler, head baseball coach, Matt Richard Lair, assistant foot ball coach; building and college utilities, Hugo Adolph Stein, air conditioning and refrigeration me chanic; dining hall, Mrs. Marva Zane Beasley, clerical, Milton Joe Schroeder, storekeeper I; develop ment fund, Miss Jeanett Patrick, clerical, Mrs. Patricia Ann Ray, clerical (% time). School of Arts and Sciences, Di vision of Business Administi'ation, Donald Bullock Browning, grad uate teaching assistant. Chemistry, Hwei Choung Fu and Aris Merijanian, teaching assist ants; English, Percy C. Key, in structors; geography, Mrs. Peggy Lois Hoff, clerical (Ms time); his tory and government, James With- PoolSeminar Talks To Be Held Today A seminar on swimming pool maintenance will be held in the Social Room of the Memorial Stu dent Centerj today from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., according tp j^e Sorrels, Ifrofessor of s^pitary- -ongtru^ting in the Department of Civil Engi neering. JOIN JLouftotk Silver $ Club YOU CAN NOW WIN . . . $27.50 ers Emerson, instructor; Mrs. Re becca Simpson Lowery, clerical; oceanography and meteorology, Joseph R. Goldman, student assist ant, Dr. Sammy Mehedy Ray, as sistant professor; physics, Sol Klein, laboratory mechanic; East- erwood Airport, Mrs. Shirley Gayle Boykin, clerical. School of Engineering, Aero nautical Engineering, Mrs. Mary Lynn Elsik, clerical; agricultural engineering, Dennis Ray Stipe, in structor; architecture, Mrs. Glenna Jean Jackson, clerical; civil engi neering, Mrs. Mary E. Osborn, clerical; chemical engineering, Mrs. Beverly Ruth Hendricks, cler ical; engineering drawing, Hollis Dale Marshall and Allen Hearne Williford, Jr., graduate assistants (part time); industrial engineer ing, Paul Stephen Gupton, grad uate teaching assistant; petroleum engineering, Mrs. Lora Lewis Wat son, clerical. Faculty Post Office, Burney William Meyer Jr., clerk I; fiscal department, Mrs. Carolyn McLane, clerical; library, Mrs. Betty Con ner and Mrs. Frances E. Justin, clerical; Texas Engineer’s Library, Miss Martha Ann Pohl, clerical; student affairs, Mrs. Myrtle Beth Dyer, clerical. School of Veterinary Medicine, veterinary medicine and surgery, Mrs. Annette Nichols, clerical; YMCA. Chapel, Mrs. Donna Lou ise McCrary, clerical. $2,846 Given From Fund Board Okays Grants For Five Professors Five gx-ants, amounting to $2,- 846.25, fx'om the fund for the Im provement of Teaching, were ap proved for membei's of the staff of A&M by action of the A&M Col lege System’s board of directors, meeting here Saturday. Grants approved wex-e as follows: To Bill C. Moore, associate pro fessor of mathematics, $866.25 to supplement a grant of approxi mately $2,700 fi'om the National Science Foundation, to allow Moore to spend the spring semester of 1959 at the second annual training program in numerical analysis, sponsored by the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. To M. Gordon Daniels, assistant professor of economics, $700, to as sist Daniels in undertaking a Ful- bright Grant for nine months as lecturer in economics at the Uni versity of. Guayaquil, Ecuador, from May; 19607^0"Yani, 1^60. Dan iels will also carry on research in the area of agricultural credit. To Leon W\ Gibbs, associate pi'o- fessor of veterinary anatomy, $330, to assist him in attending courses in the techniques of using I’adio- isotopes in reseax-ch to be con ducted by the special tx-aining divi sion of the Atomic Energy Com mission, at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, in the summer of 1959. To Lawrence S. Dillon, associate professor of biology, $700, to assist him in undertaking a National Sci ence Foundation Faculty Fellow ship for study at the Univei’sity of Queensland, Australia. He will obsei’ve teaching methods and will probably teach at the university, during a period from Feb. 1, 1959, to Jan. 30, 1960. To W. C. Banks, professor of veterinary medicine and surgery, $250, to assist him in participating in a summer research program sponsored by the Oak Ridge Insti tute of Nuclear Studies at the Uni versity of Tennessee in the sum mer of 1959. Traffic Engineers Make Safety Study The connection between accidents and freeway design features is be ing detei-mined in traffic engineer ing x-eseax-ch by the Texas Trans portation Institute in Austin, Dal las, Foi't Worth, Houston and San Antonio. The work is being conducted by Charles J. Keese of the Department of Civil Engineering and B. F. K. Mulline of the Department of En gineering Drawing. Results are already suggesting improved means of reporting acci dents for best use of such data by police and engineers, the re-, port shows. Approximately 6,500 accident re ports are providing the data for the plotting of continuous collision diagrams on strip maps in the work to achieve the research ob jectives. BA TTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES ter 34 P«r V >4 per word each additional day Minimum charge—M4 0EADLXNK8 4 p. m. day before publlcatloB Classified Display 8O4 per column Inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-64X0 FOR SALE wood Drive. 8U7 New Electric Motors. Used for testing only. H HP. $12; 1/3 HP, $13; % HP, $20. Call VI 6-5031 after 6 p. m. 80tfn Used for testir , $ P. STUDENT DIRECTORIES .... *1.™. OFFICE OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, YMCA, BASEMENT. Mufflers, tail pipes and Wholesale prices. W H I STORE, 216 N. Bryan. dual T E ’ S 1 has a special plan for senior Aggies. S Eugene Rush at North Gate for details. ■ 22tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Artist with background in commercial art for permanent full-time position with the Texas Forest Service. Activitie - copy artworK, maintaining photograpt filing system, and some stenographic duties Contact Texas Forest Service, System Ad ministration Building, Car EARLY BIRD SHOPPE TOGS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Boys FABRICS — SHOES Rldgecieat Village 3601 Texas Are. RADIO—PHONO—TV Service By SOSOLIK TUBES TESTED FREE BT EXPERTS 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Bryan FOR SALE OR TRADE 1958 CHEVROLET IMPALA CON VERTIBLE. Nylon Top—Power Steer ing.—Power Brakes—250 HP Motor— Radio—Heater—Big Tires. Loaded with extras. This car same as new. Will sell at big discount or will trade for 1958 Chevrolet Impala Hard-Top. The ideal car for someone who wants a perfect convertible. 82t4 SPECIAL NOTICE TUPPERWARE orders taken by ’phone. Are you interested in becoming a TUP PERWARE DEALER? Call Roberta Smith, VI 6-4662. 82t2 Will do your sewing at reasonable rates. Alterations. Pat Debbrecht, A-I4-C. 63tfn. Need a new roof? DOCTOR FIXIT can install a new roof with top grade materials for as little as $7.99 per month. Call DOCTOR FIXIT at MARION PUGH LUM BER COMPANY today. Phone VI 6-571X. 80t4 Plastic binding service for thesis, re- ports, papers, etc. AGGIELAND STUDIO. 72tfn OPEN WEEK NIGHTS UNTIL 8 P. M. SHAFFERS BOOK STORE Let me keep your children for you by hour, day or week. Will pick them up and bring them home. VI 6-6505. 63tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. G. C. Williams, a TA 3-6600. 90tfr 0009-Z YX *S 606 •03 sau?3 iouqpo ^ 1W9A1I0 T^OH JO J sjomquisid aoiAiog - - iBiuajj SHaXIHMadAX • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES - • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Springe Road BRYAN,TEXAS THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO.*OF AMERICA Life Insurance - Sickness & Accident Protection Annuities - Group Insurance - Groura Pensions ROSCOE R. HARVEY ’58 Agent Varisco Bldg. Bryan, Texas TA 3-4896 or TA 2-4483 ■—BssaEr-sr- , .r ^ lit WORK WANTED Call icnab TA Satisfa years ction guaranteed. 80tfn CHILD CARE by appointment. 75' half day during weekda; nights and weekends. c per weekdays. 35c an hour VI 6-4892. 76tfn Bi-City Secretarial Service, Avenue, Phone VI 6-5786. Texas 71tfn FOR RENT Four room apartment. Newly redecorat ed. Located 4 blocks from Campus on Southside. 100 Grove. VI 6-5954. §2tfn. One bedroom furnished house. $30.00 thly. 118 Lynn Drive, Bryan. Inquire, 82AltThF bed monthly. 118 Uyn 220 Lynn, TA 2-3807. Room for elderly person. Will care for VI 6-6246 ‘ renter. clair. come by 611 Mont- 48Alt.WF Country kome with iences, on all weathi of Brj all indoor conven- road. 7 miles east nd other out- ill weather of Bryan. Chicken house, and other out buildings, about 5 acres of land. Would consider selling and take other property in trade. Call TA 3-4258. 80tfn Large bedroom. Adjoining bath. Break fast privileges and garage. Near Town- shire. Rent reasonable. 200 W. Carson. TA 3-2221. 80tfn One furnished house outside n hard surface road. TA 3-6624. ity limits 79t5 See to appreciate pleasing, comfortably furnished apartments, one small, one large with garage, close in. TA 2-7860. 700 W. 26th Bryan. 79tfn Nice three room apartment. New build ing, new furniture. Freezing unit in re frigerator. Formica drainboard. Ample closet space. Available March 1. Two blocks north of College Station Bank. Come by and see or call VI 6-7248. 78tfn You Can Have The Best FRIEDRICH Window Air Conditioner JOE FAULK ’32 Auto & Appliance Furniture 214 N. Bryan Cavitt at Coulter FOR RENT Nice three room furnished apartme just off campus. Redecorated, Priva $40.00. bath and garage. $40.00. See at 20 Kyle, East Gate. VI 6-5340 after 6:00. 74tf: rate 203 Downstairs one bedroom, nicely furnish ed, clean apartment. Two air-conditioning plugs. $50, water furnished. TA 2-3627. 1300 Antone, "70 70tfn Whitecrest Apartments. Near Campus. Unfurnished, nice two bedroom brick. Wall beaters. Air conditioning unit. $69.60. ve and refrigerator. $74.60. VI 6-7187. 64tfn rs. One with stovi TA 2-4127 or only. Only $47.50 nee. Couple See Ken Dyson, 401 Jersey. 61tfn Small furnished apartment, with bills paid. Walking distance. Couple One roo: air con paid. On' Lee. oom apartment, furnished, shower, ditioner, electric plate. Utilities One block south of Drill Field. 200 Available Jan. 25, 61tfn Four bedroom home, two baths, huge living and dining area. Nice size den, large kitchen, tile drain, screened porch, utility room, double garage. Paneled throughout with hemlock. Good sized yard. Available Feb. 1. VI 6-7248. 61tfn Walking grad See louse. Nice and neat, distance. Fine for couple or student. Only $42.50. No bills. 61tfn Small furnished house. Iking uate Ken Dyson, 401 Jersey. Four room apartment. Private bath, entrance and garage. Call VI 6-5915. 62tfn Bedroom with kitchen privileges. 6334. VI 6- 62tfn Sewing machines. Pruitt Fabric Shop. «8tfn Unfurmsned garage apartment. Between Bryan and College. Attic fan. $50. VI 6- 1331. lOtfn KNICKS SIGN NEW YORK WP)—The New York Knickerbockers of the National Basketball Assn, have signed Kenny Sears, their leading scorer last season. The 6-foot-9 Californ ian tallied 1,342 points for an 18.6 point average for 72 games last season. The former Santa Clara star, 25, has put in three cam paigns with the Knicks. I LI t J’ U i Where the Art oj d J ^to Card d Cafeteria Cooking Is Not Lost | DR Hours 9:00 • 5:30 214 N. Main „ M. W. DEASON OPTOMETRIST Contact Lenses Evenings by Appointment TA 2-3530