The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 16, 1958, Image 1

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All-Aggie Rodeo Opens Tonight at 8
Number 20: Volume ■'>§
Puhlinheil Daily on I he Tertin A AM College Campus
Trice Five Cents
\t Little Rock
Board H on 7 Lot
Idle Teachers Go
U a 5*t
MTTI.K R()< K. Ark (Al l — t. il.»
Cio» Orval K. Faut>us rKaiyo'l At>«ut 1'
W«in**!*da) th** I.ittlf R<k k S» h<>.>l ^h«n Kaul>us ,|
Hoard rvfu.s** to public four hitfh m h'M
school t*-a»h»*i' so they can bo a move to avert
hired fot private, sear re (rated tration
Fauhus made his chaiy*
V S Mh t ireuit Court
were idled
*1 little Rinks
last month in
Airt-ordered liti-
37th Annual Show
Offers Real Action
Hattalion Staff Writer
All nniKh and tumble action durinf this 1958 footlmll
season does not take place on the gridiron. Aggie cowboys
and visiting cowgirls will be out to show rt>deo enthusiasts
that they too can come out riding high.
This is just a preview of what will be seen on the Aggie
Rodeo arena tonight at 8 as the Saddle and Sirloin Club l»e-
gins its d7th annual All-Aggie Rodeo.
The action will continue through Friday night with
events starting at the same time all three nights.
Cow boys and cow girls will compete for prizes in six
events this year Bareback bronc riding is first on the pro
gram, followed by tie-down calf roping
A new event. Corps Boys’ 4
cow saddling, will follow, and
Faubu* said the refusal i' I dink
mg pru(cr« ss of the private educa
tion plan.
L)r William ti Cooper, a school
board member, promptly replied
the boaid had not attempted (■>
tell public school teachers what
Two TCI Coeds
To Entertain \t
Rue Pina Me Friday
Two Texas ( hnitian l nivemity
coe^s June Retue. vocalot. and
Katie r me I»av i' pantomimi>t. will
be the featured floor show artist-
for Friday mifht^ v afe Rue Pin
alle in the Memorial Student Cen
An Aggie duet. James Hickey
and Rami Perez, will also provide
floor show entertainment F.mcee
for the show is t>u k Hunkier
The dance wil 1 l>egin at s p m
in the table tennis area Have
Woodward’s combo will provide
Mise Pence, a song -tvlist who
accompanies herself on the piano,
was among 10 act* selected from
21) college* who appeared in the
1DIV7 Intercollegiate Talents Show
sponsored annually by the MSC
Music Committee She ha-
her iwn television -how in h<.th
Fort W orth and Shreveport, hei
hail town.
Miss Dav.a. a junior at T( L
doe* comedy pantoniime* to hum
urowa records
Tam Withery is Rue Pinalle
«O«i*0tlee chairman. said
is the
f Ap
I .outs extended its
let again-t lease of
bool* to a private
peals at St
real rain mg o
1 he closed s
o(»e’ almn-
The governor -aid that if the
court had made a final Milmg on
its enjoining action, the newly
‘‘ormed Little Km k Priv ate School
Ci*rp , "probably would have had
an announcement of interest, re
gardless of how the ruling had
Hans Due Soon
For New MM
Plans for the new college apart
merits will he finish'd hy Nov
10, according to Henry I• May j
field Jt , System Aicljitert The;
p'ans for the apartments will I**!
off the drawing hoard by Nov. |
10, and will l>e *ent to the Fed
eial Housing Administration for (
approval The (allege will start
taking i anatruotion bid* b* IkK. -
IT). The apaitments should be i
completed by June lUbO,'* he said.
The plan spe. ifications pro\ ide ;
| for twenty one separate housing
units. Fa< h unit contains twelve j
apartments, a total of two hun
died and fifty-two apaitments j
The units will Vie constructed of
masonry material. Kach apart
ment will consist of one bedroom, I
Riding High
J C Dinhman shows the kind of high spur- by Doyle McSpudtlen. A&M's National Inter
ring and hard riding that is the rule rather collegiate Rodeo Assn, all-round champion
than the exception at the annual All-Aggie cowboy.
Rodeo. This year’s rodeo will be highlighted
News of the World
Bv The Associated Tress
ffSC to Operate
Free Check Room
Ike Denies GOP Statement
WASHINGTON—Tresident Kisenhower all but disowned
Wednesday an official Republican campaign statement that
nationalization and socialization of industry ‘are the clear
« "'c""!! • alternatives to a Republican Congress ”
The Tresident said he didn’t recall that language and in handled hy student
any event the statement wasn’t his, although it did grow
out of a White House strategy meeting
it it it
‘mall sitting porch, Mas field
A free check room is to he ope
rated in the M< mortal Student
( enter for the remaining home
football game*, .Rosalie Spencer.
MSC P rogram Advisor, announced
The check room is to be in the
Senate Chamber, and will be
blast ha‘
Soviets Fire Nuclear
W ASHINGTON—Another nuclear
been set off by the Soviets in the arctic
This is the eighth such blast detected f>y the Atomic
Energy Commission since Sept. 30.
The commission said Wednesday the latest blast waiTof
high yield, similar to the shot announced bv the AFU on
Oct. 12.
★ ★ ★
I>ebanese Agree on C abinet
BEIRUT —A coalition cabinet for Lebanon wa's
agreed on Wednesday Tarliament is expected to give it a
clear vote of confidence Friday morning and it may l>e the t “‘ s
end of the five-month civil conflict.
The compromise agreement, continuing Moslem TremieT
Rashid Karami in that post and naming a Uhristian Thalange
leader vice premier, was hailed widely bv Lebanese politicians
and the press
The >i«»r\ice- of the check rixun
will open at 10 a m on the dav
of the football game, and will
dose at midnight, »he said.
MSC Coffer Shop
Closing iit
should provide a lot of laughs.
Ribbon rojiing is next, fol
lowed by the girls’ <>|)en bar
rel races. Bull riding i* last on
the agenda to provide the finish
ing touch to the night's activities.
Hoyle McSpadden. A A M '* cham
pion all-round National Interool- j
legiate Rodeo As*n. cowboy will be.
competing for prize* in four
event* He i* one of the men who
will represent the AAM Rodeo
Club in this year* NIRA compe
Othei* on the Rodeo Team w ho I
will also be Keen this weekend are
Phillip G’X, Kenneth Beasley, J (\
Dishman, and Han Havis.
Judges for the p'deo will he
Mnxey Overstreet, once a membei
of I he Rodeo Team, and Joe Wal-'
lace, Aggie graduate from
I <'l Ures. \ M
Pickup men fot the bronc riding
event ire Cullen Robinson and Bil
ly Hanover. The announcer will
he 1 ommy Baiker. I’roviding the
laughs for the crowd and protec
tion for the bull riders i* Tom
Montgomei y.
Stock for the show j- provided
by Krwm Salebak, of l,a (tiange.
Some of last year’s contestants
who will he hack for more bumps
and burks aie Rodney Butler, bull-
dogger and rough stock rider, Bob
by Bradbury, with the same quali
fications, Broster Stephens, Bobby
Sims, Tom Montgomery, James
Waldrop, Roger Lacey and Bll
Rudhisel, ropers. Toad Tucker,
stock rider, and Jimmy Butler,
Engineer Rated
One of Top Six
The Texas AIM Fngineer won
an honorable mention at the K.ngt
neenng ( ollege Magazine Associa
tion Convention at Boulder, Colo ,
Oct u ii yhe convention critic*
rated the magazine among the top
six in the nation
Biology Head
To l^ead Panel
On Science
Hr. Clifton ('. Ooak, head of
the Department of Biology, will
model ate a panel for outstanding
s< ience students from high schools
across the state at 8:30 a.m. <let
The program, sponsored by the
Texas Kducation Agency, is en
titled "Ti xhs Curriculum Studies ’’
"The program should assist the
schools in correcting a belated
and inadequate u-e of intellectual
resource* which aie now available
‘to them." Iloak said.
Hoak plans to a-k the panel si*
1. How would it be possible for
thi schools to establish a science
curriculum such that the sequence
would lie natural, free of serious
gaps and capped with opportunit
ies for advanced electives?
2. Do you fe*l that public
money should be -pent for a few
hcademit allv talented students?
3. Should the high school*
move fa-ter and demand more of
the students’’
4 Do you feel that the school
program alone is enough to chal
lenge and make full use of the
energies of the better equipped
5. How can the stimulus of
competition he used to motivate
school work without bringing
damaging pressure* to bear on
children who consistently lose out
in competition ’’
V\ hat steps could the schools
take to stimulate originality and
j creativity in students?
The panel discussion will !>«
televised statewide on KBTX-TV,
Kyle Field Traek
No Longer Muddy
0 :(o
too fe
mg open until the
However, the
Menu >na! Student Cent< i
hop has started closing at
week nights because of
customeis to w at rant stay
Id lo p.m houi
‘ffee shop will
>[* n on night- when activi-
uch as dances are held as
>ng as there is an ample i.umbel
f rustomeis.
Discussions were held on husi
nes- management, layout designs,
editor hI-, problems encountered in
editing an engineering magazine,
how to solve the-e problems and
how to produce better magazines
Attending the convention Were
Louis Stipp, editor. Jim Riggs, a-
-oi late editor and Bob Bertiand,
layout editor. This is the second
>ear that A & V has been repre
-ented at this convention
Pavement construction to eiim-
iiate frequent muddy conditions
behind the east stands of Kyle
Field is expected to !>e completed
early next week.
Waste soil ha- been removed,
white -and storm is being used as
fill and concrete will be used as
t< ppmg
< K Leighton, A AM construc
tion engineer, said the improve
ment will dispose of mud that
ha- reai bed three or four inches.
Dies Day Before
HlOtli Birthday
TKRKKLL (SPL >- Death came
to an Aggie granmother and
great grandmother Tuesday, les*
than 24 hours before she was to f urni *hed students having proh-
Help Settttiontt
Scheduled in Math !
The Department of Mathematic*,
will again offer help session* this :
year for freshmen and sophomore
students, according to Dr F.dward
T Klipple, department head
Individual assistantre will t>e
Bill Curry. ‘59. Will
I2lh Man for TCI Game
By (LAYLK MrNl TT further use of hi* limbs Com
Kxecutive News Kditor muting from hi* home in (k)-
Bill Curry, ’59, will view hi- manche, Bill ha- attended Tarle-
first Aggie football game since ton State College at Stephenvijle
celebrate her 100th birthday
Itms with algebra, trigonometry,
Mrs Minerva Elizabeth Clayton, i * n **F^' < ’* * n< ^ calculus, he said
who still carried on an active life The sessions are scheduled for
and would have been 100 years Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thtirs-
old yesterday, died in her sleep day* and Friday* from 3-R p m. in
Tuesday about 4 30 p m after
suffering a heart attack A birth
day celebration had been planned
for her Wednesday with her five
children, and several of her 11
grandchildren and 20 great grand
children to attend
"Granny Clayton", a* she was
Room 224 of the Academic Buildi
Guido Coats
Kuc Pinalle Attraction
Jun« Pence, TUU pianist and, will be one of the
features of the floor show at the Cafe Rue Pinalle Friday
nifht at 8 in the table tennis area of the Memorial Student
Tenter. Katherine Davis, TTU pantomimiat, will also be
on the program.
Our inheritance of will-founded,
affectionately called by the people slowly conceived codes of honor,
of Terrell, was the grandmother moral* and manner*, the passion-
of Bobby Jack Clayton, of Fort *ta conviction* which so many
Worth, who graduated from A4M bundled* of million* »h*re to-
in 1957 with a degree in electrical gather of the principles of fieedom
engineering, and the great grand and justice, are far more pienous of the
mother of David Clayton Latimer, to us than anything which scientific
of Fort W’orth, who is a fresh discoveries muM bestow " Win-
man in Squadron 4 ston Churchill
the fall of 1955 Saturday after
noon when the Aggies meet Texas
Christian l’niver-ity on Kyle
Bill suffered a broken neck in
the spring of 19.'>i; when he mis
judged his timing on a double
backward somersault on th* tram
poline whilq forking out with the
AAM gymanstics team,
he was a member A
race against death in an ambu
lance to a Houston hospital 1*
credited with saving his life
Since the time of the accident,
BiH has made a remarkable come
back Still paralyzed ftom the
wai-t down and in his hands, Bill
ha* learned to put the mobile
parts of his body to their best use
Confined to a wheeel-chair most
time, he has learned to
foi the past two years when he
is continuing h s studies in geophy-
At Tarleton. Bill has kept a
B average to maintain the schol
astic standards he exhibited at
Satuiday, Bill will view the
game fiom his wheel-chair on
f which the track in front of the Ague
<peedmg stands Accompanying him will be
his fiancee, Nancy Cloud, a senior
at Comanche High School, and
hi* father Fred Curry, coac h of
Comanche High’s girls basketball
It will l>e Bill's first trip to
Aggieland since that fateful ac
cident in 1956, but despite the
"leave of absence," that Aggie
Spirit burn* a* bright a* ever
in Bill, and one voice will be add
walk short distances with the | ed to the Aggie throng Saturday
help of special leg braces And lit- when the first "Gig 'em Aggies"
I tie by little, Bill is developing echos through Kyle Field.
Tu Attend T(T T Game