The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 03, 1958, Image 2

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    Tk* Battalion -> Collaga Station (Braso$ County), Taxm
PAGE 2 Friday. October 3, 1958
. . . Our Liberty bepetul* on the freedom of the
Pre**. And It (onnot Be Limited Without Hem#
Lo*l . . . 1 homo* Jeffenon
Co-ed Case Reactions
At 9 a nr yeaterdav. the 10th District Tourt of Appeal*
handed down a rulinjf. roversinK the March 18 decision of
Judge W. T McDonald allowing two Bryan women to register
at AAM. less than minutes later, the news spread on the
campus and at noon it was announced in the dining halls.
When the announcement was made. Duncan rang with a
long lusty cheer. Nothing more was said.
It seems the quest fun of co-eds at A&M has two sides and
legal minds just don't agree which side is correct. The
question is a legal one. however, and one to l»e decided in the
courtroom not the classroom.
Students’ attitude Thursday was a far cry from Lhe dis
play of March 18 Aggies,, pleased or displeased with the re
versal. accepted the ruling of the higher court and went back
to the task of getting an education.
Certainly this change in attitude is for the good No
thing—not even girls at Texas A&M—should disrupt the
routine of seeking and gaining training for the future.
Everyone has an opinion on the c<>-ed case and it is
good to weigh the merits of each argument ami reach a per
sonal conclusion Imsed on facts available.
But l<K)king backward and nvutning over split “decisions”
will not alter the future- it is pointless and detracts from
the accomplishment of the primary purpone of A AM.
The case in not finally dis|x>*ed. if John Barron’s state
ment to carry it further, even to the Supreme Court, is true.
But despite the outcome, if yesterday’s reactions Ik» a true
picture of campus reactions, A AM will continue to be the
greatest school of its kind anywhere—with or without girls.
The 12th Man's Joh
Texas Aggie clash with the University of Missouri
Tigers tomorrow night in Kyle Field in the first home game
of the 1958 football season.
The contest will l>e rugged, but competition has never
dismayed the men of Aggieland. Nor has w in-loss records.
The game itself is in the hands of Jim Myers and his
crew of players—the 12 man has a somewhat different task.
The 12th man has Iteen long respected for its never-
ceasing sup|x>rt. despite the odds or circumstances. Aggies
support their team, win or loae.
It's easier to support a winning team. It takes more than
“school spirit” to support a team when it’s down.
It takes real men to stand by a young team, potentially
a winner but without the exjienence it takes to trounce
strong, practiced football machines.
This is the 12th Man’s job.
Vet Med Student*
Lone Break to TV
The coffee bremk it now only a
memory of the past for the junior
and senior students in the School
of Veterinary Medicine Their
reguor roffuu time, 11 a.m. to 12
noon and X to 4 p m., is now being
spent watching television.
The new modern intercom tele
vision system now installed in the
Department of Veterinary Medi
cine allows up to 300 viewers to
watch major surgical operations.
The surgical operations are viewed
from five separate 27-inch screens.
After 20 years as an assistant to head cross-country end truck coach
Karl Schlademan, Knincis Dittrich this fall when S. hladwan retirea.
wilt take over as Michigan Stale’s
College Stations Most Modern
Shoe Repair ( enter
North Gate
Military Shoes
The Best Buy In Town
Only $10.95
It Pays To Trade With Lou
Doc. I can’t get them down aince ydl practice!!
Wh</s Here at Aggieland
Ex - Marine Hoy Richards
Came from Korea to A&M
of the Fish Drill Team. At the
present time this is his favorite
a girl 2, and a boy, 5. Cloy, Hoy's
a girl 2, and a boy !>. Cloy, Hoy’s
“Little Aggie," is the mascot of
the Fish Drill Team.
Hoy is the outstanding Junior
Veteran in ROTC and this summer
was named as outstanding Cadet
at Beigetium Air Force Base dur
ing his AFKOTC summer training.
TWy alUd h*r' Ma«fM th* C»l '
Tin Roof
BtoiVk /
iWxCmfM Jumth AataasoN
The Board of Directors
Texas Central Life Insurance Company
Cordially Incites \ou
To \ i.■sit The Home Office Of The Company
At Its Open House
Sin day, October 1058
2-5 P. 1M - 15(M* South College
Hnan, Texas
Hoy 8. Richards was bora m
Shady Point, Okla , the son of a
Baptist minister. His dad traveled
around quite a bit and Hoy attend
ed II different schools before he
reached Texas A AM
Hoy graduated from high school
in Wilherton, Okla., vhete he was
blocking back on the football team.
After graduation he felt he wasn’t
ready for college vet and went to I
work for the Santa Fe Railroad J
This led him to Temple. Tex , where *
he worked far IK monRis.. And |
it was here that Hoy met his bride-
to-be, Mary.
In 1951 during the Korean con
flict, Hoy enlisted in the Marine
t Corps He went to boot camp at
j the Marine C«rp» Recruit !>«|>ot in
San Diego fof 12 weeks and from
there right on to Korea. But be
fore he header, for Korea, Hoy de
nded that during his 14 day leave
he’d just have to do something
about that gal, and on April 17,
j 1951, Mary borame Mia. Hoy Rich
During his nne year tour in K<v
rea, Hoy was a member of a close
air support team. It was the duty
of this team to direct American
fighter aircraft, by frontline radio
Communication, to enemy ground
positions. “The most vivid thing
in my memory about Korea,” says
Hoy, “was a 24 hours gir strike
that was pulled to celebrate the
Marine Corps birthday Nov. 1ft,
t!t. r >2." During his three year duty
tour Hoy wss promoted from pri
vate to staff sergeant.
A senior industrial technology
major. Hoy ia a member of Squad
ron 21 and is the senior advisor
Something NEW
at the
MSC Fountain Room
I lh. ground beef
Sliced tomatoes
• Lelliiee
• Pickle relihli
• Onions
Ja on a
Ity Charles M. Schulz
1*1 \m is
- —— -
NiGHT WHEN TuevawuwrJ
They Pit a ClOu Ik BED
TO 50CTHE ,UE /-==■
* ^
The ceiling.' r~z
Optnums expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu
dent tenters only. The Battalion is a non-4eu~eupported
non-profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and
operated by students as a community newspaper and u gov
erned by the Student Rubhcations Board at Texas A. & M.
The Bttution ■ MuSent •-••paper •< Tessa A AM Is pwMMMsd la Cellspe Ate
tMM Teas* tfail> etrrpt SHlurWav Hunger, sad M»n<ta> sag he agar swiegi. ••»«•■>
her IA rough Mar. and ones a e—k Sun as auaiW-T acbool
ram.It> areuilret- ul tlw Stugent Puaucatioo» Board are i. W Says a-tioot el
Bnciaeer ng Harrr l ee Kutd School of Vrte and Soaacee. OUo H kunse School oi
Agriculture and I»r ». P McMurry Bchoal of Vetennan Msgktne
Ratmd aa Meond riaas
Blatter at the Post Office
M Callage Button. Texas,
•agar ths Act af Cua-
grese of March S. 1179
The AsstK iaUd Preaa
Texas Praia Ass n
The Aaeociaheg Praea a enttUcg evcluaieaig ha (Be uae far rmahWratlaa eg ail aaa*
gtipatrhe* rregltad to ft or not stherrriae rragWog ia the paper sag lasal Pews of
•gaotanaoua pngta puhiahsg haewa a«ata of repahliPaUaa of ail stkar wauar hare
ta are also reaervwi
Mall auSarnption* arc Vt .Vn |<ar aaiamiar IA
Adremaing ralr furniahsd on ra^usM Adgpaas.
Use Stauoa. Tasaa.
rear SS Ml per full rear
IMA. learn A TMCA On.
Mree raalnbatinoi war ha aiada hr Ulrrhoning VI 9-SglS or VI 9 4*1* sr at the
(fthanal office. Avaa A YMCA Pur agvertarns or A •livery call VI 9-4419.
For real, down-to-earth smoking enjoy
ment, there’s nothing else like Camel.
No other cigarette brings you the rich
flavor and easygoing mildness of
Camel s costly blend. More people
smoke Camels than any other cigarette
of any kind. Today as always, the
best tobacco makes the best smoke.
Rise above fads and fancy stuff . . .
Have a real
have a CAMEL
Only time he comes down is when he wants a Camel! 1
h I h-r-acl, TW<r-< Pa W i"»»aa f«i«a 9 t.