Tfc# Bnttniioa + Cmlhg* Station (Brawot County), Torus ^ ^ Tu**day, S^pteml>er W, 1058 COINTJI (Continued from Pnr» 1) tounril th# po**iKility of htyinf « National Guard armory built h«rr. Hr said thr poaaihility i« ^Vrat but thr ft rat atrp would br to d#r fdr n atiret roller from Brown Kern* F.iiuip Co of San Antonio. Other bids were for $1,605 and $1 J!2fi Boswell askad the council to take the Brown Ferris hid in difference to thr lower bid because of imme diate delivery and better quality of machinery. Final approval was given to the final subdivision plant for Woodaon Village The council authorised Boswell to attend the International City \lan- ugerx Association meeting in Ital ia* Oct. lS»-2't It also authorized to underwrite the expense* of Langford, Boa wet I and \N right to the Texa* Society of ^rchib-ct* aruiual meeting in San Anfcmio Oct. 29.11 l Pon'motion by Sorrel*, a mo tion wa* passed giving the city manuger power to contact the St Thomas Epiacopal Church with re gard to the completion of their parking lot within 60 days so a* to make Jersey Street from Lee Street to Dexter Street no pa-king on the north side of the street after that date Councilman D A Anderson a«k * S |S . *. vw*a>: it ^ r* »i in *MI A1 bt • t fPH Barbara Stanwyck “FORTY Ca NS” Dan Dailey “OH MEN. OH WOMEN* CIRCLE TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY a TKMNMAMA • TSOMMCOiOS * Also u Man In Grey Flannel Suit” Snrin/ Ofjrffff w nin 'WlVlTt (CLUB will havb a get arqua&ttbd tea at the home of Mrs W. Harrisk, 400 College View, Wedn4pdhy at 7:10 p m. The Architectural Wiv*a‘8ori*ty will hold Its annual reception at the home of Mrs. Melvia Rotsch, 811 Rosemary. Bryan. Wednesday at 8 #0 p.m. New members are cordiajly Invited to attend. (L • • • TH* Range and Forestry Wive* Club Will hold a meeting tonight *t 7:$A pm. at the home of Mrs Don miss. 1002 Walton. All mem bers are urged to attend. » t # TEXAS CHAPTER OF THE UNIVERSITY DAMES CLUB will have their annual fall tw-Right tea Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Social Room of the MSC. All student wive* and former Dame* are in vi ted. AaM MENS SHOP 103 MAIN — NOR1H CAT) AGGIE OWNED PALACE Bryan LAST DAY Fort Massacre" Tl ESDAl A WEDNESDAY THIS IS THE FACE OF WAR YOU’VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE! STARTS TOMORROW y' ai>a *»>#>’!» Ret fay HMtmSON KENOtll 'Tht RELUCTANT DEBUTANTE' jCimuAscoet t ucrsocotot QUEEN NOW SHOWING ‘’Bi}> Beat" IfAKTING THURSDAY SASAuixeiT Awyv^ CDCe p| CAMPUS THRU THURSDAY THHR REM. HEIJ CAHi: .n. thr> both Ml ia loir sitk Hoaiqur' FRANK SINATRA T0NV CURTIS NATALIf WUOD Kings COFORTif DANA •rusaorMSM, THEY SAID IT COULENT BE DONE - BUT TODAYS L*M GIVES YOU- DON T SETTLE FOR ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER! Change to L*M and get ’em both. Such an improved filter and more taste' Better taste than in any other cigarette. Yes, today’s L*M combines the* two essentials of modern smoking enjoyment - less tars and more taste-in one great cigarette. •IBM Lamarr S Mywu TowanvC*. tKo# Modern flavor' BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES . . fa M» UKAMJNM * *M BMm* Ml pwowg n * #4i$ FOR RENT Furnizhed Duplex 409H Boyett $42. Call VI 6-7114 6t2 Campus. I>ee r VI 6-4556. 6t4 One betlroom furnished house. Three miles south of college One acre wooded lot. $55. VI 6-7109 after- 4:(Hi. ^4 F.xtra large room with bath built and furnished for a man. Quiet home, lovely neighborhood, easy walking distance campus Garage if desired. 607 Jersev South. VI 6-6761. 5t5 Apartment. Nice, quiet place for one boy who really wants to study. One room, kitchenette, bath and garage. Completely furnished. New wall to wall covering. Two block* from North Gate. $35.00 monthly. VI 6-7248. ,5tfn F.xtra nice ami clean paneled Air-conditioned. One bedroom apartment. Stove and refrigerator only. Close to Campus. Ideal for two students. VI 6-6618. 4tfn Four room furnished apartment with garage in Bryan. Call VI 6-5618. ' 4tfn Two bedroom house. Large screened porch. Near Campus. 500 Cooner. T A 3 1148. 4t3 l nfurnished two bedroom brick in Whiter rest apartments. F’irst Street, College. $69.50. TA 2 4127 3tfn Brick Duplex. North Gate. One bedroom, tile bath, central heat. ( arport, storeroom. Call VI 6- 4Wfi - 2tfn Five room house. Two bed room*. 2105 F.chols, Bryan. VI 6 709H - 2tl0 Two bedroom unfurnished house Newly redecorated Ctility room. Good location. $55. VI 6 6454 2tfn C. Q. Completely furnished three room and two room apartments. Private hath and entrance Adults TA 2-1244. __ 2tfn Ideal bedroom for one or two student*. TA 3-2208. 2t8 WANTED Aggie wife desires child 12-48 months old to keep as companion to 16 month old daughter In pri vate home. 704 Maryeni. VI 6- 4978. 5 tfn Medical technician. TA 8-31 LI between 8 30 and 10 00 a. m. :>q\ FOR SALE fine set encyclopedia Brittanum. I-atest edition. Near bo«ik. Dict ionary. Atlas." Bookshelf. 1014 W’alton Drive. *st4 1951 four d.Mir Packard. Fo«r goo«| tires. Radio, heater. VI C- 9951. V| 6-7019 after 5 00. 6t8 Good used cornet. VI 6-51&4 after 5j00. <;|4 Small electric Austral refrigera tor. Meal for apartment or single room. VI 6-7042. 6t4 Mant to sell refrigerator iu excellent condition. Imiuir* C-9 X. VI 6-7945 after 5. .,t2 Large two bedroom house. Sep arate dining room and living room, large screened porch, ail tile bath, large lot, attached double garage. F’HA appraisal. 1102 Milner, near campus. lola Barron, ( all TA 1- 1911 or TA 2 6931. 2tfn 2. 3, and 4.000 CF'M Cooler* at •ale prices installed free. White Auto Store. 216 N. Bryan Street TA 2 3867. I2 ltfn Two bedroom house. Hardwood floors, central heat, carport and separate garage. I.arge lot. Fenced backyard. $2000 equity for only $550. No closing costs.’ Phone V|- 6 5.301, 1319 Foster. 147tfn W ANTED TO BUY Practice piano in good condition. \ I 6-4666. f,t1 SPECIAL NOTIC* (Acorn Hill Trailer Park) Thirty utility spaces for house trailer parkway Duplex furnished apartment. Business plac e for cafe with living quarters. 2301 B North Highway 6 Bryan. 2tl0 I-^rge comfortable bedroom. Call VI 6-4233, 401 Dexter, College Sta- tlon - 149tfn ATTKNTION ALL LAND LORDS: “Doctor F'ixit” at tho Marion pugh lumber uo. can give you a package repair and remodeling deal. He can take th* upkeep of your rental units for you from the smallest job to the largest j-.b. He can take care of the repair, painting, plumbing ant electriral work Call the MARIOM PUGH U MBFIR CO today urn ask for “Doctor F'ixit" and dis cuss the package upkeep plan with him. Phone VI 6 -5711. 6t4 Child ( are bv experienced regis tered nurse Infants to 18 mo*, preferred. VI 6-7560. 6t4 Sowing Pruitt Fabric TOM THUMB SCHOOL AND I NURSERY. VI 6-5600. 6tfn Houses in search of students. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, avail able for immediate occupancy. De sire to contact students in search of pleasant living quarters. TA 3- 2872 or TA 2-3463. U8tfn One unfurnished 2-bedroom ga rage apartment. VI 6 7331 140tfn Furnished apartments and small houses within walking distance of the College One office building between Bryan and College on Cof i lege Avenue. VI 6 7331. 135tfn ! Attractive 2 bedroom unfurnish ed apartment, near Crockett School Available immediately. Phone VI 6 6660 or VI 6-5116. | 138tfn Electrolux Salmi and Service. G. C. Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tf» officiaiTnotices Of ft sit) mo—s SSMI a. WmcM. maitoe m SsIsMsase m w la arris* la ta* Offtai •f *«««*•< eaMIrattaas lOrMaZ Ftoa TUCA, VI eesis ■>...■•* a-u, 1^. *^i, mM* rneart *< •* h*#*r* tw m«4aa* *f 1 s a* *r ta* far ar—aaa MSWfM.a - nxMta* *« SSaMal eahNaw Any S<>t>haaw>r* who plan* tn major q Oau^ S.irnc- pl.».* I*hv* hi- namr *i(| th* s*fr*t.rr rvt>*rtm*n< <,f f>a*n S*i*nr*. H . m 11$ n. w I).i ry Biorh. ml«trr H "Miss by (Vtnh. r H in nr<|*i that h* may .. t , i.l-r-l 1,v anr arht.larahis «WH r d6 for which he* mav i*6* r'iffihir t w Hill'd M*ai( tVparfm.nt .rf Dairr Science F'urnished apartment — three rooms and hath $50.00 a month. 4rt<4ier * in . -Her th"t h* mav h* ron-W-r«t f,„ srholar- •hip award for which he mav h* eliril l* I W Hupei Mead Department of Dairy Sciwr *. Any Senior ,d*nt In Aerieoltur, who j Jm- ccmpli-ted tw.. „ r more emir-*. i n Iteirv B'-iene# prior to rh* rurreitt aem-'ter and who ha* a »rad* point ratio of * Sfl j ne h,.g,e- i. ewonw.*.^ *o i. ave hia a-me | '"tc Depariment S-roiary. on nr he'nre : Om .hm- « m order that he may he eon- • ideied m dele —winin* -chotarshk' aw .rda ^ W H.t'dl iWrurtmmt of Difr? *ri*fxr# Baby Sitting in my home. Ages - 4 < -16 1). College \ lew. 5t2 Would like to care for pre-school children of working mothers. VI- 6-7428, 9t)9 F’airview. Jtfn Will refinish furniture, 502 Thompson or call Col. Sauer, Place ment Office. VI 6 4756. Ultfn j Your term papers, etc., will bf better if you think now, writ* then- now, and bring them to Bi-Citj Secretarial service to be typed now VI 6-6786, 3408A Texas Avenue. 116t,T ' Babies wanted* Day car# for in fants and toddlers. Hot meali Fenced in yard. Have college d# gree and experience as child wel fare worker VI 6-7550. U6tf« Any at ud*pt Who normalhr nD*ri> t a enmp'fte *11 of ibe reutn remeats for a He erne at the *nd of th* r r —,p 1 a*me-'ee •hotild c — II hv 'h* Reytstre r - Office "NOW ■'"'t make furtpai apidication for a it# free October 11 la the desdlln* for ftlth* an enphration fnr a derree to b* eottfe—wd »t *h* and of the rii-r*"t -entMMer Thta dcdlth* apm e* to both iradua'e and underfraduata •tuden'- M » Heaton Reaiatrar early bird SHOPPE TOCS — GIFTS AND TOTS for Girla and Hoys FABRICS—SHOES ■M«wrrr.t '•«••• SMI Teaaa 4*w Chape** ip ,h. Mar of i-onrsaa for whirh •tny euden' I* ettrraoft* 'e*|a’*red may he m*d. only on the w-tMen ntcommand*. • on or th. he-d of eyrh demtPtlP'nt eon c*tn*4 a-d w th the *npypval of th* d**n n' thf studen, . A MpHent may "Ot e*d a enure* -ft*' *-t,,nd-y Sep'em b*e Jfi l»h« Any nn.,-^ droppad eft*r SattieHay * rf •ball normally carry a re-d* of V H f Hum or) fv* -oofne nf AdmlNBion* and FOR sale OR rent • BnoixiKBBrwn abd ABX'HITRXTt R4I sim rm Lisrg rBisrrt • MUWs a rnoruarrAve 8C0ATES INDUSTRIES MS )MH aaipAwr **rtw*e BwwH •■VAX TBXA8 FFf)u*e for fnnf or polo Five ^ftonis uf'Gtr» ,: “FAd K)f f’srV Place C. S. VI 6 4612. 4t4 _ ■■■ ’—vmnex room and board Room and Board with r ri va*e famfty. Private entrance. TA ?■ 5655. 5(1 PROMPT R 4DIO SERVICE — roe — SOSOfTKN RADIO AND TV SFRVir* Sts a W.ta a, SS,*** T—ted rew* B* Kneed* ewoxr ra a ia*i BBTax tarj ) Caf.t. ** horm the Art of r 1 a Cooking h \oi Lost