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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1957)
PAGE 8 Thursday, December 12, 1957 The Battalion College Station JSragoB CountyTexai Remaining Of Collese Who’s Who 'Published Following is the remainder of the 34 Aggies chosen for the 1957- 58 Who’s Who in American Col leges and Universities: Homer D. Smith Jr.—1.74—Al pha Zeta; Election Commission; treasurer, Saddle and Sirdoin Club; cadet major, fourth Battalion staff; lettei’man in freshman track, member, Varsity Track team; Brush Country Club; one of toft three outstanding cadets at summer camp; Junior Livestock Judging team; American Intercol legiate Livestock Judging teanr— set a new American Intercollegiate Record in sheep grading, Kansas City; Internationa] Livestock Judg ing team; Amez-ican Intez-colle- giate Meats Judging team; Inter national Meat Judging team; staff writer, The Agriculturist; Collegiate FFA. Bobby Joe Surovik—2.05—Stu dent Senate, 1956-58; President, Student Senate, 1957-58; MSC Council, ’56-’57; Arts and Sciences Council, 1956-57; Class recording seeretai’y, 1955-56; Cadet Major, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Regiment staff; Singing Cadets librarian, ’55-’56, business managei’, ’56-’57, presi dent, ’57-’58; Association of the Army AAA Branch award, 1957; DMS; Aggie Sweetheai’t Selection Committee; Accounting Society; Pz-e-Law Society. Joe Woodruff Tindel—2.01—Ed- itoz*, The Battalion; member, Mem orial Student Center Council; vice president, Arts and Sciences Cozzn- cil, ’56-’57; president, Southwes tern Students’ Press Club, ’56-’67; pz-esident, Henderson County A&M Club, ’56-’57; outstanding junior in journalism, ’56-’57; z’ecipient, first $200 Texas Gulf Coast Press As sociation scholarship, ’56-’57; mem ber, Accident Prevention Commit tee, ’57-’58; news intern, The Dal las Morning News, summer, 1957; outstanding freshman in Squadron 5, fall, 1954; ex-officio member, Civilian Studezzt Council, spz-ing, 1957. Thomas Jewell Upchurch Jr.— 2.21—Town Hall staff, ’56-’58; SCONA II and program chairman, SCONA, III; Lulie Huey Lane scholarship for Azds and Sciences outstanding sophomore; outstand ing junior of second regiment; hon or junior of the class for which Daughters of American Revolution Award of $200 cash received; AAA Battalion commanding offi cer; outstanding fz-eshmazz, soph omore, C-AAA; Student Senate, ’5C-’57; Ross Voluzzteers; Jesse H. Jones Military Scholarship; Hous- tozz Chamber of Commerce award; DMS; summer camp awaz’d. Chailes Farrell Wilson—1.71 — President, AVMA, student chap ter; vice pz'esident, AVMA; house master four years, Legett Hall; dormitoz-y counselor assistant, one year; Student Senate member; business manager, Southwestern Veterinaz-ian, one year; AVMA Honor Council, two years; secre- tai’y-treasui'er, fi'eshman Veterin- ai'y School; table tennis medal win- zzer; chahanan, Dormitory Consti tution Committee, 1956-57; dele gate to National Convention of the American Vetezinary Medical Assn., Cleveland, Ohio, 1957; delegate to Student Leadership Confez-ence, 1957. Party Planned For Foreign Students Pz’esident and Mrs. M. T. Har rington will host the Intezmational Relations Group of the Amez-ican Association of Univez’sity Womezi for their anzzual Christzzzas Party Sunday night at 7:30. The party is for all foreign stu dents on the campus. How to SHINE At Party Time Let our experts put new life into your party clothes .... CAMPUS CLEANERS Wilson’s Crisprite Jumbo Sliced Baby Beef Square Cut BACON BOLOGNA LAMB PATTIES SAUSAGE STEAK 30 c tb C lb C lb C lb jM Pure Pork Orr’s Veal, Gold Seal Pin-Bone 49 69 Specials Thur.-Fri.-Sat. Dec. 12-13-14 Lilly EGG NOG Qt. 49c Gingerale, Collins, Club Soda, Get-up and COLA GOLDEN AGE MIXERS Full Quart (Plus Deposit) TO Nabisco Kitz Crackers 16 Oz. Pkg. 33c All Flavors, Square Carton Mellorine Yz Gal. 49c None Such Mince Meat 9 Oz. 29e Sunmaid Seedless Raisins 15 Oz. Pkg. 25e Liquid, Econozny Si/e Prell Shampoo 79c Hair Dressing Brylcreem 60c Size 39c Tyson "s Grade A €!! Medium Dozen SHORTENING Snowdrift 69 53 BLACK PEPPER Mai son Royal 4 os. PECAN PIECES 12 oz. pkg. 19' 79 ORANGE JUICE PIES Pasco Frozen 4 6-oz. eon Morton \s Frozen Peach Apple, Cherry, 10 oz. 2 NORTHERN NAPKINS 2 WOODRURYS 80 Count Pkga. Hand Cream $1.00 Size 49t "" 49« 23c 49c PEACHES In Heavy Syrup HUNT'S HALVES Big No. 2'/ 2 Can 19 BANANAS Golden Yellow 8 c lb ★ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ SUPER MARKETS PECANS LETTUCE POTATOES Texas Large Size Thin Shell Fresh Crisp J-,ong White Sour Juicy Bag of 2 89c 2 E* 29c 10 E 4 0 '(jf/' 12 / "' ll j