Pi Ji The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 2 Thursday, December 12, 1957 Aii Editorial Greatest Gift Letters to the Editor . Editor: The Battalion I believe, as does Mr. Godwin, that discrimination ag'ainst mi nority groups should come to an end. However these groups, namely the non-regs, should do a little something to stop this discrimination. If the non-regs would get rid of the “couldn’t take its,” “mamma’s boys,” high school Harrys, etc., 99 per cent of the discrimination would stop. This small group doesn’t measure up to the standard of Aggies. Why can’t these boys be eliminat ed ? Not having been a student here Gel Your Order In Now For Barbecued Chickens & Htims For Christmas At The A&M Smokehouse 3 Blits. North of N. Gate 1 On College Main Make Your Reservations Now For Christmas Parties when the Corps was compulsory, I am not sure of a lot of hap penings. One thing I am sure of is that non-regs acted and were treated like men. The “dis- criminated-against m a j o r i t y” could do a whole lot for Texas A&M if they would return them selves to this status. In the past the men of Texas A&M have made a great name for themselves, their school and the Corps of Cadets. If we con tinue bickering among ourselves we will soon destroy everything that has been built up by former Aggies. It is my sincere belief that a compulsory Corps will return to all graduates the traits they have been noted for in the past. Sure not all students will like being in the Corps. Neither will they like a lot of other things they encoun ter throughout life. If a man learns to take the rough things as well as the easy things, there is no doubt that he will be a better man. Anything that is worth while is hard to get. This goes for the Corps as well as anything else. Willett It. Stallworth ’58 THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu dent writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, 7ion-profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and operated by students as a community neivspaper and is gov erned by the student-faculty Student Publications Board at Texas A. & M. College. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A & M., is published in College Station. Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. Faculty members of the Student Publications Board are Dr. Carroll D. Laverty, Chairman; Prof. Donald D. Burchard; Prof. Robert M. Stevenson; and Mr. Bennie Zinn. Student members are W. T. Williams, John Avant, arid Billy W. Libby. Ex^ officio members are Mr. Charles A. Roeber; and Ross Strader, Secretary and Direc tor of Student Publications. Mail subscriptions are S3.50 per semester. $6 per school year, 56.50 per full year. Advertising rates furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA, College Station. Texas. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office in College Station. Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March 8, 18.70. MEMBER: The Associated Press Texas Press Ass’n Associated Collegiate Press Represented nationally by N a t i o n a 1 Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles, and San Francisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter here in are also reserved. JOE TINDEL ; Editor Jim Neighbors Managing Editor Gary Rollins Sports Cadet Slouch I - by Jim Earlo S P irit Hi g h Christmas Spirit at its noblest presents itself for any and all Aggies to express right here at Aggieland as the Campus Chest continues to strive for its $7,000 goal. The Chest gives each and every Aggie an opportunity to discover that it is “more blessed to give than receive.” Undoubtedly most Aggies will be looking forward to a rewarding Christmas and will receive many gifts. However these same Aggies will have missed some of the real satisfaction of the Christmas season if they do not open their hearts to help someone else’s Christmas be as rewarding as their own. The season which we are entering has no room in it for selfishness. It is a season of “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” One dollar is all that is being asked of any student. Is a dollar too much to pay for the satisfaction of knowing that someone has been really benefited? Is it too much to pay for the real blessings of the Christmas spirit? Here is a real chance to allow the famous Aggie spirit to merge with the much older Christmas spirit. Through the Campus Chest, each student will not only be contributing to the welfare of his buddies but also he will be taking a step for the good of his fellow man. The final day of the Chest drive is not far away. It is the obligation of every Aggie to see that when that day comes, the goal will not only be reached but exceeded. Christmas at Aggieland By FRED MEURER The Spirit of Christmas is blending- in with the Spirit of Ag-g-ieland these days. As the days are slowly slipping toward that longed-for December 21, the last day of classes before holidays, Aggies are going- through their annual routine of putting everyone into a Yuletide frame of mind. Dormitory corridors are already decorated with crepe paper and tinsel letters to Santa are dis played on every freshman’s door (they’re a story in themselves). Hi-fi sets are blaring out Christ mas music. Even singing in the shower is swinging to a holiday theme. '-‘ V 1 Probably the best part of A though, begins in earnest eM night. Freshmen and sophomores bundle up to face the chilly night air then sing Christmas Carols below the opened windows and darkened rooms of juniors and seniors. Those voices may not be the most harmonious ever heard but they’ll have the proper effect, Here’s an early “Merry Christ mas” from this editor. “YOU'D LIKE TUKb PROGRAM TOO IP YOU’D LET YoORStU: GOf” What’s Cooking Club will Academic 7:15 Winter’s Hometown meet in room 125, Building. 7:30 Aldine Hometown Club will meet in room 228 of the Academic Building at 8 p.m. Robertson County Hometown Club meets in room 307 of the Academic Building. Southwest Texas Hometown Club will discuss a Christmas par ty at its meeting in the Social Room of the Memorial Student Center. Bell County Hometown Club will make Christmas party plans at its meeting in room 206, Aca demic Building. Flax Country Hometown Club will meet in room 306 of the Aca demic Building to plan a pre- Christmas function and a Christ mas dance. Panhandle A&M Club will dis cuss its club picture when it meets in room 305 of the Aca demic Building. Fayette - Colorado . Hometown Club will discuss its picture for The Aggieland in room 108 of the Academic Building. Wheller-Collinsworth Hometown Club, meeting im the Anderson Room of the YMCA, will discuss a picture for The Aggieland and plan a Christmas party. Amarillo Hometown Club will make final plans for a Christmas party at its meeting in the YMCA Gay Room. El Paso Hometown Club will see a movie, pay dues and dis cuss a Christmas party in room 202 of the Business Administra tion Building. Refreshments will be served. Yankee Hometown Club will meet in the architecture lecture room in the Academic Building to discuss rides home for the Christ mas holidays. Beaumont Hometown Club will plan a Christmas and New Year’s Eve party and distribute bids for the Christmas dance in its meet ing in room 308, Academic Build ing. Covyell - Hamilton Hometown Club will meet in room 224, Aca demic Building. Williamson County Hometown Club will meet in room 205 of the Academic Building. Del Rio Hometown Club meets in the YMCA. Milam County Hometown Club will make plans for a Christmas party at its meeting in the YMCA Cabinet Room. Galveston County Hometown Club will elect officers and plan a Christmas dance when it meets in room 126 of the Academic Building. San Angelo Hometown Club meets in room 203 of the Agri culture Building to schedule pic tures for the Aggieland and dis cuss final plans for a Christmas dance. Here’s A Gift That’s Sure To Please The Man On Your Hist WmMwm i titu H uMPi ihV yt ABS mi Give Him A Shirt From The Beautiful Variety Of Styles, Colors, And Designs Now Offered At Lou’s THURSDAY & FRIDAY “The King and Four Queens” With Clark Cable plus “The Prisoner’ll With Alec Guinness CIRCLE $2.05 To $5.95 THURSDAY & FRIDAY Attractively Gift Wrapped Free North Gate Featuring Nationally Advertised Brands & Doesn't Wrinkle! Isn't Fattening! Always Fits! Always Welcome! BOOKS , FOR CHRISTMAS from Sltaj^er J - The Place to buy Books ^ North Gate ATTENTION!! to Faculty, AH Aggies and Families Our Sport Coats and Dress Pants Front Now ’Til Christmas Off 10% 1101=1 B. WEISS Next To Campus Theatre LPL ABNER BUTTON VER UP THEY READ PAPERS EVEN OUT HERS, YA KNOW ff ? ..XU ri A Y ^ MIND IF I TRY ON THIS OUTFIT O YOURS, HONEY? IT MIGHT MAKE A CUTE PLAYSUIT IN RED. KE. V Ad College man’s best friend YOU SAVE TIME AND MONEY WHEN YOU GO BY GREYHOUND Dallas .... $4.90 Austin . $3.47 Wfeb . Fort Worth ... .... 4.90 Navasota .60 ^ Waco . 2.70 Corpus Christi . 8.64 Houston .... 2.64 Kingsville ... . 9.85 r v:\ ^ Hearne .77 Denton . 5.96 All prices plus tax CiREYHOUND 4 (t’s such a comfort to take the bus... and leave the driving to us!