The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 21, 1957, Image 6
The Battalion -> College Station (Brazos County) 7 Texas PAGE 6 Thursday, November 21, 1957 Sanity Hearing? Too Murder Counts Set I n Horror Killings WAUTOMA, Wis., —</P)— A 51- year-old bachelor farmer, who ad mitted during- two days of ques tioning at the State Crime Lab oratory that he killed two women and looted graves for the cadavers of at least nine more, faces a mur der arraingment and sanity hear ing “as soon as possible. 5 ’ Waushara County Dist. Atty. Eai’l Kileen said yesteirlay he would file the murder charge against Edward Cein today if the crime lab’s ballistics report was ready by then. “I will m,ove immediately for a isanitray hearing when he is ar- rainged,” the prosecutor said. This count will charge Gein with the shooting and subsequent mu tilation of Mrs. Bernice Worden, 58-year-old operator of a hardware store at Plainfield, five miles from Gein’s isolated cehtral Wisconsin farmhouse. A statement given newsmen at Madison by Charlie Wilson, direc tor of the crime lab, said that the frail-appearing little man whose closest acquaintance had described him as a “nice little guy who likes kids, but often talked about wo men,” admitted that he killed Mrs. Worden last Saturday. Gein also admitted, Wilson said, that he killed Mrs. Mary Hogan, 54-yeai'-old operator of a tavern at Bancroft—six miles from the horror farm—in December 1954. The statement, issued on behalf of five district attorneys in coun ties which retain on their books major unsolved disappearances, cleared Gein of any connection with three widely known cases. These were: The vanishing of pretty, 15-year- old Evelyn Hartley from a baby sitting job at a college professor’s home in La Crosse in October 1953; The abduction of Georgia Jean Experts Voice Varied Opinion On US Missiles WASHINGTON, — (JP) - Rep. Mahon (D-Tex) charged last night the United States is “seriously behind” Russia in developing an intermediate- range ballistic missile, but a Pent agon expert said, “I don’t believe so.” The disagreement was voiced after Mahon’s House Appropria tions subcommittee launched a sur prise inquiry into the U.S. weapons program and spent the day taking testimony behind closed doors. “We have lagged behind the Russians in the intermediate-range ballistic missile—IRBM—and we’ve got to come from behind and come abreast as soon as we can,” Mahon told newsmen. His subcommittee handles all the Defense Depart ment’s money requests. While disagreeing with Mahon’s assessment of the IRBM situation William Holaday, the Defense De partment’s missile director, said it might he true of the 5,000-mile intercontinental ballistic missile- ICBM. Secretary of Defense McElroy, one of the first witnesses sum moned before the House group, emerged from the hearing with a statement that the U.S. missile progi’am is in “good shape.” I did not whistle at her. I whistled because the dress she is wearing looks like it was cleaned by — CAMPUS CLEANERS Wechler, 8-year-old Ft. Atkinson girl, from the driveway of her farm home in May 1947. The disappearance of Victor Buck Travis, 51-year-old Adams County resident, while hunting in November 1952. Wilson said that the polygraph examination showed no conclusive results in the questioning of. Gein in connection with still another disappearance—that of Mrs. Irene Keating, 30, from Ft. Atkinson last Aug. 20. Dunlap Wins Grant From Magnolia Co* Donald D. Dunlap, senior civil engineer from New Orleans, La., recently was awarded the Mag nolia Petroleum Company Scholar ship for 1957-58. The scholarship provides $400 for A&M and $400 plus tuition and fees for the student. Dunlap is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Dunlap. Plis scho lastic record, leadership, character and sincerity of purpose were pri mary considerations in awarding the scholarship, according to the company making the award. Purpose of the scholarship is to encourage, assist and recognize students in fields of study directly allied to the petroleum industry. Auto Licenses Give Aggie Colonel Gets State Si*5 Million The license and weight division of the Texas Department of Public Safety added more than a million and a half dollars to county and state treasuries last year. The money wa/s collected in fines and additional registration fees and paid into state and county coffers as a result of cases filed during the fiscal year for violations of Texas trucking laws. A large percentage of the money, assessed against truck operators, went into road and bridge funds of the various counties throughout Texas. Position in E urope Gautama Siddherthe, founder of Buddhism, was born in India in the year 563 B. C. Five denominations worship reg ularly in the Washington, D. C. Cathedral: Protestant Episcopal, Temple Sinai Jewish Congregation, Russian Orthodox, Polish National Catholic and St. Andrew’s Ukranian Orthodox. Lt. Col. Thomas J. Elder, of Northfield, Vt., recently was named assistant inspector general at the U. S. Army in Europe headquar ters in Heidelberg, Ger. A 1932 graduate of A&M, Col. Elder was assistant professor of military science and tactics at Nor wich University, Northfield, Vt., before going overseas in July. During his foreign assignment, he will seiwe with the U. S. Army, Europe, which maintains a watch along the 435 mile stretch of the Iron Curtain frontier in West Ger many. Among other decorations. Col. Elder has been awarded the Bronze Star medal and oak leaf cluster for meritorious service and the Army’s coveted Combat Infan try Badge. JUDGE RAN AS SPRINTER GRAND FORKS, N. D. (AP)— U, S. Federal Judge Ronald Davies, who issued an edict calling for in tegration at Central High School in Little Rock, Ark., wasi a stand out trackman at the University of North Dakota. He ran the 3 00- yard dash in 10 seconds in 1927. Jimmy Stout is the only one who led the jockeys three times at Atlantic City. He performed the feat in 1946, 1951 and 1953. CORN’S BARBER SHOP 1903 !$. College We Specialize In Flat Tops DYERS-FUR STORAGE HATTERS ROLAND DANSEY ’31 For Your Convenience—Pick Up Station AT TAYLOR’S VARIETY STORE OYSTERS Rt 98c 12 Oz. 79c Hormel CANNED HAMS 5 £ *4.98 Rath's ROLL SAUSAGE 1 a 39c Armour Cured Whole HAMS :. Lb . 49c Long Island DUCKS .;;v.-T7TrrrrnT::.. .u>. 59c Orr’s Gold Seal Orr’s Gold Seal HOUND STEAK BeTh. 79c LOIN STEAK Veal Lb. BACOSN1 WILSON'S CRISPRITE SHELLED COMPLETE STOCK FRUIT CAKE INGREDIENTS' PECANS phg. jg c 12 oz. IP L O U If!! Robin Hood S Lb. Bag 39c Del Monte Sliced, No. 2 Can PINEAPPLE 29c ORANGE JUICE 4 6 Oz. Cans 49c Powdered or Brown SUGAR 2-1 Lb. Pkgs. 25c GLAPIOLA BISCUITS 3 Cans 25c Maison Royal, 4 Oz. Can BLACK PEPPER 19c ADOLPHUS RICE 2 Lb. Ctn. 32c Swansdown Cake Flour .... 2 Lb. Pkg 35c Chocolate Covered Cherries 13 Oz. Pkg. 59c Kleenex Table NAPKINS .... 2 Pkgs. 50’s 45c Red MARASCHINO CHERRIES ‘ 33c Thrown Towle QUEEN OLIVES r .h 9 .^-£ 41c Towle Thrown Manzanilla STUFFED OLIVES yy 45c Musselman r APPLESAUCE N v 00 Dc Stokely RTP *’ a " CHERRIES y™ 23c SWEET GHERKINS !?- 37c None Such MINCE MEAT 29c Dromedary PITTED DATES ^ 35c Prattlow Whole Spiced PEACHES w y_f 25c Del Monte PUMPKIN A. 2 N -c»> ,25c COK 12 Bottles 39 Plus Deposit RED DELICIOUS Lb. 9 BIRDSEYE FROZEN 10 oz. pigs. BROCCOLI SPEARS 2 POTATOES 10 ^ 39c MUSTARD GREENS Try Them With Ham 9c —Bunch— Z Home Gro tvn—Bu n c h Fresh Tender YELLOW SQUASH 2 * TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS * Thin Shell Texas PECANS ’Sf 2 Lbs. Lb. Bag 19c 89c SUPER il:i; MARKETS f IN BRYAN SWIFT JEWEL SHORTENING 3 7,t 69 c