^Jcwiilu 'Z^ctvoriteA -iJauaiion Ktaff Photo Pull Together An open-mouthed sophomore urges a gang of bonfire workers to pull together on one of the guy-ropes supporting the 60 foot plus center pole. Ropes such as this one are very important in stacking the lop;s; with out support, the centerpole would snap under the weight of the log being; lifted by block and tackle. THURSDAY & FRIDAY r mA SKfcKgStfl FLttfMBMIEY JUMSIE THR8LLS! JUNGLE mn A WARWICK PRODUCTION CINemaScoPc color by TECHNiOOLOR See Dr. Smith' For Professional Visual Care BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC • Eyes examined • Glasses prescribed • Contact lens fitted Dr. Smith and Staff Optometrists Convenient Terms TA 2-3557 105 N. Main PALACE TODAY THRU SATURDAY George Montgomery In ^PaWll Mexican Supper Set For Tonight At St. Thomas Eighth annual TAMALADA, sponsored by the women of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, will be served from 5 to 7 tonight at the church. Aggies from the Canterbury As sociation, under the direction of Mrs. Fred Smith, will serve the Mexican supper. General chairman for the event is Mi|S. David B. Yarborough. Assisting her are Mrs. Richard Davis, Kitchen chairman; Mrs. James H. Dozier, ; in charge of arrangements; Mrs. Rolla E. Grif- nth, supply; l)r, Npna Harris, dec orations; Mrs. William J. New comb, tickets; Mrs. Fred Smith, hostess; and Mrs. T. O. Walton, cleanup. Proceeds will go toward projects of the Women’s Auxiliary. BY MERLE SIMMS (Merle Simms and her husband* Roy, a lab instructor in the Animal Husbandry Department at A&M, reside at 305 Bolton in Col lege Station. They have a daughter, Faye, a student at Sam Houston State Teachers College. Mrs. Simms is temporarily employed in the Housing Office on campus.) ORANGE CARAMELS 2 cups sugar 1 can (6 ounce) frozen orange dash salt juice-—concentrated 2 cups light corn syrup % cup butter or oleo 1 cup heavy cream Mix sugar, salt and corn syrup and thawed, undiluted orange juice in a large heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil over a moderate heat, stir occasionally, and cook until a drop tested in cold water forms a firm ball (245 degrees). Add the butter and heavy cream gradually so that candy never stops boiling. Continue cooking rapidly, stirring constantly at this point until the firm ball stage is reached again. Pour into a well buttered 9-inch square cake pan and cool. When cool, dump the square of candy on a board and cut into inch-size strips. Cut the strips into bite-size pieces and wrap in waxed paper, foil or Saran. SPAGHETTI 1 pound spare ribs 1 tablespoon spices 1 pound round steak, cubed % hay leaf 5 teeth garlic 2 cans (No. 2) water 2 cans (No. 2) tomato puree pinch sweet basil 1 can tomato paste % teaspoon chili powder Cook for 4 hours. Just before it is done, add salt to taste. 2258 APPLE PIE 1 cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 cup flour % cup melted butter f cup oatmeal (uncooked) Mix well and cover pie pan with half of the mixture. Pare 2 cups apples and cover with % cup white sugar. Put into pie pan, then crumble remaining half of mixture over* top. Bake in 340-degree oven for about 35 to 40 minutes. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream. HOT ROLLS—with bran 1 cup shortening 6 cups flour 1 cup All-bran 1 cup lukewarm water 1 cup boiling water % cup sugar 2 eggs IV2 teaspoons salt 2 yeast cakes Put all-bran into boiling water. Add sugar, shortening and salt. Let cool to lukewarm; add eggs. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water; add to first mixture. Then add flour, mixing thoroughly. Let rise about 2 hours. Make rolls or cover and store ini refrigerator. PRALINES 2 cups white sugar 1 tablespoon white Karo 1 cup brown sugar pinch salt J V2 cups water Blend all ingredients and boil until mixture forms a hard ball in cold water. Then add 2 cups pecans, 1 teaspoon vanilla and 1 table spoon butter and drop on waxed paper. Tke 0atfalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas Thursday, November 21, 1957 PAGL 3 Hf By appointment purveyors of soap to the late King George Vi, Yaraiey & Go., Ltd-, London SUPER" WETTIN Yardley Shaving Foam keeps the beard saturated throughout the shave. Gives a professional shave in one-half the time. $1 YARDLEY OF LONDON, inc. Yardley products for America are created in England and finished in the U.S.A. from the original English formulae, combining imported and domestic ingredients. 620 Fifth Ave., N.Y.C. Social Whirl QUEEN TODAY THRU SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE vva. nz Hong Kong has 125,000 people living on junks, sampans and smaller vessels. LAST FRONTIER OF THE mi WITSM . • j;. -.-ic. JOSEPH t. LEVINE i mmrwKEtM -'y:,- Also “Devil’s Goddess” : fl ia*;>c« story tinned en e nild . ,v hi 11 into ti ' l! jurijlcs ol Me* Groea! mmm coioa ,'jev^v'W of 103 MAIN — NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED PI 4/V24/A W wve in theatri / HU cut N Ufcflt «M;)’ Vf AH*. fm THRU FRIDAY “Loving Yon” With Elvis Presley also “Toy Tiger” With Jeff Chandler Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Mem orial Student Center. Hostesses for the regular group will be Betty Dakin and Beverly Nlss; for the intermediate group Nancy Cinatl and Marianne De Marr; and for the beginners, Jo Ann Pitzer and Elaine Ludwig. Prizes last week went to Diane Williams, Carolyn Browning, and Lynn Warren in the regular gboup and to Doris McDaniel, Gertrude Boriskie and Alyce Stacks in the intermediate group. * * * Electrical Engineering Wives will have a pie social Saturday night in the south solarium of the YMCA. Each member is to bring a pie. Further information may he obtained by calling Pat Younts, VI 6-7080. YARDLEY PRODUCTS MAY BE SECURED AT ELLISON PHARMACY YOUR REXALL STORE College Station CROOKS ARE PEOPLE ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. —-OT) Crooks look just like people—any people says Lee Roeder, Manager of the Albuquerque Better Busi ness Bureau. “Most strangers are not crooks, Roeder said, “however, must crooks are strangers. So before you in vest—investigate.” KNOX Furniture Co. HOME OF NATIONALLY KNOWN BRANDS finished or unfinished furniture Complete Furnishings For The Home 201 W. 26th Bryan — TA 2-3581 PEANUTS PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz AFTER ALL, IF 5N001 COMES, CAN.SANTA CLAUS BE —i FAS BEHIND?; AOA BETTER EAT/MG OAT A Bt/OGET. -GROCERIES- Maryland Club Coffee 1 Lb. Can 89c No. 2«/ 2 Can—Hunts Peach Halves Can 31c 14 Oz. Bottles—Hunts Catsup 2 Bottles 35c 300 Size Cans—Hunts Solid Pack Tomatoes .... 2 Cans 29c No. 2 , /z Cans—Pratlow Whole Spiced Peaches Can 27c 303 Cans—Libbys Fruit Cocktail 2 Cans 49c 3 Pound Can Crisco 89c 300 Size Cans—Del Monte Whole Green 6 Oz. Jars—Folgers Instant Coffee No. 2i/ 2 Cans—Alma Brand 303 Cans—Kimbells Niblets, Whole Kernel 303 Cans—Blue Tag, Blue Lake 303 Cans—Trellis Brand FROZEN -PICTSWEET FOODS- Beef, Chicken or Turkey Pot Pies Each 27c Sliced Peaches Sliced Strawberries Pkg* 27c Baby Limas Ford Hook Limas Pkg. 27c -MARKET- PEN FED BABY BEEF CUTS Loin Steak 1 Lb. 75c Round Steak 1 Lb. 75c T-Bone Steak 1 Lb. 75c Seven Bone Steak 1 Lb. 65c Veal Chops , 1 Lb. 65c Meaty Short Ribs I Lb. 35c Square Cut Can 39c Shoulder Roast Deckers Tall Korn Sliced Bacon 1 Lb. 49c 1 Lb. 55c ... Jar $1.09 Armours Star All Meat Franks 1 Lb. 47c Can 22c Fresh Calves Liver 1 Lb. 49c . 2 Cans 35c -PRODUCE- Golden Ripe Bananas 2 Lbs. 25c .. 2 Cans 33c Juicy Texas Oranges 5 Lb. Bag 25c 2 Can 51c California Bell Peppers 2 Lbs. 25c 2 Cans 29c Yellow Onions Lb. 5c SPECIALS FOR TIU R. AFTERNOON, FRI. & SAT. — NOV. 21-22-23 FOOD MARKET COLLEGE STATION CHARLIE'S NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER —