'the fkittalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas )—Chey enne police suspect a thief used bones to break into a Cheyenne garage. The front door of the garage was pried open and $78 taken from the cash register. A usually reliable watch dog ap parently had been bribed with the small pile of bones found in front of the door. mol’s, with members’ husbands in vited. ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH The second hamburger fry of the fall term will be held by members of the Canterbury Association at 6 this evening. Students holding membership cards will be admitted free. Others wishing to attend may buy tickets at 50j cents each from dorm representatives or at the church office. Following the fry, a film of last year’al Thanksgiving football game between A&M and the University of Texas will be shown. The TAMALADA sponsored by the women of the church will be served from 5 to 7 p. m. Thursday in the Parish Hall. A&M CHRISTIAN CHURCH DSF Bible Study is planned for 7:15 tonight in Room 102 at the YMCA. The study will be II Co rinthians. Choir practice will be held at 7:30 at the church. WESLEY FELLOWSHIP Dr. Harry Rankin, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Bryan, will speak on “The Beliefs of Methodism” at the meeting at 7:15 this evening. His talk will be the third in a series of Wesley pro grams on Methodism. ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Evening Mass will be celebrated at 5:15 tonight, followed by Rosary and Benediction at 7:15. OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Lutheran Student Association will meet at 7:30 tonight. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Regular mid-week service will begin at 8 p. m. today. The read ing room will be open from 7 to 8. BRYAN CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Tonight’s service is scheduled for 7:30. A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST Worship service will be con ducted at 7:15 this evening. Thurs day at 9:30 a. m. the Ladies Bible class will meet. Services (J lurches COLLEGE HEIGHTS ASSEMBLY OF GOD Prayer meeting is at 7:30 night. to- 5 CATERING "J, ipecLCi / cea&ion& -k OUTFIT PARTIES k CLUB BANQUETS MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL W. 26th & Bryan TA 2-5089 200 Congress TA 3-4375 Tale of Two Cities! Among Western Hemisphere cities’ with the largest per capita enjoyment of Coca-Cola are, interestingly enough, sunny New Orleans and chilly Montreal, When we say, ^Thirst Knows No Season/! we’ve said a cheerful mouthful. So don’t take any lame excuses about its not being hot enough for Coca-Cola, Forget the temperature and drink up? SIGN OF GOOOJ'ASTg Bottled ynder authority of The Coca-Cola Company by BRYAN COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Live Modern! Here's News..., US. Patent Awarded To Miracle Tip ||§| . * * im"' — N v. - • t '-r-, - ..Only^M has it I i This is it! Pure white inside pure white outside j for cleaner, better smoking! 1 * Your assurance of j the Southland’s finest tobaccos Every package of L&M’s ever manufactured has carried this promise: “A blend of premium ® quality cigarette tobaccos including special aromatic types.” Get full exciting flavor plus the patented Miracle Tip You get with each L&M cigarette the full exciting flavor of the Southland’s finest tobaccos. YOU get the patented Miracle Tip . .: pure white inside, pure white outside as a filter should be for cleaner, better smoking. The pat ent on the Miracle Tip protects L&M’s exclusive filtering process. L&M smokes cleaner, drqws easier, tastes richer; Live Modern...Smoke L S M! BUY ’EM BY THE BOX OR PACK Crush-Proof Box (Costs no more) Handy Packs (King and Reg.) ©1257 iiGGBTT & Myers Tobacco Co,.