The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 15, 1957, Image 2
The Battalion College Station (Brazo» County}', Texas PAGE 2 Friday, November 15, 1957 Editor’s Note: The column, Art for Aggies’ Sake, usual ly seen in this space will not be published today. It will appear Tuesday and then resume its regular publication date next Friday. Article 3 of the series on the Corps Honor Code will be seen on this page Tuesday due to the Corps trip. Highlights and Sidelights From Your State Capitol JOB INTERVIEWS Monday By VERN SANFORD Texas Press Association COTTON ACREAGE TUSSLE —For the third straight year East Texas and West Texas cot ton farmers are at odds over acreage allotments. State and county allotments are to be announced by USD A before Dec. 14 when cotton farm ers will vote on whether they want a market quota program for 1958. West Texas farmers contend that their area has been penal ized. They say an undue portion of the state’s cotton acreage is allotted to the cotton-growing counties of east and central Tex as. One group of West Texans went to federal court last year to try to get the allotments chang ed. Opposing them is the Old Cot ton Belt Association which has announced it will fight new ef forts to wrest acreage from its area. SPEED LAW QUESTIONED —Governor Daniel has been re quested to ask the Legislature to re-write the automobile speed limit law. A recent opinion from the Court of Criminal Appeals called the law “vague and indefinite and therefore invalid.” Involved was a conviction for driving 90 miles an hour. If this law is too shaky for court tests, the Harris County district attorney told the gov ernor in effect, a new and strong er one should be written im mediately. Atlas Powder Company inter views physical and analytical Chemists. Shell Oil Company interviews accounting (Bachelor or Master degree) and business administra tion majors. Bell System (includes South western Bell Telephone Company, Western Electric, Bell Labora tories, Sandia Corporation and American Telephone and Tele graph) interviews electrical, in dustrial, mechanical and civil engineering, economics, agricul tural economics, mathematics, physics, business administration, accounting and liberal arts ma jors. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., interviews aeronautical, chemical, electrical, industrial and mechanical engi neering, chemistry, mathematics and physics majors, all either B. S. or M. S. Tuesday Boy Scouts of America inter views in the Department of Agri cultural Economics and Sociology for men interested in Scouting as a profession. Fisher Governor Company, Marshaltown, Iowa, interviews electrical, industrial and mechani cal engineering majors. Graver Tank & Manufacturing Company, Inc. interviews chemi cal, civil and mechanical engi neering majors for design and sales engineering. Liberty Mutual Insurance Com pany, Dallas, interviews civil, in dustrial and mechanical engi neering and industrial technology majors for jobs as safety engi neers and research engineers. United States Steel Corpora tion, Pittsburgh, Pa., interviews electrical, mechanical, civil, pet roleum, industrial and chemical engineering, chemistry and phy sics majors. Tuesday and Wednesday Kerr-McGee Oil Industry, Inc., Oklahoma City, Okla., interviews Chemical, electrical, mechanical and petroleum engineering ma jors for jobs in the refining, and pipeline divisions and drilling de partment. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler “YOU WILL PIND IT A LITTLE; EASIER TD DRAW IF YOU STEP PACK F£OM THE MOPEL. A LITTLE fot wainnih . . . SEE OER BEAUTIFUL, NEW SWEATERS They’re HANDSOME And COMFORTABLE A&M Men s Shop Your Ivy League Center Dick Rubin, ’59 103 North Main North Gate LI’L ABNER Looking for a Spot to Begin a Career? The Bell Telephone System offers a wide variety of opportunities for graduates who can qualify. /" Next Monday, November 18, officials of these five Bell companies will be at the Place ment Office to talk to Texas A&M men about a career when they graduate. • Western Electric ... manufacturing unit of the Bell System. Also develops, makes, and services electronic products for the armed forces. • Southwestern Bell . . . builds" main tains, and operates the Southwest’s vast communications system. • Bell Laboratories . . . largest indus trial research organization in the world. Electronics and communications research is fascinating. • Sandia Corporation • • • applied research, development, and design on ordnance phases of atomic weapons. • A.T.&T. Company • • • builds, main tains, and operates the nation’s inter state communications. system. He .ow about dropping by the Placement Office and arranging to talk to these officials? EAST TEXAS PULP AND PAPER COMPANY offers EXCEPTIONAL CAREER OPPORTUNITIES • to SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS New, modern, 350-ton bleached kraft pulp and paper plant, manufacturing pulp and paper for many of the well known paper products you use each day. Expansion plans are approved, and excellent opportunities for ad vancement in early years is offered. Good salaries, and all fringe benefits. CAMPUS INTERVIEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 9:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. for MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, CIVIL ENGINEERS, CHEMICAL ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS CALL YOUR COLLEGE PLACEMENT OFFICE FOR APPOINTMENT If you cannot be present for an interview, write for more information to: L. C. Menius, Personnel Director, East Texas Pulp and Paper Company, P. O. Box 816, Silsbee, Texas. THE BATTALION The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students in the Offic- of Student Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Dr. Carroll D. Laverty, Chairman; Prof. Donald D. Burchard, Prof. Robert M. Stevenson and Mr. Bennie Zinn. Student members are W. T. Williams, John Avant and Billy W. I-ibby. Ex - officio members are Mr. Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader, Secretary. Tne Battalion is published four times a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publi cation are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during the summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered- as second-class ms'jter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con- Kresa of March 8-, 1870. Member of : The Associated Press Texas Press Association Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., a t New New City, Chicago, Eos Angeles, and San Fran cisco, The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI- 6-4910) or at the editorial office room, on the ground floor of the YMCA. Classified ads may be placed by telephont (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Publications Office, ground floor of the YMCA. JOE TINDEL Jim Neighbors Gary Rollins Joy Roper Gayle McNutt. Val Polk Joe Buser, Fred Meurer. Editor Managing Editor Sports Editor Society Editor City Editors News Editors . LETTERS Editor: The Battalion . I have heard the gripe many times during my two years here at A&M about the speaking and meeting on the campus. This weekend, several of my friends from my hometown came to Aggieland for the first time to see the SMU-A&M game. Just before game time, they made a comment to my wife on the ex ceptional friendliness of all the Aggies. They stated that it seemed every Aggie they, met spoke to them and “many of the Aggies came up to us, shook our hand, and told us their • name.” This is one of the things that makes A&M great, and because of this, we should strive to keep it that way. James D. Jones ’59 A new idea in smoking... “ .i—— ■ ■ ^Siigfrtl refreshes your Jr, c r ^ i isfe a- V'Yy, IV AiiXP*, • * menthol fresh • rich tobacco taste » most modem Refreshing! Yes, the smoke of a Salem is as refreshing to your taste as a dew- sparkled Spring morning is to you! Now get tjie rich tobacco taste you love, with a new surprisejjfsoftness and easy comfort. Through Salem’s pure-white modem filter flows the-freshest taste in cigarettes. You take a puff . . . it’s Springtime! ^ Smoke re freshed... Smoke Salem