The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1957, Image 2

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    The Battalion
College Station (Brazos County/, Texas
Thursday, November 14, 1957
Cadet Slouch
by Jim Earle 2-Corps Honor Code
An Editorial
So { fety. Conduct
Late today and tomorrow, Ags will be leaving the
campus by the hundreds to take Highway 6 south for the
Corps trip to Houston and the Aggie game with the ambi
tious Owls of Rice Institute.
Two big problems will face the visitors on the trip—
traffic safety and general conduct.
The road to Houston will undoubtedly be packed with
cars and over such a long weekend, possibilities of traffic
accidents are great.
A fund for Aggies has been started in the College
Station State Bank in case any wrecks occur and Aggies
need medical aid. Some hospitals might not treat victims
unless they can show financial stability.
It might be wise for every Aggie going to Houston to
place a card on the dashboard or window saying that in
the College Station State Bank are sufficient funds to cover
medical expenses. The fund was started for such use.
It’s hoped that these funds won’t be needed and all
Aggies will drive carefully but if needed they are there.
The other big problem is conduct.
Naturally it’s hard to forget the fracas at TCU and
some may think it might be similar in Houston. It could be
but once again the chances are not near as great if all
Aggies act like the No. 1 school in the nation.
Only as a method of self-protection should Aggies be
involved in childish battles in the bayou city this weekend.
The major thing every Aggie should have his mind
on is beating Rice, winning the Southwest Conference
championship and the national championship. Minor things
like involving themselves in petty battles should be least
in their minds.
Houston’s thousands will be welcoming the Aggies with
open arms and will be expecting them to act like the men
they claim to be. It will be the worst thing possible for
A&M if we as visitors provoke violence in return for the
city’s warm welcome.
Job Interviews
CORPORATION, Houston, Tex.,
interviews civil engineering ma
Force Base, Calif., interviews
aeronautical, civil, electrical, in
dustrial and mechanical engineer
ing, accounting and industrial
technology majors for opportuni
ties as trainees. Also will inter
view juniors majoring in the
above fields for opportunities do
ing summer trainee work.
ERNMENT, State Personnel
Board, Sacramento, Calif., inter
view's seniors in civil engineering
for work throughout California in
highways, bridges, hydraulics,
sanitary and structures; for en
gineering, planning, design, con
struction, maintenance and opera
tion of highways, bridges, dams,
power plants, aqueducts, public
buildings ' and park facilities;
supervision of water supply and
waste disposal.
An Engineering
Governor Company
Interviews will be held on November 19, 1957
on the campus. See your placement office now
for an appointment
Marshalltown, Iowa
World Leader In Research For Belter
Pressure And Liquid Level Control
The Editorial Policy of The Battalion
Represents the Views of the Student Editors
The Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of
Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students in the Office of Student
Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publication?
is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College
of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Dr. Carroll D.
Laverty, Chairman; Prof. Donald D. Burchard, Prof. Robert M. Stevenson and Mr.
Bennie Zinn. Student members are W. T. Williams, John Avant and Billy W.
Ubby. Ex - officio members are Mr. Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader, Secretary.
Tne Battalion is published four times a week during the regular school year and
once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publi
cation are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during
the summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. Subscription rates
are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year or $1.00 per month.
Advertising rates furnished on request.
Entered as second-class
ma'-ter at Post Office at
College Station, Texas,
under the Act of Con
gress of March 8, 1870.
Member of:
The Associated Press
Texas Press Association
Represented nationally by
National Advertising
Services, Inc., a t New
New City, Chicago, Los
\ngeles, and San Fran
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi
cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in
the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights
of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved.
News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-<i618 or VI-
6-4910) or at the editorial office room, on the ground floor of the
YMCA. Classified ads may be placed by telephont (VI 6-6415) or at
the Student Publications Office, ground floor of the YMCA.
Jim Neighbors
Gary Rollins
Joy Roper
Gayle McNutt, Val Polk.
Managing Editor
Sports Editor
Society Editor
City Editors
UP ~rl4l < b PIKi-OP/ TM' fSUUA. COR&ET
WhaVs Cooking
The following clubs will meet
Winters Hometown Club meets
in Room 125 Academic, to elect,
officers and discuss Thanksgiving
Fannin County Hometown Club
meets in Room 305 Academic.
Port Arthur Hometown Club
meets in Room 105, Biology Build
San Angelo-West Texas Home
town Club meets in Room 203,
Agriculture Building, to schedule
pictures for “Aggieland.”
Red River Valley Hometown
Club meets in Room 104 Aca
demic, to see films on the South
west Conference highlights and
to discuss Christmas party
Bell County Hometown Club
meets in Room 206, Academic.
Northeast Texas Hometown
Club meets in Room 127, Aca
Tyler-Smith County Hometown
Club meets in Room 3C, MSC.
Amarillo Hometown Club meets
in the YMCA Gay Room.
Galveston County Hometown
Club meets in Room 126, Aca
Angelina County Hometown
Club meets in the YMCA to dis
cuss Thanksgiving holiday activi
Wichita Falls Hometown Club
meets in Rooms 2A, 2B, MSC to
see Aggie football films.
Pasadena Hometown Club meets
in Room 207, Academic, to make
final Thanksgiving social plans.
Hamilton-C o r y e 11 Hometown
Club meets in Room 224, Aca
demic, to organize and see “High
lights of ’56 Football.”
Spring Branch Hometown Club
meets in Room 127 Academic.
Falls County A&M Club meets
in Room 227, Academic.
Flax Country Hometown Club
meets in Room 306, Academic.
Baytown Hometown Club meets
in Room 106 Academic.
By appointment purveyors of soap to the late King George VI, Yardley & Co., Ltd., London
Yardley Shaving Foam keeps the beard saturated throughout
the shave. Gives a professional shave in one-half the time. $1
Yatdtey products for America ars created in England and finished in the U.S.A. from the
original English formulae, combining imported and domestic ingredients. 620 Fifth Ave.. N Y.C.
College Station 9
Code Articles Explained
(Editor’s Note: This is the
second in a series of articles on
the proponents’ interpretation of
the Corps Honor Code).
By living under an Honor code,
you are offered many rights that
would not be available without
the Code. The Honor Code pro
tects the honorable student from
the few irresponsible individuals
who have failed to accept the
meaning - of right and wrong. It
means that your spoken word
will be accepted as the truth.
For example, by one of the
occupants of a room saying “all
right” during an inspection for
lost articles it would excuse that
room from the inspection. The use
of the “all right” is an important
part of the code. It can be used
at any time that it might be
deemed appropriate.
All in all, for a man who wants
honor, the code will make his life
more wholesome and livable. If
you, as an individual, want to do
right, you have a chance to gain
something from the code that you
can carry with you the rest of
your life.
Interpretation of Article I—
Under the Honor Code you will
never intentionally tell a lie. A
lie consists of any untruth wheth
er it be spoken or written. A
signature on a false statement
is considered a lie.
A cadet is considered to have
signed his name whether he
prints it, uses only his initials
or signs it in full or in part. A
cadet who knowingly allows
another cadet to affix his signa
ture to any official document
while knowing it to be incorrect
commits a violation of the Honor
Under the Honor Code you
would be expected to be truthful
at all times. This does not mean
that the code could be used for
any other purpose than directly
pertaining to honor among mem
bers of the Corps.
Persons could not be asked
leading questions to make them
Interpretation of Article II—
The taking - of another person’s
property without his consent
with the intent of keeping it is
more commonly known as steal-
iing. Many occasions will arise
where a little common sense will
be all necessary to determine
whether actual theft has taken
For example, it would hardly
be considered a violation of
honor for friends to hide things
as practical jokes.
Interpretation of Article III
—Unauthorized assistance in
cludes the use in class of any in
formation other than that ap
proved by the instructor. This
information might be written or
verbal helps from classmates.
Any material may be used out
side class as long as it was not
obtained by illegal means. Unit
quiz files and personal files are
considered legal. It would be a
violation of the Honor Code for
an individual to copy any piece of
work and turn it in as his own,
since when this individual signs
his name to the work, it means
it is his own personal work.
(Interpretation of Article IV
and Y follows tomorrow.)
I did not whistle at her.
I whistled because the
dress she is wearing
looks like it was cleaned
by —
Longsleeve or Sleeveless
Choose Yours From The
Beautiful Selection Now
Established in 1912, ATLAS, today, specializes m Industrial
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tined to grow many times larger as our expanding national
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That means real career opportunities for you graduates
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of our future expansion is still in the planning stage, for in
addition to stepping up technical work on our products and
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Civil Engineers • Mechanical Engineers
Mining Engineers • Engineers with MBA
Seeking Opportunities In
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Your placement office can
make an appointment now
for you to see our
/Arthur Dymond
who will be on your
campus on Nov . 2 5, 1957