The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 05, 1957, Image 4
PAGE 4 Tuesday, November 5, 1957 The Battalion College Station (Brazos County)\ Texas Ramirez, Fondren To TU First Team AUSTIN, Nov. 4— UP> —Coach Darrell Royal today again shook up his University of Texas start ing lineup and . moved sophomore halfback Rene Ramirez to the No. 1 team. Walter Fondren was promoted to the No. 1 quarterback slot. A<gs Find [ p op Rati Meek And Mustangs Like Upset Role Arkansas proved to the Aggies Saturday in Fayetteville* that maintaining the nation’s number one ranking is no easy task. And, coming up is another giant-killer, the SMU Mus tangs who Saturday slapped a very fine University of Texas team around in a most convincing manner, 19 to 12. Ignoring SMU’s so-so, 2-2-1'* ' ' WHY DOES EVERYONE LAUGH AT ME? IT COULD GIVE YOU A COMPLEX. I ^4 ' mmmmm . f: ' -Battalion Staff Photo ‘Down with the Porkers , Says Quarterback Roddy Osborne as he runs around fight end for a six-yard gain in Saturday’s game. Receiving the friendly pat on the back of his head is Pig halfback Mike Cooney. Richard Bell, 87, looks on. The truth is that everyone does laugh at GOOD OL’ CHARLIE BROWN, leader of the fabled Peanuts gang, the funniest kids in the world. If you don’t know them yet, get a copy of GOOD OL’ CHARLIE BROWN today and begin a long-lasting, long-laugh ing friendship. GOOD OL’ CHARLIE BROWN The New Peanuts Book by CHARLES M* SCHULZ Also read the rest of the Peanuts saga — PEANUTS • MORE PEANUTS • GOOD GRIEF, MORE PEANUTS! $l| each at all booksellers 4 BA Over 400,000 topies in print. RINEHART & CO., INC. CATERING ^7 -—-re - - ^ Special! Occasions OUTFIT PARTIES CLUB BANQUETS MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL W. 26th & Bryan TA 2-5089 200 Congress TA 3-4375 record could prove to be a fatal mistake for an Aggie team that has taken over the Southwest Conference leader ship. As Coach Paul Bryant puts it, “Anybody good enough to beat Texas, is plenty good, and we’ll have to play 140 percent to beat them.” SMU, after being thoroughly out gunned in the first quarter, took the other three from the potent Longhorn crowd, racking up 313 yards to 170 in that time. The Aggies are still not com pletely clear of injuries but the situation is much improved. Bfyant said that Bobby Conrad, Darrell Brown, John Tracey, John Gilbert and Don Smith who had been injur ed were all in better condition but that Brown was still on the doubt ful list. Conrad didn’t get into the Arkan sas game but made the trip and suited out. Tracey reinjured his ankle in the game but should come around. Gilbert was far from top speed with his heavily bandaged knee but is coming around. The Aggies worked out for 1% hours in sweat clothes for the sec ond time in five weeks after hear ing a scouting report from assist ant coach Willie Zapalac. “They looked awfully good beat ing Texas,” said Zapalac. “Quarter back Don Meredith looked like an All-American Saturday. “Charley Jackson and Lon Slaughter are plenty fast and they’ll score on you anytime,” he continued. “They have big, strong tackles in Jerry Corneilson and Lee Yokum and a pair of very quick guards in Tom Koenig and Garry Weber,” he said. “They’ll play us like they did Texas,” Zapalac warned. “They made up their mhids to win that ball game . . „ and they did.” Halfback John Crow and tackle Charley Krueger were movie and game stars of the Ozark melee with tackle Ken Beck and end Bobby Marks rating high. Bryant stated that guard Tommy Howard played his best game. “Our kids played real hard—a fine game,” remarked Bryant. “There were too many messups and we were careless, but we played a fine defensive game.” The Aggies have yet to reach their peak, and with three games remaining, the time might be right for a peak performance. These Mustangs are no slouches. And SMU’s Bill Meek is still the same coach who directed that 14- il4 smudge Houston placed on the 1956 Aggies’ record. Rains Force SMU Mustangs Inside DALLAS, Nov. 4 — UP) — The Southern Methodist University Mustangs got off to a poor start today preparing for Saturday’s game at College Station as an all day rain kept them indoors. They had to satisfy themselves studying movies of the Texas game and running around the SMU coli seum. Brady Wyatt, No. 1 left end, definitely was ruled out of the Texas A&M game. He rehurt a knee in the Texas gdme. INTRAMURALS STUDENT FLORAL CONC ION Squadron 2 downed Squadron 23, 35 to 18, Monday with Rogers Craig hitting for 18 points and the day’s highest total to lead his team to the intramural basketball vic tory. C Engineers found A Quarter master somewhat lacking on of fense and thoroughly trounced them, 32 to 2. George King scored 16 for C Engineers. J. E. Beck man meshed 16 points to lead E Infantry past A-AAA, 31 to 16. In Monday’s bowling A Ordnance and Squadron 2 played to the sea son’s first draw, 410-410. Billy Edge was top bowler with a fine 198 game but his teammates couldn’t muster enough pins to take the win for A Ordnance. David Eby rolled a 192 to pace B Infantry to a 498-402 win over C-AAA. A Infantry whipped Squadron 12 in freshman football, 9 to 6, with Harrell BfoWn passing to Bill GreSset for the winning touch down. The blue-braided ground- pounders scored first when J. D. Nunnlee hit Squadron 12’s James Hurley behind the goal for a 2-0 lead. Then Brown passed to Gresset for the TD and passed to Billy Wood for the extra point. Squad ron 12 scored on a pass from Hur ley to Robert Redwine. Friday’s Class A basketball had Loyd Neal meshihg 16 points and helping C Infantry to a 42-22 win over B Armor. Richard Cowley bowled a. 187 game and his Squadron 18 team won over C Field, 425 to 381. FRIDAY RESULTS Squadron 2, 2, Squadron 21, 1 Squadron 4, 3, A Engineers 0 C Composite 2, B-AAA 1 Class C—Tennis: College View 2, Legett 1 Class A—Bowling : Squadron 16, 373, C Engineers, 356 ATC 469, Squadron 17, 373 Squadron 18, 425, C Field 381 A Athletics 347, Squadron 10, 312 Class C—Bowling: Legett wins forfeit over Waltori. Class B—Football: Squadron 18, 0, A Chemical 0. (Sq. 18 wins on penetrations, 2-1). A Veterinary 19, Squadron 19, 0 Squadron 20, 0, A Composite 0. (Sq. 20 wins on penetrations, 3-1). B Composite 13, A Field 0 Class B—Horseshoes : Squadron 13, 2, Squadron 4, 1 Squadron 14, 2, Squadron 5, 1 Squadron 15, 2, Squadron 6, 0 Squadron 16, 2, Squadron 7, 0 Squadron 17, 2, Squadron 8, 1 A QmC 2, C Engineer^ 0 Class B—Ping Pong: B Armor 4, B-AAA 1 C Armor 4, C-AAA 1 A Infantry 3, B Engineers 2 C Engineers 4, A QmC 1 A Chemical wins forfeit over ATC. A Veterinary 4, A Field 1 MONDAY RESULTS Class A—Basketball: C Infantry 42, B Armor 22 B Engineers 37, A Signal 4 Class A—Tennis: Squadron 8, 2, B Composite 1 Class A—Basketball: Squadron 19, 19, A Veterinary 17 C Engineers 32, A QmC 2 Squadron 20, 23, B Composite 15 Squadron 21, 31, Squadron 1, 18 Squadron 2, 35, Squadron 23, 18 E Infantry 31, A-AAA 16 Class C—Basketball Milner 33, Hart 15 Mitchell wins forfeit over Law. Class A—Tennis : A Chemical 2, Maroon Band 1 A Infantry 2, Squadron 12, 1 Squadron 3—C Armor, double forfeit.; A-AAA 2, A Athletics 1 E Infantry 3, Squadron 17, 0 Squadron 20, 2, Squadron 18, X Class C—Tennis: Bizzell wins forfeit over Walton. Class A—Bowling: B Armor 350, A Signal 348 , , B Engineers 410, Squadron 15, 358 B Infqntry 498, CrAAA 402 A Ordnance 410, Squadron 2, 410 Class B—Football; Squadron 4, 2, Squadron 15, 0 Squadron 5 wins forfeit over Squad. 16 Squadron 20 wins forfeit oyer Squad. 9 Squadron 8, 13, Squadron 19, 0 A Infantry 9, Squadron 12, 6 Class B—Horseshoes: A Composite 2, B Field 1 B Composite 2, C Field 1 A Athletics 2, A-AAA 1 Squadron 2, 2, C-AAA 1 Squadron 1, 2, B-AAA 0 Squadron 1, 2, B-AAA 0 Squadron 3, 2, A Signal 0 Class B—Ping Pong: Squadron 18, 4, White Band 1 Squadron 17, 4, Maroon Batid X A Composite 3, B Field 2 B Composite 3, C Field 2 A Athletics won forfeit over A-AAA A Signal 3, Squadron 16, 2 77 aciieA Our fresh, lovely mums are just right to wear to the Big Game Mums for the Iji cl HI 0 only *1.50 NEW! TODAY’S HANDIEST DEODORANT STICK FOR MEN! Complete protection In an unbreakable, push-up case; no jfoU to fool with; easy fo pack; he-man size, $! YARDLEY OF LONDON, inc. Yardiey products for America are created in England and finished in the U.S.A, from th# original English formulas, combining- imported and domestic ingredients. 620 Fifth AVcL d.V-C. Order From Your Dorm Representative Through Wednesday Or Come by Floriculture Building Thursday, Friday or Saturday YARDLEY PRODUCTS MAY BE SECURED AT ELLISON PHARMACY YOUR REXALL STORE College Station and Bryan HWIH ,»■