The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 31, 1957, Image 4

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    P AGE 4
Thursday, October 31, 1957
The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texan
In irmmmrmls
John Loveland, who meshed 20
points, turned in one of the top
offensive performances in intra
mural basketball as ATC easily
trounced Squadron 9, 43 to 22.
Squadron 8 whipped Squadron 18,
23 to 14, with Hugh McBride’s 14
points the high total for either
A terrific 220 game by David
Kincaid paces the intramural bowl
ing league for this week and
greatly aided his Squadron 20
teahimates to a 487-454 win over
Squadron 19. E Infantry totaled
the high team series for the week,
bowling 519 to top opponent B-
AAA’s 453.
Second high game total was
turned in by Ron Stallings, who
rolled 200, as Squadron 12 ,eased by
Squadron 2, 4G9 to 404. Tom Payne
was high for Squadron 2 with 177.
\~\~ l S OP
risv# Specij
\h*y o ■
W. 20th & Bryan TA 2-5089
200 Congress - TA 3-4375
.Robert.,Pickard’s pass to Mike
Hansen, pfdvidefl the only touch
down as A Quartermaster defeated
Squadron 17, 6 to 0, in freshman
intramural foofball yesterday.
Class A—Tennis :.
B Infantry 2, Squadron 9, 1
Squadron, l,. 2,-Squadron 23, .1
C Infantry 2, White Band 0
Squadron 4, 2,'C Composite 0
Squad. 11 wins forfeit over A Chemical.
Squadron 6, 2, C Engineers 1
Class A—Bowling:
Squadron 20. 487, Squadron 19, 454
E Infantry 519, B-AAA 453
A Ordnance wins forfeit over C-AAA.
Squadron 12', 469, Squadron 2, 464
Class C—Basketball-:
Colle ge View wins forfeit over Dorm 16.
Legg-ttt 18, Walton 16
Class A—Basketball:
Squadron 17, 27, Squadron 6, 23
Squadron 8, 23, Squadron 18, 14
B Infantry, 33, White Band 26
ATC 43, Squadron 9, 22
A Athletics win forfeit over Maroon Band.
A Field 20, Squadron 10, 18
Class B—Foot bail:
A-AAA 0, Squadron 13 0.
(A-AAA wins on penetrations, 2-0);
Squadron 14, 14, B-AAA 0
Squadron 15, 12, C-AAA 0
Squadron 16, 25, A Signal 8 .
A QmC 6, Squadron 17, 0
Class, It—Horseshoes :
Squadron 18, 2, Squadron 9, 0
Squadron 10, 2, Squadron 19, 0
Squadron 20, 2, Squadron 11, 0
A Chemical 2, ATC 0
A Veterinary 2, A Field 1
Class B—Ping Pong:
Squadron 1, 5, White Baud 0
Squadron 2, 4, Maroon Band 1
A Athletics win forfeit over Squadron 10.
Squadron 3, 4, A Signal 1
V { -Lj
« i k
-WJJ ~w(H'
or Ar
U-k„ Oct. 8(
■ of Arkan
shard Renn
trint? end
i.ji. jl
ball teaft
Are They Really First In The Nation?
These 1957 Arkansas tri-Captains ask for proof Saturday in Fayetteville and their greatest
reward for the season could be to send the A i'gies tumbling from the top of the heap.
Across the top (L-R) are cbnter Jay Donathan, a 5-11, 195 pounder from Dooneville, Ark.
and all-America fullback candidate Gerald Ne bitt, ia 5-11, 195-pounder from Big Sandy,
Tex. George Walker (foreground), is one of the SWC’s gifted quarterbacks. He is 6-1,
185-pounds and hails from Rison, Ark.
er 3
® 45 rplm. Albums As Tow As 49c
© Tong Flay Albums As Tow As $1.49
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Records 25c each or 5 For $1.00
Please: No Mail or Phone Orders. Cash
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Open 8:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M.
»4 lylore—- IJorth Cjale—dotleae I>lali
I£U 5 s Mather
Football Problem
Remains Unsolved
. LAWRENCE, Kan.-—Quick Ma
ther ! yesterdhy resigned' as. head
football coaclr at the Tjiiivfersjty of
Kansas,. declaring be inid• his sta f'f
poakl ‘‘not seiNe (he fdatball prob-
ieiti" at the school.
The resfign^tioti will take effect
at-Tlie Mnd of the season. .
*?• »' V; f '' '
In a. statement issued after to
day’s football practice, Mather said
assistant coaches he had brought to
Kansas also had resigned.
Kansas has won only 1 game this
year, has lost 4 and tied 1.
Mather’s over-all record at Kan
sas is 7-26-3.
St. Vincent village council ran this
notice in the New Era, weekly
newspaper at nearby Pembina,
N. D.:
“To anyone knowing the where
abouts of the ladders from the St.
Vincent Fire Hall: Would appreci
ate having them returned. Anyone
using these ladders should return
them to the fire hall each evening
so in case of fire they can be
readily found.”
Test your
personality power
►*' «Sr #
A Freud in the hand is \
worth, two in ttic bush, i /
1. Do you chase butterflies in preference to
other creatures of Nature?
2. Do you believe that making money k; evil? □ im
3. Do you think Italian movie actresses are over-rated?
(Women not expected to answer this question.) j~
4. Do you buy only the things you can afford? j ~ j ["
5. Do you think there’s anything as important as
taste in a cigarette? .
6. Do you feel that security is more desirable than challenge
7c Do you refer to a half-full glass as "half-empty”?
Sc Do you think fads and fancy .stuff can ever take the place
cf mildness and flavor in a cigarette? ^
t i
If you answered “No” to all questions, you ob
viously smoke Camels—a real cigarette. Only 6 or
7 No” answers mean you better get onto Camels
fast. Fewer than 6 “No’s” and it really doesn’t
ma' ter what you smoke. Anything’s good enough!
But if you want a real smoke, make it Camels.
Only Camel’s exclusive blend of costly tobaccos 1* ^ „
tastes so rich, smokes so good and mild. No won-
der more people today smoke Camels than gjjy
other cigarette. How about you?
Have a real cigarette - have a Camel
myRuy, Wfnston^Galgtn, ft3 e CL
Dream up your own
questions fc future
"Personality Rover’’
quizzes. We’il pay $25
for ea h question used
in this co'leye ad cam
paign. Send questions
with name, addrsss,
college and class to?
Ci.. el Quii, Boi 1° a,
Grand Central Stal v,
York IL L ¥.
by ja
yser and end Billy 1
orker second unit, came down with f
. The news put fresh creases into the br
Razor back Coach Jack Mitchell, who is- getting
for Saturday’s invasion by Texas A&M, the
the nation in the' latest Associated Press pol
Texas Tech
, Ok La., Oct. 30 (AP)—!
arently good shape’
State’s homecomin
ech, Coach Cliff Spc
i hampered the pa t
; hi;
Rundle-was in "apj
action in Oklahoma
day against Texas 1
Rundle has bee
injury. Speeyle said: he may see on
iexas Tech since he has missed so m
The Cowboys, who were idle last
heavy work today for the Tech game,
WACO, Tex., Oct. 30 (AP)—The
their emphasis on offense today as the
their in-and-out attack for their hornet
urday against the TCU Horned Frogs,
In their final lengthy practice set
Bears spent a long time on gr<
individual assignments, with nc
lained contact.
m in
1 see
a sessions o
> work in e
ly all drills
doted their
it Sat-
k, the'
>r sus-
Texas Christ _ _
FORT WORTH, Oct. 28 (AP)-TCU Horned Frogs divid
ed time m today’s drills between offense and defense in pre
paration for Saturday’s game with the Baylor Bears at Waco.
Emphasis was placed on both pass offense and defense.
Coach Abe Martin said the frogs would be in near top
shape lor the contest.
University of Texas
__ AOSJ.N, Oct. 30 (AP)—Dar ed Royal, University of
, sxas 1 oo, jail coach, said today SMU “is every bit as capable
\v janing as we are” and predicted a “nip and tuck” game
with Die Mustangs Saturday.
• hey re. tougher boys pliysically than^ the ones we
aSt i k- If you don’t win physically, you don’t
vm, Royal told the Longhorn Club weekly luncheon.
Rice Institute
,ho™ 0 ^ S1 K- N L 0c > SO' (AP)—Coach Jess Neely made two
'd “ ' 111 ni ‘ St team today as his Rice Owls completed
contact work for Saturday night’s game here with Clemson.
li ; )Glscher , ^nior from Weimer, replaced Ray
mond Chilton, the team’s top ground gainer, at fullback, while
Dia^T ritA’^ Jimi0r from Henderson, replaced Buddy
Greg-Pinkston, l 90 - p ound right tackle from Edinburg, Tex.,
veariefWr^^ iC u leady to tear some Aggies apart. A two-
iiis ambition ' ^ Seems we ^ qualified to carry out ;
antifreeze special
Ends November 9, 1957
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U-e Lave ample supply of antifreeze for our
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