The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 31, 1957, Image 3
The Battalion College Station (Brazos County). Texas Thursday, October 31, 1957 FAC-F 3 Carmen Mcliae HI The rewards for helping Mother with her cake are pleasant. And so are the rewards for extending courtesy and cooperation on the party line. When everyone uses the line sharingly everyone gets better service. And by giving up the line immediately in an emergency and replacing the receiver properly, you help yourself to a bigger share of that better service. It’s a fact that courtesy and cooperation will help to make your party line telephone even more useful. <~!P!ISIPsPl ffi-Lo’s* Ted Group Appear Here Tuesday Night Carmen McRae, the girl with “the haunt in her voice,” will ap pear with the Ted Heath Orches tra and the Hi-Lo’s when they come to Town Hall Tuesday night at 8. Carol Channing, who was tour ing with “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” orice told Miss McRae she had a “haunt” in her voice and the expression is now the favorite description of ; the shapely Jamai can singer. Her hit records include “What ever Lola Wants’”, “O.ooh”, “Baby Who’s What From The First Regiment By GENE FUDGE The First Regiment had four companies in the top ten for the Baylor march-in, In the overall standing four are also in the top ten and six are in the top twenty. “A” Engineers is contributing to ward the Aggie football team in the form of a student trainer, (fish) Herbert Campbell. Also, they have a man on the fish foot ball squad. He is (fish) Harve Chappell, from Albuquerque, N.M. “B” and “C” Armor are plan- well represented in the after-the- game affair on the TCU Corps Trip, judging from some of the souvenirs still visible. “A” Transportation comes in first in many of the Wednesday night pass-bys, and came in tenth in the Baylor march-in. They would like to reverse the results, however. “B” and ‘C‘” Armor are plan ning an “All-Jock” party in Hous ton for the Corps trip. If the affair turns out as successful as the ones in the past, Houston is due for a blast. “B” Infantry is also making plants for a party in Houston. “B” is in fourth place in the Corps novy, so they should be entitled to it. “C” Infantry, second in the Corps, had a “function” at the clay pits last Friday. For them, Saturday was official “OH! My aching head day.” “E” Infantry took the spotlight in intramurals last week, winning every game they played. They are also planning a company party in Houston., The party may slow down their intramural winning for the week following. I did not whistle at her. I whistled because the dress she is wearing looks like it was cleaned by — CAMPUS CLEANERS I.I'i, ABNEIi By A1 Capp -AN',ON WHICH -lOLIDAV DO THEY GIT SAME mwms my/s PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz It’s Cold Outside” and “Happy To Make Your Acquaintance”, a duet with Sammy Davis Jr. Ted Heath and his orchestra were here last year and made a big hit with the Aggies. Heath and his group, from England, play American jazz the way American’s apparently like it. He played to capacity crowds all over the Uni ted States at almost every appear ance. Operation Begins Series Here Saturday “Operation Flic k,” the showing of war films sponsor ed by the Signal Corps, opens its annual season Saturday night. The films will be shown in the Ballroom of the Memorial Student Center and will start at 6:30 p. m. Admission is free. This week we will show “Nurn- berg War Tidals,” said Chuck Gar cia, senior in charge. These films reveal the inhuman massacres by the Nazis in World War II and are actual captured films. You Would have to see them to believe them, he said. Followin Nurnberg War Trials, the Signal Corps will show “Tradi tions and Achievements of the Ai’my,” “The Price of Liberty” (WAGS), “New Weapons and Equipment for the Army,” and “Air Force Screen Magazine.” “ ‘Nurnberg War Trials’ will be shown again after all the others have been shown,” Garcia said. “This Will probably he around 9 o’clock.” Bob Edmunds, is head projection ist, Albert Swarts and Doyle Nich ols are assistants. “We are going to try to have ‘Operation Flick’ every week when ever possible,” Garcia said. “Heath .and his musicians dis played versatility not too often found in American Jazz or swing outfits,” the San Antonio Light said. “The band is clean-sounding with sharp brass and a pounding rhy thm section, indicating that the British need feel inferior no long er to American bands”, the Hous ton Post stated last year. Heath has also won the honor of playing for the Queen of Eng land twice, in the last two years. Also appearing with the Heath group is the Hi-Lo’s, a quartet with about the same tastes in mu sic as displayed by the Four Fresh men. The Hi-Lo’s combination of voices has made television appear ances on the Red Skelton and Ray Bolger shows and the Colgate Comedy Hour. They also worked with Judy Gar land when she was on a recent con cert tour. FOX TRAP CHESTER, Va. <dP>—The Rev. Roy Everett Jr. heard a commotion outside the basement door of Pro vidence Methodist Church. He op ened it and in dashed a red fox, who was trapped by closing the doors to a hall. Hunters arrived and put the fox in a bag. The pastor remarked that they ought to contribute five dollars for his building fund—and he got it the next Sunday in an envelope marked “fox money”. aiiizmg We Specialize In Shoe Care See Us Today COURT’S Shoes — Shoe Repairs North Gate US0i o Counter Plan For Sputnik NEW YORK, (AP)—A new “Manhatten Project” is being organized as the U. S. answer to Russia satellite and missile progress, the New York World-Telegram and Sun said to day. The newspaper quoted an un named top industrialist as saying: “Such a plan has been in the draw ing-board stage for some time. “Now it is being pushed with great speed because of Russia’s Sputnik, her gains in the inter continental ballistics missile field generally and her constant threats of aggression in various parts of the world.” Top industry executives and sci entists reportedly are being can vassed quietly on their concepts' of how it should he set up, what its short- and long-range goals should be and the kind of man who should head it. The newspaper said Defense De partment officials lean to the be lief that the project would prove most effective if headed by a “strong executive” with a techno logical grasp of the problems con cerned — rather than a “govern ment man” with limited scientific experience. Professional Visual Care BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC • Eyes examined • Glasses prescribed • Contact lens fitted Dr. Smith and Staff Optometrists Convenient Terms TA 2-3557 105 N. Main re fnendlir Service i makes flwd shopping a pleasure -GROCERIES- Libbys Asparagus Style Whole Green Beans Can 35c 303 Cans Libbys SLICED BEETS 2 Cans 33c 7-Oz. Cans Starkist Blue Label Solid Pack Tima Can 35c 303 Cans Kim bells Small Green Limas 2 Cans 37c 303 Cans Kimbells Sled Pitted Pie Cherries 2 Cans 43c Folgers COFFEE 1 Lb. Can 89c No. 2 , /z Cans Hunts Peach Halves Can 31c No. 2'/ 2 Cans Hunts FRUIT COCKTAIL. Can 37c I4-Oz. Bottles Hunts CATSUP 2 Bottles 35c CHISCO 3 Lb. Can 89c No. 2 Cans Van Camps Pork & Beans 2 Cans 35c Nabisco Premium Saltine Crackers 1-Lb. 25c 303 Cans Green Giant Big Tender Peas 2 Cans 41c 303 Cans Diamond Brand Cut Green Beans 2 Cans 25e -FROZEN FOODS- PICTSWEET Beef, Chicken or Turkey T. V. DINNERS .. Each 65c Sliced Strawberries Sliced Peaches ... Pkg. 28e Cut Broccoli Spears, Spinach, Green Peas .. Pkg. 19e -MARKET- Deckers Tall Korn Sliced Bacon 1 Lb. 59c Swifts Premium All Meat Franks 1-Lb. 49c Wisconsin Daisey CHEESE 1-Lb. 59c PEN FED BABY BEEF CUTS Square Cut Shoulder Roast 1 Lb. 49c Meaty Short Ribs 1 Lb. 33c Round Steak 1-Lb. 75c Loin Steak 1-Lb. 75c Porter House Steak 1-Lb. 49c -PRODUCE- Texas Juicy Oranges 5-Lb. Bag 29c California Celery Stalk 10c Firm Green Cabbage 1-Lb. 5c Yellow Skin Onions 1-Lb. 5c Specials For Tlmrs. Afternoon, Fri. & Sat. — Oct. 31, Nov. 1-2 :i IARLIE 5 MARKET COLLEGE STATION NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER —