The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 24, 1957, Image 3
Ted Heath Group Here For Program Ted Heath and His Orchestra with Carmen McRae and The Hi- Los are scheduled for a special ap pearance Nov. 5 in G. Rollie White Colliseum. The group is being brought to the campus by the Department of Student Activities as a promotional program and will not be a Town Hall production, C. G. (Spike) White, director of recreation and entertainment said. Information about tickets, where they can be obtained and their cost will be announced soon, White said. For The Finest In FRESHMAN GREENS SEE LEON B. WEISS (Next To Grannie’s Restaurant) W *; “ • UMN UMHB i? Vf LRft THURSDAY & FRIDAY ‘For Whom The Bells Tolls” With Gary Cooper plus “The Rock” With Paul Newman mM THEATRE / ^THURSDAY & FRIDAY THUNDERING 4 ADVENTURE I silent world TECHNICOLOR® A COLUMBIA PICTURE plus STARRING ■'<? S /fJH, BOB HOPE i /'. i MICKEY ROONEV , 4 X m MARHYN MAXWEll. f i co-starring -t} mg EDDIE MAVEI10FF I A Paramount Picture nrirm Bryan 2-81179 TODAY THRU SATURDAY Double Feature Rory Calhoun in “Domino Kid” and Richard Conte in ‘The Brothers Rico ! Starting Sunday Oct. 27 FIRST TIME AT POPULAR PRICES! GnemaScoPE Color by TECHNICOLOR TODAY & SATURDAY Double Feature “Apache Woman” and “Hot Summer Night” Dr* Dillon to Open National Meeting Dr. Lawrence S. Dillon of the Biology department has been in vited to give the opening address for the Zoological Section of the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science at its meet ing in Indianapolis, Ind., Friday, Dec. 27. “This is a high honor,” Dr. C. C. Doak, head of the Biology depart ment, said. “We are proud that Dr. Dillon was selected to give the opening address—it is deserved.” Dillon’s talk, entitled “Progres sive Evolution: A New Approach to the Development of Life,” will be in the nature of a forthcoming book. CIRCLE THURSDAY & FRIDAY “The Tall T” Randolph Scoit ALSO “Distant Drums” Gary Cooper THRU THURSDAY Frankly Uproarious... % Uproariously if Frank! JAYNE MANSFIELD 1 TONY RANDALL BETSY m DRAKE If JOAN |k blondell WILL SUCCESS SPOIL ROCK HUNTER? CINEMASCOPE - COLOR by De Luxe AH Judging Teams Show Well At Kansas City Grading Meet Senior judging teams from the Animal Husbandly Department re turned this week from the American Royal Livestock Exposition in Kan sas City, bearing a host of trophies to show of their prowess. Making the best showing was the Senior Meats Judging team which ended up second in a field of 17 competitors in that contest. Coached by G. T. King, the team won first in lamb grading, third in lamb judging, fourth in pork judg ing, fifth in beef grading and eighth in beef judging. Individual high rankers included Robert Gooch, Jack Estes and Homer Smith. Gooch, from Abilene, was the second highest scoring in dividual in the contest. He was first in beef grading, second in lamb judging and third in lamb grading. Estes, from Fort Worth, placed third in pork judging and seventh in individual scoring. Smith, from Robstown, took highest individual score in lamb grading. The Senior Wool Judging team, coached by Richard Thallman, cap tured. sixth position in the contest. Stanley Keese of Llano won fifth place in individual scoring while Clyde Castleberry of Lampasas took fifth in fleece grading. The Senior Livestock Judging team, coached by W. T. Berry, end ed up 12th in the intercollegiate competition. They were fifth in the sheep contest and tenth in the cat tle contest. Richard Thomas of Robstown took ‘third place in the quarter- horse contest. The various teams left for Kan sas City last week, making practice stops at several large meat com panies and ranches along the way. Sunday night, all team members were guests at a dinner given by the Kansas City Aggie Club. Social Whirl Chemical Engineering Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p. m. Mon day in the south solarium of the YMCA. * * * A program on rug braiding/will be presented at the meeting of Ani mal Husbandry Wives at 7:30 to night in the south solarium of the YMCA. * i!-- * Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Memori al Student Center. Hostesses will be Pat Younts and Elon Foster for the regular group; Ann Meitzer and J’Nene Morgan for the intermediates, and Barbara Keller and Kae McGloth- lin for the beginners. Prizes last week went to Mari lyn Ibbitson, high, Trilba Keller, traveling slam, and Karen Lee Mounce, low, in the regular group, and Ann Meitzer and Texas Maxey in the intermediate group. * ^ * Mechanical Engineering Wives Club will have an informal, get- acquainted dance for all mechani cal engineering students, their wives and prospective club mem- the LARGEST and probably the ONLY DOLLAR SIRLOIN in Bryan A&M SMOKEHOUSE 4410 College Main 3 Blocks North of Main Gate hers at 8 p.m. Friday in the Girl Scout house in Bryan. Dancing and refreshments will be featured. There will he a charge of 50 cents per couple. * * * A&M Women’s Social Club will hear a book review by Mrs. Frank McFarland at 3 p.m. Friday in the ballroom of the Memorial Student Center. Scientist Speaks To Luncheon Club Dr. Gerald Wendt, a scientist whose articles of the news in sci ence are used by more than 5,000 newspapers in' 71 countries, was guest of honor at the knife & Fork club dinner Monday, at 7:30 p. m. in the Memorial Student Center. Ranking high in the field of atomic energy, as is indicated by the fact that his lasest book, “\ou and the Atom”, has been translated into 14 foreign lang uages, Dr. Wendt is called the world’s leading interpreter oil sci ence to the layman. It was Wendt, who at the “Atoms for Peace” conference at Geneva analyzed for the 900 newspaper men present, just what the im portance was of the high-brow a- tomic discussions being carried on. He also acted as chief radio com mentator for the United States on the major U.S. networks. Some . 8-inch skillets come with egg poachers; these are insert de vices with cutouts into which shal low cups may be inserted. No bind, no sag,^ no wonder they’re so popular! Arrow’sftbrtS give you comfort in any fashion. The new contour seat provides total freedom of action, prevents sagging and binding. Choose the boxer type with all-around elastic, or the snap front model with elastic at sides. Solid colors, stripes, miniature plaids, checks and novelty designs. $1.50. Arrow Tee Shirt, with special non-sag neckband, $1.25. Cluctty Peabody C? Comfany t Inc ARROW- first in fashion SHIRTS • TIES HANDKERCHIEFS • UNDERWEAR W. I % X. Choose from our Arrow Underwear collection •Enjoy the solid comfort of our new no-sag, no-bind Arrow contour seat. Pick your favorite, patterns—dashing, daring, | colorful or conservative. - The choice is yours at M CLOTHIERS 212 North Main Bryan ALWAYS A PLEASURE TO SHOW YOU Llsnstian JLJior Dies At Italian Resort MONTECATINI, Italy, GP) — Christian Dior, French fashion de signer of the famous “New Look,” died in a hotel at his northern Italian resort early yesterday. The death was announced by a parish priest who said he gave Dior the last rites. Dior was 52. The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas Thursday, October 24, 1957 PAGE 3 Iota Lambda Sigma Elects New Heads • Iota Lambda Sigma, national in dustrial education honor society, elected William IT. Foy as presi dent; Thomas R. Jones, vice presi dent; Jesse Santoscoy, secretary- treasurer, and Richard Vasek, his torian-reporter at a recent meet ing. Dr. Leslie V. Hawkins and D. W. Fleming were chosen sponsors for the current year. The society’s initiation will be held in November. WEINGARTEN'S HAS OUT-thIs-WORLD VALUES with DOWN to EARTH PRICES! Values Good Only Thursday through Sat urday at 1010 S. Col lege at Pease. GIANT TIDE or RINSO DETERGENT for washes! GIANT PACKAGE 3 9c J. W. SPECIAL Fresh, Fine Blend COFFEE LB. PKG. 69 Red, Ripe TOMATO JUICE Appetizer L I B B Y / S 46 0Z CAN j9 C Creamy Rich FOOD CLUB Digestible SHORTENING 3^-69 IT'S NATIONAL APPLE WEEK! ROME BEAUTY APPLES U. S. No. 1 Washington for Baking! Many Varieties to Choose from! 7 C lb GOLDEN PUMPKINS In Time for Q Halloween! Olb 8 WEINGARTEN FARMER BROWN SLICED BACON Picnic Cut Pork Roast Pound 29c Black Hawk or Rath's Lb. Pkg. 59‘ WhITE SHRI^AP Quick-Frozen Large FRANKS 39 c MOHAWK A tn£r. Ib SO Complete with Sticks and Instructions for Making Caramel Apples. KRAFT CARAMELS ^ bag 33'