The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 24, 1957, Image 1
THE BATTALION Second Town Ha IS Show Tonight Number 37: Volume 57 Published Daily on the Texas A&M College Campus COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1957 Price Five Cents Hungary Marks Freedom Bid Of Last Year VIENNA, (AP)—The Hun garian people marked the first anniversary of their anti-So viet revolt yesterday in sullen silence under the guns of police. The Communist government of Premier Janos Kadar warned in advance any demonstrations would be crushed. He had nine Rus sian army divisions to back him up. Reports from Budapest said the day was drab and rainy as Hunga rians trudged to work or to school. One scene from the Budapest re ports seemed symbolic of the day. A little, gray-haired old lady, dressed in black and hunched over against the rain, weaved her way through police guards and entered Budapest’s vast cemetery. She shuffled to a grave and knelt down in prayer. Flu Epidemic Hits 145 CHS Students The flu “bug” hit Consolidated Schools last week, sending absentee figures up as new victims come down with the virus. “The epidemic seems to have reached its peak now,” said CHS Principal E. P. Ozment Tuesday. “At least the number of absentees is about uniform now.” Junior High is the hardest hit of the schools. Tuesday 105 were reported absent due to flu. The high school figure Tuesday was 40 victims. Only three teachers have fallen from the virus, which has been going on a little over a week, Ozment said, and all three are now back at their desks. 3 Car Collision Damages Costly Damages totaling $2,000 were caused in a three-car collision in the 400 block of Highway 6 at about 4:45 yesterday afternoon. No injuries were reported, al though one car was almost com pletely demolished and another se verely damaged. According to the investigating officer no one was at fault and the collision of the three automobiles was unavoidable. Apparently one auto, driven by S. Sgt. J. M. Mo reno of College Station, was at tempting to turn left across the highway. Willard W. Parker, of 1016 E. 23rd St. Bryan, was driving a pan el truck behind Moreno and was unable to stop. Following the col lision between the two vehicles, Moreno’s car was shoved into the path of the oncoming car, driven by Daniel Smoot of Houston. The Moreno car was estimated to be a total loss and the panel truck driven by Parker had dam ages totaling about $700. Smoot’s car received a smashed fender. CabinetPosition South Eisenhower Gives Post To Rogers —-Battalion Staff Photo by Kaoul Roth Cleaning ‘Sully’ for Big Weekend ‘B’ Armored cloths and br of Lawrence freshmen man the mop, blitz asso to give the historic statue Sullivan Ross a much needed cleaning 1 . Left to right are Robbie Godwin, Reagan Boone, Thomas Rainey, Hueland Boultinghouse and Mickey McDonald. Entertainment in Store ■■■■■■Ml V isitors or Numerous weekend activities are in the making to provide Aggies and their visitors with entertain ment sure to add to the color of the A&M-Baylor football game at Kyle Field Saturday. Highlight of the weekend will be the All-College Dance Saturday night featuring Jan Garber and his Orchestra. The dance will be from 9 to 12 p. m. in Sbisa Hall and will cost $2.50, stag or drag. The Of fice of Student Activities, sponsors of the dance, emphasizes that it is a semi-formal dance. Rue Pinglle, Aggie version of a French night club, will offer Ag gies and their dates dancing and entertainment Friday night from 8:30 p. m. till midnight yell, prac tice. Rue Pinalle will be held in the Ping Pong Room of the Memorial Student Center. Admission is $1.50 per couple. A long, entertaining floor show has been planned by Hiram Franch, chairman of the dance committee. CSC Meets Tonight The Civilian Student Council will meet tonight as scheduled by the organization. They will meet in the Senate Chamber of the Memorial Stu dent Center. Headlining, the show will be Dave Woodard’s Combo who will pro vide music for dancing. The floor show, starting at 10:30 p. m., will feature a trio from Texas Woman’s University, composed of Martha Chikholm, Carmel Chisolm and Mary Jo Baker. Included in the floor show will be Beverly Roberts, a tap and ballet dancer, arid Cynthia Cohen, accordion player. Former students from Classes of ’22 and ’42 will hold their reunions on the campus. The “exes” will begin registering in the MSC Fri day. The class of ’42 has slated cock tails, dinner and a dance Friday night in the American Legion Hall. The •class of ’22 begins its week end activities with an informal gathering at the home of President and Mrs. Harrington Friday. Har rington is a member of the class of ’22. A lunch will, be held Saturday at 11:30 a. m. and a dinner that night in the'MSC. The House Committee will set up a booth Saturday morning at 9 a.m. in the lobby of the MSC to sell tickets to the game. These tickets are furnished by Aggies and other persons holding tickets that are unable to attend the game. They are sold at cost.. The MSC will operate a check room service for the game from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Saturday. Air Force Cuts Two Contracts For Research Archie M. Kahan, executive director of the A&M Research Foundation, confirmed yester day a report that the Air Force had canceled two of the Foundation’s research contracts. Said Kahan: “Cancellation of the contracts is causing repercussions over almost all the U. S. camp uses.” Those repercussions are a dis arrangement of the research pro grams and the possible firing of some of the employees Working on the projects. Kahan -said the cancellations ef fect on employees at A&M could not yet be determined, but it is ex pected that personnel involved will be shuffled to work on other prob lems, with only a bare minimum be ing laid off. According to Kahan the cancella tion was rather .sudden. “First they asked us for* a five per cent reduction in the program, then asked if we could wait several months before submitting a re quest for money, all of which we accepted. The next word that we heard was this cancellation.” By Associated Press WASHINGTON,—Herbert Brownell Jr. resigned yester day as U. S. attorney general. He said the settling of federal policy in the Little Rock school integration dispute freed him to return to private faw practice. The White House said President Eisenhower accepted the resignation and will appoint Dep. Atty. Gen. William P. Rogers Jr. to the Cabinet post. Rogers is a close friend of Vice President Nixon. Brownell is the sixth member of Eisenhower’s original Cabinet to resign. Just when he will relinquish his office was not announc ed. However, Brownell suggested in a letter to Eisenhower ♦■that he would be ready to step out in two weeks. TCU Leaders Discuss Brawls With A gg ics Second Town Hail Entertains Tonight Dorothy Collins, former singing star of “Your Hit Parade,” along with the Shep Fields orchestra, will hold the spotlight in the second showing of A&M’s Town Hall to night at 8 in G. Rollie White Coli seum. Miss Collins, a pretty blonde who has been singing- since she was a little girl in school, i-ecords for the Coral label and is one of the top female attractions in the Unit ed States. Canadian born, she began her climb to fame in 1942 when band leader Raymond Scott happened to hear hei- sing while in Chicago. Scott liked what he heard, signed her to an audition and then billed her along with his “Quintet.” Miss Collins and Scott eventually were married in 1952. They have one daughter, Deborah, who was born on October 24, 1954. Miss Collins will be celebrating her daughter’s birthday as she sings to the Town Hall audience tonight. As for the Shep Fields Orchestra, the Town Hall audience can ex pect an orchestra with amazingly different instrumentation. Fields, a renowned musician for many years, features “Rippling Rhythm,” a famed musical style. It is charac terized by nine saxophones and five rhythm instruments. Another feature of the orchestra is Miss Jackie Austin, a vocalist with the group, who will help Miss Collins entertain with song. Reserved seats at the show sell for $2.50. Regular admission is $2 and public school students will be admitted for $1. A&M Town Hall tickets will be honored. The White House said Brownell will rejoin the New York City law firm of Lord, Day & Lord, which he left to enter the Cabinet. It said he would act as an advisor to the firm for two years, instead of as a partner, be cause of the conflict of interest law barring former federal offi cials from handling government cases. Brownell will deal only with nongovernmental matters, the White House said. Brownell held an informal news conference shortly after his resig nation was announced and disclaim ed any ambition for further pub lic office. Eisenhower named Brownell to his Cabinet after the New Yorker managed his 1952 presidential campaign. Brownell also managed the 1948 and 1944 presidential bids of former Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York. As boss of the Justice Depart ment and Eisenhower’s chief legal adviser, Brownell has been attack ed by Southern members of Con gress because of his role in the Little Rock crisis and in develop ing the new civil rights law. On civil rights questions, Rogers and BrowneU see eye to eye. Sen. Mc Namara (D-Mich), one of the first to comment on the impending Brownell-Rogers shift, said this “would not mean any change in current policies.” By his resignation, Brownell avoids a prospective series of trips to Capitol Hill in the next session where he would have come face to face with angry Southern critics. George Depee, Texas Chris tian University student body president, and a committee of TCU students will meet here tonight with the A&M Stu dent Senate to discuss the conflicts between students of the two schools last weekend. A. special senate meeting was called for tonight at 7 in the Sen ate Chamber after Corps Comman der Jon Hagler received a phone call from Depee last night telling him the delegation’s plans to come here tonight for a meeting with A&M student leaders. TCU has released a formal state ment for publication concerning the incidents occurring on the TCU campus during the corps trip last weekend, Lt. Col. Taylor Wilkins said yesterday. Contents of the statement are not yet known, but several re leases have been made to newspa pers and radio stations. Most of TCU is ashamed of the bad conduct of some of its students last Saturday, according to War ren K. Agee, Chairman of the TCU Department of Journalism. In a letter to A&M Journalism head, D. D. Burchard, Agee said, “We at TCU deeply deplore the hoodlum - like tactics employed against many of the visiting Ag- MOON WATCH gies last Saturday. By we, I mean All members of Operation Moon- not only the faculty and admini- watch are requested to meet at the stration, but virtually all the stu- rear of the Physics Building to- dent body.” [night at 6:15 for an alert. SCONA Picks Nation’s ‘Tops’ For Third Conference Top speakers from all phases of national and international life will » Col. Guy H. Kissinger share their knowledge with the na tion’s top college students at the third annual Student Conference on National Affairs, SCONA III, Dec. 11-14. Heading the group will be Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, Philippine U.N. representative, and former aide to Gen. Douglas MacAi-thur. U.S. Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, (D-Minn.) will be the top national figure while others are: Eugene M. Zuckert, former Atomic Energy Commission member; John Scott, special assistant to the publisher of Time magazine, and Col. Guy H. Kissinger, Jr., ’38, U.S. Marine Corps. Houston attorney Lee M. Sharrar will complete the group. Romulo, Pulitzer prize-winning author, holds 30 honorary doctor ate degrees from 30 colleges and universities, only one of which is outside of the territory of the United States. He captured the coveted Pulitzer award in 1942 for a series of ar ticles on the Far East. Romulo has written eight books. One, “The Magsaysay Story” is now on sale at bookstands. During World War II he was given the highest militai’y and ci vilian awards in the Philippines and the highest military award in Mexico. Sen. Humphrey, Democratic | prospect for either the presidency i or vice presidency, is one of the nation’s outstanding liberals. He is a former university professor | and is considered an expert in eco nomics. Scott in his travels for Time has picked up first-hand information in such current trouble-spots as Syria, Egypt and other Middle East countries. He has recently returned from a 4-month visit in these areas. Col. Kissinger, a former student j || graduating in 1938 with an archi tectural engineering degree, is con sidered an expert on economic fac tors of national strength. He has Lee M. Sharrar been active in NATO work in re cent years but is currently station ed at Norfolk, Va. Sharrar, former intelligence man during World War I and II, has served as instructor in economics and jurisprudence at Rice Insti tute in Houston. He received an LL.B. degree from South Texas College of Law in 1931. Sharrar is reportedly civic-mind ed, belonging to several Houston civic organizations including the Kiwanis Club and the Houston Phil osophical Society. Jack Nelson, SCONA III head, indicates planning for the Decem ber conference is well ahead of last year. The conference is open to dele gates from selected schools in the nation and is designed to better acquaint college students with problems facing the nation. SCONA leaders anticipate this year’s conference will suipass pre vious years in interest, attendance and quality of training. i# Wm m Gen. Carlos P. Romulo