The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 23, 1957, Image 1

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G© To Church
Number 36: Volume 57
Lions Loom Big
In Importance,
Says Teggeman
Next to the church, the
Lions International is one of
the world’s greatest organiza
tions for serving mankind,
Erwin Teggeman. district 2-S-
3 governor of the Texas Interna
tional Lions Club, told College
Station Lions Monday in the Me
morial Student Center.
Explaining the Lions’ organi
zation and service, Teggeman
pointed out the care given local
blind and the locally supported
Kerrville Crippled Children’s Camp
as examples of College Station
Lions Club work.
Teggeman said there are three
main classifications of people in
the world: (1.) the small group who
gets things done; (2) the large
group who likes to watch things
done, as long as others do it and
(3) the even lai’ger group who sits
around and wonders what has hap
“A man must have vision for the
truly important things of life, faith
in his work and the future and
courage to carry it out,” he told
the Lions in pointing out, three
things a man must have to succeed
jn anything he under takes.
The Lions call a board of di
rectors meeting for 5 p. m. Wednes-
liay in the MSC.
Board Hears
Batt Report
The Battalion is exerting utmost
effort to reach its goal of better
seiwice to its readers and more
prestige among other college dai
lies of the nation, Joe Tindel, Bat
talion editor, told the Student Pub
lications Board yesterday.
In an annual report asked of
editors, Tindel said the whole staff
is working to develop new ideas
and improve the paper so it will
be more enjoyable for its readers.
He pointed out that more em
phasis is being placed on special
features and quality in photo
graphs. “Art for Aggies’ Sake”
and “Man to Man” were pointed
out as two new special features.
Tindel said three photographers
had been employed to give Battal
ion readers top picture coverage.
The publications board heard the
Battalion editor explain new or
ganization on a departmental basis,
designed to increase efficiency.
In a breakdown of student repre
sentation on the staff, Tindel ex
plained that there are three Corps
students in top editorial posts com
pared to one Civilian. Among six
reporters, three are Corps and
three Civilian, he said. Distribu
tion among the entire staff showed
some 12 Civilians and eight Corps
South Getting Axe,
Says Georgia Chief
HOUSTON, <A>> — Georgia Gov.
Marvin Griffin charged last night
that Democratic and Republican
leaders “have been vieing with each
other to see who could drive the
knife deeper into the backs of the
people of the South.”
Departing from his prepared text
before an estimated 2,700 persons,
Griffin called for the creation of
the “the biggest, most resolute
organization in the South” to pre
vent federal encroachment on
states’ rights.
The ci*owd was made up of well
dressed men and women from all
parts of East Texas. There were
members of the Texas Legislature
in the audience who earlier in the
evening had dinner with Griffin.
The crowd stood and cheered as
a high school band played “Dixie”
and “The Eyes of Texas.” There
were no demonstrations.
The governor said, “The Con
stitution has been replaced by the
new Republican’s concept of ‘rule
by force’.”
Published Daily on the Texas A&M College Campus
Dorothy Collins Heads
Second Town Hall Act
Combine a blonde, beautiful and
bubbling female vocalist with one
of America’s outstanding orchestras
and you get top-notch entertain
Place them together in G. Rollie
White Coliseum Thursday night
and you have the second showing
of A&M’s Town Hall program for
And, as usual, this one promises
to be tops. The songbird will be
Dorothy Collins, former singing
star of “Your Hit Parade.” The
oi’chestra is that of Shep Fields-, a
maestro for more than a decade.
Both components of the program
have founded claims of fame in
the music world. Miss Collins, cur
rently recording under the Coral
label, began her climb to the top in
Calendar Sale
Deadline Set
Tomorrow fNite
Anyone who plans to get a
1958 College Station Com
munity Birthday calendar
must place his order with.Mrs.
J. C. Brusse before tomorrow
Yesterday was the official dead
line for orders, but Mrs. Brusse
said she would take orders at her
home, 201 Fairview, phone VI 6-
5974, until torporrow afternoon.
Mrs. Brusse is co-chairman for the
calendar sales, in charge of list
Listings may also be entei’ed un
til this date, Mrs. Brusse said.
She reports approximately 225
calendars sold to date, with about
5G0 listings of birthday, club and
organization dates. This is a “very
successful” sales drive she said.
Mrs. Brusse said that in past
years extra calendars have been
ordered for sale after their arri
val, but will not be done this
year. To get a calendar, the or
der will have to be placed by to
morrow afternoon.
The calendar sale is a project
of the A&M Consolidated Band and
Band Booster Club. Funds from
listings and advertising space will
be used to purchase additional uni
forms and instruments for the Ti
ger Band.
1.942 when bandleader Raymond
Scott chanced to hear her sing,
signed her to an audition and then
billed her along with his “Quintet.”
Later, Scott became musical di
rector of “Your Hit Parade” and
fited Miss Collins into his show—-
first by having her sing the com
mercials and then making her a
featured vocalist. She worked with
the show until June of this year and
has been busy making recordings
and personal appearances since.
Miss Collins—who was born in
Ontario, Canada and Scott were
FFA Sweetheart
Ann Cleland was named
Sweetheart of the Consoli
dated High School FFA
Chapter Friday in a stu
dent body election. Miss Cle
land is a CHS senior and the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
S. M. Cleland, 200 Fidelity.
Veteran Patients
Guests For Game
Some 30 patients at the-Veterans
Administration Center at Temple
will be special guests of the college
and the Athletic Department for
the Baylor game Saturday.
This is in line with a prog-ram set
up 13 years ago for having patients
from the center as guests for a
football game. It has been carried
out each year since.
The group will sit in special
seats on the cinder path on the west
side of Kyle Field.
P. L. Downs Jr., official greeter
for the college, will meet the group.
married in 1952. She has one
daughter, Deborah, who was bom
on October 24, 1954. Since Thursday
will be Oct. 24, Miss Collins will,
as a coincidence, celebrate her
daughter’s birthday anniversary by
singing to the Town Hall audience.
Swinging over to the Shep Fields
Orchestra, the Town Hall audience
will see an orchestra with startling
ly different instrumentation. Some
years ago Fields combined nine
saxophones and five rhythm instru
ments with his group to create
“Rippling Rhythm”, a distinctive
musical style.
The orchestra is noted as a radio
band and has cut some big records.
Fields and his group have had three
radio shows of their own and are
recording for the MGM label.
Reserved seats at the show bear
price tags of $2.50; regular admis
sion is $2. Public school students
will be admitted for $1. A&M Town
Hall tickets will be honored for the
4 Yankee 'Club
To Organize
With Meeting
For three years a subversive
campus organization has been
flourishing and now they are again
attempting to recruit new members
and re-organize old ones.
The Yankee Hometown Club was
begun in 1955 when a small group
of our neighbors to the east banded
together for the purpose of defend
ing the fair name of “Yankeeland”.
The first meeting of the year is
planned for tomorrow night at 7
in the Memorial Student Center So
cial Room. Purpose of the get to
gether, according to Nick Settanni,
is to elect new officers and make
travel plans for the holidays.
For the convenience of the men
wishing to go to Town Hall, the
meeting will end before 8 p. m.
Settanni has asked that all men
living in the area bounded on the
west by the Mississippi River and
the south by the Mason-Dixon Line
attend the meeting and meet their
fellow yankees.
This affords a good opportunity
for the yankees to gather and call
each other “youse guys” and other
familiar yankee terms.
Ike Plans Talks
For Confidence
In US Defense
Prepares Speech
For Radio Talk
NEW YORK, (AP)—President Eisenhower told the na
tion last night he plans a series of speeches to demonstrate
“the strength of our domestic economy, the character and
power of our defense programs,” and 1 fie right of Americans
“to confidence in these strengths.”
The President disclosed his plans to go before the people
in a nationwide radio address in which he said “we must
cast aside any morbid pessimism” about the capacity of
America’s free enterprise system to win out in the struggle
against communism.
Eisenhower, in a speech prepared for delivery at a Hotel
Waldorf-Astoria dinner, made no direct mention of Russia’s
launching of an earth satellite^ -
and the Soviet claim it has
successfully fired an intercon
tinental missile.
His theme at the dinner
sponsored by the National Fund for
Medical Education was this coun
try’s urgent need for more doctors,
additional medical personnel, and
expanded health facilities.
An hour after the President’s
prepared text was distributed, the
White House put out a brief pre
face to his remarks. It disclosed
his plans to speak in the near
future regarding the country’s pro
gress in the science fields.
Eisenhower, after noting the
theme of the speech, said “there
are many other serious causes in
the minds of our fellow citizens to
“They include the continuing
endeavor of our people in the fields
of scientific achievement and me
thods for attaining even greater
achievements, the strength of our
domestic economy, the character
and power of our defense programs,
the right of our people to con
fidence in these strengths.
TV Barred
For Ag-Bear
Till Saturday
DALLAS, </P> — Rules forbid
telecasting of the Baylor-Texas
A&.M football game at College Sta
tion Saturday, even though it is a
sellout, because of a conflicting
game at Huntsville.
Southwest Conference secretary
Howard Grubbs said yesterday that
under NCAA regulations, no game
can be telecast, if not on the na
tional or regional schedule, if there
is another game in the ai-ea that
would be damaged by it.
In this case, East Texas State
and Sam Houston State play at
Huntsville, which falls within the
area since it is within a 100-mile
radius of College Station. Not even
East Texas State and Sam Houston
State could give permission to tele
vise on the basis that it would not
damage their game.
Plans Started
For December
Ag Talent Show
The stage is being set for
the 1957 All-Aggie Talent
Show to be held Dec. 10 in
Guion Hall.
The show is sponsored by
the Music Committee of the Me
morial Student Center and is free
to all Aggies.
Joe Harris, chairman of the Mu
sic Committee, commented: “All
Aggies with talent are urged to
register in the Directorate Office
in the MSC as soon as possible.”
Registration ends in November
with auditions to be held for se
lecting the best acts. The show
will last approximately two hours
and will be composed of 10 acts.
Prior to the actual show in De
cember, the various acts will hold
two rehearsals to smooth out actual
Winner of the talent show will
be A&M’s representative to the
Intercollegiate Talent Show slated
for March 10.
Band Places First
in Corps Trip Hike
Tallies of grading sheets at the
Fort Worth Corps pass-by Satur
day showed that Consolidated Band
grabbed first place with .7800 cu
mulative marching points.
Tied, for second place with .7429
points were Squadron 11 and B
Infantry. In overall ranking, the
two stand G and 13 respec
Goal $14,950
Community Chest
Begins Tuesday
“These,” he said, “are some of
the subjects about which, during
the ensuing weeks, I shall seek
opportunities to talk with the
American people, telling them of
my beliefs and my determinations
in these matters.”
The President added that he has
“unshakeable faiths in the capacity
of informed, free citizens to solve
every program involved.”
Eisenhower disclosed no details
of his plans to go to the people.
The indications were that in addi
tion to speeches he will take every
opportunity-such as at news con
ferences to put across his views.
Eisenhower spoke in general
terms regarding the essentiality of
competent scientific and profes
sional personnel. He did not make
specific reference to the need for
scientists and progress in military
fields, such as the ballistic missile
and satellite programs.
A&M College-College Station
Community Chest for 1957-58 be
gins next Tuesday with a goal of
The drive will end Nov. 12, giv
ing the Chest 15 days to reach its
goal. The amount was set at the
budget meeting Oct. 14, with the
money to be divided among 15
organizations and charities.
The objective of the Community
Chest is to allow local citizens to
make all contributions to charity in
one sum and at one time instead of
being solicited on numerous oc
tion Recreation Council and the
College Station Community House,
Also receiving a part of the
funds raised will be the Brazos
County Youth Development
Counseling Service, Brazos County
Hospital Fund, Girl Scouts, Boy
Scouts, American Red Cross and
the College Station Local Chest
Charity Fund. (
Education Director
To Speak At CHS
Check Room Planned
In MSC for Weekend
The Memorial Student Center
will operate a check room serv
ice for the Baylor-A&M game
from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday.
Information pertaining to the
check room service may be re
ceived by inquiring at the Social
and Educational Department.
Weather Today
A cool, dry air mass has moved
over Texas from the west, bringing
partly clearing skies and mild
temperatures. However, the fore
cast for East Texas still calls for
scattered showers.
The 24-hour precipitation reading
taken at 8 this moming was .46
inch. Yesterday’s high tempera
ture was 80 degrees at 5 p. m., and
this morning’s minimum, G6 de
grees at 7:45.
In a message to deans and heads
of departments, President M. T.
Harrington said, “Whether or not
we are successful will depend on
your active support of this cam
paign. I hope you will personally
support this drive and call it to
the attention of the members of
your department or division.”
Co-chairmen for the 1957-58
drive are Richard Vrooman and L.
E. McCall. Bob Shrode is secretary
for the organization; Ray Hite,
treasurer; Reed McDonald, assist
ant treasurer; Jack Tippit, publicity
chairman; and Loyd Keel, assist
ant publicity chairman.
This year the fund will be pro
portioned among the Texas United
Defense Fund, United Service
Organization, Salvation Army,
Brazos County Crippled Children’s
Thei’apy Center, Gonzales Warm
Springs Foundation, College Sta
tion Youth Facilities Council, Col
lege Station YMCA, College Sta
The director of research of the
Texas Education Commission will
speak at a Brazos County Teacher’s
meeting tomorrow night at 8 in
the Consolidated High School Audi
“Teacher Retirement Benefits” is
the topic of the director’s Speech.
Questions from the floor about re
tirements will also be answered by
the speaker.
Moonwatch Group
Asked to Sign List
Members of Operation Moon-
watch are urged to sign the alert
roster in the office of J. T. Kent,
Room 22-B of the Academic Build
ing, as soon as possible.
Kent, director of the operation,
also asked all members to check
the bulletin board in the Math de
partment on the second floor of the
Academic Building.