V V MKe Maffaffprt College Mtatfm f&rasoe CounijJ, Texan ■ 1 ir/ediiesday, October 16, 19S7 FAGS''4 ' AALJW Hears Talk On Hole Of Women fn Economic Advance "Women have an important part to play in the economic progress of under-developed countries. Jack D. Gi’ay, coordinator of foreign programs of the A&M System, told the October meeting of the Aiper- ican Association of University Wo men. Gray, who served from 1952 to 1956 as extension and development advisor to the government of West Bengal, India, stated that one of the biggest problems in India is production of food. He showed a number of slides illustrating the use of primitive means of producing staple crops Professional Visual Care BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC • Eyes examined • Glasses prescribed • Contact lens fitted Dr. Smith and Staff Optometrists Convenient Terms TA 2-3557 105 N. Main and added that where food pro duction has been high, the means of transportation have not been equal to the task of effective distribution. However, he emphasized that great technological advances are being made, with industrial devel opment doubling" since the war. He pointed out that the women of India have become leaders in the great community development Which is taking place. Fort Worth Moms To Sell Corsages Fort Worth A&M Mothers Club will sell mum corsages for the TCU game Saturday, Oct. 19, from 7:30 a.m. until game-time, on the parking lot just north of the Tex as Hotel in Fort Worth. Tailor Made FRESHMAN GREENS $23.00 ZUBIK’S North Gate Church Groups For Students Announce Mid-Week Plans! BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Aggie Walther Club will meet for a roller skating party at 7 to night. The vesper service is scheduled for 7:45 p.m. The Rev. William C. Petersen has selected as his sermon topic, “Sons of God.” A&M CHRISTIAN, CHURCH DSF will meet for Bible Study at 7:15 tonight, in Room 210 of the YMCA. The study will be on I Thessalonians. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Evening service will begin at 8 tonight. B’NAI B’RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION A business meeting and discus sion on “What’s in the Hillel Of fice?” are scheduled for 7:30 to night. ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Canterbury Association meeting at 7:15 tonight will fea ture a panel discussion on “Mar riage and Sex.” Members of the panel will be Dr. C. R. Lyons, superintendent Factories which manufacture articles requiring gold, such as gold pen points for fountain pens now wash the smoke from their furnaces to recover tiny gold particles which flake away from the original article. Saves much gold which otherwise would liter ally “go up in smoke.” BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 3^ per word if per word each additional day Minimum charge—40^ DEADLINES S p.m. day before publication Classified Display 801 P er column Inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 FOR SALE For TV’s, furniture and appli ances, contact Bill Wheeler, C-18- W College View, VI 6-5202. 16t8 IF YOU GOTTA GO, WHY NOT GO FIRST CLASS ? An insurance policy for any size halo. . . Eugene Rush, North Gate. 28tfn FOR RENT Four room furnished apartment, water and gas furinshed. See at 2108 Cavitt Di’ive, Bryan. 32tfn Four room apartment, furnish ed, in Bryan. Call VI 6-5638. 276tfn Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf HELP WANTED Waitress wanted. Must be over 18. Experience not necessary. Ap ply in person between 10 and 5. Triangle Drive In. 284tfn ’P 1 18. Apply in person between 10 and 5. Triangle Drive In. 284tfn Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) EARLY BIRD SHOPPE TOGS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Boys FABRICS — SHOES Ridgecrest Village 3601 Texas Ave. • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • . BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS WORK WANTED Typing done. Call Carrie, TA 3-3865, 10-5 Tuesday Sunday. 31t2 Will do* typing in my home. TA 2-4871. 31t3 Neat, accurate typist desires typing to do in my home. Own electric typewriter. Call VI 6-5805. Day nursery for working moth ers. Call Mrs. Redding, VI 6-4892. 271tfn Kitchen remodeling, cupboard work, interior painting. VI 6-7265. 258tfn LOST One reg raincoat in senior sec tion at UH game. If found please contact Kuykendall, VI 6-7585, or VI 6-6235. 32t2 Raincoat between Dorm 11, Spence Park Oct. ll during yell practice. Jim Denison, Dorm 11, Room 109. 32t3 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dally Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. Identification cards which were made in connection with registration for the fall semester 1957 are now ready for dis tribution in the College Exchange Store. They should be claimed in person imme diately. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar RADIO & TV SERVICE BY SOSOLIK 713 S. MAIN Across from Railroad Tower Our Policy—You must be Satisfied TA 2-1941 BRYAN PETS German shepherd pups, regis tered, excellent pedigree. 901 Fair- view, College. 27t4 SPECIAL NOTICE Supervised recreation, hot meals, fenced playground. 25<£ an hour. Tiny Tot Nursery, 2600 S. College, TA 2-6341. 6tfn Your home is your finest posses sion—why let it run down and have a dreary look ? Call DOCTOR FIX- IT today for expert fix-up and paint-up service. Cine call does all. Nothing down—five years to pay. Call DOCTOR FIXIT at MARION PUGH LUMBER COMPANY. Phone VI 6-5711 today. 31t4 Typing (any size job), mimeo graphing, complete office facilities, B I-CITY SECRETARIAL AN SWERING SERVICE, 3408A Tex as Ave., Phone VI 6-5786. 15tl8 Weavers Kiddie-Land Nursery, 225 Lynn Dr., Bryan, TA 2-6076. 26tl7 G. T. BINFORD INSECT CON TROL. Having trouble with hugs ? Tired of the old spray gun? Now is the time to have your home cleared of roaches, ants, moths and other insects. VI 6-6649, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. TA 2-7023 after 6 p.m. 408 Elm St., Bryan. 19t30 Attention Aggie parents! Here is the nursery for your child. Good care, nice playground and reason able rates. Come by and see us. You’ll be glad you did. Weaver’s Kiddieland Nursery, 225 Lynn Dr., Bryan, TA 2-6076. 9tfu g£g JOE FAULK for — • Furniture • Auto Parts • Hotpoint Appliances • Dixie Range • Mathes Air Conditioners • Dearborn Heaters • GE Small Appliances 214 N. Bryan Cavitt at Coulter JOE FAULK "32 —- Owne j f J 7 D i • Where the Art of ^_>Ar o t a r d S \— ctfelei'ici Cooking Is Not Lost GET YOUR WINTER GREENS READY ARMY, THERE IS STILL TIME TO GET YOUR NEW TAILOR MADE GREENS FROM LOU ★ Heavy 20 ounce material that holds creases longer ★ Twenty* three new features ★ Tailor made for a perfect fit ONLY $23.00 ALSO BIG SELECTION OF USED GREENS Only $4.95 LOUPOTS of the College Hospital; D. J. Can non and W. C. Bonney of the Ba sic Division; Tommy Carruth. Capt. Roll a E. Griffith, and Wil liam Hamilton. Junior choir will practice at 7:15 tonight, followed by senior choir practice at 8. A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible class will meet at 7:15 to night. PRESBYTERIAN STUDENT LEAGUE Tonight at 7:15, Dr. Lee C. Phil lip, dean of the chapel, Prairie View A&M College, will speak. A group of Prairie View students will come with Dr. Phillip to parti cipate in the forum which follows. OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Lutheran Student Association will meet at 7:30 tonight at the Student Center. ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHAPEL Mass will be celebrated at 5:15 tonight, followed by Rosary and Benediction at 7:15. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mid-week prayer meeting is set for 7:30 tonight. Tea Given Friday For Senior Citizens College Station senior citizens were honored Friday afternoon at a “Golden Age” tea given by the A&M Garden Club. Highlight of the afternoon was a talk on the nuclear research be ing conducted in College Station by Richard E. Wainerdi, associate professor of nuclear engineei'ing and coordinator of the atomic re search and reactor program at A&M. The meeting was opened with an invocation by Mrs. Ran Boswell and a greeting from the presi dent, Mrs. Tom Taylor. After a report by Mrs. Tay lor on the fall meeting of the Texas Garden Clubs, Mrs. D. W. Williams introduced the honor guests of the afternoon. As the names were called, Candy Gamer, daughter of Mrs. Ed Gar ner and president of the Junior Club, presented each guest with a small golden fan. Honored were the Mesdames D. Scoates, Ernest Langford, F. R. Prison, W. C. Adams, F. L. Thom as, J. S. Mogford, C. H. Winkler, T. O. Walton, Irene Claghorn, Grace Gilmore, G. S. Fraps, H. L. Hunt, R. J. Dunn, Elna Hine, C. W. Varner and Joe Faulk. Mrs. Robert L. Smith Jr. sang “If There Is Someone Lovelier Than You,” accompanied at the piano by Mrs. A. B. Medlen. Coffee and cakes were of fered during the social hour which followed, with Mrs. Dona Carnes pouring from a silver urn. The table of the month had a striking arrangement of yellow zinnia and candle flowei\s, by Mrs. Guy Franceschini and Mrs. C. C. Doak. Hostesses were Mrs. E. L. An- gell, chairman, Mrs. Fred Farrar and Mrs. Baidow Irvin. Next meeting of the club, Nov. 8, will be on “Chrysanthemums and Their Culture.” Social Whirl New officers of the Chemical Engineering Wives Club are Shir ley Christopher, president; Melba Anderson, vice president; Lucy R o s e w e 11, seeretary-terasurer; Margaret Sullivan, historian and reporter, and Margaret Fallins, Aggie Wives Council representa tive. Industrial Education Wives Club has planned a wiener roast for 6:30 p.m. Monday at Williamson Park. Casual dress, blue jeans or slacks, is recommended. The charge of $1 per couple includes everything. * * * # Junior AMY A Auxiliary mem bers enjoyed a lecture by Sgt. Moore of the Bryan Gro\md Ob server Corps at their October meet ing. A&M MENS SHOP 103 MAIN NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED A storage hatters Phone TA 2-1585 Bryan, Texas NOW L. II. Adams and Charles H. Macy are happy to be back offering SALES and SERVICE OF: • Royal Typewriters • Victor Adding Machines • Olivetti Printing Calculators ADAMS-MACY BUSINESS MACHINES INTEGRITY-SERVICE 909 South Main Bryan TA 2-6000 Free Parking Air Conditioned FIND OUT what it’s like to be with IBM CAlVfPUS INTERVIEWS for seniors and graduate students OCTOBER 23, 24 If your degree or major is: Sign interview schedule for: Liberal Arts • Business • Accounting • Engineering • Mathematics....Sales Physics • Mechanical • Electrical Engineering • Engineering Physics • Mathematics... .Engineering Research and Development Industrial • Electrical • Mechanical • Physics • Mathematics... .Manufacturing Physics • Mathematics • Engineering... .Applied Science FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT IBM IBM is the consistent leader in perhaps the one “unlimited” field in electronics—digital computer development, manufacture and sales. This leader ship is based on a 43-year record of steady achievement and growth. A variety of challenging career opportunities exist and open up continually at IBM. Company policy and company growth assure that individual merit is quickly recognized, and then translated into positions of increased responsibility. Finan cial rewards are excellent. Your progress is under constant review. The IBM “small-team” work system is one reason why individual contributions to a project become known . . . and are rewarded. Company-sponsored educational programs are among the most advanced in American business today. IBM needs well-qualified seniors and graduate students who will find their future practically “unlimited” in the development, man ufacture and sales of electronic computers. IBM laboratories and manufacturing facilities are located in Endicott, Kingston, Owego, Pough keepsie, Yorktown, N. Y.; San Jose, Calif.; Lexington, Ky.; and Rochester, Minn. Sales and service offices in 198 cities throughout the U. S. FOR APPOINTMENT CONTACT YOUR COLLEGE PLACEMENT OFFICE TODAY If you cannot attend interviews, write for more information to: Mr. C. B. Finley IBM Corporation, Dept. 800 590 Madison Avenue New York 22, N.Y. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION DATA PROCESSING' ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS MILITARY PRODUCTS SPECIAL ENGINEERING PRODUCTS! SUPPLIES TIME EQUIPMEN?