What’s Cooking The following' clubs and organi zations meet tonight: FLORICULTURE AND LAND SCAPE ARCHITECTURE SO CIETY will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Floriculture Building. All Floriculture and Landscape Arch itecture majors are urged to at tend. WINTERS HOMETOWN CLUB will meet at 7 tonight in Room 125, Academic Building. Election of new officers will be held. LUBBOCK-SOUTH PLAINS HOMETOWN CLUB meets tonight at 7:30 in Room 208 Academic for the first time this year. ANGELINA COUNTY HOME TOWN CLUB will meet tonight at 7:30 in Legett Lounge. All fresh men from Van Zandt County are urged to attend. MATAGORDA COUNTY HOME TOWN CLUB will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Academic Building. Year’s activities will be organized in this meeting, and all members are urged to attend. WICHITA FALLS HOMETOWN CLUB will meet tonight at 7:30 in Academic Building. Election of officers will be held. GALVESTON COUNTY HOME TOWN CLUB meets tonight at 7:30 in Room 12G, Academic Build ing. Activities and dues for this year will be discussed. BAYTOWN HOMETOWN CLUB will meet tonight after yell prac tice in Room 106, Academic Build ing. Officers for this year will be elected and a movie showing ’56 football highlights will be shown. PASADENA HOMETOWON CLUB meets tonight at 7:15 in Room 223, Academic Building. Of ficers will be elected. BRUSH COUNTY HOMETOWN Social Whirl Mrs. J. O. Alexander, chairman of the local Easter Seal campaign, and Lenoce “Buddy” Lanoux, physi cal therapist from the Brazos Coun ty Crippled Children’s Therapy Center in Bryan, were guest speakers Monday night at the meeting of Industrial Education Wives held in the YMCA. Topic of their talks was “Physi cal Therapy.” Both described the newly organized Crippled Chil dren’s Center and the therapy work being done there. Refreshments of coffee and homemade cookies were enjoyed at the conclusion of the meeting. .-it :): * Animal Husbandry Wives will hold their first meeting of the year at 7:30 p. m. today in the south solarium of the YMCA. All past and prospective members are urged to attend. The club will sell coffee, cookies and hamburgers at the Aggie rodeo. College Clerks To Attend Class Ladies engaged in clerical work on A&M campus will have two half-day orientation programs to be held at the Memorial Student Center Tuesday. All women clerical staff mem bers employed by the College will attend one of the half day sessions on office procedures which is spon sored by the A&M College System, R. A. Downward, system personnel officer, said. Virginia B. Long from Southern Methodist University will be the principal lecturer. She is chairman of Business Education Department of the School of Business Ad ministration at SMU. Her special fields of interest are business let ter writing, business report writ ing and office management. She is also an author of “Business Let ter Writing,” a text and training manual widely used in business colleges and industrial training courses. Morning session of the Tuesday meeting will begin at 8:30 and end at noon; the afternoon session be gins at 1:15. Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Memori al Student Center. Hostesses will be Toni Rothpletz and Connie Croslin for the inter mediate group; Sue Bresie and Roberta Ash, for the regulars, and Lynda Dodson and Gloria Duke, for the beginners. Intermediate winners last week were Connie Croslin and Jean Tucker; in the regular group, Marilyn Ibetson and Jackie Davis, with Lillian Powers winning th6 slam, prize. $ * Rug Group of the A&M Women’s Social Club will meet at 9:30 a. m. Tuesday in the home of the hostess, Mrs. Chester O’Donnell, 315 Lee Ave. South. * * A get-acquainted social for all wives club presidents, delegates and sponsors is planned by the Ag gie Wives Council for 8 p.m. Mon day in the cabinet room of the YMCA. CLUB will meet tonight at 7:30 in Cabinet Room, YMCA. A short meeting to elect officers will be held. EL PASO HOMETOWN CLUB meets tonight at 7:30 in the Aca demic Building. Officers will be elected and 1956 sports highlights movie will be shown. FAYETTE-COLORADO COUN TIES HOMETOWN CLUB will meet tonight at 7:15 in Room 103 Academic Building. WILLIAMSON COUNTY HOME TOWN CLUB meets tonight at 7:30 in Room 205 Academic. JOHNSON COUNTY HOME TOWN CLUB meets tonight at 7 in Room 207 Academic. A short meeting to organize this year’s activities will be held. NORTHEAST TEXAS HOME TOWN CLUB will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 127 Academic. NTHC welcomes members from Sulphur Springs, Winnsboro, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Vernon, Quitman, Coke, Pleas ant Grove, Pittsburg, Daingerfield, Gilmer, Pickton, Como, Newsome, Naples, Omaha and Leesburg. LAMAR BELLAIRE HOME TOWN CLUB of Houston will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 3D, MSC. Final plans will be made for a Thanksgiving party. SHREVEPORT HOMETOWN CLUB meets tonight at 7:30 in Room 104 Academic. Officers will be elected and plans for coming year will be discussed. MILAM COUNTY HOMETOWN CLUB meets tonight at 7:30 in Room 3B, MSC. Bryan CAP Unit Meets Thursday Bryan Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol will meet tonight at 7:45 at Coulter Field in Bryan. The Squadron is undergoing the first phase of the training program for CAP senior member status. Senior membership in the CAP is open to all American citizens above 18 years of age. Information concerning the new ly formed Bryan Squadron is avail able from Capt. Jack Palmer, VI 6-5480, or at the Coulter Field Thursday night. Transportation to Coulter Field Thursday night for A&M students may be obtained from Capt. Palmer in the Military Science Building or Bill Cunning ham on the second floor of Good win Hall. AH regular and prospective members are urged to attend the Thursday meeting. The Battalion -> College Station '(Brazos County)? Texas Thursday, October 10, 1957 PAGE 3 Navy Tanker Strikes Reef HONOLULU, UP)—-The 45 man crew of a Navy tanker, its hull ruptured by a Pacific reef, await ed aid tonight from a landing ship tank—LST. Six foot swells were hitting the stem of the oiler Mission San Miguel on Maro Reef about 750 miles northwest of Honolulu. The Navy said the tanker’s crew ap parently was in no danger and the men could be removed in an emergency by the LST. The oiler grounded about 2:14 a. m. EST today and flashed an SOS shortly afterward, saying her hull was ruptured. Tailor Made FKESHMAN GREENS 3.00 ZUBIKS North Gate PECIAL SALE for the ALL AGGIE RODEO Begins Monday, Oct. 7 —• Ends Saturday, Oct. 12 LEON B. WEISS BROWNING Over - Under 20 Gauge $250.00 AN IDEAL GIFT FOR HIM STUDENT CO-OP STORE North Gate HOLIDAY Saturday, October 12, 1957 being a Legal Holiday, in observance of Columbus Day, the undersigned will observe that date as a Legal Holiday and not be open for business. First National Bank City National Bank First State Bank & Trust Co. College Station State Bank Bryan Building and Loan Ass’n. REGISTER EVERY TIME YOU SHOP! These cars being given av/ay a car a day, throughout the entire Weingarten chain. for YOU to share in . . . COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK A HOME OWNED BANK, SERVICING THE COLLEGE STATION AREA Start A Checking Account! ^ ABC COMPLETE BANKING FACILITIES 3% Interest Paid on Savings MEMBER— Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation North Gate VI 6-5511 EXTRA DIVIDENDS and EDS EL-A-DAY GIVEAWAY S2r w r Register Every Time You Shop at Weing-arten’s! You Do Not Have to Be Present to Win! Imagine, you can win one of these beautiful ERSELS just by signing your name and address. A car a day given away through out the entire Weingarten Chain! Grocery Values Thurs. thru. Sat. Oct. 10-12 Coca Col Refreshment that is good anytime, anywhere. Serve after school! (Plus Bottle Deposit) FLOUR TUNA 6-oz. Btls. Food Club Enriched Food Club Chunk Style 5 lb - bag 29 No. Yu Can 'J 9' Weingarten "Bonded Beef Chuck Roast 38 Always tender and extremely flavorful, ma- SQUARE ture, grain-fed heavy beef, individually se- rTTT lected and marked with the Seal that guar- ^ ^ A antees you the best possible ! POUND LFL ABNER WHEN WE SIGN TH IS, BULLMOOSE, VJE WILL HAVE , BETWEEN US ALL THE MONEV IN 4 k-3i THE WORLD.” By A1 Capp 1 n 1 mu Pascal Celery U. S. No. 1 Very Crisp, Fresh from California, Ideal Size for Stuffing. Stalk 9 PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz TOMATOES Fresh U.S. No. 1 California Vine-Ripened 2 Lbs 29c Bologna SWIFT’S PREMIUM By the Piece Only. Lb. Ideal Sandwiches! 29