The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 09, 1957, Image 1

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With Thursday Tussles
Rodeo time hits Aggielnnd once
again tomorrow night as some 150
Aggies turn cowboy to create an
action-packed, bone-crushing spec
tacle before fans at 8 in the Rodeo
The 3Gth annual All-Aggie Rode
performance tomorrow night is the
first of three. Others will be held
at 8 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Sat
Entrants will be competing for
prizes in five major events—steer
wi'estling, bull-riding, bareback
riding, bronc riding, ribbon roping
and tie-down calf roping.
Royce Hudson, junior business
administration major from Bryan,
and his trained bull will be one of
tho feature attractions. Rodeo of
ficials say Hudson is rapidly gain
ing prestige as one of the best
rodeo clowns in Texas. They as
sure fans he will be at his best for
all thi’ee performances.
The All-Aggie Rodeo is sponsor
ed by the Saddle and Sirloin Club.
Proceeds from the performances
will ho used to finance the Live
stock, Witol and Moats Judging
Teams on trips to the American
Royal Livestock Exposition in Kan
sas City, the International Live
stock Exposition in Chicago and
contests at Denver, Fort Worth
and Houston.
Among entries are four top Ag
gie rodeo performers — Bobby
Wakefield, John (Jug) Kiker, Cur
tiss Burlin and A. G. Ollre.
Wakefield, senior animal hus
bandry major from Madisonville,
recently placed third, overall, and
first in one “go-round” in the steer
wrestling at the Waco Rodeo. He
also placed second in bareback
bronc riding and fourth in steer
wrestling at the Bryan N.R.A.
He will enter bareback bronc lad
ing, steer wrestling and ribbon
roping at the rodeo this weekend.
Wakefield is a member of the Sad
dle and Sirlion Club, Rodeo Club
and the Senior Livestock Judging
Team and was a member of last
year’s Aggie N.I.R.A. team.
Kiker, senior animal husbandry
major from Fannett, is chairman
of this year’s rodeo. He was a
member of last year’s Aggie N.I.
R.A. team and was winner of the
steer wrestling event in the Aggie
N.I.R.A. Rodeo last year.
Burlin and Ollre have been top
pel-formers in Aggie rodeos of the
past and have won several honors
in other rodeo competition. They
will be taking active part in till
three performances.
.Tickets may be purchased from
any Saddle and Sirloin Club mem
ber for $1 for adults and 50 cents
for students.
Curtiss Burlin
John (Jug) Kiker
Bobby Wakefield
A. G. Ollre
Number 28: Volume 57
Price Five Cents
Program At CS
Held Saturday
Dr. William H. Andre w,
pastor of the Bryan First
Baptist Church and a Bryan
Lions Club member, led the
initiation ceremonies of new
College Station Lions Club mem
bers at the annual College Station
Lions Ladies night held Saturday
at 7:30 p.m.
About 35-40 Lions and wives
met at the “Pleasant Acres” picnic
area, west of College Station, for a
barbeque supper and general get-
together, according to Charlie
Haas, president of the College Sta
tion Lions.
The ladies night was held by
the Lions to give the wives a
chance to get better acquainted
with each other and to visit a
jneeting of their husband’s group.
The meeting was termed a “gen
uine success” by Haas.
Lions will have their next meet
ing at the regular luncheon time,
12 noon in the Memorial Student
Center, Monday.
T o S t a r I
Detailed Talks
The Four Freshmen
— Battalion staff photo
Talking with the Feur freshmen, after Ti Hearne and Kirby Cnnningham (center,
their Town Hail appearance last night are left to right).
Seating Arrangement
For Home Grid (dashes
(IS Kiwanians
Openly Rebuke
Marshall Club
College Station Kiwanians
openly rebuked a sister club’s
refusal to pledge the Ameri
can flag in a resolution passed
at a meeting yesterday.
The local club unanimously re
affirmed their faith in American
democracy and their loyalty to the
American flag by passing the res
The Marshall club, which pledg
ed allegiance to the Texas flag, was
asked for an explanation by the
National Kiwanis Club Headquar
ters for its earlier action.
Their reply was that they could
not give the pledge as long as
there were troops in Little Rock,
The local Kiwanians admitted
that our government, form of gov
ernment and even the American
way of life are npt perfect but that
they are as near perfect as man
has yet been able to attain.
They continued further by say
“Be it further resolved that we,
individually and collectively, at
tempt to restrain ourselves from
saying or doing impulsively any
thing that might excite those less
thoughtful into some kind of un-
American behavior.”
Seating ai-rangements for home
football games this year are to fol
low the same pattern as the plan
initiated last year, Ted Lowe, head
yell leader, said yesterday.
The plan, originated by the Stu
dent Senate and used last year, will
go into effect for the first time
in 1957 when the Aggies host the
University of Houston Cougars
Saturday night.
Under the plan, both Corps and
Civilian seniors are to take their
stand in sections 130, 131 and 132.
This area runs approximately from
the 15 to the 50 yard lines. It has
2,319 seats in it, which allows al
most 900 dates for seniors.
As is the case in all sections, the
Corps will occupy the lower berths
while Civilians will be posted in the
upper division. Senior and junior
civilians will be allowed half their
sections, sophomores get the top
third and freshmen get the top
fourth of the stands.
Corps and Civilian students will
be separated according to the num
ber of activity cards they have
Juniors will fill sections 128 and
129. About 1,125 juniors possess
activity cards, leaving 700 of the
1,808 seats in the area for dates.
Sophomores and freshmen have
been issued sections 122 through
127, which seats 4,434. With about
3,300 freshmen and sophomores
holding activity cards, about 1,150
spaces have been left for dates.
According to these numbers,
about 2,700 seats have been allotted
to dates. Pat Dial, business man
ager of the Athletic Department,
estimated that more than 2,000
date tickets will be sold for the
Dial said rumors floating around
the campus saying one section had
been taken away from the students
is untrue. He said a fence would
be set up at the same place it was
last year, in section 122 which re
portedly had been Cut in favor of
general admission.
“Students will be given sufficient
space for their needs regardless of
where the fence is,” he remarked.
Noting that a lot of the scarcity
of seats trouble in the past was
because of the influx of outsiders
C/./S. 9 Reds Urging
Prods Committee
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., (^)—At the urging of both
the United States and Russia, the United Nations agreed
yesterday to begin immediate detailed debate on disarma
The action was taken in the 82-nation Political Com
mittee, where U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge de
clared “we want no time lost” in discussing disarmament,
“the most urgent problem of this Assembly.”
Soviet Dep. Foreign Minister V. V. Kuznetsov declared
that “The most important, the most urgent issue before
us is a solution of the disarmament problem.”
While the Soviet Union and the United States were in
rare agreement on procedure,"t
who edged into the student section,
Dial commented: “If we can get
cooperation from students, there
will be no space problem at all.”
Saying that there would be extra
policing to enforce seating rules,
Dial warned: “Don’t bring anyone
into the student area unless they
have a date ticket or a student
activity card.”
One of the most important de
tails of the plan is the fact that
immediately after the kick-off, all
class-segregating boundaries will
be removed, allowing students to
fill any vacant seats which, might
offer a better vantage point.
A significant aspect of the plan
will again be the color of Civilian
activity cards, with various colors
being issued to each class. This
will keep students from migrating
into another class section. Senioi’s
have been issued pink cards, jun-
ioi's have grey cards, sophomores
have blue ducats, and freshmen
have white ones.
This same seating plan will be
used in each of the four home
games this year.
Date tickets for Saturday’s game
go off sale Thursday at 4 p.m.
they remained far apart on
how to achieve disarmament.
T h e debate will begin
Before the committee acted In
dia’s V. K. Krishna Menon urged
in the General Assembly that the
United States, the Soviet Union
and Britain express joint willing
ness to suspend nuclear tests as a
first step toward disarmament in
the new “international planetary
Menon said a suspension of tests
could be monitored by a U.N. agen
The United States and about 20
other friendly nations have pre
pared a resolution reaffirming the
principles of the Western propo
sals made at the sessions of the
U.N. Disarmament Committee in
London and rejected by the Soviet
Reliable U.S. sources said the
resolution is being reworded to put
additional emphasis on control of
missiles and other objects being
sent into outer space. It will be a
general statement of Western ob
jectives on disarmament, the
soui-ces said.
British informants expressed the
view the launching of the Soviet
earth satellite will not alter in
principle the Western stand. They
said Soviet achievements in the
field of satellites and claims to
the InterContinental Ballistic Mis
sile will not make it more or less
difficult to negotiate with the Rus
Fish Drill
Team Has
Semifinal competition to select
the members of the Fish Drill
Team will be held this afternoon at
5 in the parking area beside the
Military Science Building, M/Sgt.
Richard Temple said yesterday.
This competition will eliminate
many of the freshmen chosen last
night in individual outfit competi
tion. Final competition will be
next Wednesday.
The outfit will be made up of
38 men, including the commander,
There will also be an alternate
squad of nine men which will
drill with the outfit and replace
regular members of the unit when
Bryan Reports
No Change In
Travis Bryan Sr., promi
nent local banker and long
time supporter of Bryan Air
Force Base, reported last
night that there are no new
developments pertaining to the
base’s predicted closing.
Although the base is not pres
ently opei’ating at maximum peak,
many other air bases have had
their production requirements cut
back and even fuel allowances have
been reduced, said Bryan. The In
stallation hei'e is still operating at
the usual level.
Cong. Olin Teague, according to
Bryan, has been working very hard
trying to halt any action to close
the base by the Air Force author
ities. However, the biggest diffi
culty has been to show Air Force
headquarters the true picture of
the financial status of the base is
much less than a Washington re
port indicates.
The report states that $30 mil
lion is needed to continue the op
eration of the base in the future,
but according to Bryan this is “ut
terly ridiculous” because a study
he had made shows only $(5,100,000
is needed.
The $6 million figure was passed
on to FlyTAF headquarters where
the figure was upped to $7,900,00.
Air Force officials are faced with
they are unable to participate in two conflicting reports and up to
reviews. I now, no action has been taken.
Aggie seating arrangement
Weather Today
The cold front which has low
ered temperatures in Texas is con
tinuing to move southward and
should reach the Northern Gulf to
night, according to the College
weather station.
Cloudy and cool is the local fore
cast for today, with possible thun
der-showers late afternoon and to-
night. Tomorrow should be
Yesterday’s high of 86 degrees
was reached at 3 p.m. The low
this morning was 65 degrees at
At 8 a.m. the relative humidity
was 86 per cent and the tempera
ture, 69 degrees.
SWC still Seeks
Spor tsmanship Code
Southwest Athletic Conference
schools this year are again seek
ing to foster sportsmanship by is
suing - a Sportsmanship Code
through the Southwest Conference
Sportsmanship Committee.
A&M members of the committee
are Bob Surovik, Student Senate
president, and Joe Tindel, editor
of The Battalion.
An outline of the code follows:
“The purpose of the Sportsman
ship Code is to further good re
lations between Southwest Confer
ence schools.
“Each member of the team shall
(1) participate in the contest to
the best of his ability, abiding by
fair and proper means of conduct
as determined by the rules of the
contest; (2) treat contest officials
with due respect and courtesy and
shall accept the officials’ decis
ions in good spirit and (3) accept
victory or defeat in a gracious
As a matter of pre-game cour
tesy “the host school shall (1)
write a letter to the visiting school
and team prior to the game. This
letter should be publicized during
the week prior to the game in the
visiting school’s paper. This letter
should list the activities of week
end—banquets, dances and recep
tions and (2) provide receptions
and directions for visiting students
and teams and a means of infor
mation—booths or ushers for in
formation about tickets, sections
and seating.”
, Courtesy at the game should in
clude “(1) cooperation between
yell leaders, bands, other student
organizations and student bodies.
Yell leaders’ cheers will not coin
cide and student bodies will not
yell while teams ai’e in a huddle or
calling signals. (2) Student bodies
shall avoid misconduct such as
fighting and overt demonstrations,
using intoxicating drinks, disre
spect and discourtesy toward teams
and officials and general discourt
esies during the half-time period.”