The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 2 Wednesday, October 2, 1957 Editorials BAFB or Tax Cut Congressman Olin Teague has indicated plans to close Bryan Air Force Base are as good as approved by the Air Force. Bryan and College Station stand to lose a basic asset to their economy and naturally all citizens should be disturbed. A survey taken last year by an A&M journalism class showed some 50 per cent or more of the area’s money comes from the base. With this huge “chunk” taken from the twin cities’ market, what would be its future ? The reverberations of the Air Force move resound far ther than the limits of this area, however. As several observers have indicated, the move to close the base is evidently part of a nationwide action to cut mil itary forces. Such action is being taken over the nation in so-called “economy moves” which affect the very destiny of the na tion itself. Cries of “too much taxes” by American citizens have prompted the actions most. These same persons, on the other hand, would be horrified if the United States was caught unprepared again. Once again the American people have created a situa tion which is reaching down and touching them in their own back yards. If Bryan and Colleg-e Station lose the air base, they can thank their fellow Americans and in many cases themselves for griping about high governmental spending and high taxes. pan On UN Council Despite USSR Protest By MARK EMOND UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., UP).—Japan was elected to the U.N. Security Council yes terday to the delight of the United States and against the angry protest of the Soviet Umom The vote in the General Assembly was 55 for Japan and 25 for Red Czechoslovakia, Moscow’s candidate. Canada and Panama were elected to the other two year terms at stake. The Soviet delegation, smarting - from a setback it had fought ener getically to avoid, charged the vote was an “open discrimination against the countries of Eastern Europe. . .” The statement said Japan “was elected in open violation of the charter of the United Nations and of the 1946 London agreement.” Eastern Europe’s claim to a Council seat rests on the so called gentlemen’s agreement reached 11 years ago by the five permanent members of the Council-the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain, France and Nationalist China. It gave two seats to Latin America and one each to the British Com monwealth, the Middle East, West ern Europe and Eastern Europe. The United States contends the agreement applied only to the 1946 election . Teague to Start TB Talk Series 'Congressman Olin Teague will be the first speaker in a series of talks sponsored by Brazos County Tuberculosis Association, to be broadcast over local radio stations. The association will conduct five minute programs o n stations WTAW and KORA during October to recall the attention of the peo ple of Brazos County to their re sponsibility in the fight against tuberculosis. Teague, who recorded his talk while he was in Bryan recently, will be followed by Joe H. Sorrels, Mrs. John B. Page, Mrs. J. C. Mil ler, and Dr. Raymond Reiser over WTAW each Tuesday in the month at 12:30, beginning Oct. 1. KORA will broadcast the talks each Thursday beginning Oct. 3 at 12:55. *^!SSS8S5£* "A LITTLE OPP TW Oki TM* %»DE 6 BaW Ranks High In College Circles NG Personnel May Drill On Campus All National Guard Personnel, who are not drilling with their home company, may drill with a platoon under the direction of 1st Lt. Stevenson. The platoon is at tached to the 3rd Battalion Head- quarers and Headquarters Com pany of the 36th Division here, ac cording to Stevenson. The platoon meets each Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the Academic Build ing. Easy way to open a can of corned beef hash: open both ends and re move the circle from one end; with the other circle push out hash. For J ail . . . CO IVY .LEAGUE See our wide selection STORT kliRTS ★ STRIPES ^CHECKS * TARTANS A&M MEN'S SHOP YOUR IVY LEAGUE CENTER Battalion subscribers are reading one of the top college dailies in the nation. In repeated competition with col lege daily newspapers from the University of Texas, the University of Southern California, the Uni versity of Oklahoma arid numerous others, The Battalion has shown its excellence and has increased its prestige. In Texas, it is the only daily published by students without su pervision from a journalism de partment. Its staff takes sole re sponsibility for the news it prints and the opinions it expresses. Last year The Battalion walked off with first place in the nation wide safety contest and pocketed $500 in prize money. A critical service, the Associa ted Collegiate Press judged its quality excellent with a first class honor rating. In past years, time and again, it has captured state and national honors. In winning these high honors, never was the staff as highly or ganized as it is this year or did it have as much experience in actual newspaper work. Heading the Battalion as editor is Joe Tindel. Tindel has worked on The Battalion for two years, served as a reporter and editor of two top Texas weeklies for two one-week field trips and served three months as news intern on the Dallas Morning News. Jim Neighbors, managing edi tor, has served three years on The Battalion, worked on a top Texas weekly for a one-week field trip and was summer editor of The Bat talion. Joe Buser, news editor, has work- xN 103 North Main THE BATTALION The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students in the Office of Student Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&Mfc College of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Dr. Carroll D. Laverty, Chairman; Prof. Donald D. Burchard, Prof. Robert M. Stevenson and Mr. Bennie Zinn. Student members are W. T. Williams, John Avant ahd Billy W. Libby. Ex - officio members are Mr. Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader, Secretary. The Battalion is published four times a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publi cation are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during the summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March 8, 1870. Member of: The Associated Press Texas Press Association Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., a t New New City, Chicago. Los Angeles, and San Fran- A WIL8U& JUST WOKE UP TO THE FACT THAT HES IN CLASS! ed one year on The. Battalion, de signed and sold advertising on a top Texas weekly for one week and was editor of the Hondo Anvil- Herald for three months. Fred Meurer, news editor, has worked on The Battalion one year, was a reporter on a top Texas weekly for one week and- served as editor of the Williamson County Sun in Georgetown for three months. Seated at the City Desk are City editors, Gayle McNutt and Val Polk. Both McNutt and Polk have one year’s experience on The Battal ion as reporters. Polk worked dur ing the summer on the Clifton Record. Two reporters, Ronald Easley and John Warner have worked as reporters on top Texas weeklies and Easley was a reporter on the Liberty Vindicator during the sum mer. Other reporters, Robert Week- ley, David Stoker, Lewis Reddell, Johnny Johnson and Holim Kim are beginning their first actual newspaper experience but are im proving rapidly. The Staff has set as its goal for the year better coverage of cam pus and city news and achievement of an All-American honor rating from the Associated Collegiate Press. This rating is the highest in college journalism and is achi eved by superior performance. The staff invites Battalion read ers to visit our modern newsroom in jloom No. 4 of the YMCA. News contributions and feature ideas wiil be welcomed. CHS Fis h Others Ready Pick Off icers: Consolidated High School com pleted selection of class officers for the 1957-58 school year reign yesterday when freshman class heads were chosen in a student election. * Tommie Letbetter was selected as president of the class of ’61. Vice president is Blair Perryman; secretary, Gayla Christianson; re porter, Hal Delaplane and treasur er, Shirley Rogers. Other class officers have already been selected in elections held last spring. The past week also saw the election of officers for the school’s 13 homerooms. Senior class officers are Wayne Thompson, president; Jerry Hol land, vice president; Amy Nor- cross, secretary; Johnny Turner, treasurer. Junior Class officers include Pete Rodriguez, president; Kim Johns, vice president; Annette Perry, secretary; Billie Letbetter, treasurer. Sophomore class officers are Larry Gosch, president; John Mar tinez, vice president; Barbara Beasley, secretary; Mary Ann Mc- Murtrey, treasurer. Board Approves Two Staff Leaves A&M’s Board of Directors Fri day approved leaves of absences without pay for two staff members. Walter S. Lang Jr., mathematics instructor, was excused from Sept. 1, 1957 to May 31, 1958 to par ticipate in the International Geo physical Year program as a gen eral construction engineer and lo gistics advisor. Walter T. Matzen Jr. of the Electrical Engineering - Department was granted leave from Sept 1, 1957 to Aug. 31, 1958 to do re search in the application section of Texas Instruments, Inc., Dallas. I - 'CATERING iTL T FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS Details to Me. Leave the * LUNCHEONS * BANQUETS- * WEDDING PARTIES Let TJs Do the Work — You Be A Guest At Your Own Party MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL W. 36th & Bryan TA 3-5069 TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY “TENSION AT TABLE ROCK” with RICHARD EGAN — Plus — “THE VINTAGE” with PIER ANGELI CIRCLE T O N I T E Arlene DAHL Herbert MARSHALL — Also — #i Great Locomotive Chase” Fess Parker THRU THURSDAY p 4: ■ ‘''J,j"Miek^ , Spl5ane , r I Newest Thriller! RC3SSJT BRAY - A t .Vi- v-r ’ . , —f 11 m win iih IsSfe The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI- 6-4910) or at the editorial office room, on the ground floor of the YMCA. Classified ads may be placed by telephont (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Publications Office, ground floor of the YMCA. JOE TINDEL Editor BEEP ALERT FOR A BETTER POINT AVERAGE! Don’t let that "drowsy feel ing” cramp your style in class ... or when you’re "hitting the books”. Take a NoDoz Awakener! In a few minutes, you’ll be your normal best... wide awake . . . alert! Your doctor will tell you—NoDoz Awakeners are safe as coffee. Keep a pack handy! 15 TABLETS, 35e 35 tablets in liandy tin 69c LAST DAY presents JAMES MASON QUEEN LAST DAY ‘“"Young and ilie Passionate” STARTING THURSDAY — Double Feature — “Revolt at Ft. Laramie” AND “Bambi” O N Ervi aSco PS: LAST DAY Doris Day in "•Pajama Game” STARTING THURSDAY “Fury at Showdown” Leaders of CHS Heading - the students and faculty respectively, and assunit ing- their posts this year at Consolidated High School are CHS Principal E. P. Ozment and Student Body President Millie Caughlin. Miss Caughlin is a Consolidated High senior and Ozment comes to Colleg-e Station from Ganard(> where he served as high school principal for the past four years. with MatxQhuhm (By the Author of ‘‘Rally Round the Flay, Boys!” etc.) WHAT EVERY YOUNG COED SHOULD WEAR Gather round, girls. Flip open a pack of Marlboros,' light up, enjoy that fine flavor, that good filter, relax and listen while Old Dad tells you about the latest campus fashions. The key word this year is casual. Be casual. Be slap dash. Be rakish. Improvise. Invent your own ensembles —like ski. pants with a peek-a-boo blouse, like pajama bottoms with an ermine stole, like a hockey sweater with a dirndl. (Dirndl, incidentally, is one of the truly fascinating words in the English language. The word originated on June 27, 1846, when Dusty Sigafoos, the famous scout and Indian fighter, went into the Golden Nugget Saloon in Cheyenne, Wyoming, to see Lily Langtry. Miss Langtry did her dance in pink tights. Dusty had never seen any thing like that in his life and he was much impressed. He thought about her all the way home. When he got Ufc? he (hot how m W5 MlllM home his wife Feldspar was waiting to show him a new skirt she had made for herself. “How do you like my new skirt, Dusty?” asked Feldspar. He looked at the large, voluminous garment, then thought of the pink tights on Lily Langtry. “Your skirt is darn dull,” said Dusty. “Darn dull” was later shortened to dirndl, which is how dirndls got their name.) But I digress. We were smoking a Marlboro and talking about the latest campus styles. Casual, we agree, is the key word. But casual need not mean drab. Liven up your outfits with a touch of glamor. Even the lowly dungaree and man-shirt combination can be made ex citing if you’ll adorn it with a simple necklace of 120 matched diamonds. With Bermuda shorts, wear knee- cymbals. Be guided by the famous poet, Cosmo Sigafoos (whose cousin Dusty invented the dirndl), who wrote: Sparkle, my beauty, Shimmer and shine. The night is young. The air’s like wine. Cling to a leaf, Hang on a vine, Crawl on your belly, It’s time to dine. (Mr. Sigafoos, it should be explained, was writing about a glowworm. Insects, as everyone knows, are among Mr. Sigafoos’ favorite subjects for poetry. Who can ever forget his immortal Ode To a Boll Weevil? Or , his Tumbling Along with the Tumbling Tinnblebug? Or his Fly Gently, Sweet Aphid? Mr. Sigafoos has been in active since the invention of DDT.) But I digress. We were smoking a Marlboro and dis cussing fashion. Let us turn now to headwear. The motif in hats this year will be familiar American scenes. There will be models to fit every head—for example, the “Em pire State Building” for tall, thin heads; the “Jefferson Memorial” for squatty heads; “Niagara Falls” for dry scalps. Feature of the collection is the “Statue of Liberty,” complete with a torch that actually burns. This is very handy for lighting your Marlboros, which is terriblj r important because no matter how good Marlboros are, they’re nowhere unless you light them. © Max Sliulman, 1957 Whatever you wear, girls—and men loo—you’ll find the perfect accessory is Marlboro, whose makers take pleasure in bringing you this column throughout the school year.