PAGE 4 Thursday, September 12, 1957 The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas School Supplies In this department will be found just about every conceiv able item of school supplies from a pen point to a study lamp. They are on open display and you may make your own selec tions or be served by a courteous sales clerk as you prefer. We people who work in The Exchange Store are mighty glad to see the campus crowded with Aggies for the opening of the 1957-58 school year. While you have been busy at various jobs, hob bies and travels during the summer, our buyers have searched the markets far and wide to as semble one of the largest, finest and most com plete stocks in our history. It’s literally stacked to the ceiling, awaiting your inspection. Here’s looking forward to another year’s dealings with the finest group of customers in America. •••••••••••••••••••••••a****** From your first day on the campus when you purchase your dormitory equipment such as study l^mp, waste basket, broom, mop, etc. to the day you come in four years later to buy paper for your thesis you’ll find all your daily needs in our school supply department. Men’s Shop One of the first departments of The Exchange Store you will visit upon arrival on the campus will be the Men’s Shop. Here you will find complete and Official stocks of all regula tion uniform items, insignia and military accessories, such as slacks, shirts, ties, caps, belts, shoes, socks, and collar insignia. They are all right here. The civilian student will also find an attractive and bril liant display of the latest in civilian attire.. Enro shirts, Tru- val shirts, Berkrey sport coats, Wembley ties, Interwoven socks, Jarman shoes, B&G Gold Medal slacks, Mel Rose slacks, denims and casuals from Levi and many other well known brands are featured. For both military and civilian students we have sheets, pillow cases, pillows, and blankets. Also one of the largest selections of college T-shirts to be found anywhere. What ever your clothing needs are, we can fill them.