Pastors Announce Sunday Services ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH The summer schedule of services begins this Sunday. Holy Com munion will be celebrated at 8 a. m., with church school at 9:30 as well as the morning prayer and sermon. This Sunday, as on the first Sunday of each month, Holy Communion will also be observed at the 9:30 service. The sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Robert L. Darwall. Iced tea will be served in the parish hall following the 9:30 service. FAITH EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED CHURCH College Ave. at Williamson Dr., Bryan Presentation of the confirmation class is planned for the 10:30 ser vices Sunday. At 7:30 a. m. the radio program by the Rev. R. F. Buck will be broadcasted. Bible study is scheduled for 7:30 p. m. The Rev. Buck will deliver a sermon on the topic, “The Heavenly Benediction,” at the 8:30 a. m. worship service at the Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church in Kurten. The Youth Fellowship meets at 5 p. m. There will be an Assension Day at 7:30 tonight, sponsored by the Brotherhood and Women’s Guild. OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH “Who Is Your Enemy?” will be the subject of the Rev. Edwin Svendsen’s sermon at Sunday morning worship. A communion service will be conducted. Monday will mark the beginning of the daily vacation Bible school, which will open at 8:30 a. m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY “Man’s God-given dominion over evil of every kind” will be set forth at Sunday services. The Les son-sermon will be entitled “Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced.” Another in the series of radio programs, “How Christian Science Heals,” will be broadcasted at 9:45 a. m. Tuesday. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH The Lord’s Supper will be cele brated in both services Sunday and on, Wednesday night. Vacation Bible School begins Monday, 8:30 to 11:1-5 a. m. BRYAN CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Sunday’s speaker will be the Rev. Everette Howard, missionary to the Cape Veixle Islands for the past 20 years. He will tell of his ex periences in the islands, where some 50 churches are now estab lished. Young people of the church will meet at 7 p. m. Friday, the meet ing to be followed by a fellowship hour. Miniature golf will be play ed. HOLIDAY Thursday, May 30, 1957 being a Holiday, in observance of Memorial Day, the undersigned will observe that date as a Holiday and not be open for business. FIRST NATIONAL HANK CITY NATIONAL BANK FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST CO. COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK BRYAN BUILDING AND LOAN ASS’N. The Bnlla Hon College Station (Brazos County), Texas . 1957 PAGE 5 GRADUATING MEMBERS of the Animal Husbandry Wives Club receive their Ph.T. degrees from Dr. J. C. Miller, dean of agriculture. Graduates are (left to right) Do lores Williams, Charlene Ragsdale, Doris Jones, Jean Foshee and Lois Deyoe. The graduation ceremonies were conducted at the club’s annual social, held this year in Hensel Park. BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME THIS WEEK END with a junior sized pot plant grown especially for use in the home or garden WEEK-END SPECIAL SALE CALADIUMS COLEUS . . If EACH May 31st and June 1st Cash and Carry Only NAN’S AGGIE LAND BLOSSOM SHOP FLOWER SHOP 1105 S. College Bryan, Texas Next to Campus Theatre College Station, Texas Bible School Slated Jointly Again this year the A&M Christian and A&M Presbyterian Churches will cooperate in con ducting their annual Daily Va cation Bible School. The school will be held in the educational building of the Pres byterian Church June 3-7 from ,9 to 11 a. m. Teachers will be mem bers of both churches. The school will be divided into the kindergarten department, for four and five-year-olds and for those six-year-olds who have not yet been in school; primary depart ment for children in the first three' grades. Junior department for fourth, fifth and sixth graders; pioneer department for seventh, eighth and ninth graders. Leaders will be Mrs. Elmer Smith, kindergarten; Mrs. Bob Reed, primary; Mrs. Will Worley, junior, and Mrs. Daniel Pfannstiel, pioneer. Mrs. T. G. Watts will present the daily lesson to the last group. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES >ne day . 3