The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 24, 1957, Image 7
Pl+ilLJ f , 4 ms ;arr Jr., Condon rman James Ve- illa, Byron Rey- )avid LeRoy Wil- n WomEek. Ini?! net-ring Lnderson, James »hn Eldon Brake, ^hjsholm, Bobby rge Wesley Dean Id DeCluitt, Car- , John Anthony Allen Gilbreth, Hammett, Carey • (avid Rankin Ho- nilton Holloway, * ins, Merion Luke Johnson Jr., Er- * Ronald Stephen orris McFarland, coy, Arva Henry ieith Mills, Frank Villiam Frederick Lyle Patton Jr., ;on, William Hen- ady Darnell Sat- i Arthur Shortt, Imach, James C. y Welborn and ilson. Engineering ; James Pierce am Few Booty, Brunett, Merrill f Charles Edward >h Colson, Joseph Charles Wayne Dawson McCarty, Maxwell, Jerry nas Ray Pledger tolf. ogy Bell, Robert Ed- ey Byron Black, 'i.TES, Page 8) * RADIH* lOtLL, i Community Chui >:;iies Sel Worship Services I UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP OF BRAZOS COUNTY I There will be no services here this Sunday. Instead the local group will attend Sunday school and the 11 a.m. service at the First Unitarian Church of Waco. I)r. Ralph Lynn, history professor at Baylor University, will be the speaker. After the service there will be pi family picnic. Anyone desiring ^transportation is asked to call Mrs. iB. D. Thomas at VI 6-443G. Ht * OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN “God’s Gift of Power” is the |sermon topic announced by the Rev. Edwin Svendsmi for the 10:45 jn.m. worship service. All committees will meet Mon day at 7:30 pan. Daily Vacation Bible School will be held June 3 to 14. * * * FAITH EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED There will be a congregational meeting following the 10:30 a.m. worship service Sunday when the Rev. R. F. Buck will preach on the theme “Strength for the Hands.” He will give his weekly broadcast at 7:30 a.m. Bible study is an nounced for 7:30 pan. * * * BETHEL LUTHERAN The Rev. William C. Petersen’s sermon topic for the 8 and 10:45 a.m. worship services Sunday will be “How to Keep Jesus’ Command Concerning Children.” The Couples Club will meet Monday and Sunday School teach ers Tuesday, both at 7:30 pan. j. * # * ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL The Rev. Robert L. Darwall will deliver the sermon at services of Morning Prayer scheduled for 0:30 and 11 a.m. He will also cele brate Holy Communion at 8 a.m. Young Peoples meeting will begin at 6 pan. * * REORGANIZED Cl 111RCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS The concluding program in the current series on distintive fea tures of the church will be held this Sunday, after which meetings will be discontinued until Septem ber. “Christ in America” is the to pic this time. Slides will be shown. **=!•- ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC Masses will be said at 7, 8:30 and 10 a.m. this Sunday. jjl 51- -5- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY The spiritual basis of true grace and beauty Avill be empha sized in the Lesson-Sermon for Sunday entitled “Soul and Body.” The service will begin at 11 a.m. A man from California will tell how, through prayer, he was freed from bondage to alcohol on the program “How Christian Science Heals” at 9:45 a.m. Tuesday over WTAW. * * * A&M PRESBYTERIAN While the Rev. Norman And erson hosts a breakfast honoring g r a d u a t i n g seniors, the Rev. Charles Workman will conduct the early worship service. Both are scheduled for 8:45 a.m. Rev. Mr. Workman’s sermon topic will he “This We Know.” Rev. Mr. Anderson wi 1 1 be in the pulpit to preach at the 11 a.m service. His subject will be “The End of Another Year.” Beginning June 2 the church will go on summer schedule with just one service, at 8:45, each Sun day morning. =i: * >K A&M METHODIST The Rev. Nolan Vance will preach at the 10:55 a.m. worship service. Both senior and inter mediate MYF groups will meet at 6 p.m. There will be no evening service. * * * A&M CHRISTIAN Sunday will be observed as Children and Young Peoples Day and children will take part in the morning service at 11. Aggie coffee time will begin at 9:30 a.m. and at 5:30 p.m. the DSF has planned supper and a p rogram. * * * A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST Mont, Whitson, minister, will preach on “Turncoat Christians” at the 19:45 a.m. worship service The fta r Ua,1ton College Station (Brazos County), Texas Friday.. lYU.y 24, 19- r <7 PAGE 7 M.E. Wires Club Chooses Officers New officers of the Mechanical Engineering Wives club, elected Monday night at the YMCA., are Riskie Reigel, president; Virgie El lington, vice-president; Ruby Jor dan, secretary; Lou Murley, trea surer; Jean Tucker, reporter. The group also chose Helen Holiday as its representative to the Aggie Wives Council. Joann Waggoner and Belt ye Peacock were hostesses for the meeting. Sunday. For evening service, at 7:15, his subject will be “The Blood of Christ.” Young Peoples meetings will begin at (>:15. FIRST BAPTIST “The God of the Wicked Man” will be the sermon topic of the Rev. R. D. Longshore at the 11 a.m. worship service. The usual evening service will not be held this Sunday because of Baccalaureate, at. A&M Consol idated high school. Joneses Honor Ag Engineering Wives Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones enter tained members of the Agricultu ral Engineering Wives club and their families at a candlelight tea Monday evening in the garden of their home, 201 College View. The occasion honored graduates and Professor Jones awarded Ph.T. degrees to the following: Billie Gleason, Pat Manner, Nancy Rains, JoAnn Wilcox and Lou Chumney. Diplomas in absentia were award ed to Tita Cooper, Ammeta Win- sett and Jean Sanders. Billie Gleason, retiring presi dent, announced the club’s new of ficers who are: I mo Jean Neuman, president; Marlene Bryan, vice- president; and Annie Watson, sec retary. Guests included Messrs, and Mesdames Gene Manner and son, Bill Rains, Walter Bryan, Pat Glea son, Hershel Watson and daughter, Robe i t Wilcox and Carl Chumney. •r i r i r WIVES OF VETERINARY MEDICINE GRADUATES received their honorary degrees at a joint meeting of AVMA and Auxiliary Tuesday night. Left to right (first row) Mrs. P. W. Burns, sponsor, Joyce Ferguson, Anne Pierce, Beverly Collins, Celine Co- zad, Joyce Roach and Mrs. R. J. Reamer, sponsor. Second row—Thelma Heather, Eve lyn Kleb, Bobble Blair, Dorothy Kennedy, Joe Rene Helms. Third row—Hazel Galvin, Jackie Smith, Sue Hargroder, Clara Kirksey, and Joyce Hander. Honorees not pictured are Louise Ellison, Sally Williams, Patsy Jackson, Sonya Cassidy, Clara Beth Miller and Sidney McWilliams. STICK DEODORANT For absolute security, all day, every day. 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