The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas page 4 Friday, May 24, 1957 Read ^ " Classifieds The first passenger flight in his tory, not to be confused with the Wright Brothers’ first airplane flight in 1903, took place on May 14,1908. The latter flight was to test a plane for delivery to the U. S. government. Graduating’ Seniors Learn to Fly at Easterwood Field White Rock Aviation School, Ine. Since we have just completed the larg est ROTC Flight Training Program in the nation here at Texas A. and M., we are now in a position to offer to the people of the Bryan and College Station Area the opportunity to learn to fly in modern equipped and well maintained Cessna aircraft. Here at Easterwood Field you may now take any course in flying . . SOLO PRIVATE — COMMERCIAL — FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR — INSTRU MENT. We are enrolling students this Satur day and Sunday here at the Field. Come out, see our planes, and talk with us or call VI 6-6217. ‘DON’T DELAY, ENROLL TODAY” (-.1. APPROVED SCHOOL WHITE ROCK AVIATION SCHOOL, INC. VI 6-6217 COLLEGE STATION BRANCH VI 6-6217 Mow US. Saviia^s Bonds pay yon interest ....faster! If you’ve always bought U. S. Savings Bonds for their rock-ribbed safety, their guaranteed return, the way they make saving easier—you’ve got one more reason now! Every Series E United States Sav ings Bond you’ve bough^ since Febru ary 1, 1957, pays you a new, higher in terest—3y 4 % when held to maturity! It reaches maturity faster—in only 8 years and 11 months. And redemption values are higher, too, especially in the earlier years. About your older Bonds? Easy. Just hold onto them. As you know, the rate of interest a Savings Bond pays in creases with each year you own it, until maturity. Therefore, the best idea is to buy the new—and hold the old! The main thing about E Bonds, of course, is their complete safety. Prin- X!" 1 - 4 ar ? full y guaranteed. They are loss-proof, fire-nrnof thF>ft proof-because the Triu^m t ^han V W1 « OUt Charge ta case of ^ id a. V l Sa '; ins ? B °nds are as solid as a rock—backed bv the full faith and credit of the United States. in^R^d y , OU already know ab out Sav- “I* 3 ° ne of the « million Americans who own them today, or as one of the other millions who have used Bond savings to help Pay for new homes cars or college educations, or if retl f re ^? nt fina ncially easier. If so this is familiar territory to you- you know therms no better way to save. But if you’re new to the game, find out about Savings Bonds and what they can do for your future. Ask your bank- er, or check with your employer about the automatic Payroll Savings Plan that makes saving painless and easy. PART OF EVERY AMERICAN’S SAVINGS BELONGS IN U. S. SAVINGS BONDS Candidates for doctor of philo sophy degrees and their field are Robert Benjamin Alexander, chem istry; Jagdish V. Amin, plant phy siology; James Robert Biard, elect rical engineering; William Ander son Cooper Jr., zoology; Wid Phil ips Crawford, biochemistry; War ren N. Dannenburg, biochemistry and nutrition, and Dieter Enkerlin- S., entomology. John W. Gossett, physiology of reproduction; Paul T. Koshi, range management; Allen Abraham Kur- nick, biochemistry and nutrition, Gursaran Wadhumal Notani, bio chemistry and nutrition; Edwin Phillips Lloyd, entomology; Ram Narain, biochemistry and nutrition; D. Donald Poole, plant breeding; Kenneth Boyd Porter, agronomy; George William Rivers, genetics; Ralph Asa Scott Jr., plant, physio logy and Robert Blaylock Stewart, plant physiology. George W. Carlyle Jr. is a can didate for master of business ad ministration in accounting. Master of Education Candidates are John Douglas Centilli, Gene G. Cowles, Thomas C. Davis, Douglas Clayton Osburn Jr., Gary Carley Palmer and Don ald Roy Robbins. Master of Engineering 1 Candidates are David Giles Car ter, Paul Stanton Denison, Harry Victor Dutchyshyn, Carrol Walter Guth, William Dear! Horton Jr., Thomas Z. James, Malcolm Dayton Johnson, Albert Carter Lehman, Harold Lynn Loyd, Jack Edwin Mc Donald, Howard Richards Matson, John Ronald Redman, James Rus sell Rowe, Leo Eugene Soucek, Ed ward Peter Stefan ik, Jack Vernon Stephens, Donald Richard Swygert and Henry Sriiith Thigpen. Master of Science Candidates are Walter Patton Abbott, Luis Humberto Arrese, Eugene Ben Bockholt, Thadis AV. Box, Charles Thomas Butler, Rob ert James Butschek, Stanley P. Clark, Stephen Garabed Dardaga- nian, James Ray Dixon, Douglas Holland Downing, David Bruce Fagg, William Andrew Finley, Monroe Herman Fuchs, Robert Louis Fuller, Leon Wilford Gibbs, Earl Carnley Gilmore Jr. Leland C. Grumbles, Alvin Floyd Halbrook, Daniel Nelson Hanna Jr., John Lynn Hatcher, James Ralph Henderson, John Willoughby Jones, J. L. Lazo de la Vega, Jose Alfonso Leon, Hugo Danilo Martin, James Rod Martin, Amado Manan- zan Montemayor, Stanley Alfred Mosteller. Douglas Dean Mounce, Janies Edgar Neal, Gary Strickland Nein- ast, A. Conrad Neuman, Theodore Alvan Noyes, Kilho Park, Carlos Alberto Pereyra, Quinton Joe Raab, Leon Sliger, Shenton, Kenneth Gordon David Smith. William Jack Hanson Stone, Richard Lincoln Svacha, William Edward Sweet Jr., Richard Doug las Tarble, John Edward Vick, Frank Edwin Walker Jr., Alton Lionel Warren, Robert Rehm Wer ner, John Donald Williams, James Stanley Williams, Ivan Lane Win- sett, William Byron Witmer and Mario J. Zapata. School of Veterinary Medicine Candidates are Albert Shaheen Abdullah, Robert Neil Allison, Theodore Graff Anthony, Charles Jack Banta, Jess Henry Beal, Jo seph Lemuel Blair, Louis F. Boen- ing Jr., Ray Dean Carroll, Delmar Ronald Cassidy, Jock Ri^chard Col lins, William Waller Collins, John Erving Cozad, Richard Paul Craw ford Jr., Charles Delbert Davis, Billy Bob Dunn, Edwin Hill Elli son, James Lanier Ferguson, Jack Lynn Fowler. Ronald Chares Francis, Thomas Hander, Wendell Eugene Harding, Howard Hugh Hargroder, Carl D. Heather, Harvey Thomas Helms, Joe Bill Jackson, Alson Rankin Kennedy Jr., William Henry Kirk- sey, Wallace Lee Kleb, George Francis Liiquette, Menzies Davis McWilliams, Robert von Rosen berg Miller, John Eoff Oliver Jr. Reno Paul Retry Jr., Kenneth Ray Pierce, John Edward Redden, William Allen Roach, Charley Ste phens Saxe, Aubrey Lynn Smith, James Robert Starnater, Bobby Kenneth Strickland, Robert Craw ford Templeton, Gerald Leonard Van Hoosier Jr., Willis Keith Webb, Carl Price Weidenbach. School of Agriculture Agricultural Economics Candidates are Richard Neal Andrew, James Wayne Blackwell, Charles, William Brown, Don Charles Burt, Jerry Neal Cash, Stanley Bradford Crockett Jr., Isaac Leon Freed, Jack Erwin Herzik, Milton Louis Kersten, Jack Thurman Lamkin Jr., Thomas Richard Livingston, Jasper Newton Lynn, Taber Lee McMordie Jr., Christopher Julian Mocek, McFar land Claude Osborn, Sy Matt Rowe, John David Selensky, Tommy Win ston Smith and Robert Rogers Stansberry Jr. Agricultural Education Candidates are Claude Patterson Bell, Bobby Dale Bostick, Lewis Cass Breeland, Louis Alexander Bridges, Stanton Eran Brown, .James Warren Carpenter Jr., P A. Coleman, Charles Roger Cozort, J. Marcus Crow, - Murray Beall Denton, Don Taylor Durham Woodrow Arthur Free, Wiley Nathen Garrett, Dannie Ellis George, Jack Evans Gilpin, Jesse William Graham, Bobby Jack Gray, Jerry Mac Betsill, Stephen Marcus Boy sen,' Olegario Barrelieg Ghiari, Carl V. Chumney, Forrest Walter Cooper Jr., Alfred Henry Cordes Jr., Joseph Leon Curtis, Timothy P. Gleason, Jacintho Miguel Cesar lacovone, Carrol Paul Killough, Harold Eugene Manner Jr., Clar ence James Markey II, John Carlos Montgomery, John Roy Pipes, Wil liam Luther Rains, Harold Sattler, Leighlus Erman Sheppard Jr., Rob ert Earl Wilcox and Raymond Mil- ton Zoch. Agricultural Journalism Candidates are Joe Dan Boyd, Leland Doyle Boyd, Benny Eugene Fichte, Bee Eugene Landrum, Da vid T. McReynolds and Dolph Mo- ten. Agronomy Candidates are Walter John Beaty, Vol Stephen Davis Jr., Er nesto 1 Leobardo De Leon, Herbert- Thomas Heimer, Bert John Hoff, William Joseph Kutac, Freddie Ed ward Lehmann, Larry Fabian Mc Lendon, Emilio Rolando Medina, Emil Jack Stoesser, Bobby Joe Traweek, Dario Vallarino and Fausto Yturria%Jr. Animal Husbandry Candidates are Glynn Ross Chandler, Carl Eldon Cobb, Tom my Lynn Darnell, James Murphy Dellinger Jr., James Ronald Dic key, Avalon LeRoy Dungan, Sid ney Charles Ferrell, John Wesley Foshee, Woodrow Arthur Free, Pat Clinton Garner, David Russell Goodale, James Clarence Gregory, Harold Douglas Henson, Lee Mit chell Hilgartner, Charles David Jackson, Donald Edgar Johnson. John Henry Kirkpatrick, Charles Milton Lanicek, Frank P. McMur- rey, Irby Taft May Jr., Marvin Neal Meares, Robert Henry Mil ford, Luther L. Parr, George Jef ferson Penfield Jr., Henry Louis Presnal, James Milton Price, James Paul Rambin, Charles William Rasco III. . Jim Larkin Renick Jr., Kenneth Wayne Rivoire, Cecil Monroe Skaggs Jr., Karl Ainslie Stephens, Henry Teplicek Jr., Ralph Graham Terrill Jr., Billy Ray Thane, Nor man Finley Vestal, Kermit Adolph Wahrmund, Larry Wayne Waldrip, Earl Garrett Whitaker, John B. Whitwell and James Donald Young. Dairy Science Candidates are Donald John Bayer, William S. Coblentz, Alfred Albert Croix, Robin Wayne Ed wards, Carl R. Hibbetts, Martin Luther Hoke Jr., Morris Dan Par- tain, Roland Harris Reese and Jesus Vega de Leon. Entomology Thomas Hilton Clemens, Edwin John Goddard, Lee F. Greer, Wil fred John Element, William Bomar Shivers and Frederick Wardwell Warren, HI. Floriculture Edwin Glenn Eiknei'. Horticulture James Edward Breuer, George Stacy Elam, Alberto Thomas Fer nandez, George Newton Winn and Jack Warren Winzer. Poultry Science Joseph James Beran, Don Mar tin Brockman, Thomas Lee Burke, Johnny Edward Cates, Robert Grant Foster III, Charles Sanford Kinard, Robert Gordon Robertson, Ruben Rocha-Martinez and Samuel Garland White. Animal Science Clifford Sims Whitmore. Landscape Architecture Bart Smith Bradford and Jac? Robert Daft. Plant and Soil Science Ronald Urban Borens and David Calvin Whitenberg. Range Management Candidates arc Doyle Dean Bi bles, Donnie Ray Bilbrey, John Allan Buck, David Carl Carpenter Jr., Fritz Eugene Landers, Rob ert Joyce Sims and John Henry Specht. (See GRADUATES, Page G) A BALANCE! COL AND (Continued from were paying rriost way through college. “Of course, I wa high school boys an liked to have them,” ing, “and I would gh en a scholarship to could step into canf tition and take first row) Hooper did. Bobby Joe Ragsdale, Klaus Gustav Raven, Lowell Pogue Riggs, George Lewis Risien, Norman Caldwell Scaife, Robert Herman Schleider Jr., Eldon Duane Scott, Edward H. Little Leaguers AND Teen Agers GET YOUR GLOVES & SHOES At The S T U D E N T CO-OP Roy Mack Gray and Charles Ham mons Hale. Marion Dale Harvill, John Bob ■Hendrick, Joseph Andrew Heuman, Robert Clark Hill, Winford Hcarld Hogan, Edgar Lamar James, Leroy Eugene Knippa, Marvin Fred Koli- nek Jr., Joseph Hampton McMillan, William Henry McMillan Jr., Leroy Delbert Matthys, Charles Wesley Newcomer, Erwin Adolph Pavlik, John Haynes Pogue Jr., James Louis Pruitt, Wendell Ford Purser, Fred Anderson Raby, William Ed ward Schier, Jesse Lee -Tackett, Eugene Voelkel, George Weldon Whitehead, Charles Ollie Williams and Franklin DeWitt Wright. Agricultural Engineering Candidates are Eugene Allison, The U. S. Government does not pay for this advertisement. The Treasury Department thanks for their patriotic donation, the Advertising Council and The Battalion AWARD-WINNING NOVELIST? Already, Mary shows prom ise of talent — but talent is developed only through edu cation. Let’s make sure all our local youngsters get the education they deserve hy joining our neighbors in community conferences on schools! For helpful, free booklet, write: Better Schools, 9 E. 40th St., New York 16, N. Y. The Battalion “But I didn’t usua ttoan one scholarshi] high school boy. I ; ers to come down an er^’s job in the me tftey earned a place These are the boys teurs’. But because erence to help my s< many top high schoi T Triangle Drive Caldwell's Jew< McCullough-Da Howell Lumber The Texan Drh A. M. Waldrop G. S. Parker Li City National I Central Texas ' loe Varisco, Br American Laur ‘Parker Astin H Conway & Co. LaSalle Hotel, Weingarten's, 1 • Weingarten's, 1 Walter Britten, Weingarten's, I Dr. M. T. Harri A. H. Seniors, Texas A&M Rc LOy PAYS ¥';T,y RESERVE Weingarten's. in the backgr