The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 21, 1957, Image 4
— ' ■ he Battalion BAGE 4 College Station (Brazos County), Texas Tuesday, May 21, 1957 Social Whirl trs. Vincent To Direct Pan-Am i CATERING FOR ^ SPECIAL OCCASIONS Heave the RetaMn uj me. ^LUNCHEONS I BANQUETS { WEDDING PARTIES l let Cs Bo the Work — Ton Be A Gnest At Tour Own Party ■Maggie Parker Dining Hall aw. 86th A Bryan TA 2-5069 IFOR LOCAL & LONG pISTAWCE MOVING I BEARD TRANSFER & STORAGE Ph. TA 2-2835 Agent for United Mrs. Mary Ellen Vincent was elected director of the Bryan-Col- lege Station Pan American Round Table at the annual business meet ing held Thursday night at the YMCA. Also chosen to serve during the coming year were Mrs. Charles Moore, associate director; Miss Sue Albright, secretary; Mrs. Jose Pinero, treasurer; Miss S*5adie Hatfield, parliamentarian; Mrs. S. A. Lynch, reporter; Mrs. G. G. Goodman, historian; and Mrs. A. W. Reynolds, custodian. Preceding the business meet ing, Stephanie Swafford, Ellen Howell and Martha Ames Prom the Pan American Club of Stephan F. Austin high school, entertained the group With music and dancing. KEYS made while you wait c 1 fes- IjOUPOT’S IT’S FOR REAL COLLEGE DAZE Most studies of students at college disclose That boys and girls aim at quite different things. The boys learn new angles—add strings to their bows; The co-eds would rather add beaus to their strings!, MORALs Why be high-strung? Relax with the BIG, BIG pleasure of Chesterfield King! More full- flavored satisfaction from the world’s best tobaccos. PLUS King-size filter action . *. a better tobacco filter because it’s packed more ^ smoothly by ACCU.RAYi: gfP 4 Chesterfield King has everything! •$S0 goes to Bob Armknecht, Dartmouth College, for his Chester Field poem, $50 for every philosophical verse accepted for public cation. Chesterfield, P.O. Box 21, New York 40, N.Y.l & Ltttrett & Tobacco Co,' Oceanography and Meteorology Wives are invited to the waffle supper which the Student Organi zation of the American Meteoro logical Society has planned for 7 p.m. today in Goodwin Hall, third floor. The club will hold a busi ness meeting at 7:45. While They Last! . . . CORDOVAN SHOES Originally $10.95 NOW only $6.95 (Bottle of Black Dye Included) LOUPOT’S TRADING POST Club President Is Honored At Morning Party Mrs. Edward Madeley, oiit-going president of the A&M Garden Club, and her staff were honored at a morning party, given by new officers of the club Friday at the home of Mrs. Fred Farrar. Receiving at the door with the hostess were Mrs. Tom Taylor, the new president, and Mrs. Madeley. Mrs. D. W. Williams and Mrs. C. B. Campbell presided at the tea table where punch was served from a milk-glass bowl. Mesdames Stanley Davis, W. C. Freeman, R. E. Patterson, J. C. McGuire and John Ashton assis ted in serving refreshments and in conducting guests on a tour of the house where special floral arrange ments were featured. In the entrance, startling against the brick wall, guests admired Mrs. Marion Pugh’s arrangement of yel low day lilies in a dark wooden container flanked by a tall cast iron sculpture representing St. Francis d’Assisi. The living room featui’ed ar rangements of yellow marigolds and ivy in brass bowl by Mrs. W. C. Freeman and white stocks and glads with purple iris in white shell bowl by Mrs. Tom Taylor. A tall arrangement of yellow day lilies in milk-glass cake dish, by Mrs. Stanley Davis, centered the round dining table covered with cloth of pale yellow. Mrs. J. G. McGuire used milk-glass bowl for pink verbenas in a guest room. In the patio, a collection of specimen day lilies from Mrs. Campbell’s garden were arranged on a table covered with blue cloth where Mrs. Ed Baker regis tered the guests. Photographs of the club’s delegates to the Texas Garden Chibs convention were also displayed here. C.E. Wives Honor Sponsor At Party Dr. S. R. Wright, head of the Civil Engineering Department, awarded the diplomas when the Civil Engineering Wives Club held its annual graduation banquet re cently at Zarape’s. Receiving Ph.T. degrees were Joan Barron, Anne Blacklock, Ei leen Duitscher, Barbara Hall, Nan cy Kindle, Sammy Meggison, Lil lian Perrenot, Shirley Purcell, Nell Shockley and Trixie Schnel- lenbach. The club presented a gift to President Betty Huffman and a silver bread tray to Mrs. Fred Benson, retiring sponsor. Dr. and Mrs. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Gingles were special guests of the group. ONE MONTH ONLY! TRADE IN YOUR OLD ALBUMS on new rca Victor CLASSICAL HI-FI L. P.s Any old Albums that cost you $2 or more each, a any brand...any speed...are now worth $1 toward the purchase of any RCA Victor Classical Long Play Album! Here’s your chance of a lifetime to build the Long Play classical record library of your dreams! A golden opportunity to start, or modernize, your col lection of the world’s greatest music—with fresh, new hi-fi recordings! Trade in your out-of-date record albums on any of the wonderful classical L.P.’s in ' RCA Victor’s great catalog. You’ll thrill to New Orthophonic High Fidelity recordings of the World’s Greatest Artists performing your favorite music. Shaffer’* Sooh Store North Gate Open 6 days of the week — 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. All senior wives will receive DVMs at a joint meeting of the AVMA and Auxiliary at 8 p.m. to day in the Veterinary Administra tion Building. •i< * * T. W. Leland will award Ph.T. degrees to wives of graduating seniors when the Business Admin istration Wives Club meets at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the YMCA, second floor. Phillip Goode will be the speaker. Dames Officers Announced Today Peggy Finch, as president, heads the roster of new officers of Dames Club elected recently. Other officers chosen are: Oldriska Reigel, vice-president; Donna Baugh, corresponding sec retary; Jo Howard, recording sec retary; Elaine Wardlaw, treasur er; Judy Chapman, social chair man; Mary Ann Fanguy, council representative; and Laura Ram irez, reporter. SERVING BRYAN and COLLEGE STATION A SAM HOUSTON ZEPHYR Lv. N. Zulch 10:08 a.m. Ar. Dallas • • 12:47 p.m. Lv. N. Zulch . 7:28 p.m. Ar. Houston .9:15 p.m. FORT WORTH AND DENVER RAILWAY N. L. CRYAR, Agent Phone 15 • NORTH ZULCH Burlington Route TEN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING WIVES pictured here will soon be leaving A&M with their graduating husbands. Left to right are Myra Cox, Marge Stubbemah, Aud rey Kavanaugh, Ruth Baker, Ann Parish, Barbara Fuqua, Bettye Peacock, Evelyn Brady, Jo Ann Wagner and Verba Tinsley. Among those missing were Jean Ettinger, Shirley Phillips, Margie Adams, Jeanette Boette, Margie Stratton and Sunny Woodle. MORE FOR YOUR BOOKS we buy ALL CURRENT TITLES HIGHEST CASH PRICES!! !llllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllll!llll!llllllll! Illilllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllml guaranteed at SHAFFER'S OPEN 6 DAYS OF THE WEEK when a girl GRADUATES Graduating with fashion honors, the girl graduate looks her loveliest and sweet est in a dress from our special- occasion collection. W. S. D CLOTHIERS