The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 17, 1957, Image 2
The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 2 Friday, May 17, 1957 LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick BibSer [1 SAlP— if I'M TO THE FACULTY CHAPERON FOK. TH15 PANCE I'P LIKE THE U6HTS TURNED UFA LimF*" Letters to the Editor Editor The Battalion To Student Body: We wish to express our grati tude to the students of A&M, the North and South Gate merchants and all persons concerned with the organization of and contribution to the Vic Zuckero Fund. Approximately $1,200 was do nated yesterday for this fund. You may be assured that your contribu tion has gone to a. worthy cause— to help a friend in time of trouble. The Student Senate PALACE TONIGHT PREVIEW —11:00 SISTER ANGELA AND MARINE CORPORAL ALLISON... alone on a Pacific Island... trapped behind enemy lines! A '^Ot: nont'uVy-^ox . ■'prouchy presents . PLUS!!! Brand New “MR. McGOO CARTOON Produced by BUDDY ADIEU EUGENE FRENKE Directed b, jOHN HUSTON Screenplay by JOHN LEE mm JOHN HUSTON TODAY & SATURDAY Ben Cooper in “Duel At Apache Wells” SATURDAY NIGHT PREVIEW—11:00—Double Feature Attack of the CRAB £*SjMONSTEfeS starring | starring Richard GARLAND • Pamela DUNCAN Paul BIRCH •Beverly GARLAND Pradacetl i Dirscitd by ftogtr Cormn-An Allied Arilsts Hcttire j fcaduciil l lirecied by Anger Carman .An Allied Artists Pictur* QUEEN — Double Feature — T () D A Y A N D SATURDAY ^'Shadow on the Window” & 46 White Squaw” The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, dally newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, 1* published by students In the Office of Student Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications Is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Dr. Carroll D. Laverty, Chairman; Prof. Donald D. Burchard, Prof. Tom Leland and Mr. Bennie Zinn. Student members are W. T. Williams, Murray Milner, Jr., and Leighlus E. Sheppard, Jr., Ex-officio members are Mr. Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader, Sec retary. The Battalion is published four times a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday througu Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during the summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6:00 per school year, §6.50 per full year or $1.0(5 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered a* second-clase matter at Post Office at College Station, Texae, under the Act of Con- greae of March 8, 1870. Member of: The Associated Press Texas Press Association Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., a t New York City, Chicago, Dos Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for repubii- eation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI- 6-4910) or at the editorial office room, on the ground floor of the YMCA. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Publications Office, ground floor of the YMCA. JOE TINDEL ^ ; L Editor Jim Neighbors Managing Editor CHS Choral Groups Present Show Tonight “An hour and a half of good vocal entertainment” is slated for 8 p. m. today at A&M Consolidated High School Auditorium as choral groups at the school present the Annual Night of Music, according to Robert L. Boone, director of music. Residents of the area are invited to observe and hear the groups blend their voices after a year of preparation for the climax of their efforts. No admission will be charged. Participating in the program will be four choruses, several soloists and a trio of boys known at the “Tritones”. Members of the trio are Mark Luther, Bill Armistead and Tommie Letbetter. A mixed chorus of high schoolers, mixed chorus of junior high stu dents and both a boys’ and girls’ chorus of junior high students are listed on the program, in addition to the soloists. “Bright and lively numbers will compose the program and Boone promises to exclude “long hair”. Broadway Show Time, hit tunes and popular numbers will be offer ed, Boone said. To climax the night of music, all chorus groups will combine their 120 voices to present Fred Wai’- ing’s “Battle Hymn of the Repub lic. Maestros will be Boone and Frank Coulter, director of junior high music. “Long hair” music will be pre sented during a program Sunday afternoon. But the other kind of music will be emphasized just as much then, Boone says, for both heavy and light numbers are plan ned for the program at 3 p. m. in the Memorial Student Center Ball room. FRIDAY THE PROUD AND THE PROFANE” with WILLIAM HOLDEN —Plus—■ “DISTANT DRUMS” with GARY COOPER SATURDAY IS . . . WESTERN NIGHT — with — “The Rawhide Years” “Johnny Guitar” and “Robber’s Roost” DOROTHY WE WALTER H TECHNICOLOR with TOMMY RETTIG-skip homeier AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE SATURDAY mm rea mjjmess ...AND GIRLS LIKE mi ' COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR COlJMBIA PICTURES presents A DAVID E. ROSE Production PORT Afrique starring j fcftNCEll-wC#ffiU«PBICE' -Also - tax BEACH'S ILERS '"TECHNICOLOR The ANNE BOT *JEFf CUANDIEH08Y CAIHOUN MY BAM • BARBARA BSUIfiH ■ JOHN McttHK CO-STABR1NO « CARL BENTON REIO • WALLACE FORD • RAYMOND WAL8URN A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE SAT. PREVIEW 10:30 P. M. Also Sunday & Monday Worth Ha Weight In Solid 4^ LaughsI jw HOIiLIDfff • padi DOUGLAS Included will be selections rang ing from Bach to Bop. The CHS 55-piece Concert Band will be the performer Sunday afternoon. Like tonight’s program, there will be no admission charge. And the Ballroom was obtained so the audience can listen in cool, relaxed comfort. On the light side, piano soloist Johnny Turner will play “Concerto in Jazz” along with the band. Other numbers on the varied pro- gram include “Biver Jordan,” “Meditations from Thais,” “Tribute to Benny Goodman” and the “North Sea Overture.” Ernest Tanzer, Tom Ivy and Junius Clarke will raise their two trumpets and a trombone, respec tively, to do “Concerto Grosso.” Off the Cuff- What Goes On Here College fire-fighters were called last nig*ht shortly after 7 to check on a blaze in the Academic Build ing. While students wrung their hands, and the stalwart smoke- trackers searched for their map of the campus, a janitor calmly lo cated the fire—which consisted of a half-dozen smouldering paper towels in the basement of ing. Now finals can’t be that tough—or can they? Come And Get It! LOUISVILLE, Ky.—Firemen at tending a luncheon given by the local Fire Prevention Council had to leave their food and race away in a fire truck left outside for just such an emergency. Somebody had failed to prevent a fire. Cooking food had caught fire ih a home. No serious damage, ex cept for the cooling effect on the firemen’s dinners, was reported. THRU SATURDAY NOW...the behind-the-scenes story of Lindbergh's incredible flight to Paris! LOEFFLER STAYS (Continued from Page 1) one which Loeffler flatly denies, was in paragraph 2(b) of the SWC findings: “A round trip airline ticket from College Station, Texas to Providence, R. I., was illegally provided for a basketball player by a representative of Texas A&M College at Christmas, 1955.” The president in answer to the charge comments, “It is alleged that Coach Loeffler or his agent gave Alex Roberts the ticket for this trip. This, Coach Loeffler flatly denies. No substantiating evidence has accompanied this charge.” He continues, “The rules of fair play demand, under such circum stances, that Coach Loeffler be considered innocent until proof to CIRCLE FRIDAY "Great Day In The Morning” Robert Stack —ALSO— “Canyon River” George Montgomery SATURDAY ONLY “Yaqui Drjims Rod Cameron — Also— “Over Exposed Cleo Moore the contrary is produced.” Regardless of what action the SWC or NCAA takes, a precedent has been set by school officials in hacking the accused to the hilt and saying publicly and for the record, “We find no fault with our man.” Now its up to the NCAA as to wlicit disposition is to be made of the case and they haven’t been favorable with their decisions con cerning A&M in the past. THE FILM SOCIETY presents “GENEVEVE” A riotous comedy of wild women and old cars. Coming May 17th at 7:30 PM in the MSC BALLROOM /< roncf is ci power or peace . . . rederue VISIT YOUR ACTIVE AND RESERVE FORCES’ DEMONSTRATIONS AM) DISPLAYS ON “ARMED FORCES DAY” Support the Reserve Components By Joining The RESERVE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION BRAZOS COUNTY CHAPTER RESERVE OFFICERS ASS’N. (This advertisement paid for by Brazos County Chapter Reserve Officers Association) Live in Comfort this Summer 4000 GEM Cooler $129.95 3000 CFM Cooler $109.95 2250 Cooler — Cools 3 Rooms $ 99.50 20” Window Fans . . $ 29.95 1800 CFM Portable Cooler $ 29.95 Oceilating Table Fans as low $ 9.95 PEANUTS /“THE COLO JUMPED OVE£ THE MOON' INDICATES A RI5E IN FAR/l\ PRICES... A COLUMS>A PICTURE ri THE PART ABOUT THE DISH RUNNING ALUAYCUITH THE SPOON MUST REFER TO THE CONSUMER.. I DON'T PRETENDTO BEA6TUDBNT OF PROPHETIC LITERATURE! AT