The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 01, 1957, Image 4
■ Wednesday, May 1, 1957 The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas 1 I T P I m wl Vv w ni fr Midweek Services Announced By Churches A&M MENS SHOP 03 MAIN NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Liitheran Student Association will meet at 7:30 tonight. Choir practice is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Thursday. A&M CHRISTIAN CHURCH Aggie Religious Study Group will meet at 7 this evening in the YlVICA. STY THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Canterbury Club meets tonight, and Saints and Sinners Friday night. Tonight’s service of even ing prayer will begin at 7:15. Dr. These Values Good, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Only at 1010 South College at Pease in Bryan, Texas. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. * 20th ANNUAL * Store Managers Safe MARYLA COFFEE ND CLUB Lb Sr Fine, Fresh Fla vor Creamy, Rich Shortening Can J BAKERITE 3 59- FOOD CLUB Delicious SALAD DKLNNl m Quart J Ve Young Tender, FINE BABY BEEF CHUCK ROAST SIRLOIN STEAL T kOlOT ATI? it Y Less Waste Meat Square Cut Per Pound ^ ^ jiSr C r Table-Trimmed ||f? i Per Pound iff jp c 0 Table-Trimmed UlRl i-mm MMii BRISKET ROAS ^ Per Pound |P|| JJp C Tl Table-Trimmed R? Per Pound jS? c Smoked Picnics ARMOUR STAR Ready-to-Eat. Small Size Tr Of Tender and Lean. Lb. jF%w ARMOUR STAR or MOHAWK BUTTER ’n HONEY MlANIVd Lb. Pkg. C CHEDDAR CHEI 1SE Miw tb. 5 (J3ciLerij 'SJreat C^an thj S^pecia f COCONUT ANNIE LAURIE CAKE COCONUT CUBES Fresh 2-Layer a Iced with jA £ Fresh Coconut! . . . * * 2 10-Oz. Bags 35 c Shop Our Store for Other Values! Taylor of the A&M History De partment will speak on “Henry Vlll and All Thpt.” Eveiyone S?> urged to attend. The confiJranu- tion by Bishop Hines has been postponed until May 15. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Vesper worship will be conduc ted at 7:45 this evening. At 7:30 p.m, Thursday Walther Leaguers will meet to make arrangements for the rally to be held Sundgy ip Navasota. ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHAPEL / Following benediction pt 7:10 this evening, the Newman Club Will meet at 7:30. Mass will be celebrated at 6:30 a.m. Thursday and Friday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY This evening’s service will be gin at 8. FAITH EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED CHURCH College Ave. at Williamson Dr., Bryan Practice for the junior and sen ior choirs will be held at 7 and 8 today. Brotherhood meets at 7:30 Thursday night. COLLEGE HEIGHTS ASSEMBLY OF GOD Prayer meeting will be conduc ted at 7:30 this evening. BRYAN CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Services will begin at 7:30 to night. A&M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Choir practice and the West minster Fellowship program will be held at 7 this evening. A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST Regular mid-week service Will be conducted at 7:15 p.m. today. Ladies Bible Class meets at 9:30 a.m. Thursday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION The regular meeting for pray er and fellowship will begin at 7:10 this evening in the Memorial Student Center. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Church supper will be served at 6 tonight. Scheduled for 6:30 Mothers Club Elects Officers For New Year Officers were elected at the business meeting of the Brazos County A&M Mothers Club Thurs day in the YMCA. The newly elected officers are Mrs. Ran Boswell, pi’esident; Mrs. R. C. Potts, vice president; Mrs. S. H.. Hopkins, secretary; Mrs. J. Vance, treasurer; Mrs. Cal Gra ham, reporter, and Mrs. Don Young, parliamentarian. During the short social hour, Mrs. Ide Trotter served frosted punch at a table prettily decora ted with spring flowers. The following served as hos tesses: Mrs. Sam Cleland, Mrs. Wallace Beasley, Mrs. Fred Hick man, Mrs. V. A. Little and Mrs. Geo. Draper. Foot Note GUATEMALA CITY (TP)—Two million of Guatemala’s 3,200,000 in habitants were barefoot in 1957, officials estimate. The government announced that it would distribute 100,000 pairs of sandals to the more needy as start of a campaign to get the barefooted population, mostly Indians, to wearing shoes. hre choir practice, officers and teachers meeting:, and the meeting pf the WjMU Youth Auxiliary. The prayer meeting opens at 7:30. WESLEY FOUNDATION This evening’s meeting will be held at 7 o’clock. B LACK AND TAN IVY LEAGUES only $4.95 (Nationally Advertised at $5.95) LOUPOT’S TRADING POST p iiiiffimamuji BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES tae day 3* per word per word each additional day Mtulimirn charge—-40d UKADIJNES t p.m. day before pabllcattoa Classified Display 80* per column Inch eacb Insertion PHONE VI 6-6418 FOR SALE AKC registered 3 month old male Collie pup, wormed and inoculated. May be seen at Bayard Kennels, VI 6-5535. 268t8 One 1953 Chevrolet Business Coupe. This motor vehicle may be inspected by contacting the Texas Forest Service, System Administra tion Building, A&M College of Texas campus. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Texas Forest Service, Texas A&M College System, College Station, Texas, un til 10 a.m., Friday, May 3, 1957, on forms available upon request. Ad dress the Director, Texas Forest Service, College Station, Texas or telephone VI 6-4771 for further in formation. 268tl Evaporative cooler. Can be seen at Puryear 5-C. 268t3 One 1950 Chevrolet Station Wag on. This motor vehicle may be in spected by contacting the Texas Forest Service, System Administra tion Building, A&M College of Tex as campus. Sealed bids will be re ceived in the office of the Texas Forest Service, Texas A&M Col lege System, College Station, Tex as until 10 a.m., Friday, May 24, 1957, on forms available upon re quest. Address the Director, Texas Forest Service, College Station, Texas or telephone VI 6-4771 for further information. 2G8t2 “FOR SALE, CHEAP: An at tractive young widow and two small children. Her husband, who adequately provided for his wife, left his widow destitute.” Maybe your wife wouldn’t actually run this ad in event of your death, but why force her into the marriage market, for lack of economic independence, when her soul is still burdened with rich memories of you? Life insur ance, by the stroke of a pen, can create an estate, which only years of hard work and saving can other wise build—Put Eugene Rush on your calendar ahead of the under taker. Office at North Gate, Col lege Station. Electric Florence range. Perfect condition. Will sell cheap. VI- 6-6222. 267t4 1952 Fordor Power Clide Chevro let. A-9-Y College View. 267t4 Photographic Equipment such as Lens, Light Meter, Developers, Projectors, Enlargers, Lamps, Printers; Tablet Arm Chairs; and (1) Typewriter. May be seen at the Photographic and Visual Aids Laboratory. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Busi ness Manager, College Administra tion Building until 10:30 a.m., May 13, 1957. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A&M College of Texas, College Station, Texas, for further information. 267t2 Senior boots size 9Vz. WA 4-6517, Fort Worth. Phone 264tl2 Kitchen dinette set consisting of table and four chairs, $10. VI- 6-6103. 267t3 EARLY BIRD SHOPPE TOCS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Boys FABRICS — SHOES Ridgecrest Village 3601 Texas Ave. Tills ad good for one pair of Regulation Sox. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 4-room apart ment with garage, two blocks from North Gate. 306A Second St., VI- 6-5481. Available June 1. 268t3 House in College Hills on bus line. Large living room with wood burning fireplace with mantel and built-in features. Four bedrooms, huge closets, den, 2% baths, screened porch, utility room and double garage. Tile drain in kit chen, stove, ice box, and a break fast set, couch and one bedroom set. Nice lawn for the children. Avail able immediately. Call VI 6-7248. 267tfn Cool, quiet, three room and bath apartment. Completely furnished. Adults only. . TA 2-1244. 267t4 Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf WANTED TO RENT Furnished house near Texas A&M campus or in Bryan for the period of summer tei’m, June 1 - August 25. Please contact Pro fessor Milton R. Johnson Jr., De partment of Electrical Engineex-- ing, Louisiana Polytechnic Insti tute, Ruston, Louisiana. 26714 WORK WANTED Ladies’ and children’s sewing done very reasonably. A-9-Y Col lege View. 267t4 LITHOGRAPHING — PHOTO OFFSET PRINTING — EN GRAVED PRINTING. Special pri ces on thesis printing. ZOST THE PRINTER, 3408-B Texas Ave., phone VI 6-5786. 260tfn Accurate typist desires work at home. Thesis experience. VI- 6-7265. 255tfn MIMEOGRAPHING, TYPING AND NOTARY. Bi-City Secretar ial Answering Service, 3408A Tex as Avenue. Phone VI 6-5786. 248tfn Day nursery, monthly rates. Day or night sitting on week ends. Christian home, experience, cheap. TA 2-6076, 3007 South College Ave., Bryan 233tfn All day nursery. Have had nur ses’ training. 304 West Dexter or call VI 6-4142.. 225tfn Kitchen remodeling, cupboard work, interior painting. VI 6-7265. 258tfn PETS J P U P P I E S BAYARD KENNELS Highway 6 South, College VI 6-5535 A chameleon, which changes to the same color as its surroundings, remains brown when placed on a Scotch plaid. • EJVGIMCKRI.VG AND AKCHIT ECTU UAL SlTPrUK* • M tlK LINK PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES ' MS OM Salphnar Spring RmA IBKZAN, TEXAS PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — OsUl — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 S. Main St. (Amrann front Railroad Tawnp) PHONE TA 8-10*1 BRYAN WANTED TO BUY One baby bed in good steppe..Call A 2-4440 after 5:30. ' 268t3 Would the Aggie with a Stude- p.m. 267t2 FEMALE HELP WANTED A lady with a pleasant personal- 268tfn Artist with background in com- lercial art for permanent full- me position with the Texas For- it Service. Activities involve phic duties. Contact Texas Forest Service, System Administra- Building, Campus. 268t3 SPECIAL NOTICE DOCTOR FIX IT offers you one 267t4 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, r telephoned so as to arrive In the Offle« ! Student Publications (Ground Floof YMCA, VI 0.6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dall*, Monday through Friday) at or before tfag deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. Regalia for ihe Jlaccalaureale- Oommencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the Candidates for the Master’s Degree will Ttenta.l of caps and gowns may be ar- C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee An English Proficiency Examination will at 7 p.m. in room 202, , May 20, 1957, B. A. Building. Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) K & B DRIVING RANGE Pinfeather Road NOW OPEN Week days 4 P.M. Closed Mondays GRADUATING SENIORS • • • P. I. P. All Your Money Back* + $5,000.00 ILLUSTRATION**: AGE 22 Annual Deposit $182.45 (or $15.31 by monthly bank draft) IF YOU LIVE I Cash to you, Age 42 Cash to you, Age 55 | Cash to you, Age 60 Cash to you, Age 65 $3,802.00 7.113.85 8.113.85 9,183.30 YOUR DREAM OF TOMORROW BECOMES A REALITY TODAY With this PREFERRED INVESTMENT PLAN GREAT SOUTHWEST LIFE INSURANCE CO. DALLAS, TEXAS An Old Line Legal Reserve Stock Co. IF YOU DIE YOUR FAMILY WILL RECEIVE (Before Deposits^ are completed — for example, in 15th year) 1. Check for Estate Protection . . $7,736.75 (including 1’eturn of all deposits) 2. Check for Coupon Accumulations 810.45 3. Check for Dividend Accumulations 481.40 Total . $9,028.60 Total Deposits 2,736.75 Net Gain for Estate . $6,291.85 ‘During premium deposit period prior to Age 65 •Values shown above include dividends based on present scale and stated amounts are dependent upon all dividends and coupons being left on deposit to accumulate compound interest. WAYNE SCHMIDT TEXAS A&M REPRESENTATIVE P.O. BOX 4824 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS , Please send me information on the P.I.P. Plan: Name Address City Dorm & Room No Phone .... y.