The Battalion College Station (Brazos County/, Texas PAGE 4 Tuesday, February 26, 1957 $ (joiilinonlfiL >rrjKP JLMATJES IT'S THE FAST, COMFORTABLE WAY TO TRAVEL Women’s Social Club Enjoys Game Party Friday Afternoon Social Whirl Read Battalion Classifieds Daily J. CHICAGO* FT. WORTH LOS ANGELES* *Via connecting airline Call Continental at VI 6-4789 Due to the excellent response to our first spring Smorgasbord we will continue with our next . . . SMORGASBORD Sunday, March 3 M.S.C. Dining Room A&M CAMPUS Members and guests of the A&M Women’s Social Club gath ered in the ballroom of the Mem orial Student Center Friday after noon for a game party. Prizes in bridge were won by Mrs. Fred Jones, high; Mrs. Tom Harrington, second high, and Mrs. Paul Jungerman, low. The canasta prize went to Mrs. J. E. Hierth and Mrs. K. J. Koen ig took high honors in “42.” Door prize winners were Mrs. James E. Couch and Mrs. T. O. Walton, Jr. The president, Mrs. Ide P, Trotter, conducted a short busi ness meeting before the games started. She appointed Mrs. E L. Angell, chairman, Mrs. H. E Burgess and Mrs. F. J. Konecny as the nominating committee to prepare a slate of officers for the 1957-58 year. The committee is to report at the March meeting. Named to a committee to se lect a club representative to the Cotton Pageant were Mrs. W. A. Varvel, chairman, Mrs. Sam Cle- land and Mrs. B. C. Wormeli. Mrs. Trotter announced that the World Day of Prayer will be observed in College Station March 8. A special program in keeping with the observance will be held at St.- Thomas Episcopal Church from 9:55 to 11 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend. A nursery will be provided. Mrs. Konecny announced that the Newcomers Club will have a seated tea style show Wednesday, April 17. The next meeting of the Social Club will be a style show luncheon March 27. Beverley Braley will provide the fashions for the show. The wives of the School of Veterinary Medicine, with Mrs. W., W. Armistead as chairman, were j hostesses for the afternoon. Mechanical Engineering Wives entertained their husbands, de partment faculty members and their wives with a get-acquainted dinner-dance Friday evening at Zarape’s. During the dance, which fol lowed dinner, punch was served by Joann Wagner and Margie Stratton. Civil Engineering Wives Club will not have game night Wednes day evening. Instead, it will meet at 8 p. m. Wednesday, March 6, in the south solarium of the YMCA. lor Local Cookie-Lovers— Here’s That Recipe Again ADMIRAL Appliances DEARBORN Coolers EASY Washers DIXIE Ranges MATHES Air Conditionex-s MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES TV-RADIO SERVICE JOE FAULK ’32 Auto-Appl. 214 N. Bryan TA 2-1669 Home Center Cavitt-Coulter TA 2-6138 SMITH GUN WORKS Factory trained Gunsmith for complete service and supplies. New & Used . . . GUNS, SCOPES, MOUNTS, COMPENSATORS, RECOIL PADS, REBARRELING, etc. 1 mile South of College Highway 6 S. IT S FOR REAL! Newspaper Clinic More than 200 persons are due to attend the Texas Newspaper Clinic to be held at A&M March 8-9. The clinic is sponsored by the Journalism Department with Wesley D. Calvert as chairman. Sessions will be held in the Me morial Student Center. Want to help a Buddy? HERE’S HOW . . . Some Ag-gies need this book now! ME 327 (Going out of print) LOUPOT’S TRADING POST For the benefit of those who are looking for “another cookie recipe,” we repeat one of Georgia Benson’s “Family Favorites,” run in Thursday’s Battalion. The proper ingredients and in structions were included, but not in the right order! So here’s the recipe again— Buttex-scotch Dx-op Cookies Ingredients: S 1 /^ cups sifted all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup soft short ening (part butter or margarine), cups brown sugar, 2 eggs, % cup sour milk or buttermilk, 2 tea spoons vanilla. Method: Sift flour once before measuring, then sift it together with the soda and salt. Combine the shortening, sugar and eggs in a mixing bowl, and beat until well blended—about 2 min utes. Add milk and vanilla. Add sifted flour mixture, and beat un til well blended—about 3 minutes. Chill dough one hour or more. Preheat oven to 400 degrees and grease cookie sheets. Drop chilled dough by rounded teaspoonfuls 2 inches apart on cookie sheets. Top each cookie with a pecan half or candied cherry, if desired. Bake 8 to 10 minutes—just until cookies are firm and brown around edges While I’m trying the next case, take my trousers to be pressed at — CAMPUS CLEANERS by Chester Field HOW PRACTICAL IS MOONLIGHT? The bookworm said, 4 ‘A moonlight night ^ Is apt to be a worthwhile sight. But after you’re through with it What can you do with it?’* ? MORAL: Plenty, chum! Open up your Ubido and let in some moonlight. Take your pleasure BIG .. . smoke Chesterfield King. With that big size and that big taste .. . it’s the smoothest tasting smoke today ’cause it’s packed more smoothly by ACCU*RAY. Like your pleasure BIG? A Chesterfield King has Everything t $50 for each philosophical verse accepted for publi cation. Chesterfield. P.O. Hope 21. New Yorl © Usxett ft Myers Tobacco Co, fork 46. N. Y. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 3^ per word 2^ per word each additional day Minimum charge—40^ DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80^ per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-641S FOR SALE 1947 Chevrolet, new paint, new tires, radio, heater, new seat covers, $225.00. See Bill Thurman, Box 6594 or Dorm 7, Room 411. 233t4 WANTED TO RENT Apartment, reasonable rent, for occupancy in June by graduate stu dent and wife. Prefer one near campus. A. P. Cobra, 254-Bizzell, or call VI 6-6287 after 5 p.m. 231t3 HELP WANTED (1) Electric Addressograph ma chine, uses metal plate. May be seen at the A&M Press. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Business Manager, College Administration Building until 10:30 a.m., March 18, 1957. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technical ities. Address Business Manager, A&M College of Texas, College Station, Texas, for further infor mation. 233t2 Student’s wife or student, exper ienced in advertising layout. Call Mrs. Prihoda, VI 6-6415, or come by the Student Publications Office, YMCA basement. 233tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Do you like money ? ? Money saved is money earned. Save on that NEW CAR. Call TA 3-6324 ®fter 5 p.m. 221tl5 Need attractive and energetic woman, at least 25 years of age, for permanent supervisory position in food department. Irregular hours, including some nights and week ends. Food experience not necessary. Must show readiness to learn and be capable to train and supexwise students. Apply in person only to the Director’s Of fice, Memorial Student Center. 228tfn WORK WANTED Day nursery, monthly rates. Day or night sitting on week ends Christian home, experience, cheap TA 2-6076, 3007 South College Ave., Bryan. 233t4 Babysitting. Very C-3-D College View. reasonable 227t8 All day nursery. Have had nur ses’ training. 304 West Dexter or call VI 6-4142.. 225tfn FOUND Good Shaeffer fountain pen on campus. Owner identify by calling Mrs. Hicks at Exchange Store and pay for ad. 232t2 PETS 2 lots. Walton & Harrington. VI 6-7356. 215tfn FOR RENT Four room furnished house with garage. Just off A&M campus. Phone VI 6-5767, VI 6-5861. 233t3 Modern furnished three room and bath apartment. Adults only. Close in. Phdne TA 2-1244. 229t8 Furnished bedroom in private home. Sem i -private bath. TA- 2-4872 between 1 p.m. and 9 p.m. 199tfn SPECIAL NOTICE New all-purpose LUNKER-LO- CATER now at local sports deal ers makes 4 separate fish getting lures. Has more ways to attract big fish. 233t4 Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf WANTED TO BUY Boots, size lOVz C or D, 17” to 18” calf. My height: 6’2”, weight, 190 lbs. See F. G. Belote, Dorm 17, Room 112. 233t4 Baby buggy. Call VI 6-7064. 232t4 MARTIN HARDWARE Gifts — Hardware — Appliances Garden Equipment & Insecticides Samsonite Eugrgage Eidsrecrest Shopping Center PHONE VI 6-7223 VISIT . . . COULTER FIELD in Bryan Highway 21 East • AIRPLANE RENTAE • I I.IGHT INSTRUCTION • RIDES TA 2-9400 Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming Puppies. Free pickup, delivery BAYARD KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Offiet of Student Publications (Ground Floor VMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dallj Monday through Friday) at or before thi. deadline of I p.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. All currently enrolled pre-veterinary med icine students who expect to qualify as applicants for admission into the School of Veterinary Medicine in September 1957 should file their applications in the Regis trar’s Office not later than April 1. Forms to be used in making application for admission to the School of Veterinary Medicine are available at the information desk in the Registrar’s Office. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar If you have repair or remodel ing problems, why bother with a painter here, a carpenter there, when DOCTOR FIXIT can handle the entire case for you He is reasonable and efficient. Call DOCTOR FIXIT at the MARION PUGH LUMBER CO. for a free es timate and 100% repair loan. 233t4 EARLY BIRD SHOPPE Togs — Gifts and Toys for Girls and Boys FABRICS — SHOES Ridgecrest Village 3601 Texas Ave. Candidate for Degree Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degree by the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. March 1 is the deadline for filing an application for a degree to be conferred at the end of the current semester. This deadline applies to both graduate and un dergraduate students. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar and we’ll he on the campus Mon. & Tues., March 4 & 5 to discuss your future at Boeing \ ' : pi ii ii ... where you can rise to the top A diesel locomotive contains more than 70,000 individual parts. BAKER TIRE CO. TRAILERS I-ocal or one way Firestone Tires Tire Recapping and repairs 19th & Bryan BRYAN TA 2-8159 • ENGINJKKRINQ AND ARCHITECTTJ RAD SUPPUKa • BI.DE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 014 Sulphur Spring* H—J BRYAN, TEXAS PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 712 S. Main St (Aeraaa from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA S-1ML1 BRYAN Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST SOSA East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) Right now you’re in the process of making one of the most important decisions of your life. Your decision is important to us, too, because we are interested in engineers and scientists who want to get ahead. We’re coming to the campus to give you the facts you need to judge whether Boeing can help you reach the goal you have in mind. The fact that Boeing is an “engineers’ company” is Important to your success. At Boeing, you’d work with, and for, engineers—men who talk your language, under stand and appreciate your work. Boeing encourages graduate study, reimbursing full tuition and fees, plus an additional amount for incidentals. Every six months, each Boeing engineer is given a merit review—a personal opportunity for recognition and ad- Rersonal Interviews on MARCH 4 AND 5 See your Placement Office for time and location vancement. The company’s steady, rapid growth assures plenty of opportunities to move ahead. At Boeing, engi neers hold positions right to the top. Another advantage: Boeing assignments are interesting. You’ll work on such famous projects as the 707, America’s first jet transport; the intercontinental B-52, the nation’s principal long-range jet bomber; the supersonic BOMARC guided missile, and top-secret programs that probe beyond the frontiers of the known. At Boeing, you’ll be in a young, expanding industry, one with its major growth still ahead. So whether you plan a career in civil, mechanical, elec trical, aeronautical or industrial engineering, physics or mathematics (or related fields), drop in for a person-to- person discussion about your future at Boeing.