. • ■ . Sunday Services Scheduled The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas Thursday, January 31, 1957 PAGE 7 RECEIVE P.H.T. DEGREES—Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Wives whose husbands graduated from A&M this month are (left to right) Betty Feazel, Pat John ston, Karen Tedder, Marcylee Wright and Helen Priddy. The banquet in honor of the group was held Jan. 16 in the Memorial Student Center social room. Dr. Tyrus Timm presented the degrees, and Dr. Dan Russell was the evening’s speaker. Tamalada Supper Slated For Next Week At St. Thomas Chapel; Aggies To Serve Bruner Battery & Electric Co. COMPLETE AUTO TUNE-UP Batteries—Starters Generators—Carburetors LARRY BRUNER ’44 TA 2-1218 28th & Main The annual tamalada supper at St. Thomas Chapel will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. next Thursday in the parish house. This Mexican supper is un der the sponsorship of the Women’s Auxiliary and under the supervis ion of the co-chairmen, Mrs. Rolla Griffith and Mrs. T. O. Walton Jr. “Homemade” is the keynote of the supper, with old and treasured enchilada recipes to be featured as the highlight of the menu. Serv ing on the food committee are the EYES EXAMINED GLASSES PRESCRIBED DR. E. LUDEMANN DR. G. A. SMITH OPTOMETRISTS Dial TA 2-3557 BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC (Next to Lewis Shoe Store) 105 N. Main Bryan, Texas Mesdames Spencer J. Buchanan, Frank S. Vaden, Henderson Shuf fler, Milton Nance, T. O. Walton Jr., and James Dozier. Aggies will serve the supper. Among them will be Rollin Khoury, Tom Goldstone, Ed Connor, Buck Williams, Bert Acheson, Marion Badger, Dave Yost and George McKay. Decorations for the affair will be the , contribution of Mrs. W. W. Armistead, and hostesses will in clude the Mesdames Fred Smith, Kenneth Edwards and Jack Palmer. Tickets are now available : and may be secured at $1 for adults and 50 cents for children by call ing Mrs. A. E. Carter, VI 6-6233, Mrs. William Newcomb, VI 6-4086, or the church office, VI 6-6133. Be a wise cook! Assemble all the ingredients listed in a recipe before you start preparing the dish. Get out the utensils needed, too. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES flay 3