The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County)^ Texas PAGE 2 Friday, November 2, 1956 Ike Foreign Failed, Says Policy Adlai By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Adlai E. Stevenson called Pres ident Eisenhower’s foreign policy an “abysmal, catastrophic fail ure” last night. Stevenson, speaking in Buffalo, N. Y., said “two great victories” have been handed to Russia by the Eisenhower adm ini stilati on’s foreign policy. He said the admin istration had committed a “series of failures.” Stevenson’s speech was carried over the major radio-TV networks on free time, to match the 15 min utes the networks gave Eisenhow er for his Wednesday night talk from the White House. Stevenson gave great stress to the fighting in the Middle East, where Britain and France are driving to seize the Suez Canal and the Israelis and Egyptians are fighting in the Eisenhower, i: night speech, had chided Britain, France and Israel, while saying they had been subjected to provo cations from the Egyptians, who have accepted arms from Russia. He said he would seek through the United Nations to end the con flict. Stevenson said the Soviet Un ion, in all the turmoil, had scored these victories: 1. “The establishment in the mid dle East of the Russian influence which the Czars sought in vain for centuries and which Communists have achieved in a few months.” 2. “The breakdown of the West ern alliance. This has been a su preme objective of Soviet policy since the end of the second World War.” The Stevenson speech was a con tinuation of the criticism he has poured on the Republican ad- Sinai Peninsula. I ministration since the Middle East his Wednesday | crisis broke. Job Interviews Wednesday & Thursday McDONNEL AIRCRAFT COR PORATION—St. Louis Mo., will interview aeronautical, civil, me chanical, architectural, electrical and industrial engineering majors; applied math and engineering physics majors for positions in their Airplane, Helicopter, Missile, and Flight Test Divisions. SQUARE D COMPANY — will interview mechanical, industrial, and electrical engineering majors for positions in Design & Develop ment Engineering, Production Engineering, Application Engineer ing and Field Engineering. Thursday HOUSTON POWER & LIGHT COMPANY—Houston, Tex. — will interview Jan. 1957 graduates in mechanical and eledtric^al engi neering. Black Bow I ies torpors SYLVANIA ELECTRIC PRO DUCTS, INC. -— . will interview electrical, mechanical, industrial engineers, and physics, chemistry and mathematics majors. DOWELL INCORPORATED— will interview mechanical and pet roleum engineering and chemistry majors. Thursday and Friday The Texas Company—represent atives. will interview civil, electri cal, geological, industrial, mechan ical, and petroleum engineering; business administration, account ing, geology, and M.S. or Ph.D. in chemistry and chemical engineer ing for positions In the following departments: Research and Tech nical Department, Refining De partment, Producing Department (So. Texas Division, Louisiana Di vision, West Texas Division.’ Friday Cities Service Oil Company—will interview mechanical, chemical, in dustrial and geological engineer ing majors to go into their grad uate training program. Bell System -— representatives from Western Electric, Southwest ern Bell, Bell Laboratories, Sandia Corporation, and A. T. & T. Com pany will interview electrical, me chanical, industrial aeronautical engineers, and business adminis tration, physics, mathematics, eco nomics, 'English, history and ac counting majors. DATELINE AYRSHIRE By Ken George Leroy Hyltine wrote a letter to The Battalion that expresses many an Ag-gie’s thought. Who did paint Sully, Aggies or Tea-Sips? We all would like to believe the dirty trick was done by them low-down teasippers but most of us don’t think so. The powers that be will expel an Aggie for painting up some other school’s campus, why not expell an Aggie for painting- up his own campus ? The front page picture on yesterday’s Batt showed two Sophs being hazed by two freshmen. We are for the hazing but what was them sophomores doing out side without hats? Eating in the A&M mess hall isn’t what you would call “Din ing Out” but the troops do have to march over so why doesn’t the Batt print the mess hall menus ? We print the A&M Consolidated chow chart. A Texas playboy visiting New York City was crossing the Hud son River in his 1957 model lim ousine, complete with air-condi tioning, jeweled headlamps, a bar and TV set, and a five-piece band playing soft music from the rear seat. Reaching the far side of the George Washington Bridge, the chauffeur was waved to a stop by a bridge guard. “Your toll fee, please,” announ ced the attendant. “Fifty cents.” The man from Texas, an oil bil lionaire, of course, proceeded to search his pockets for change, then replied, “Sorry, pardner, but I ain’t got a cent of silver in my jeans. How much will you take for the Bridge ? ” LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler 0, f ,

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