The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 31, 1956, Image 1

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Battalion News Editor
Climaxing: many days and nig’hts
of labor, the AFROTC on Friday
night proudly pi’esents the Air
Force Ball, first and perhaps the
finest of the formal dances given
on. the campus during the year.
Outstanding attractions of the
Ball certainly include the seven
finalists for the Air Force Sweet
heart crown. Winner of the title
will be announced during - the in
termission of the dance, which
lasts from 9 until 12.
Prior to the dance, at 7 p. m.
Friday, the Air Force Band of the
West will give a free concert in
Guion Hall until 8. Everyone is
invited to attend the concert by
one of the finest bands in the Uni
ted States. Being the official band
of Lackland AFB, San Antonio,
has made the band known all over
the world since Lackland is called
the “gateway to the Air Force”.
Playing for the Ball are the
Notable Airmen, a 13 piece dance
band made up of the best music- .
ians in the Air Force Band of the
Theme of the dance is “Stair
way to the Stars” and in keeping
with this theme, the decorations
include the front doorway to Sbisa
Dining Hall, where the dance will
be held, being transformed into
the entrance to a rocket ship. Up
on enteidng the rocket ship we
find ourselves in a pitch black
room and are led up a silver stair
case to a porthole overlooking the
dance floor. Imaginative probably
describes the decorations better
than any other word.
Date Wait
Strictly as an aid to the
boys who have classes Fri
day afternoon, a “date
wait” will be held in the
Assembly Room of the Me
morial Student Center.
The date wait is on open
house for any of the girls
who arrive on the campus
between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.
They will be hosted by
local women with refresh
ments. Any students who
have free time during the
afternoon are cordially in
vited to go up to the As
sembly Room. College Sta
tion and Bryan girls will
be there to entertain un
attached students.
Another unusual feature of the
dance is the cut rate price on cor
sages being offered by local flor
ist, J. Coulter Smith. In cooper
ation with the Air Force Ball
Committee, Smith is making such
bargains as a corsage of carna
tions for 20 cents and orchids for
Flowers may still be ordered at
the reduced rate, but the offer
ends tomorrow. Smith is giving a
20 per cent discount and the com
mittee is paying $1 on each cor
sage out of its funds.
At about 11:45 Friday night,
the Aggie Band will meet at the
front of Sbisa Hall and march
over to the Grove for Midnight
Yell Practice, followed by the
couples at the dance.
Many faculty and Air Force per
sonnel are offering rooms in their
homes for AF Ball dates who have
(see Sweetheart Page 2)
Vote For
Amendment 3
Number 188: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
Aggies Will Form ‘T’
At Rice Football Game
Red Flag Down;
Hungarian AF
Set For Rattle
BUDAPEST, Hungary—(iP)
Hungary’s harassed govern
ment turned against its Sov
iet military supporters and in
effect hauled down the Red
flag yesterday.
Its air force threatened to at
tack Russian troops and tanks in
volved in the battle of Budapest
unless they leave the capital with
in 12 hours. The ultimatum, is
sued at 3 p. m. Budapest time, ac
cused the Russians of “constant
ly violating the cease-fire.”
Premier Imre Nagy, bidding to
end a week of bloody civil war,
announced the Communist one
party system will be abolished and
called on the rebels to join in pre
paring for free elections taking in
long-suppressed Hungainan politi
cal parties active before the Reds
seized control in 1948.
“The powerful uprising of the
Democratic forces has brought us
to a parting of the ways,” the
once - purged Communist leader
said in a broadcast over Radio
“The national government in
complete agreement with the
chairmanship of the Hungarian
Communist party, has taken an
important decision for the life of
the nation. In the interests of fur
thering democracy in the country,
the one-party system will be abol
The government not only recog
nizes the provincial autonomous
governments set up by the reb
els, Nagy said, but “begs for their
He announced the formation of
a “little Cabinet” including men
from five parties to run the coun
try while the election is being pre
pared. He proposed the formation
of a coalition government similar
to that established just after the
end of World War II in 1945. The
parties are the Communist, Small
holders, Peasant, Social Demo
crats and a fifth not indentified.
Fall Military Day
Arrangements Set
Fall Military Day will be held
Satui’day, Nov. 3, according to the
commandants office. Activities will
begin at 6:30 p.m. Friday with a
dinner in the Memorial Student
Center given by President and Mrs.
David H. Morgan.
Satui’day morning, distinguished
guests will be conducted on a tour
of the campus and at noon, they
will be the guests of the Corps
Commander and his staff at Sbisa
Following the Corps review at
1:30 p.m., the guests will attend
affairs at the homes of Col. and
Mrs. Joe Davis, commandant and
Col. and Mrs. Delmar Anderson,
PMS. They will attend the foot
ball game with Arkansas Univer
sity that night.
Note of Thanks
Editor’s Note: The following let
ter comes from Jales Bingham,
Gary E. Clements and their fam
ilies. The two students were in
jured in a two-car collision.
To the Corps:
We would like to express our
gratitude to everyone for being so
kind and generous. We sincerely
appreciated all of the company and
help that was rendered to us while
in the hospital.
We especially would like to ex
press our thanks to Bill Heai-d,
Joe Buser and E. V. Adams.
James H. Bingham
Gary E. Clements
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Clements
Old Tradition To Return
First Time In Four Years
Battalion Managing Editor
An old tradition will make its return to the campus of
A&M the afternoon of Nov. 17 when the Fighting Texas Ag
gies meet the Owls from Rice.
That afternoon the Corps of Cadets will form the famous
“Aggie T.”
This will be the first time since 1952 the “T” has been
formed at the half of a football game.
Schedules for practicing the forming of the “T” have
not been announced as yet by Head Yell Leader Bill Dorsey,
but he says that “only two practices will be necessary before
the game.”
Civilian students have been invited to join the 3,600
♦'members of the Corps at the
formation if they so desire.
Dorsey says the only require
ment of the civilian students
is that they wear the military
uniform of their class.
The famous “T” was originally
formed at evei'y game prior to the
band marching at half-time festiv
ities, then this practice fell to once
a year, and finally the “T” has not
been formed at all during the past
four years.
The Texas Aggie Band will not
participate in the formation of the
“T”. But, as in the past the Band
will play “Pop Goes the Weasel”
while members of the student body
form the “T.”
Plans call for each man to carry
a white handkerchief and a maroon
scarf so that while they are giving
the Locomotive Yell the “T” will
change color from white to maroon.
A total of three yells will be giv
en while the “T” is formed with the
Yell Leaders leading the yells from
atop the Kyle Field Press Box.
Yells that are ti’aditionally giv
en during the formation of the
huge symbol are the Sky Rocket,
Locomotive and Rickety Rock. Af
ter the last yell segments of the
“T” explode in all directions and
find their way back into the stands
of Kyle Field.
Battalion Rated
‘First Class’
By Press Group
The Battalion has recently
been given a first class rating
by the Associated Collegiate
Press in its critical rating
Tallying 1,565 points, The Bat
talion was in the second group of
five groups in which 23 papers
were graded.
Highest rating given is All-
American. A college daily must
earn at least 1,700 points to
qualify for it.
The critical service takes in all
phases of publication including re
porting, style, make-up, features,
editorials and picture display.
Excellent ratings were received
on news stories, treatment of copy,
editorials, sports coverage, front
page makeup and inside news
The judge grading The Battalion
made special comment on the news
sources and coverage which he said
were excellent.
“Your staff paints an excellent
and descriptive picture of life at
A&M,” he said.
Businesslike Beggar
EI PASO, Tex.—<dP)_Police in
Juarez, Mexico, just across the bor
der recently arrested a beggar who
said he made $15 to $30 a day beg
ging from tourists and Juarez
residents. The 66-year-old beggar,
i picked up in a routine roundup,
carried three money bags. One
contained dollars, another pesos.
The third was empty and was used
to hold the day’s “earnings,” po
lice said.
Weather Today
But Where in Texas
Sabouri of Teheran, Iran has de
cided that he can’t be classified as
a foreign student at Oklahoma City
University. Introduced to another
OCU student, his new acquaintance
asked where he was from. “Iran,”
replied Mike. “Oh,” said the other
student, “and what part of Texas
is that in?”
Bitter British, French
Start Suez War Action
Egypt Defies Both Nations u j t r t
To Land On Her Territory n ,
' Duty Orders
More Timely
Clear skies are forecast for the
College Station area. Yesterday’s
high was 75 degrees and last
night’s low, 47 degrees. Tempei’-
ature at 10:30 this morning was
i 65 degrees.
LONDON, Wednesday, Oct. 31 — (A 3 ) — The British-
French ultimatum on Egypt and Israel expired at 11:30 p.m.
EST Tuesday. There were reports—without official con
firmation yet—that the British and French are on the move
to seize key points in the Suez Canal zone.
British and French armies, navies and air force were
operating under a blackout on operations as in wartime.
But hours before the deadline was passed British news
papers and other sources reported a British-French armada
was plowing through the Mediterranean on their momentous
mission and parachute troops were ready to spring down on
the canal zone.
1 The parachutists were from
Cyprus, the British eastern
Mediterranean, the Ismailia
midway point and Suez at the
south end on the Red Sea.
Loudon moi'ning newspapers car
ried the story in big headlines
such as:
“We’re going in”, “Our troops
in today”, “All set to go in”, and
“British armada off Suez.”
War experts on the papers
speculated that thousands of par
atroops, commandos, navy and
airforce men are taking part in
the operation.
One objective was generally be
lieved to be the former British
Canal zone bases of Tel el Kebir,
Abu Sultan and Fayid.
The British have military equip
ment there valued at some 840 mil
lion dollars stored under civilian
Band To Go Video
At Arkansas Game
The A&M-Arkansas- game and
half time activities of the Texas
Aggie Band will be regionally tel
evised Saturday.
The band entrance will be made
from the hollow center formation.
Delayed counter marches from
the left by the front and back
halves of the band, followed by
northeastern turns will face the
halves toward the east side of the
After counter marches, minstrel
turns by both halves will place
the band back in regular forma
Then the band will split and at
the south end of the field form
marching letters spelling Arkan
sas. The “Marching T” will be
made, countermarched, turned and
clear the field on the student side
of the stadium.
Gary December is drum major
of the Consolidated Band. Mike
Cornwall and Jay Cloud lead the
White and Maroon Bands.
Tarble To Speak
At AMS Meeting
Richard D. Tarble of the U. S.
Weather Bui’eau will speak to the
local branch of the American Me
teorological Society Friday at 7:45
p.m. in i - oom 307, Goodwin Hall.
Topic of the talk will be “Pre
cipitation Forecasting for Shasta
Dam Operations” and it will be
illustrated with color slides.
Also a report will be made of
the society’s national meeting on
Climatology at Asheville, N. C.
CAIRO—CP) — An authorita
tive source said last night Pres
ident Nasser had warned Britain
and France that Egypt “will de
fend her dignity.”
That appeared to spell Egyptian ;
militai’y resistance to British and
French landing forces.
The Western Big Three split sharp- !
ly last night over the Middle East
crisis when Britain and France ve- |
toed a U. S. cease-fire plan and j
announced they would land troops !
in the Suez Canal zone.
The Soviet Union voted with
the United States and five other
council members when the ballot
was taken at the end of a tense
Security Council session.
It was the first time in U. N.
history that the United States and
its British and French allies dis
rupted their unity on such a ma
jor problem.
Army ROTC seniors may in
the future receive their orders
for active duty “well before
Spring job interviews” ac
cording to Maj. Gen. Herbert
M. Jones in a letter to President
David H. Morgan.
In his letter, Gen. Jones, acting
adjutant general, recognized the
fact that Army seniors at present
have difficulty in planning future
civilian employment and profes
sions because they do not receive
their active duty orders until al
most graduation time.
To help alleviate this problem,
Gen. Jones said first, “the determi
nation of the numbers to be com
missioned in each branch of service
Avill be based on preliminary ROTC
enrollment figures which are re
ceived during the first week in
October, rather than on the firm
enrollment data usually received in
Second, <r except for certain in
dividuals with critical education
backgrounds, the assignments of
General Military Science students
for the two-year tour of active
duty and the 6 month tour of duty
for training will be made at the
headquarters of the Ai'my com
manders rather than the Depart
ment of Army.
“Barring unforeseen factors
over which the Army has little
or no control, these changes
should result in an earlier and
more equitable determination of
the period of active service and
, reporting date for the ROTC
! student who is about to be grad
uated and commissioned,” Gen.
Jones said.
Gen. Jones concluded by saying
! that the Army was deeply concern-
! ed in the ROTC graduate and as
sured their utmost effort to ar
range the ROTC graduate’s active
service with a minimum of dis
location of his civilian career and