The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 30, 1956, Image 1

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Vote For
Amendment 3
Number 182: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
Who’s Who
Begin Today
Forms for nominating- stu
dents for Who’s Who among-
students in American colleges
and universities may be ob
tained from the Command
ant’s office, the housing 1 office,
Student Activities office and the
Main Desk of the MSC today until
November 7.
These forms must be filled out
and returned to any one of these
places by 6 p.m. November 7, said
W. L. Penberthy, chairman of the
final selecting committee.
Final selection of the 32 stu
dents will be made in the early part
of December, Penberthy said. This
selection will be made after an ex
tensive elimination has been un-
A committee of five cadets will
be appointed by Lt. Col. Taylor
Wilkins to assist in screening nom
inees in the Corps. Likewise a
committee of five civilian students
will be appointed by Bennie Zinn,
head of the Department of Student
Student members of the Who’s
Who selection committee will as
sist these committees during the
screening process. These commit
tees will screen nominees to 64
candidates which will be divided
between Corps and civilian students
on a proportionate basis.
In order to be eligible for selec
tion a man must be an academic
senior and be expecting to receive
his degree no later than June 1958.
He must have a grade point ratio
of 1.5 or better, be active in stu
dent activities, show qualities of
leadei'ship as indicated by positions
held in student organizations, and
be popular with fellow students. A
candidate is eligible to be selected
only one year.
PARDEE BREAKS THE TIE—With a third-quarter plunge from four yards out to break
the 6-6 tie and put A&M out in front of Baylor 12-6 as the Aggies disappointed 50,000
Homecoming fans in Waco, beating the previously undefeated Bears, 19-13.
(Staff Photo by Don Bisett)
— <t
Area Scouts Request Aid
From Community Chest Drive
Troops Aim For Suez
Moon Watch
To Org
CHS List Fifty
On Honor Roll
Fifty A&M Consolidated High
School students wei-e named to
the first six-weeks honor roll at
the school, according to J. J.
Skiivanek Jr., principal.
John Harrington, James Martin,
Charles Delaplane, Mary Lou
Ergle, Jo Ann Walker, John
Skrivanek, James Couch, Lucy
Rogers, Larry Leighton, David
Webb and Mam-ice Olian were
feniors listed.
Those from the junior class in
cluded Millie Caughlin, Mary
Margaret Hierth, Elain Chalk, Sue
Mowery, Jeanette Vance, Jerry
Mills and Junius Clark.
The sophomore class listed the
lai-gest number of honorees with
Don Avera, Pat Jackson, James
Morgan, Annette Perry, Pete Rod
riguez, Jeanelle LaMotte, Kim
Johns, Nancy Rogers, Anne Wil
liamson, Mary Varvel, Ora Lee
Ramsey, Johnny Barger, Martha
Esten, Helen Klipple, Billie D. Let-
better, Kenneth Cooner, Sara
Goode, Beatrice Luther, Bill Jones
and Alex Rush.
Freshmen were Mike Denison,
Cyndi Drake, Dee Smith, Pam
Sperry, Anita Mowery, Gloi-ia
Poole, Bruce Thompson, Don Zobel,
Charlene Matejka, Dorothy Berry,
Jane Anne Krenitsky and Howard
(Ed. Note: This is the third in
a series of articles on the agencies
requesting your help in the 1956
A&M College-College Station Com
munity Chest-Red Cross Drive.)
The Boy Scouts of America are
requesting $2,500 and the Girl
Scouts $2,000 to carry on their
respective programs of scout work
in College Station and Brazos
Over 775 girls between the ages
of 7-17 and adult leaders partici
pate in the Gii-1 Scouting program
in the Bryan-College Station Area
Girl Scout Council. The program
is open to all girls of any i-ace,
color or religion.
Community Chest contributions
will be used to pay the salary of
Miss Marie Meyei-, full-time girl
scout executive, to pay expenses
of the Girl Scout Little House and
to finance all the other phases of
the scout movement in the council.
“All the money contributed
through the United Fund and Com
munity Chest movements stays in
the council,” Mrs. O. B. Donaho
of Bryan, Council president, said.
“A total of $5 each year is sent
Lions And Wives
To Attend Banquet
College Station Lions and their
wives will attend the annual Lad
ies Night banquet Thursday at
7:30 p.m. in the Maggie Parker
Dining Room, Bryan.
Final plans for the affair were
announced at the monthly busi
ness luncheon in the Memorial Stu
dent Center yesterday.
The club heard reports of the
monthly board meeting held re
cently and results of the club’s
booths at the A&M Consolidated
Band Boosters Band Carnival Sat
urday nig-ht.
Jack Conlee of Bryan was the
only visitor.
to the national headquarters to
defray expenses there.”
Girls themselves raise money
for their own or their troop’s work
through such methods as the an
nual Girl Scout Cookie Sale and
calendar sales.
At present there are 25 Brownie
Troops, 12 Intel-mediate Troops and
five Senior Troops in the council,
Many new groups are applying to
the council for admission.
Boy Scouts in College Station
belong to the Arrowmoon District
From School
Three sophomore Air Force
ROTC students have been suspen
ded from school for the remainder
of the semester, according to Col.
Joe E. Davis, commandant.
They were charged with viola
tion of paragraph 44-3 in College
Regulations which states “Going
to another campus with the intent
to paint or otherwise deface sta
tues or buildings or commit other
depredation. Minimum penalty is
suspension from the College for
the semester in which the act oc
Col. Davis said they admitted
to the charges.
He said the sophomores went to
Baylor with the intent of burning
the bonfire but found it too close
ly guarded. They then drove thru
tlje campus and “dumped four one-
gallon jugs of gasoline and kero
sene into the street near a girls’
dormitory.” A wick was inserted
between the “jugs” which was set
on fire before being dumped out
of the trunk of the car.
In accordance with college regu
lations, names of the offenders
were withheld.
of the Sam Houston Area Council.
There are 310 boys in College Sta
tion’s five Scout Troops, two Ex
plorer Posts and three Cub Scout
Each boy in the program pays
dues to the group and provides his
own uniform. Additional funds
from the Community Chest and
other organizations provide awards,
salary for professional worker
Leonard McPherson, help support
Camp Arrowmoon and Camp
Strake and help maintain the Area
headquarters in Houston.
Among the many activities of the
College Station Boy Scouts are
usher service at football games,
“Get Out the Vote” campaigns and
other civic programs.
SCONA Delegates
Applications Due
SCONA II delegates from
A&M will be selected by Presi
dent David H. Morgan on
Saturday, after the nomina
tion committee has met with
applicants on Thursday and
Seniors and juniors interest
ed in being considered for ap
pointment as delegates to
SCONA II must fill out appli
cations with Dean W. H^ Dela
plane of the School of Arts and
Sciences by 12 noon Thursday.
Senior Announcements
Seniors can begin ordering Jan
uary graduation announcements on
Wednesday, Nov. 7, in the office of
Student Activities on the second
floor of the YMCA. Prices for the
announcements are: engraved cards
$2.50 per 100; printed cards $1.50;
leather covered 65 cents each; card
board 30 cents each; french fold
10 cents each.
World War Fears Rise
As Nations Take Sides
JERUSALEM, Tuesday, Oct. 30—UP)—Israeli armed
forces struck deep into Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula today and
were unofficially reported only IBi/^ miles from the Suez
War fears rose around the world.
Egypt’s army confirmed the invasion but said there had
been no armed clash up until 4 p.m. EST Monday.
Egypt has been staging military maneuvers in the Sinai
Desert. Its strength there is not known.
A high Israeli government source said the operation was
designed to wipe out Egyptian commando nests in Sinai.
The Israeli forces were remaining in the area, not with-
^drawing as in reprisal raids.
F i g h t i n g blazed along
Egypt’s Gaza strip, about 80
miles north of the Sinai oper
ation. Israeli reports said
Egyptian forces engaged an Israeli
patrol with small arms and mortar
fire but there were no casualties.
As fears rose that war might be
near in the explosive Middle East,
there were these rapid fire de
velopments around the world.
WASHINGTON—President Eis
enhower said, in a statement issued
after an extraordinary night con
ference at the White House, the
question of whether to call a spe
cial session of Congress “will be
decided in the light of the unfold
ing situation.”
Eisenhower said “we shall hon
or our pledge” to assist the vic
tim of any aggression in the Mid
dle East.
This pledge is contained in the
U, S.-British-French declaration
of May 25, 1950.
CAIRO—Egypt said no clashes
had occurred up to Monday mid
night. Cairo’s big international
Airport, capable of handling
Egypt’s jet fighters, was closed
to civilian traffic. Egypt’s news
papers said Israel had begun a
Here Tonight
A meeting to organize an
“Operation Moon Watch” sta
tion at A&M will be held to
day at 7:30 p.m. in the Phy
sics Building, room 320.
Jack Kent of the Mathematics
Department, faculty sponsor of the
Astronomy Club, called the meet
The Astronomy Club, sponsor of
the meeting, hopes to enlist about
30 persons to take part in a satel
lite watching program. An inter
national network of observation
posts will keep track of the satellite
after the man-made missile is shot
into a globe-circling orbit during
the International Geophysical Year,
starting in July, 1957.
The club is proceeding with
plans for the observer station hop
ing to better its chances for official
recognition by having a station
ready to operate when Harvard
observatory authorities are in the
mood to hand out charters.
To have a qualifying post about
30 persons with six to ten-power
telescopes or binoculars are need
ed. Other personnel needed include
ham radio operators to transmit
findings of the post, Kent says.
The station will need to erect a
25-foot pole with a north-south
cross aim. The group wants to en
list engineers to set up the pole
on a known latitude-longitude site.
The Astronomy Club extends an
invitation to all interested persons
to attend tonight’s meeting. Part of
the program is detailed information
on plans for the stbtion, Kent says.
Persons from Bryan Air Force
Base plan to be on hand.
After the station is organized a
period of training will be held to
ready the observers by mid-Novem
After the station starts operat
ing, observations will be made
when the Harvard headquarters
notifies the post the satellite is
in range of the local group.
This will be possibly three times
a month. The local watchers will
be responsible for trying to locate
the missle two hours after sun-
(See MOON WATCH, Page 2)
James Sarran
Given Medal
For Heroism
James E. Sarran, ’58, heroic
Aggie from Brownsville, who
died from injuries sustained
in an accident after pushing
two classmates to safety last
November w a s posthumously
awarded the Carnegie Hero Fund
Commission’s bronze medal in
Pittsburgh Friday.
Sarran died the night of the
Turkey Day game last year, which
was dedicated to him by members
of the Aggie Team.
An attendant on the coffee-
wagon carrying drinks around the
outpost bonfire guards over the
campus, Sarran was standing in
the highway at the West Gate
when he spotted an oncoming car
bearing down on the group gather
ed around the coffee-track. He
threw himself against Roy A.
Guthrie and Donald L. Moore push
ing them to safety. Sarran was
trapped between the car and the
track and was dragged 18 feet
down the highway under the truck.
He suffered multiple fractures and
head injuries and never regained
LONDON-Prime Minister Eden
conferred with his Cabinet lead
ers on the crisis.
General Dag Hammarskjold met
in urgent consultation with U. N.
Security Council members.
OTTAWA—The Canadian gov
ernment announced it is reconsider
ing an order permitting sale of 24
Canadian Sabre Jet fighters to
DAMASCUS — Syrian Defense
Minister Abdul Rasib Raslin said
Egypt, Jordan and Syria were
ready to meet any emergency.
AMMAN—Jordan army head
quarters said the Israeli border
was quiet but its crack Arab
Legion national army was posed
and ready. Premier Suleiman
Nabulsi denied Iraq’s troops had
entered Jordan to aid its defense.
Weather Today
Cloudy with possible thunder
showers. Temperature at 10:30 a.
m. was 67 degi’ees. High and low
readings for yesterday were 84 and
70 degrees.
A&M Student
Charged DW1
After Mishap
Aggies again figured in the
state highway accident list the
past weekend although no
A&M student was seriously
Robert E. McKay, junior
civil engineering major from
McAllen was charged with
driving while intoxicated by
the Texas Highway Patrol fol
lowing an accident north of
the underpass on Highway 6
north of Bryan Saturday
McKay and W.- C. Wyatt,
freshman agriculture student
from Godley, were returning
from Waco when the accident
occurred. Their car collided
with the rear of a car occu
pied by Dr. C. R. Lyons, col
lege hospital director.
No one was injured.
Damages to McKay’s car
were estimated “around $600.”
The front end of the 1956
Chevrolet was severly dam
aged. Dr. Lyons’ car had only
“slight damages.”
Beauty Lotion
TAHLEQUAH, Okla. (^—Moon
shine whisky is found in strange
places. Federal alcohol tax unit
agents raided a beauty parlor and
confiscated more than a half-dozen
After the Springhill Junior
picked up part of his 76
yards in Saturday’s 19-13
win over the Bears. Crow
led the night’s rushers and
played the finest game of
his career.
(Staff Photo by Don Bisett)
m '
Baylor’s Del Shofner on a
pass attempt from Quarter
back Bobby Jones in the
late minutes of Saturday’s
19-13 victory that dropped
the Bears from the ranks of
the unbeaten and the na
tion’s top 10.
(Staff Photo by Don Bisett)