The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 25, 1956, Image 3
Jet, Private Plane Crash Kills Seven MIDLAND, (A*)—A jet plane and a civilian aircraft collided over Midland yesterday, exploding flam ing wreckage into a residential district and killing seven persons, including a baby girl. Those in the private plane were: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Clement of Bowie, Texas., and their 13-month- old daughter, Cathy; and Mrs. Clement’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard of Vashti. Also killed were Capt. Roy A. Roberts, 29, Bellville, Ill.,’ and 1st Lt. Lowell B. Hale, 25, Decatur, Ill. The jet plane airmen were stationed at Webb Air Force Base, Big Spring. The j$t wreckage plunged into the house of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Saunders and both the home and plane went up in flames. The Saunders were not at home at the time. The engine of the pi’op-driven plane crashed into the kitchen of Mrs. Billie Crowe. She and her children, Janice, 1, and Debora, 3, were in the living room at the time and were unhurt. The body of one man crashed through the roof of a home and landed in a bath tub. The child’s body was found in a flower bed and the bodies of the others were strewn about Permian Estates. (jtMpus... mcfkjornm are. cf/scoi/er/ng cofic/ v- ICE ROYS are Smoother BECAUSE ONLY VICEROY HAS 20,000 FILTERS Twice As Many Filters AS THE OTHER TWO LARGEST-SELLING FILTER BRANDS COMPARE! How many filters in your filter tip? (Remember —the more filters the smoother the taste!) The exclusive Viceroy filter is made from pure cellulose—soft, snow-white, natural. wmmmm MORE LOUNGE RECONDITIONING—Roy Lackey, Sam F. Ray, Bob Hoover and John F. Heard are shown above (left to right) wo -king on the new additions to the lounge in Dorm 9. All walls are being repainted, ceilings lowered, screens placed about the door and phone; this work is scheduled to be finished Nov. 1. Community Chest Supports Red Cross (Ed. Note: This is the first in a series of articles on the agen cies requesting your help in the 1956 A&M College-College Sta tion Community Chest-Red Cross Drive.) The Brazos County Chapter of the American Red Cross will re ceive $2,000 out of the $14,000 goal of the 1956 A&M College-Col lege Station Community Chest- Red Cross Drive. “After last year’s tornado, we are all conscious of disaster prep aration,” said Mrs. Ada Locke, ex ecutive seci'etary of the chapter. “Each year we put aside $50 to be used in case of an emergency. If we use more than that we are re imbursed by the National organi zation.” Following the tornado in Bryan last Easter, the local Red Cross spent around $250 on telegrams, telephone calls and I'ent for one family who was homeless. More was available, officials said. Other principal services here are loans and grants given to needy persons, home service, the blood program, nursing - service and first aid find water safety. Loans are made in most needy cases. These can be paid off over a long period of time with no in terest. Grants, however, are not expected to be repaid and are only given in extreme cases. Red Cross home service has long been famous for its service to ser vicemen away from home and their families. This branch of the organization provides' transporta tion in emergencies, gives informa tion on request about absent fam ily members and gives counseling in domestic troubles. Through the first aid and water safety program, millions of Amer icans every year receive training in swimming, lifesaving and first aid. Carnival (Continued from Page 1) fish pond and cartoonists who, for a fee, will draw portraits. All of the activity will take place on the school slab, with the exception of the magic show, pup pet show and a free movie at 10 p. m. in the auditorium. The A&M- Baylor game will be broadcast over a loud speaker system. Refreshments will be served cafeteria-style in the school cafe teria. Available will be chili burgers, hot dogs, candy, cake, pie, pop corn, soda pop and coffee. The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas Thursday, October 25, 1956 PAGE 3 Arabs Retaliation Leaves 60 Dead RABAT, Morocco, — Sixty dead were counted in Morocco yesterday, victims of grim Arab retaliation for the arrest by the French of five leadimr Algerian rebels. Many were mutilated. Angry anti-French demonstra tions and protest strikes spread across seething North Africa as Arab governments demanded re lease of the Algerians. In Tripoli, Libya, demonstrators stoned the British Embassy and European cars. Among the 60 dead, mostly Euro peans, were seven French soldiers. They were killed and 24 comrades were wounded in two ambushes in eastern Morocco Tuesday night. This was the most serious French military loss reported on Moroccan territory since Morocco cast off its status as a protectorate. Rampaving Moroccans struck hard in Meknes and the surround ing countryside Tuesday and Tues day night, starting less than 24 hours after the five Algerian rebels were seized by a French coup on a plane flight from Morocco to Tu nisia. The actual cause of the uprising in Meknes appeared to be an acci dental shot fired by a Moroccan trooper who wounded himself. The shot enraged demonstrators in the city of 150,000 and the blood shed was on. Outside Meknes, French sources said 38 farms, mostly European, were burned. Cold Weather Will Soon Be Here ... NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT NEW FALL JACKET We have a nice selection including Rayon Flannels, All Wools, and Suedes — Priced From — $12.95 to $22.50 DICK RUBIN ’59 A&M MENS SHOP 103 Main North Gate “AGGIE OWNED” Job Calls Friday WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION will interview civil engi neers for positions in soils, con crete, and hydraulics. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC. will interview electrical, mechani cal engineering ' and physics majors. TAYLOR INSTRUMENT COM PANIES will interview January graduates only who are interested in selling and servicing instru ments for the process industries majoring in chemical, mechanical and petroleum engineering. TOUCHE, NIVEN, BAILEY & SMART wall interview accounting majors to. fill junior accountant positions. !m: ■ a nm > pJ I ; <: ^ i 11 I ] h Start yotsr carczr vs it Hi a gsrorjrezs.vQ firm! FOLiY' U, ■ttousrCc-.i's department store vjiil be era ccj ^ J- iLl: NOVEMBER 1, 195S to interview Cen’or Students rrasiJoriiFBg in Ecanojnics, Accounting BonScyng crad Finance, Marketing, Home Economics, Liberal Arts, Trahsportaticn, fJlcsrssgement. [.hake a date to diszzsss a career in: Credit Tratfis fdanagemen:} Personnel Dating, Advertising Accounting, Control For complete information contact your frieze meat Office GROCERIES ^ ^ GROCERIES Maryland Club C O r F E K . • . 1 lb. can 99c 303 Cans—Kimbell’s—FRESH CREAM PEAS . ... .2 cans 29c 303 Cans—Kimbell’s—WHOLE GREEN BEANS ... 2 cans 43c 303 Cans—Kimbell’s SMALL GREEN LIMAS • . . 2 cans 37c 303 Cans—Kimbell’s—RED PIE CHERRIES ... 2 cans 47c 303 Cans—Diamond Brand HOMINY ■ 3 cans 25c Woodbury’s—Bath Size TOILET SOAP . . . 4 cakes 39c — PICTSWEET — ^ FROZEN FOODS ^ / Broccoli Spears, Cut Green Beans, Baby Whole Okra, Baby Limas, Fordhook * pkg. 25c Sliced PEACHES • . . . 303 Cans—Libby’s Bartlett PEAR HALVES . • No. 21/2 Cans—Libby’s FRUIT COCKTAIL . No. 21/2 Cans—Libby’s SLICED PEACHES . No. 2i/ 2 Cans—Libby’s WHOLE SPICED PEACHES . 14 Oz. Cans—Libby’s CORN CREOLE . . 46 Oz. Cans—Libby’s TOMATO JUICE . . 3 Lb. Can C R I S C O . . . . can 25c can 35c can 29c can 37c can 20c can 29c . . 89c MARKET Armour’s Star WEINERS lb. 43c pkg. 27c Hormel’s Dairy Brand SLICED BACON Ib 53c PRODUCE 490 Size SUNKIST LEMONS . . doz. 23c California TOKAY GRAPES * . . 2 lbs. 25c Golden Ripe BANANAS 2 lbs. 25c Yellow Skin ONIONS ..... lb. 5c Wisconsin Daisey CHEESE . . . Armour’s Star LARGE BOLOGNA Fresh GROUND BEEF . lb. 59c lb. 33c • . . .lb. 30c SHORT RIBS .lb. 29c Square Cut SHOULDER ROAST . . lb. 39c VEAL CHOPS lb. 49c CHARLIE’S NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER — FOOD MARKET COLLEGE STATION SPECIALS FOR THURS. AFTERNOON — FRI. & SAT—OCT. 25-26-27 Be Prepared for November 5th . . . FRESHMAN GREENS Get Your Order In NOW! LOUPOT’S