The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 24, 1956, Image 3
Ags Ranked Seventh; Saturday Rattle By BARKY HART Battalion Sports Editor A&M bounced back into the na tion’s top 10 this week after Sat urday’s 7-6 victory over previously unbeaten TCU. The Ag-gies, who jumped to sev enth, knocked the Honied Frogs from fourth to a tie for tenth with Mississippi while idle Baylor mov ed up two notches to eighth, once again placing three Southwest Con- THRU SATURDAY “The Killing” Burt Lancaster £<• A L S O — ing City” ference teams in the nation’s elite. Coach Paul (Bear) Bryant’s hungry Cadets storm into Waco Saturday night to test Baylor’s un defeated Bears in a contest that will draw a record crowd in Waco. At least 40,000 are already guar anteed for the 8 p.m. encounter at Baylor Stadium with a possibility of 45,000. The stadium holds 50,000 and the previous high is 37,000. “I can assure you that we’ll be ready Saturday,” Bear Coach Sam Boyd told the Waco Quarterbacks. You can bet this wasn’t idle chat ter, for the Golden Bears have waited since 1924 for a SWC championship and this is the year they could get it. Not since 1951, when they went to the Orange Bowl, has there been so much size, strength and experience in Waco. The loss of Quarterback Doyle Richard Cunte CIRCLE WEDNESDAY “Miracle In The Rain” Jane Wyman —ALSO— “Blood Alley” John Wayne WEDNESDAY A United Artists Release Kggm By appointment purveyors of soap to the late King George VI, Yardiey & Co., Ltd., London New! Yardiey Pre-Shaving Lotion for electric shaving • tautens your skin • eliminates razor burn and razor drag • counteracts perspiration • makes it easy to whisk away your stubbornest hairs Helps give a smoother electric shave! At your campus store, $1 plus tax Yardiey products for America are created in England and finished in the U.S.A. from the original English formulae, combining imported and domestic ingredients. Yardiey of London, Inc., 620 Fifth Ave.. N.Y.C. Yardiey Products May Be Secured at ELLISON PHARMACY YOUR REXALL STORE College Station and Bryan Traylor, the league’s hard luck player of the century, who broke his leg for the second time in his collegiate career last week, will probably not hamper the Bears’ fine passing game. Hearne’s Bobby Jones, starting man-under in 1955, ably fills Traylor’s vacant post “Baylor has more football players than TCU,” said Ag gie Assistant Coach Pat James after watching the Bears this year. “When a team has a right guard lineup of Bill Glass, Clyde Letbetter and Charles Horton, you can get an idea from that how many good boys they have.” Baylor has downed California, Texas Tech, Maryland and Arkan sas so far in 1956, giving up only 13 points while scoring 62 them selves. “Any team that holds Maryland scoreles,” stated James, “has a fine defensive club.” Jack Pardee, A&M’s all-confer ence fullback contender, will be a doubtful starter this Saturday. Pardee reinjured a shoulder in the rugged Frog game and hasn’t suit ed up yet this week. Michigan State Fop in Nation After Irish Win Oklahoma’s Sooners, on the wave of a record 34-game win ning streak, had a new incen tive for their game Saturday with Notre Dame—they want to win back their position as the country’s No. 1 college football team. Apparently only a decisive vic tory over the battered Fighting! Irish, beaten in four of their five starts, can do it. 1. Michigan State 96 4-0 1,459 2. Oklahoma 44 4-0 1,356 3. Georgia Tech 9 4-0 1,182 4. Tennessee 4 4-0 861 5. Michigan 3-1 717 6. Southern Calif. 2 4-0 646 7. Texas A&M 1 4-0-1 461 8. Baylor 4-0 293 9. Ohio State 3-1 210 10. (tie) Mississippi 4-1 183 and Texas Christian 3-1 183 r/w> Itnitalinn Colleffd Station (Brazos County), Texas Wednesday, October 24, 1956 PAGE 3 Garcia Leads A Composite Over Sqd. 10 in ’Murals Manuel Garcia scored two touch- I downs and set up another to lead A Composite to a 21 to 0 win in the freshman football scene. Gar cia from his end position caught two passes for touchdowns and another 40 yard pass to set up the only other score of the Composite group. Sqdn. 10 was the victim of this personal onslaught. Sqdn. 8 blanked A QMC by a score of 27-0 with W. W. Plentl and Ernie Smith each figuring on two of the scoring thrusts. Plentl passed to L. A. Wright for the first TD, then to Smith for anoth er. G. C. Anderson then connected with Smith for the third score. A single point separated Sqdn. 9 and A Cml in a 7-6 battle with Sqdn. 9 the winner in this one. Dave Watson scored on the big gest play of this game as he in tercepted a Sqdn. 9 pitchout and went 35 yards for the Chemical TD. FALL SLACKS In All Wool Flannels, Tweeds and Rayon Acetates PRICED FROM $8.95 to $16.95 Student Charge Accounts Invited DICK RUBIN ’59 A&M Mens Shop THE AGGIES’ CHARLIE KRUEGER—who played the finest game of his collegiate career Saturday in A&M’s 7-6 victory over the SWC champion TCU Frogs. 103 Main North Gate ‘Aggie Owned’ $30.00 CASH PRIZE PLUS ONE CARTON OF LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTES Just Pick Football Winners of Oct. 27 □ Ohio St. vs. □ A&M vs, □ TCU vs, □ Rice vs □ Arkansas vs, □ Cornell vs. □ Minnesota v □ N. Carolina □ Okla. A&M □ Temple vs Wisconsin □ . Baylor □ Miami □ Texas □ , Mississippi □ Princeton □ s. Michigan □ St. vs. Duke □ vs. Kansas □ . Bucknell □ in Engineering... Physics... Mathematics "T". 'r a 7 lapafoMS • X^OCKIKCEEJID Aircraft Corporation California Division • Georgia Division Lockheed Representatives of the California Division and the Georgia Division will be on campus Mon. & Tues., October 29 & 30 You are invited to consult your placement officer for an appointment Separate interviews will be given for each division. Both divisions of Lockheed are engaged in a long-range expansion program in their fields of endeavor. PROBABLE SCORES (These scores to be used by judges only if two or more persons tie on the above. If no winners, $10.00 will be added to next week’s prize.) Okla. Notre Dame Furman Citadel Deadline for This Week’s Entries Is 5 P.M. Friday, Oct. 26 Bring Your Contest Slip to The Student Co-op Store Name Box Number Address City ; State NO WINNER LAST WEEK California Division activities in Burbank cover virtually every phase of commercial and military aircraft. Seventeen different models of planes are in production, including cargo and passenger transports, high Mach performance fighters, jet trainers, radar search planes, patrol bombers. B. S. graduates who wish to attain a Master’s Degree will be interested in the California Division's Masters-Degree Work-Study Program. In the program, participants achieve their M.S. while working concurrently on Lockheed’s engineering staff. At Lockheed in Marietta, Georgia, new C-130A turbo-prop transports and B-47 jet bombers are being manufactured in the country’s largest aircraft plant under one roof. The division is already one of the South's largest industries. Moreover, a new engineering center is now in development a$ part of the division’s expansion program. In addition, advanced research and develop ment are underway on nuclear energy and its relationship to aircraft. A number of other highly significant classified projects augment the extensive production program. mmSm This broad expansion program is treating new positions in each division. Graduates in fields of: Aeronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics and Physics are invited to investigate their role in Lockheed’s expansion. A ircraft Corporation California Division, Burbank, California.’ Georgia Division, Marietta, Georgul Be Prepared for November 5th . . . FRESHMAN GREENS * Get Your Order lu NOW! lOupot'S an 3223