The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 23, 1956, Image 4
PAGE 4 Tuesday, October 23, 1956 TJie Battalion College Station (Brazo* Countyf, Texan 10S Six Times, Win 7-6 By BARRY HART Battalion Sports Editor The tornado was over at half time Saturday but the Ag-g - ies weren’t. Led by a 150-pound whirlwind named Watson, A&M staved off a furious TCU offensive barrage for 44 minutes, finally yielded a-touch down, then drove 80 yards in the final period when it seemed all was lost to win, 7-6. Before a sellout crowd of 42,000 the Aggies, battling as an A&M team has never fought, before, stopped the previously fourth- ranked Froggies on their 28, 23, 13, 2 and six-inch lines. Only twice could the nation’s second best offense burst past the double stripe and one was called back for a penalty. TCU controlled the ball 77 plays to A&M’s 42 mostly in the Aggie half of the gridiron, but when the Purple got close, the Cadets got tough and that was the story of the game. A shirtsleeved crowd entered Kyle Field in sunny 86 degree temperature, but before the open ing quarter was complete 90-mile HERE IS THE ORIGINAL CLOTHES DRYER KNOWN AND LOVED BY MILLIONS OF HOUSEWIVES THROUGHOUT THE NATION No Clothes Hanging Problems -Hxunl£tOrfL. No Stolen Clothes Get all 6 Hamilton dryer features! 1. Carrier-Current Drying 4. Sun-E-Day Lamp! 2. Fabri-Dial Temperature 5. Double Pass Lint Control 3. 130 Minute Timer 6. Fluff Dry Drying Extra SALES —- RENTALS — SERVICE — LIBERAL TERMS Call today for free home demonstration Bryan Sewing Machine & Appliance Co. Ridgecrest Shopping Center VI 6-6723 winds were blowing torrents of lain into the emptying stands. Thousands sought cover below the seats, but they were all back for the finish they’ll remember as much as the historic comeback against Rice in 1955. Four times the Aggies lost the ball on fumbles, the last one by Roddy Osborne that John Nikkei fell on for the Frogs on A&M’s 30 midway in the third quarter. Fullback Buddy Dike plowed for four up the middle and Jim Swink, looking like the all-American he is, swished for 11 and a first on the 15. Quarterback Charlie Curtis fir ed a pass incomplete and little Virgil Miller got one. Curtis shot a strike to O’Day Williams who took it away from Osborne and John Crow as he fell out of the end zone for the touchdown. Har old Pollard’s kick was off to the right, but no one knew how big that would be. The clock read 1:20 left in the third period. Pollard kicked off to Gene Stall ings who returned to the A&M 32. Watson and Osborne carried for a HERE ARE YOUR OLD GOLD PUZZLES WIN A WORLD TOUR FOR TWO Rearrange the letters in each puzzle to form the name of an American College or University PUZZLE NO. 13 Rg Irani [N Errl pT CLUE: This Baptist college for women was chartered and opened in 1833. In 1937 Maude Adams became a professor in its famed drama department. ANSWER ! Name Address- City . State. College Hold until you have completed all 24 puzzles PUZZLE NO. 14 CLUE: Woodrow Wilson was the thirteenth president of this university for men. Opened in 1747, it was the fourth colo nial college. ANSWER Name Address. City .State. College Hold until you have completed all 24 puzzles YOU’LL GO FOR OLD GOLDS Either REGULAR, KING SIZE or the GREAT NEW FILTERS Old Golds taste terrific! The Old Golds give you the best tobaccos. Nature- ripened tobaccos . .. SO RICH, SO LIGHT, SO GOLDEN BRIGHT! BEST TASTE YET IN A FILTER CIGARETTE Copyright 1956, Harry H. Hollistor PUZZLE NO. 15 CLUE: Named for a British earl, this college for men was founded by Eleazar Wheelock in 1769 by royal charter from George III. A famed winter sports carnival is held here. ANSWER i Name Address. City . State. College Hold until you have completed all 24 puzzles Burdette Throws Spitter Wally Moon, outfielder and first baseman for the St. Louis Cardin als and former Aggie baseball great told a meeting of the College Station Lions Club yesterday that “I know Lew Burdette is pitching the spit-ball.” “He is the only man in the ma jors, however, who can get it over the plate one out of three times,” Moon said in answer to a question about Burdete’s conti'oversial pitch ing- style which has prompted the charges that he uses the illegal pitch. Speaking at the club’s weekly luncheon in the Memorial Student Center, the former Aggie wound up eight in National League Bat ting with a .298 avei-age. See The NEW UNDERWOOD ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER TODAY! The most desired electrically operated machine on the market makes “mole hills” out of mountains of typing work. FOR SALES — SERVICES—REPAIRS—RENTALS OF ANY TYPE OF BUSINESS MACHINE . . . SEE— ROBERT L. DAVIS ’50 DAVIS OFFICE EQUITMENT North Gate DOWN GOES CROW—Toppled by an unidentified Frog- gie in the first half of Saturday’s 7-6 victory over the previously undefeated Horned Frogs. Crow was A&M’s leading rusher with 70 yards in nine carries. first down to the 43 as the quarter ended and the Corps yelled a little louder. The Aggies drew five for off side and Goehring recovered Jack Pardee’s fumble for a three-yard gain. Osborne went back to punt, fumbled the snap from center and Norman Hamilton blocked his try. Vernon Uecker covered on the Ag gie 23 and the gloom fell thick on the Cadet fans. Swink m®ved for five, then Wat son picked off Curtis’ pass in the end zone and the skies got a little brighter. With beautiful blocking from Pardee and Watson, Ci'ow rumbled around right end for 21 yards and a first on the 41 and the thunder came from the Corps now, not the heavens. Osborne kept for two and then little Watson, almost dup licating his scoring scamper that beat the Toads a year ago, slipped for 37 to the TCU 20. Crow got two on the dive, then smashed around right end for 11 to the seven and a first down. Os borne kept for two, then lost three. Again it was Watson, magnificent this day, taking a pitchout from Osborne and floating a perfect pass to Crow who took it all alone in the end zone for the touchdown as the stands went into hysterics. Loyd Taylor came in and calmly stroked the ball over the desper ate leaps of the Friggies for the winning point and the sun broke through. Safety Lesson PARKERSBURG, W. Va. — <A>> Juvenile JudgeDonald F. Black re voked the license of a 17-year-old charged with speeding at 60 m.p.h. in a 25 m.p.h. zone. Then he order ed the youth to compute the dis tance an automobile travels in one second at various speeds from 25 to 60 mph, and also write in long- hand all rules and regulations in the West Virginia Manual of High way Safety. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA RESEARCH CORPORATION AND OTHER SUBSIDIARIES . : '• i .* w Representatives_will be on the campus OCTOBER 31, 1956 NOVEMBER 1, 1956 to interview Chemists; Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Petroleum Engineers. for career employment in California and other areas NEED BACK PUZZLES? RULES? Send five cents for each puzzle; five cents for a complete set of rules. Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Mail to Tangle Schools, P. O. Box 9, Grand Central Annex, New York 17, N. Y. CASUAL SHOES — All Sizes — M O C S LOAFERS LOUS LI’L ABNER HQ. f . r NOSf- PUT ME BACK THE WAY I WAS.'/ '''Xjll* By A1 Capp The Fidelity House HAS IT . . . Never Before At This Low Price! Bell e- Howell 8mm MOVIE OUTFIT $14195 .««>»*** -p-f 4 r <& I .... $11.95 DOWN $3.00 WEEKLY Subject to Credit Approval BELL & HOWELL WILSHIRE 8MM CAMERA—Just sot the Sun Dial to the proper light condition, sight through the big Picture Window Viewfinder—and shoot! Good movies the very first time. Wide-angle f/2.5 Comot lens gives 56% more picture on the film. Easy drop-in film loading. lO-foot film run to get oil the action. BELL & HOWELL MONTEREY 8MM PROJECTOR —BHIliant pictures on the screen with bright 500-watf lamp. Full half-hour show with 400-foot film capacity. Fast, sharp coated lens, built-in die-cast aluminum case. CAMERA AND PROJECTOR Regular $119.90 value. Regular S18.35, 40”x40” RADIANT SCRKEN Regular $17.33 Smith-Victor Bar Tight with I,ami>6 You Save $14.25 On This Regular $156.20 Value! USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY AWAY PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS! The Fidelity House 2014 Texas Ave. Phone TA 2-6155 Bryan, Texas Located in the Plantation Shopping Center COME IN, PHONE, OR MAIL COUPON THE FIDELITY HOUSE 2014 Texas Ave. Bryan, Tex. Please send me the Bell * Howell 8nun Movie Outfit as advertised at 8141.95 I enclote $.. Nam«.. —r, Addrets. - - . City ..... do««t poymeat and wifi pay $. . weekly. ». -Phon*^. P1ea»e J.nd referencei end where employed wirt»at1 moil order*.