The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 23, 1956, Image 1

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Number 178: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
Two-Car Crash at Intersection
Kills Four, II ospitalizes Two
Council Discusses
Expansion, Roads
Battalion City Editor
The College Station City Coun
cil, in their regular monthly meet
ing last night, approved plans for
the expansion of Highway 6, let
bids for the construction of new
water lines, accepted the city au
ditor’s report and laid the ground
work for a vast paving program.
M. A. (Pop) Coleman of Bryan,
engineer with the state highway
department, showed the council fi
nal plans for the expansion of
State Highway 6 from the Bryan
city limits on the north to 200
feet past Jersey St. on the south.
The council accepted plans for
curbs, road beds and drainage sub
ject to approval by the city engi
neer. They passed City Oixlinance
237 to enter into contract with the
state accepting any right-of-way
damage suits and signed the Mu
nicipal Construction Agreement.
This agreement states that the
state will build and maintain the
proposed road provided the city
gives right-of-way, agrees not to
limit speed under 20 miles per
hour, maintain lights and clean the
Adlai Agrees
With Ike On
H-bomb Issue
CHICAGO — UP) — Adlai
Stevenson voiced agreement
with President Eisenhower
yesterday that Soviet Premier
Bulganin’s H-bomb message
was “interference” in American
political affairs.
But he also said this country
should explore Bulganin’s propos
als “immediately and all the way.”
At the same time, the Demo
cratic presidential nominee said
this is not the first time Russian
leaders have interested themselves
in the 1956 election.
He said they have made it plain
their candidate is Eisenhower.
Stevenson issued a statement
rommenting on his opponent’s
sharp rejection of Bulganin’s latest
proposal that H-bomb tests be
halted by international agreement.
Stevenson has urged the same
He spoke out on the eve of de
parting for New York on a coast-
to-coast tour intended to bring his
campaign to what his staff mem-
bei’s called a “driving finish.”
“I share fully President Eisen
hower’s resentment at the manner
and timing of Premier Bulganin’s
interfei’ence in the political affairs
of the United States,” Stevenson
road, agree to give the highway
preference over local streets in any
traffic arrangement and provide
for parallel parking only.
The city’s part of the construc
tion bill will be near $32,000, ac
cording to Coleman. Bryan’s share
will be $175,000.
George Roberts Construction of
Houston was awarded the contract
for the water lines with a low bid
of $12,314.50. The construction
will begin in 10 days.
City Auditor Nelson Durst re
cently submitted his audit of the
College Station assets and the
council approved it last night. Let
ters of commendation have been
mailed to Durst and City Manager
Ran Boswell for their work on
the report.
Following a recent confei’ence
with the State Fire Insurance Com
mission, Boswell reported to the
council that fire restrictions could
be lifted on property between Sul
phur Springs Rd. and Walton St.
on Highway 6. The zone is class
1 business area still, but buildings
may be constructed without the
12 inch firewall which was man
datory before.
Appeals from citizens living on
Lee St. for estimates on the cost
of paving were referred back to
thiem. The council suggested that
the citizens wait until the long-
range paving program under dis
cussion is completed.
Councilman A. R. Orr brought
up the question of hiring a city
planner to draw up a master ex-
(See CITY, Page 3)
Band Freshmen Condition
Listed Good; Still in Hospital
Battalion Staff Writer
Two Band freshmen are in the hospital as a result of
injuries received in a two-car collision at the intersection of
Farm Road 50 and Farm Road 60, eight miles west of College
Station about 8 p.m. Sunday night in which four people were
Injured in the accident were James H. Bingham, 18,
Hamilton, driver of one of the cars, and Gary Evin Clements,
18, Alvin. They were taken to Bryan Hospital where they ^ ^
were treated for cuts about the face and severe bruises.
Their condition was reported “good” yesterday by Dr.
Joseph Cox, attending phvsician. “But,” he added, “they will
have to stay in the hospital for several days.”
Killed in the collision were :♦
Herbert Fritz Beerwinkel, 52,
724 W. 2nd St., Brenham,
driver of the other car, and
his nine-year-old daughter. Beer-
winkel’s wife, Anna, 45, and the
fourth passenger of the car, Fran
ces Wozniak, 55, 1003 S. Austin
St., Brenham, died enroute to a
Bryan hospital, according to in
vestigating Highway Patrolman
Jimmy Kubecka.
The two students were traveling
east on Farm Road 60, returning
to the college. The other car,
traveling south, was on Farm Road
50. Bingham said he never saw
a light or anything else to indicate
that the crossing was not clear.
The other freshman, Clements,
said he saw a flash of white arid
the next thing’ he knew, he was in
the ditch.
Cause of the accident has not
been determined. Patrolman Ku
becka said it might have been
caused by a misjudgment of dis
tance by one or both drivers. He
declined to comment on the.speed
of the two vehicles. There were
several feet of skid mai'ks made
by the freshmen’s car, he said.
CHS Senior Play
Casting Begins
Casting began yesterday for the
1956 A&M Consolidated High
School Senior Play, with 15 stu
dents reporting to directors Mrs.
Dorothy Rush and Robert Boone
for the seven female and five male
parts in this year’s production.
“The Great Big Doorstep”, by
Albert Hackett and E. P. O’Donnell
will be given by the group this
year. Date for the performance is
Dec. 7.
“We would like to double-cast at
least some of the roles,” Boone
said, “but there will be a shortage
of boys for the parts. Rehearsals
will start as soon as the cast is
The play, a three-act comedy,
played on Broadway in 1941 with
Dorothy Gish and the late Louis
Calhern in starring roles. Critics
called it a success and it ran for
several weeks.
High Court Backs
Negro Case Ruling
preme Court yesterday upheld an
appeals court ruling that U. S.
District Judge William H. Atwell
must hear the plea of 27 Negro
children for admission to Dallas
white schools.
The Supreme Court, in effect,
held that Judge Atwell must hear
the case on its merits. This also
was the ruling of the Fifth Circuit
Court of Appeals at New Orleans.
The Negroes on Sept. 5, 1955,
took their complaint to Judge At
well that the Dallas Board of Ed
ucation had denied them admission
to white schools.
Judge Atwell dismissed the ac
tion on grounds that the suit was
In New Orleans on May 25 of
this year, the appeals coui’t in a
2-1 decision held there was no ba
sis in the evidence for the action
taken by the district judge, nor
none in law for the reasons given
by him in support of the action.”
Illini Alumnus
Aggie Spirit
Dr. Morgan
Bryan, Texas
Dear Sir,
Saturday night I saw an
Aggie game for the first time,
and even though I had heard
of the great Aggie spirit I was
still amazed at the unity and
loyalty displayed by the student
body. And your marching band
was a real treat to witness.
This comes from an alumnus of
the University of Illinois where
much pride is taken in the excel
lency of our band. I must take
my hat off to your band as the
best I’ve ever seen.
And as further evidence of how
your students are closely knitted
together, at the start of the game
the whole football squad faced the
student body and, as one, sang
your school song. That is the first
time I had ever seen that too.
With that kind of unity and loy
alty, your school will always win
regardless of what the score is.
(Ed. Note: This letter was
received by President Morgan
last week after the AggieCougar
DEATH CAR—Campus Security Officer Morris Maddox examines the Plymouth in which
four Brenham citizens were killed Sunday night at the intersection of Farm Roads 60
and 50 west of College Station. Two Aggies were hospitalized in the crash.
In White Coliseum
Martin Show Set Thursday
Battalion Staff Writer
Just back from a movie fling in
England, singing star Tony Martin
will swing into College Station
Thursday night to present a music
and comedy show in G. Rollie.White
A pei’former of international
fame Martin completed his latest
movie, “Jeannie” in England and
Scotland befoi-e returning to this
country to begin a tour that has
been drawing rave reviews wher
ever it has appeared.
Scheduled to open at 8 p. m.
Thursday night the show is being
sponsored by the department of
Student Activities, but it is not a
Town Hall presentation. It is listed
as a full evening of music, song,
comedy and variety enteidainment.
The renowned orchestra of Tex
Beneke will be on hand to offer
background music for Martin. Well
known itself, the Beneke Orchestra
has a long list of record hits and
personal appearances to its credit.
The Jodimars, a sizzling new
Capital recording group that was
formed by three former members
of Bill Haley’s Comets will give a
sharp contrast of interpretations
from the smooth and mellow
Beneke group. The Jodimars have
already made a name for them
selves in the rock n’ roll field even
though they are a comparatively
new entry.
A trio of eye - pleasing girls
known as the Petticoats, will give
forth with more musical interpreta
tions that have made a stir in
Morgan Selected
To Advisory Board
President David H. Morgan has
been selected to the advisory board
of the directors of the Association
of the United States Army.
Purpose of the association is to
advance the security of the United
States through the support of na
tional military policies and consol
idating - efforts of all who support
the U. S. Army as an instrument
of national security.
Lt. Gen. W. L. Weible is presi
dent of the association.
Girl Admits Setting
6 Fires In Homes
TEXARKANA, Tex., (A 3 ) _ A
pretty 10-year-old blond girl has
admitted she set six fires in two
homes in a government housing
project within a period of 11 days
because she liked to see fires burn,
Fire Chief C. P. Birmingham said
The little girl, one of a family of
seven children, was quoted by
Birmingham as saying she set
clothing on fire in the back bed
rooms in her own home and in a
neighbor's home.
She also said she set fire to the
kitchen curtains in her home.
Birmingham estimated fire dam
age at more than $1,000.
Betty Mead Elected
Homecoming Queen
Betty Mead, senior at A&M Con
solidated High School, was crown
ed Homecoming Queen during half
time activities at the football game
between the Consolidated Tigei’s
and the Navasota Rattlers Friday.
The game climaxed two days of
homecoming celebrations for sev
eral hundred ex-students who
watched the highly touted Rattlers
drub the hapless Tigers 47-14.
Mary Beth Hagler and Gaytha
Edgar gathered enough votes to be
named princesses in the annual af
fair. Miss Hagler is a senior and
Miss Edgar a junior.
Votes for the Queen and her
two princesses were cast during
the week in jars placed around the
campus and the city. Price was one
cent per vote.
Two Injured as Winds
Whip Easterwood Field
musical circles by way of cuttings
on Unique Records.
This is only a start, with other
acts scheduled to add their talents
to the full-length musical presenta
tion. Tony Mai’tin, of coui’se, will
provide the highlights of the show
with his song offerings and the
personality that has made him a
long-standing star of movies, radio,
TV, and the supper club circuit.
Tickets for the show may be
purchased at the Student Activities
Office on the A&M campus or in
Waldrop’s in Bryan. Prices are
$2.50 for main floor seats, $2 for
courtside seats and $1.50 for
bleacher seats.
Draft Qualifying
Tests End Oct. 30
Registration for the Selective
Service College Qualification Test
ends Tuesday, Oct. 30, according
to Frank E. McFarland of the Ba
sic Division, test supervisor.
The test will be given on Nov.
15 throughout the United States.
Results of the test will be used by
local boards in determining the
students to be deferred from the
Students can pick up registra
tion forms in the registrar’s of
fice. They should be mailed to the
selective service examining section
at McHenry, Ill. The test will be
given in the ballroom of the Me
morial Student Center.
Two San Antonio men, one a for
mer student at A&M, were injured
when their Cessna 170 plane was
lifted into the air and flung
against the ground during the
storm Saturday afternoon.
R. B. (Dick) Ellis in in Santa
Rosa Hospital in San Antonio suf
fering from a broken back and
Don B. Harrell, ’51, was released
from St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bry
an Sunday afternoon after being
treated for shock and bruises.
The men were carried by ambu
lance to St. Joseph’s from Easter
wood Field after the storm sub
In addition to the two men who
wei’e injured, a n unestimated
ONE OF THE 27 damaged aircraft left at Easterwood Airport following the storm Sat
urday afternoon that cut a swath through the College Station area. Two men were in
jured when their light plane was swept across the field during the height of the storm.
Weather Today
Clear skies are forecast for the
College Station aiea. The temper
ature at 10:30 this morning was
77 degrees. Yesterday’s high and
low readings were 82 and 55 de
amount of damage was done to
light planes which were parked on
the yield. Of the 153 planes on the
field 27 of them were damaged in
degrees from total loss to slight
dents in the metal and fabric skins
of the planes.
Yfesterday morning 11 planes
were still on the field awaiting dis
position by owners or awaiting in
surance agents to estimate the
“Pilots were warned of the af-
planes were parked with their
brakes set and out of the weather
as best we could manage.”
Most of the damage was confin
ed to the lighter, high wing type
planes with Cessna, Pipers and
Taylorcrafts taking the brunt of
the damage. One twin-engine
Beechcraft executive plane belong
ing to the Garrett Oil Tool Co. of
Longview suffered a crushed tail-
assembly when another plane blew
into it.
Winds up to 90 miles per hour
C. W. Crawford
Is ASME Fellow
C. W. Crawford, head of the
Mechanical Engineering Depart
ment, was awarded the certificate
for the grade of Fellow in the
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers Thursday evening.
The award was given at a meet
ing of the South Texas Section of
the ASME at the University of
Houston. Crawford, guest of honor
at the meeting, is the first A&M
faculty member to receive the
honor of fellow in the society.
Presentation of the Fellow Certi
ficate was made by Dr. Byron
Short, of the University of Texas,
with about 300 society members
and guests present for the cere
to tie down and the rest of the
ternoon’s weather forecast,” said ; pjt Easterwood during the second
C. A. Smith, airport manager. “We quarter of the A&M-TCU game
only have facilities for 35 planes Saturday. Tower officers at Bryan
AFB said the wind hit 110 mph at
their location during that time.
An incoming Continental Air
lines pilot reported four funnel
shaped clouds southwest of Eas-
terwood Field just prior to the
high winds.
Officials at Kyle Field were
warned of the impending torna-
Tickets On Sale
Tickets for the A&M-Baylor
game Saturday in Waco, will
go off sale tomorrow at 5 p. m.
according to Pat Dial, business
manager of the Athletic De
partment. Ticket prices are $1
for student tickets and $3.50
for date tickets.
Leland Honored
Thomas W. Leland, head of the
Division of Business Administra
tion has been named to the board
of examiners of the American In
stitute of Accountants, the national
organization of certified public ac
countants announced hei’e today.
Senate Meets Tonight
The Student Senate will meet to
night in the Senate chamber of the
MSC to complete the appointment
does but afraid of panic in the and election of standing commit-
crowded stadium the word was not tees, according to Larry Piper,
passed on to spectators. j president.