The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 19, 1956, Image 4
The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 4 Friday, October 19, 1956 Nixon Predicts End To Negro Problem NEW YORK, UP)-—Vice Presi dent Nixon predicted last night the United States will surmount “our present crisis” on segrega tion as creditably as it passed other tests in the past. “Most of us here will live to see the day when American boys and girls shall sit, side by side, at any school—public or private -—with no regard paid to the color of their skin,” Nixon said. The Republican vice president’s talk was prepared for a dinner in memory of Alfred E. Smith, the Democrat who became a symbol of justice to and accomplishment for members of minorities. “We lived through the Antifor- eign riots of the Know-Nothing days and the hooded terror of the Ku Klux Klan,” Nixon said. “Each time we emerged a strong er nation, ashamed of prejudice RUE PINALLE ATTRACTION Demos Accuse Republicans Coercion Contract Of WASHINGTON, (A 1 ) — Demo cratic House investigators said yes terday the officials of a construc tion company, after getting a big government contract, boosted their 1954 contributions to the Republi can party approximately 1,000 per cent over previous years. This figure was presented to a Government Operations subcom mittee on the basis of records of the clerk of the House and affi davits submitted by seven officials of the Frederick Snare Corp. The construction firm on July, 27, 1954, was awarded, along with Merritt-Cha.pman & Scott, a 43- million-dollar contract for expan sion of the government’s nickel plant at Nicaro, Cuba. Each com pany received $500,000 under the cost-plus-fee contract. In discussing the stepped - up campaign gifts, an official aid it was not felt that they were a “con dition” of the award. Center News The MSC House Group will have a booth set up in the Main Lounge of the MSC Saturday from 8 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. to sell your extra football tickets for the TCU vs. A&M game. If you have a ticket for the game that you do not need or if you want to buy tickets for the game, come by the House Group booth. and hate, and more determined to give equal justice to all.” Nixon said that while “there is resistance to the granting of our Negro citizens their full rights under law,” men of “good will in all sections of our land are working with complete devotion toward the day when the Ameri can ideal of equality of opportun ity is a reality for all of our people.” The vice president said the Su preme Court decision that racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional is only one of many actions, federal and state, aimed at discrimination. Reveille (Continued from Page 2) Activities (Continued from Page 1) which will begin at 9 and last until midnight. Marterie and his Orchestra come to A&M from a series of hit appearances from coast to coast. He is said to have the most popular music for dance bands played to American colleges today. His group has been received all over the nation and selected as Headline Band for 1955 by Billboard maga zine and America’s Number One Band by Cash Box magazine. Tickets for the concert are $1 each and dance tickets are $2, stag or drag. These may be purchased at the Office of Student Activities on the second floor of the YMCA. o pportimities ;;V"' ENGINEERS or and other TECHNICAL GRADUATES ted on the north end of Kyle Field. The next dog was Rusty, anoth er female, donated to A&M by Tom Westbrook, veteran student from Waco. Another black dog she wasn’t around long enough to be come popular before she died. Another unofficial mascot was Spot, a black and white spotted dalmatian. His fame stemmed from a plunge from the top of Kyle Field during a football game when he broke both front paws. He recovered from this long enough to run under the wheels of a car. During the Fall Elections of 1951 students asked for another dog to fill the void left by the ever- mourned Rev. I. Arthur Weinert, class of ’00, from Seguin came to the rescue and donated Rev II to A&M in the fall of that year and she was delivered to A&M in January of 1952 when she was 3 months old. Sam Netterville from Beaumont and Larry Hill took over her care during the fall of 1953 and since that time her “regular roommate” has been Netterville. Rev II is an Aggie all the way, except for the fact she seems to like classrooms and hates women. She was regularly enrolled in BA 428 and the professor, Judge S. C. Hoyle placed her name on the rolls and which she would answer to with a bark. A member of the Beaumont Hometown Club she attends all their dances and parties where she is an honored guest. Reveille II has stayed in many of the more popular hotels about the South west including the Shamrock and Rice, in Houston, Hotel Texas in Fort Worth, Adolphus in Dallas, Commodore Perry in Austin and the “only hotel” in Fayetteville, Ark. She has gone a long way in fill ing the place left by her forbearers, but to many will never replace Reveille I. WONDER WHERE I CAN FIND A ROOM—This might be what R. W. Sikes, roadman for Billups Service Stations from Waco, is saying to Pat Callahan (right) at the Western Motel as he tries to find a spot to spend the night. All the hotels, motels and rooming houses from Hearne to Hempstead are feel ing the effects of some 42,000 football fans on their sojourn to College Station today and tomorrow. Huge Crowd Here For Game Motels Have Bumper Crop By TOM ELLSWORTH Battalion Staff Writer College Station’s motels, homes and it has been rumored a few doghouses have been pressed into service for the crowded weekend crowd. Mrs. W. L. Penberthy (see pic ture page 1) typifies women of College Station that have thrown open their homes to Aggies and their dates this weekend. She Teachers Exams Given On Feb. 29 LAST CHANCE! to enter Reader’s Digest $41,00® CONTEST It’s fun to do—and you may find Phillips Petroleum Company, one of America’s great integrated oil companies, has positions open for engineers, chemists, physicists and virtually every kind of technical graduate at the Bachelor, Master or Ph.D. levels. Representatives of PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY will visit your campus on Wednesday and Thursday, October 24Ui and 25th YOU ARE INVITED to make an interview appointment with your Placement Office. Or, for further information, write: D. R. McKeithan Technical Employment Consultant) Phillips Petroleum Company Bartlesville, Oklahoma you know more about human na ture than you think! Just list, in order, the six articles in October Reader’s Digest you think readers will like best. Couldn’t be simpler —and you may win $5,000 cash for yourself plus $5,000 in schol arships for your college. Have you sent in your entry yet? Entries must be postmarked by midnight, Thursday, October 25. Entry blanks available at your college bookstore. National Teachers Examinations, prepared and administered annu ally by the Educational Testing Service, will be given at 200 test ing centers throughout the United States, February 9, 1957, Candidates may take the Com mon Examinations, which include tests in Professional Information, General Culture, English Express ion, and Non-verbal Reasoning, and one or two of eleven Optional Examinations designed to demon strate mastery of the subject mat ter to be taught. A Bulletin of Information in which an application is inserted, describing registration procedure and sample test questions may be obtained from college officials, school superintendents, or directly from the National Teacher Exam inations, Educational Testing Ser vice, 20 Naau Street, Princeton, N. J. will have 11 girls staying at her home, a last count. In making a survey of local mo tels and hotels here, and in Bryan, we learned some have been filled since last year’s football season. Pat Callahan, manager of the Western Motel, laughed when ask ed if he had a room tonight and Saturday and said he would guess that his phone “had rung 500 times today with people asking for rooms and reservations.” Next door, C. H. Snyder at the Sands Motel said their rooms' were filled for this weekend while “ink on the plans were still wet.” Down at the Holiday-Plaza, Ru- —y dy Kraemer, night clerk, said they had been “filled since last year and many people had requested res ervations for the fall of 1957.” Many people have phoned the of fice of The Battalion and asked about rooms and we will pass this on to our readers. If you are looking for a place to stay, contact the Housing Office, located in the basement of the YMCA, phone VI 6-5713. According to officials, local peo ple are still phoning in informing that they have rooms, available. Two Trains Crash Killing Eight Men Memorial Fund Started At Rice PINEOLA, Fla, (/P)—Two freight trains crashed head-on yesterday, killing four trainmen and injuring four others. Burning oil from the derailed Atlantic Coast Line diesel engines spewed over adjoining wooden cars and a raging fire broke out. Two of the dead were pulled from the smouldering wreckage. A railroad official at the scene, who declined use of his name said, there was a “mixup in train or ders.” Twenty-four cars tumbled from the tracks in this tiny wooded com munity 60 miles north of Tampa. The northbound engine was pulling 43 cars and southbound 39. HOUSTON, GP)—A Rice Insti tute student loan fund has been established as a memorial to two sophomores who died last week while attempting to carry out a campus prank. The fund will be known as the Karl B. Bailey and Cecil William Carroll Memorial Loan Fund. The money was contributed by the boys’ parents and friends. Bailey, 19, and Carroll, 18, both of Houston, died while attempting to climb inside a 210-foot smoke stack to place an automobile tire on top of the campus campanile. 3 CAP (BUY WHOLESALE) Resell at big profits thru our Automatic Dispensers. Part time, work 5 to 8 hours per week. Financial assistance extended to full time. $1750.00 Required SHOULD NET $400.00 PER MONTH For full particulars write: Box 10F c/o Battalion Please include phone number. (Pol Adv. Paid for by W. Lee O’Duniel) LFL ABNER By A1 Capp P O G O By Walt Kelly gMl ft MEAT A&M i ence (1 son, M team v uled tc £ \VA One day 2?) per vv Mii 5 p.m. C 80« PI By own bedroom j-oom, sci rooms, ch VI 6‘-5256 1940 5 bargain. Wondei living roc ment. W color. Cc inger, Br The A& dent Scb Station w (1) only of 36 p; will be i Superinte until 5 p. The sue payment or money to fifty ] must be i formance Bid for Superinte day from The Ad dent Sch right to £ bids. Just ar plants; bi —75<f. 1 TROPIC7 View. V’ Dogs, weekly, r Puppies. BAYARL Bouth, Cc Buff c Children’: found. 1 AMAN cialty sa Earnings willingne experienc field tra person at or call T. Waitre •— 3 p.m ern Rest: ploying j 103 H AG* PROI SOSOJ (Aei PHONTS