The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 18, 1956, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Num-berl76: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
Aggie Voters Choose Senators
In General Election Yesterday
Burchard Goes
To ACEJ Meet
In Chicago
Donald D. Burchard, head
of the Journalism Depart
ment, returned Tuesday from
Chicago where he attended
the fall meeting of the Amer
ican Council on Education for Jour
nalism, of which he is a member.
ACEJ is the highest ranking ac
creditation organization for jour
nalism in the nation. A team vis
ited the A&M Journalism Depart
ment last year and accredited it in
two sequences, Community Journal
ism and Agricultural Journalism.
Final plans were laid at the
meeting for accreditation teams to
visit 19 schools in the nation and
examine their journalism pro
grams. The Council plans to visit
all the schools in the nation that
have requested to be visited by the
April meeting of the Council. If
this is accomplished they will have
visited 59 schools in the past year.
ACEJ appointed a committee to
appraise the system of accredita
tion by sequences and determine
whether it should be used in the
future. A report on findings will
be made at the April meeting.
Chest Drive
Gets Budget
Set Tonight
The budget for the 1956 College
Station Community Chest will be
set tonight at the board of directors
budget hearing in the Memorial
Student Center.
The 18 member board of di
rectors will hear requests from 12
charities and agencies at 7:30 p.
tn., then decide on the amount to
be alloted to each in discussion
after the requests.
Requests will be presented by
the American Red Cross, Boy
Scouts, Girl Scouts, Salvation
Army, Brazos County USO and
United Defense Fund, Recreation
Council, College YMCA, Youth
Facilities Council, Community Cen
ter Inc., Brazos County Youth
Development and Gonzales Warm
Springs Foundation.
Dates set for the drive are Oct
29 through Nov. 12, according to
Bob H. Reed and Dr. John Milliff,
co-chairman of this year’s di’ive.
43 Students Win Election
As 100 Try For Senate
Aggie voters chose 43 new Student Senators out of 100
candidates yesterday as they cast their votes in the General
Election in the Memorial Student Center.
Fifteen seniors were chosen by their class to represent
them in the Senate. They were Don A. Weber, 224; Dur-
ward Thompson, 199; John H. Specht, 179; J. “Jim” Sharp,
118; Jim Rowland, 153; Larry D. Piper, 193; Tom E. Norton,
151; William A. McCarty, 139; Byron W. King, 204; Cyrus
H. Holley, 128; James E. Goode, 135; W. “Bill’ Dorsey, 238;
Murray Denton, 125. Bryan Dedeker, 163 and Jon F. Cobb,
The Class of ’58 picked 10 senators to represent them.
They were Tom Upchurch,
175; Bob Surovik, 180; M.
“Buddy” Maedgen, 147; Bill
McLaughlin, 177; Ray O. Mc-
Clung, 150; Tom R. Harris,
159; Jon L. Hagler, 208; Jerry
Gleason, 164; J. Paul Costa, 225
and Ray M. Bowen, 162.
Sophomores elected six members
to the Senate. They were John G.
Thomas, 151; Thomas E. Reddin,
150; R. “Dick” Noak, 146; Thomas
H. Miller, 162; Ross Hutchison,
173 and Jay B. Bisbey, 154.
Day students picked Joe R.
Zemanek, 21 and John Abe Webb,
College View elected Tommie A.
Hennard, 24.
Puryear selected Fred W. Mc
Donald, 25 and Mitchell picked
Robert Lowry, 16.
Civilian senators elected without
contest were Tommy F. Green, Biz-
zell, 12; M. Morgan Douglass, Hart,
24; Jerry Martinets, Law, 16;
Charles F. Wilson, Leggett, 22;
Harry J. Green, Milner, 16; Joe
David Ross, Walton, 15 and Warren
H. Roberts, Dorm 16, 17 votes.
Other candidates in yesterday’s
Senatorial race and their votes are
as follows:
A. Stewart Speaks
Arthur Stewart, of the Division
of Business Administration, spoke
to the Sabine Chapter of the Na
tional Association of Cost Account
ants at Orange, and the Fourth
Annual Texas Technical Tax Con
ference at Lubbock, Tuesday.
J. Wilson-96; James D. Willborn-
94; Randy West-110; John West-
77; A. J. Wei senf elder-89; Jack
Weatherford-116; Joe Watson-61;
Paul M. Tucker-83; T. R. Thedford
99; T. N. Sudderth-102; William
Setzler-107; Vannis Redman-65;
Thomas R. Newman-83; Kirby T.
Meyer-75; Howard Martin-64; Pat
rick Marshall-106; Billy J. Lilly-
58; Tedd M. Lewis-104; Jack M.
Dreyfus-114; Jacky Ettinger - 22
and Ronnie Briggs-112.
Homer D. Smith-94; D. Smith-
130; William Sansing-54; Rice-144;
Pat Resleyf-103; L. Pattonpl44;
Thomas Owens-61; Walter Miller-
65; Bill Libby-115; Carroll Lam-
94; Don Jones-101; Travis John-
son-123; Paul Holmes-96; Edward
Holbein-92; Jim Groves-125; James
R. Cox-55; Harold Conrad-111;
Alex Clark-85; Jim Brady-91; Jack
C. Bailey-81; Brady D. Armstrong-
John T. Williams-125; Ray C.
Hudson-139; Glen D. Hitchcick-109;
(See SENATE, Page 2)
Mrs. J. Q. Hays
Will Chair
TB Seal Sale
Mrs. John Q. Hays, 1007
Puryear E, has been named | ™ USK>
county chairman for the 1956
Christmas Seal Sale by the
Brazos County Tuberculosis
Purpose of the sale which will
run from Nov. 15 to Dec. 25, is to
raise funds for the work of the lo
cal TB association and its state and
national affiliates, according to R.
H. Fletcher, president of the local
Mrs. Hays pointed out at a re
cent meeting of various committee
chairmen that the Christmas Seal
Sale is not a part of the College
Station Community Chest or of
the Bryan United Fund and that
the TB association will be relying
solely on the seal sale for support
of its work for the coming- year.
She also explained that 82 per
cent of the money raised remains
in the county for the program of
the local association, 12 per cent
g-oes to the Texas TB Association
and six per cent goes to the nation
al organization.
CHS Bonfire
Touched Off
Tonight at 6:30
A week of intensive work
will be climaxed tonight at
6:30 when the annual A&M
Consolidated High School
Homecoming Bonfire burns.
Built around a center pole over
40 feet tall, the pile was construct
ed entirely by students working
after school with borrowed equip
ment and donated wood.
The entire operation was orga
nized and coordinated by the CHS
yell leaders Ann Hite, Lucy Rogers,
Jeanette Vance and Cai-olyn Wil
son. Miss Hite is head yell leader.
At 6:45 tonight, the yell leaders
will lead a parade with the Con
solidated Band from the school’s
RIGHT TO VOTE is being exercised by Civilian and Corps Students as they vote for the
men of their choice for Student Senators in the general election held yesterday in the
Memorial Student Center.
Kansas City Bound
to the bonfire site.
There football co-captains Garland
Andrews and Bill Hall will light the
fire and the annual homecoming
activities will officially began.
After the lighting, a yell practice
will be held. The gathering will be
over on time for the A&M Con
solidated Jr. High football game
with Huntsville at 7:30 on Tiger
Several hundred invitations have
been mailed to former students by
the yell leaders who are sponsor
ing the two-day celebration with
the cooperation of the student
council and the senior class.
The 1956 Homecoming Queen
will be crowned between halves
of the football game with Navasota
Judging Teams Hit the Road
Pipe-line Slides
Seen by I Ed Club
Slides of a pipe-line project in
Utah highlighted the recent meet
ing of the Industrial Education
Club. The slides were narrated by
Rocky Albritton of the Mechanical
Engineering Department who serv
ed as head civil engineer on the
Refreshments were served
members after the program.
Members of the senior Livestock,
Meats and Wool Judging Teams
with their respective coaches left
the campus yestei'day morning
headed for competition in the
American Royal at Kansas City
Tuesday morning.
Many of this year’s Senior Teams
are composed of boys who “won
their spurs” on the junior teams
last fall, and many of the coaches
are hoping that this year will be
a rich one for the A&M Teams.
These trips are sponsored by the
Saddle and Sirloin Club with the
tomorrow night and a dance will cooperation of the Animal Hus-
follow the game. I bandry Department. Boys who
Col. H. P. Dittman
Announces DMS
Senators To Meet
All members of the newly-
elected Student Senate will
meet in the Senate Chambers
of the MSC tonight at 7:30.
This will be the first, and
organizational meeting of the
Senate. All members have been
urged to be present.
Tony Martin Show
’Season's Brightest Fun Fest’
Distinguished Military Students
in Air Force ROTC were named
yestex-day by Col. Henry P. Ditt
man, PAS.
There are 58 students listed for
the Air Force units this year which
include the following:
Martin R. Adams, Willie Alsup
III, David R. Bx-iggs, William B.
Byrne, Jr., James S. Cassity, Jon
F. Cobb, James D. Drews, Stanley
B. Crockett, Ji\, Marcus J. Crow,
Bryan W. Dedekex*, Murray B. Den
ton, William H. Dorsey, Jack M.
The Tony Martin Show, descidb-
ed as the “Season’s Brightest Song
and Fun Fest of the Year”, will be
presented Thursday, Oct. 25, at 8
p.m. in White Coliseum.
The show, a full evening of mu
sic, song, comedy and variety en-
tex-tainment, is not a Town Hall
presentation, but is being sponsor
ed by Student Activities.
Tony Martin, internationally
famous singing star, has just fin
ished his latest movie, “Jeannie”,
filmed in England and Scotland,
and is touring the US with this
big, hand-picked music-and-com-
edy show.
Backing up Martin’s singing se
lections of old and new favorites,
and featured in its own right, will
be the Tex Beneke Orchestra, re
nowned through its personal ap-
peax-ances and recoi’d hits.
To contrast with the smooth,
big-band appeal of the Beneke ag
gregation, the program will feature
the Jodimars, a sizzling new Cap
ital i*ecording group of five men.
Foxmed by thi’ee foi’mei" mem
bers of Bill Haley’s Comets, this
recent entry in the popular jazz
and inck n’ mil field has already
won nation-wide attention.
Moi’e x-ecoi’ding talent is repx - e-
sented by the Petticoats, a trio of
eye-pleasing gilds xvho sing with
zest and charm and have created
a stir in musical circles by way
of their Unique Recoi’d offerings.
This is only a start, with othei’
acts scheduled to add their talents
to the full-length musical pi’esen-
tation. Tony Martin, of course,
will provide the highlights of the
show with his song offerings and
the personality that has made him
a long-standing star of movies, ra
dio, TV, and the supper club cii’-
cuit. In addition to new tunes, he
will meet audience demands for
some of the hits he has made fa
mous in motion pictures or on re-
coi’ds in the past.
Tickets for the show may be
pui’chased for $2.50 for main-floor
seats, $2 for courtside seats, and
$1.50 for bleacher seats at Student
Activities Office and Waldrop’s in
Weather Today
Pai’tly cloudy with widely scat
tered showers late in the day is
foi’ecast. Temperatui’e at 10:30
a.m. was 79 degx-ees. High and low
for Wednesday were 84 and 61 de
Stevenson to Speak
Dr. Robert M. Stevenson, of the
Business Administration Division
will appear as a speaker at the
top Management Seminal’, Army
Oi’dnance, at Rock Island Arsenal,
Rock Island, Ill., today. D r.
Stevenson will discuss “Manage
ment Statictics and Linear Pro
gramming”. He has pai’ticipated
in previous programs of the Sem
inar and this is his eighth time as
a speaker.
Facilities Give
Girl Scout Site
The College Station Youth
Facilities Council voted yes
terday to ask for a total of
<81,000 from the 1956 College
Station Community Chest
with half ear-marked for the Girl
Scouts and the lighted softball
diamond at Lincoln School.
Ten of the twelve committee
membex’s were present at the meet
ing held yesterday in city hall.
Projects from all civic youth
groups were discussed by the
group and a general request was
agreed upon instead of particular
Pi’ojects submitted include a
city park, a girl scout camp, a site
for boy scout buildings, a city
swimming pool, a colored swim
ming pool and impi’ovement of the
Negro softball diamond lighting.
The Council voted to give the
Bryan-College Station Area Gii’l
Scout Council $250 to improve a
new camp site to be pui’chased by
the scout group. Another $250 was
suggested for use in improving the
lights at the Negro softball dia
mond, which the Council provided
I last year.
Present at the meeting were Bob
| Cherry, president; Mrs. R. A. Pat
terson, secretary-treasurer; and
Les Richai’dson, Dick Hei’vey, Sid
Loveless, Ran Boswell, Loyd Keel,
Luther Jones, W. A. Tarrow and
Mike Krenitsky.
Dreyfus, William E. Duplantis,
Lamar Foi’d, Leroy C. Forester,
Jr., James T. Graham, Selman D.
Griffith, Henry F. Grupe, Jr.,
Chai’les R. Haines, Thomas B. Har
ris, John F. Heaid, Adrain,
C. Helms, Billy P. Huddles
ton, James L. Hudson, Jr., James
P. Hutchison.
Carl F. Jaggers, John D. Janak,
Philip E. Johnson, Vardaman F.
Johnson, Warren B. Johnson, Jr.,
Byron W. King, John L. Loggins,
Jack H. Lunsford, Charles D. Mc-
Mullan, Dirby T. Meyer, Donald
L. Moore, Dick G. Morton, James
G. Newman, Kenneth B. Nolen,
Thomas E. Norton, Jr., Donald L.
Patton, James M. Peacock, Earl
L. Pixley, Edmond M. Saad, Jr.,
John R. Sandhop, Harold Sattler.
Rodney H. Smith, Eai’l J. Spx-ing-
er, Jack W. Thomas, James S. Tins
ley, Richard M. Wall, Alton L.
woi’k out for these teams spend
long hours practicing their skills
and the competition within the
teams is keen.
Teams members will travel from
College Station to Oklahoma City
for practice sessions tomorrow and
Fi’iday. They will travel on to
Kansas City and are due to ar
rive their sometime Saturday.
They will compete with teams from
over the. United States represent
ing about 20 colleges and uni
versities in the American Royal
Members of the tfe'afns making
the trip, hometown and t h e i r
coaches are as follows:
Senior Wool Judging Team-Dx’.
T. M. Watkins, coach; Glenn R.
Chandler, Sanderson; James A. Mc-
Mullan, Jr., Ozona; Cecil M.
Skaggs, Houston and Joe A.
Nessmith, alternate from Van
Senior Meats Judging Team-
Gene King, coach; Donald Johnson,
San Antonio; Melvin Lebo, Austin;
K e r m i t Wahrmund, Fredericks
burg; and David Terry from Can
Senior Livestock Judging Team
—J. W. Gossett, coach; Jim Renick,
Llano; James C. Gregory, Hills
boro; Pat C. Garner, Sheffield;
Bennie Eugene (Bud) Fichte,
Megargel; Joe David Ross, Sonora
and Bobby C. Wakefield from
Lady Blacksmith Needed
TAMPA, Fla. hP)—If you’re a
good stout girl and don’t mind dirt
and perhaps an occasional kick,
there’s a pi’etty good job open for
you—as a lady blacksmith. W. E.
Combs, who is 76 and one of the
few horseshoers left in Florida,
wants to retire but can’t find any
one to take oyer his quite active
business. Combs figui’es more wo
men that men ride horses nowadays
Drivers’s Training
To Begin Monday
The A&M Engineering Exten
sion Service has developed a new
driver training course for person
nel of the motor transport indus
The course will be conducted on
the campus Monday through Fri
day of next week. It is designed
to help both large and small motor
companies select and train their
own dinvers, according to A. L.
Kramer, the TEES motor fleet
training specialist.
The program will offer instruc
tion on such topics as defensive
driving, special driving techniques,
psycho-physical testing, accident
prevention, driver maintenance,
setting di’iver standards, braking
tests, unifoi’m traffic code and
measurable attitude factors.
Selected insti’uctors, with wide
backgrounds of practical experi
ence and special study, will guide
students through every phase of
driver training, giving demonstra
tions of actual training techniques
that can be put to immediate use
in their own companies.
“Students will get plenty of ac
tive participation during the driv-
so “I’m thinking if some good stout
girl got interested in it I’d learn j ing tests,” Kramer said,
her to fit shoes.” He says he once j Modern equipment for demon-
Warren, Jerry R. Weatherby, John thought he had a good prospect but, ; sti’ations, and for the actual tests
A. Webb, Dale G. West, George j it turned out, “she weighed only f will be furnished by major truck
M. Winn and Edward W. Wyatt. ! 80 pounds. Wouldn’t do.” I companies.
WOOL JUDGING TEAM—Shown above (leTt to right) are Dr. T. M. Watkins, coach;
James McMullen; Cecil Skaggs and Glenn R. Chandler, members of the Senior Wool
Judging Team.