PAGE 6 Thursdas^ October 11, 1956 The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), Social Whirl The Horticulture Study group for the A&M Garden Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. Friday on the MSC Mezzanine with Mrs. C. E. Camp bell. The regular meeting of the A&M Garden Club is set for 2:30 p.m. in the Social Room of the MSC. Mrs. IT. R. Calkins will speak on “Early Influence of Flower Ar ranging.” ★ Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Wives Club will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. for a social in the Ag. Building Seminar Room, 4th floor. Maxine Stansberry is president. ★ Aero Wives Club reception is set for Friday ‘ at 8 p.m. in the South Solarium of the YMCA. Mrs. B. B. Hamner and Mrs. Fred Weick are sponsors. The social honors new club members. ★ Janice Lancaster reports the In dustrial Engineering Wives Club will have an organiaztional meet ing Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the Social Room of the MSC. Wives of industrial engineers are invited. ★ Members of the Dames Club elected officers at Tuesday’s meet ing. Billy Gaddy was named re cording secretary; Shirley Gabert was elected reporter. Peggy Finch will model as the Dames Club rep resentative in the fashion show Monday night. Mrs. Joe Barron spoke on “Music Appreciation”. Refreshments were served follow ing the business and program. ★ Animal Husbandry Wives Club wil hold the first business meeting for the fall semester tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the YMCA, Charlene Ragsdale, president, announced. ★ Aggie Wives Bridge Club meet tonight at 7:30 in the MSC for the weekly card playing. ★ Semester officers of the Elec trical Engineering Wives Club are Jane Robson, president Virginia Johnson, vice-president; Norma Koch, secretary; Nina McCarter, treasurer; Billie Gaddy, reporter; Dorothy Mills, social chairman; and J’nene Morgan, council repre sentative. ★ The style show to be held Mon day night for all Aggie Wives Club members is sponsored by Electri cal Engineering Wives Club in con junction with Lester’s Smart Shop. ★ Mechanical Engineering Wives Club will meet at 7:15 Monday night for a short business meeting prior to the Style Show at 8 p.m., Ann Edwards reports. 2 Weeks Navy Duty Calls Rev. Darwall The Rev. Robert L. Darwall, Vicar of St. Thomas Chapel, will leave Monday for the US Naval Air Station in Corpus Christi for two weeks active duty as Navy Chaplain. Rev. Darwall served in World War II as a Mine Disposal officer. After being ordained in 1949, he was transferred to the Chaplain Corps. At present time, he is Chaplain for the Naval Reserve Reseaixb Company, which meets on the A&M campus under the command of Com dr. Norman F. Rode. MACARONI TREATS Macaroni is a good fall and win tertime food, making delicious c as s e r o 1 e s or top-of-the-range treats, combined with meat, poul try, fish, cheese, vegetables or eggs. It is available in tublar shape, in short elbows and long lengths. ROACHES ANTS, Etc. $4-00 Per C.V. & Proj ect Apt. EXTERMINATED! We can solve your pest prob lems quickly, completely and economically. For information call — JOHN R. DEEGAN VI 6-5125 C-12-A C.V. 7 th Specials for THUR. - FRI. - SAT. FREE! $5 GIFT CERTIFICATE Good on the purchase of any major appliance at your Wes tern Auto Store, 300 East 25th. EAST WEEK’S WINNER MRS. M. A. NOWAK 413 Montclair — College Station FREE! *5000.00 In Valuable Prizes 8 MAJOR PRIZES GIVEN AWAY EACH WEEK FOR THREE WEEKS. (A total of 24 prizes in all.) BE SURE TO REGISTER EACH WEEK. You do not have to purchase or be present to win. 6 Wizard Washing Machines 6 Wizard Ranges 6 21-Inch Tru Tone TV Sets 6 Wizard Imperial Vacuum Cleaners ALL PRIZES GIVEN BY ORB’S SUPER MARKETS AND MINIMAX STORES OF HOUSTON BACON Premium - — — 49 c FRANKS Armstrong Famous Brand LB. yjfj 1 MIT'17 C17 Wisconsin /U\o lYf l lLSliOrj State Brand ... :. LB. A Cjnp Urr’s Gold Seal ty p* MvJAol VEAL SHOULDER LB. 00 C A If~ 0rr ’ s Gold Seal k3 1 tjAlV BABY BEEF LOIN LB. OO* LAMB ROAST Shoulder lb. 49e LAMB PATTIES 49« Tall Can PARD DOG FOOD 10c Rosedale—Cream Style—303 Cans GOLDEN CORN . . . . 2 cans 25c 80 Count Pkgs. NORTHERN NAPKINS, 2 pkgs. 23c • FROZEN FOODS • Morton’s Frozen—CHICKEN, BEEF or TURKEY POT PIES 8-Oz. Pie 27c Morton’s Frozen—APPLE, PEACH or CHERRY FRUIT PIES . . 2-101/ 2 Oz. Pies 45c BIG 12-OZ CANS—Pasco Frozen ORANGE JUICE 2 For 49c "The Nev* Miracle Process" BIS VALUE COFFEE Sho Sho [Cotton) MOPS 8-Oz. Size 59c [Made by Lawrence) IMPERIAL SUGAR 5 lbs. 45c STAR-KIST TUNA—y 2 ’s ... can 25c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE . lb. can 99c PEANUT BUTTER—Gold Craft, 9-oz. 19c DYANSHINE LIQUID SHOE POLISH hot. 19c Calif. White Baby Yellow POTATOES . 10 lb. bag 49c SQUASH YELLOW ONIONS . . . . . 2 lbs. 25c . 2 lbs. 9 C CENTRAL AMERICAN BANANAS DRUGS HAIR TONIC VAM 39c Size 29‘ HAIR SPRAY 99c Lustre Net $1.25 Size JERGEN’S • 39c Hand Lotion 50c Size ... Personal size I PAN A for only Ic when you buy v v ' JPANA TOOTH PASTE e Z7 y 58c' BOTH TUBES’ FOR 59c ' Uncle Williams—303 Cans SLICED BEETS Uncle Williams—300 Cans WHITE HOMINY Uncle Williams—300 Cans PORK & BEANS . Uncle Williams—300 Cans KRAUT . . . . 2 cans 25c . . 2 cans 15c . .3 cans 25c . 2 cans 25c VALUES BY RATH LUNCHEON MEAT S 37c Z'/z-Oz. Jar Rath's Sliced Dried Beef Rath's Pure PCKK SAUSAGE Vteniifi SAUSAGE 2 4 -°’ 29c Lilly Trim MELLORINE Square Carton — 14 Gallon * TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS MARKETS