The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 11, 1956, Image 1

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Ihe Mattahon
Number 172: Volume 55
Community ChestDrive
Organized In
Game Seating
Seating for the A&M-TCU
game will follow the same
general plan as the one used
for the Villanova game, ac
cording to Jim Roland, chair
man of the Kyle Field seating
committee, at a meeting yesterday.
Only change scheduled for the
game is the use of temporary ropes
to divide sophomore and junior
sections and the junior and senior
sections. This will cut down the
number of ushers needed at the
The seating committee asks that
the civilians move towards the top
of the sections they are sitting in
to allow room for the Corps after
the March-in. Accoirling to Ro
land, this might be considered a
type of Aggie Honor System.
The plan calls for the Corps and
Civilian seniors to occupy sections
130, 131 and 132. Juniors will sit
in sections 128 and 129, and soph
omores and freshmen will use sec
tions 122 through 127. At present,
there are 5,744 students with stu
dent activity cards.
Co-Chairmen Milliff, Reed
Preside As Drive Dale Set
The 1956 College Station Community Chest Drive wheels
began turning last night, as the 18-member board of directors
held an organizational meeting in the city hall.
Wednesday, Oct. 29 was set as opening date for the
fund-raising drive, and Nov. 12 was set as a tentative date j
for it to end.
Twelve agencies will be applying for a share of the total
at the budget hearing, set for Thursday, Oct. 18 in the Me-|
morial Student Center. One agency which requested funds
last year, the United Defense Fund, has combined with the 1
local unit of the United Service Organization in their applica-|
tion, and another, Gonzales Warm Springs Foundation, is;
seeking a share for the first
W. B. Johnson
ing Kadets
Come Under
MSC Group
The A&M Flying Kadets is
now the Flying Committee
under the Hobby Group of the
Memorial Student Center Di
rectorate, according to Wayne
Stark, MSC Director.
Accepted by the MSC Council
Monday night, the Kadets will join
tvith the Camera and Amateur Ra
dio Committees of the Hobby
Officers of the club elected re
cently are Ralph Jackson, presi
dent; Bud Johnson, vice-president;
Bob Hamilton, secretary; gnd Don
Afneson, treasurer. Fred Wieck is
sponsor of the group.
Dues for the committee will be
$1 per year. A flying meet will be
held each year and two members
will be sent to the meet. Entrants
will engage in rescue and search
The committee hopes to establish
a Civil Air Patrol squadron here in
the future, according to Bob Ham
ilton,. secretary.
Any Aggie interested in flying
has been invited to join. Meetings
are held Pn second and foui’th
Mondays of each month in the MSC
at 7:30 p.m
time this year
“Collection methpds will be
much the same this year as
last year,” co-chairmen John
Milliff and Bob Reed said. “A
member of each college department
will be responsible for collection in
his department. Those not reached
in this way will be contacted indi
Employees of Bryan Air Force
Base contribute to a united fund
there, and the College Station drive
receives a share, according to the
Last year, the campaign passed
its goal of $12,100 by $047, the
first time in several years that the
goal was passed. Last year’s cam
paign was carried on with an ex
penditure of $146.17.
The list of those requesting a
portion of the burget includes the
American Red Cross, Boy Scouts,
Girl Scouts, Salvation Army, Braz
os County USO and United Defense
Fund, Brazos County, Fund, Rec
reation Council, College YMCA,
Youth Activities Committee; Com
munity Center Inc., Brazos County
Youth Development and Gonzales
Warm Spring Foundation.
Bob H. Reed and Dr. John H.
Milliff were appointed co-chairmen
of the drive by College Station
mayor, Ernest Langford. Lang
ford, Milliff and Reed then ap
pointed the 16 members of the
Other officers appointed a r e
Mrs. R. L. Elkins, secretary; Herb
Thompson, treasurer; Ray Hite,
assistant treasurer; Jack Tippit,
publicity chairman and Frank Rob
inson, assistant publicity chairman.
Members of the board include
Mrs. Elkins, Hite, Thompson, Tip-
pif, Robinspn, Mrs. W. M. Heri
tage, L. E. McCall, Herb Shaffer,
Edward Madeley, J. L. Beande, G.
S. Trevino, S. O. Brown, R. R.
Shrode, Maj. K. J. Edwards, W. A.
Tarrow and Mrs. F. R. Brison.
Those who were members last
year include: Tarrow, Thomp
son, Bearrie, Brown, Madeley,
Reed and Milliff and Mes. Heri
tage, Brison and Elkins.
Heads Joint
W. B. Johnson Jr. was elected
chairman of the Joint Student
Branch of the American Institute
of Electrical Engineers and Insti
tute of Radio Engineers Tuesday
night at the first regularly sche
duled meeting.
Other officers elected were W.
F. Osborne, vice-chairman; W. B.
Chapman, treasurer; R. H. Greene,
secretary of the AIEE; R. S. Mc
Carter, secretary of the IRE; R. L.
Patton, program committee chair
man; J. E. Brake, membership
committee chairman; C. G. Haw
kins, publicity committee chairman
and J. W. Martin, junior repre
sentative to the Engineer’s Coun
After introductory speeches on
the AIEE and IRE by Norman F.
Rode, H. G. Dillingham and Wen-
dall Fowler, district chairman of
AIEE, future meeting dates were
set at the first and third Tuesdays
of each month.
The next meeting of the chapter
will be Oct. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the
lecture room of the Electrical En
gineering Building.
COMMUNITY CHEST PLANNERS—Members of the 1956 College Station Community
Chest board of directors are shown during their organizational meeting in the city hall
last night. Left to right are Mrs. R. L. Elkins, Mrs. F. R. Brison, W. A. Tarrow (behind
Mrs. Brison), R. V. Hite, Herb Thompson, Mrs. W. M. Heritage, Jack Tippit and L. E.
McCall. Standing are co-chairmen of the drive Dr. John H. Milliff, left, and Bob H.
Service Is Motto
Hospital Gains Popularity;
Staff And Facilities Better
Price Five Cents
Aggies Choose
Sunday !
The 11-man A&M Sweet-
h e a r t Selection Committee
Sunday afternoon will select
the 1956-57 Aggie Sweetheart
from among 11 beauties at
Texas State College for Women
at Denton.
The committee will leave A&M
Saturday morning for a two-day
observation of the candidates at
TSCW. The committee and the
candidates will attend a picnic
Saturday afteimoon and a formal
dance Saturday night.
Sunday they will go to church.
The winner will be chosen Sun
day afternoon.
Durward Thompson, social sec
retary of the senior class, is chair
man of the committee.
Other members are Corps Com
mander Jack Lunsford; Senior
Class President Doug De Cluitt,
Jerry Betsil, 2nd Regiment corn-
commander; John Specht, Ross
Volunteers commander; and Dick
Wall, president of the Memorial
Student Center Council.
Don Weber, business manager
of the Aggieland; Dick Bernard,
senior yell leader; Joe David Ross,
student senate representative and
Bill Lilly, civilian student council
president are other committee
VA Center Patients
Will Attend Game
Thirty patients from the Vet-
eraiis Administration Center at
Temple will be honor guests of the
College and the Athletic Depart
ment at the opening conference
game with TCU Saturday, Oct. 20.
The group will have special seats
on the cinder path on the 50-yard
line. The visit will mark the 12th
annual game the veterans have at
tended as honored guests.
They will be met by P. L. Downs
Jr., official greeter for the college
and will have lunch in Duncan
Mess Hall. Soft drinks will be
served during the game and each
will be given a football program.
Battalion News Editor
Proof of the College Hospital’s
rise in popularity and increased
service is shown in the figures that
list 1,396 patients were treated in
the first ten days of October as
compared with 800 for the entire
month of October in 1955.
These figures show what has
been accomplished by increasing
the staff and remodeling facilities
that had been the same for over
40 years. It is not at all hard to
understand why the Aggies are
ready to go to the hospital and put
their trust in the staff when they
are ill.
This year, the hospital added
foiir local doctors to the staff. At
least one doctor is on call at the
hospital 24 hours a day. Three of
the doctors are specialists and one
is a general practitioner. At the
present time , there are six doctors
available including Dr. Lyons,
medical director, and Dr. J. E.
Marsh, staff doctor.
The hospital is still under- staff-
Ohains And All
DES MOINES (m—After thieves
made off with half a two-piece
sectional davenport from the lobby
of dn apartment building here, the
management had the rest of the
furniture chained down. Notwith
standing the chains, however, the
thieves returned a few nights later
and took the other davenport
ed as there is a need for more
nurses, according to Dr Lyons. At
present, there are 8 registered
nurses on the staff. However, the
first consideration now is to im
prove the antiquated facilities.
The main objective of the hos
pital is to improve service to the
student and to give more attention
to each individual who comes to
the hospital. No longer can a nurse
do any stitching or suturing. Ac- use
cording to Dr Lyons, this is now
grounds for dismissal of a nurse.
A doctor is ready at any time to
give immediate attention to any
patient who entei’s the hospital.
This includes minor surgery.
The overall plan for improvement
of the hospital is to have a work
ing program the same as any
hospital or clinic. Right now, the
service of the hospital is on a par
with either of the hospitals in
Some of the new improvements
include remodelling the newer wing
of the building and making it into
offices and rooms for treatment of
minor injuries, building a new
kitchen in the basement, repainting
the halls and wards, refurnishing
the private rooms and remodelling
the waiting room.
Many of the projects are still
under construction, although they
were supposed to be finished before
the semester began. The main idea
behind the new construction was to
increase efficiency.
Directors Accept
Grants And Gifts
Grants-in-aid, scholarships, fel
lowships, awards and special gifts
totaling $695,499.45 were accepted
for colleges and service organiza
tions of the A&M College System
by the board of directors during
This does not include research
supporting funds from state or
federal agencies.
The System also received a num
ber of gifts including livestock,
equipment and chemical supplies
on which no cash estimate was
made. The System received the
loan of numerous animals, quan
tities of grain and seed, agricul
tural and engineering equipment
and materials.
During this period the Texas
Agricultural Experiment Station
was given $255,227.94 in support
of 124 separate research projects.
A&M received funds for scholar
ships amounting to $240,470.91. In
addition, the college received a
gift of $200,000 from former stu
dents for an inter-faiths chapel,
now nearing completion on the
Another efficincy move was to
cut down on the number of beds in
In the past, 150 beds were
ready to use at all times. According
to Dr. Lyons, this was unnecesary.
Now, 50 beds are made up and 50
more are available at any time
This was done to cut down the
high cost of laundering and time
spent in making the beds up with
clean linens.
“The basic theme for the hospital
is giving its service to the student,’
says Dr. Lyons. One method now
used to increase its service to each
student is a complete medical re
cord of every student on A&M in|Eastside: Mrs. B.
the files of the hospital. ph. Walnut 1-4746,
Houston Mothers
Provide Car Pool
For those Aggies finding them
selves stranded in Houston, there
is quick and ready service available
for transportation back to school.
The Houston A&M Mothers Club
has established a committee thqt
serves to get Aggies back to school
and also acts as a registry for
those Aggies needing or giving
Ray W inburn, Houston home
town club president, said that all
Aggies with extra room in their
cars could check with the mothers
on the committee to see if anyone
needs a ride back.
■' Winbum urged both those with
cars and those without cars to
contact the following mother’s:
Northside: Mrs. S. W. HudsonJ
phone Melrose 5-4045.
Heights: Mrs. A. Brawner, ph.
Underwood 4-7573.
Westside: Mrs. A. W. Wood, ph.
Mohawk 7-1185.
C. Burchfield,
Pre Med 5 Dental
Applications Due
The Department of Biology has
announced that pre-medical and
pre-dental students wishing to
take the medical college admission
test to be given Oct. 30, must reg
ister for the test before Oct. 16.
The test, which should be taken
by all applicants for entrance to
the medical classes of Sept. 1957,
is explained in a brochure with ap
plication blank which is available
in room 321 of the Biological Sci
ences Building.
The announcement sti’essed that
applications should be in the mail
by Oct. 12.
Saddle And Sirloin Club
Fall Barbecue Set
Saddle and Sirloin Club mem
bers and Animal Husbandry ma
jors are invited to atend the an
nual Fall Barbeque of the S & S
Club secheduled for 6 p.m., Mon
day, at The Grove, announced Bob
Johnston, president.
An annual affair of the Animal
Husbandry Department, the barbe
que is designed as a opportunity to
give various judging teams an of
ficial “send off” prior to their
trips over the country.
Dr. J. C. Miller, dean of agri
culture, wdll be the main speaker
during the after-dinner program.
He wall speak on the general topic
UN Club Observes
Columbus Program
The A&M United Nations Club
will observe Columbus Day Friday
at 7:30 p. m. with a special pro
gram in the YMGA.
A1 Nelson of the history depart
ment will deliver an address to the
group on “Historical Significance
of the Discovei’y.” Louis H. Stern
of the economics department wall
speak on “Economical Implications
of the Discovery.”
A refreshment and social session
is planned after the program.
Weather Today
Possible Cancer
Cure Discovered
LONDON —— An American
cancer specialist has disclosed that
some volunteers at the Sloan-Ket-
tering Institute in New York were
injected with cancer and managed
to throw off the disease.
Dr. Cornelius P. Rhoads said ex
periment indicated there is a de
fense mechanism in man against
cancerous cells but that it is great
ly reduced in patients already suf
fering from cancer.
of “What Livestock Judging Has
Done for Me.”
After Dean Miller’s talk judging
team coaches wdll be introduced,
and they, in turn, will introduce
members of their various teams.
Team coaches for the 1956-57
year include J. W. Gossett and IfV.
T. (Dub) Berry, livestock; G. T.
(Gene) King, Meats and T. D.
Watkins, Wool.
Judging’ trips begin next week
when tw r o of the teams leave for
Kansas City and Chicago. Expen
ses of these trips are paid by the
S & S Club.
Pete Wheeler, food committee
chairman for the occassion, says
the food will be “more and better
than ever” and an ample supply
has been previded for the expec
ted crowd of 250 members and
Roy Sims, of the AH Meats Lab
oratory, will prepare the meat for
Monday’s menu which includes:
barbeque beef, ranch-style beans,
pickles and onion, potato chips,
cold drings and ice-cream.
ARTISTS AT WORK—Shown above (left to right) are Bill D. Coverston of Houston and
Cloice A. Whitley of San Angelo sketching sections of the inside of the A&M Chapel
under construction on the campus. They are Industrial Technology majors doing work
for Architecture 353.
Ahead And Behind
DES MOINES — A doctor
told a Des Moines man he should
limit himself to tw T o alcoholic
drinks a day and take a prescribed
number of vitamin pills daily. Sev
eral months later the doctor met
Partly cloudy is today’s forecast. ! the fellow’s wife on the street and
Temperature at 10:30 a.m. was 80 ! asked her how her husband was
degrees. Tigh and low for Wed-| getting along. Said she: “Well,
nesday were 91 degrees and 58 de- he’s way behind on the vitamins
grees. and way ahead on the booze.”
B. F. Watkins Wins
Football Contest
Bobby F. Watkins, chemistry
major from Dallas, Avon the second
awai’d of $10 given by the Stu
dent Co-op in their w 7 eeldy foot
ball contest.
Enti’ants fill out the contest
blank which runs eA T ery Wednes
day in The Battalion picking the
winners in various games across
the nation. These entries are judg
ed over the weekend then announ
ced on Monday morning.