The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 10, 1956, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 171: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
Yank Homers Blast Bums
As NY -Wins Series, 9-0
the traditional saber of office from Lt. Gen. Ernest O.
Thompson of the Texas Railroad Commission. Col. W.
Taylor Wilkins, assistant commandant, observes the cere
Arts, Crafts Join
In Creative Ctroup
The Arts Gallery Group and
Ci’aft Committee of the Memorial
Student Center have combined to
form the Ci’eative Arts Group, ac
cording' to David Morris, chairman.
Because of increased enthusiasm
shown by its members^ the new
group, with Emalita Newton Terry
as advisor, has added mox-e activi
ties, particularly in crafts, and
new instructors, with the intention
of developing a more creative as
pect within its membership, Mar
tin said.
The Art Division offers instruc
tion in charcoal, pencil, oils, water
colors and casein. The Crafts Di
vision offers instruction in leather’,
lapidary, metal work, creative ce
ramics, silversmithing and enamel
working. Several more courses
are to be added at a later date,
according to present plans.
Full membership this year is
open to all students, accepted af
ter an interview. Instruction in
arts and crafts is given free to
these members. Students may re
tain membership even if they do
Lyle Wayne Head
Of Guadalupe Club
Recently elected president of the
Guadalupe Valley hometown club
is Lyle Wayne II of Victoria.
Also elected were Winfred Kainer,
vice- president; Ed Sarlls Jr.,
secretary - treasurer, and Walter
Magruder, repor ter’.
not choose to participate in in
Associate membership is open
to student wives, the faculty, fac
ulty wives and residents of the
College Station area. For associ
ate member's who wish to partici
pate in the instruction offered by
the group, tuition for one lesson
a week for six weeks is $12. This
fee can be paid at the cashier’s
window in the MSC.
Schedule for the Art Class is
Monday at 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and
7 to 10 p.m.; Tuesday at 9 to 12
a.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. and Thurs
day at 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Crafts Division class schedule
is Wednesday at 9:30 to 12 a.m.,
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at
1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and Monday thru
Friday at 7 to 10 p.m.
Pres. Morgan
Flies to Calif.
President David H. Morgan left
last night -from Austin to fly to
San Francisco to be at the bed
side of his mother and sister, both
of whom are in the hospital.
His sister, Mrs. Joseph Springer
and his mother, Mr - s. E. Morgan
both have been ill for quite some
time. The president’s time of ar
rival back in College Station is
not definite at this time.
Fruit Growers
Hold Conclave
This Week
Texas Peach and Plum
Growers Conference is now in
progress in the Memorial Stu
dent Center.
Discussions on all phases of
orchard management and fruit
marketing will be included on the
program, according to Bluefford
G. Hancock, secretary of Texas
Peach and Plum Growers Associa
tion and extension horticulturist
with the experiment station.
Hancock says the program con
sists of studies presented by horti
culturists from experiment stations,
professors of the horticulture de
partment of A&M and Tarleton
State College, entomologists, plant
pathologists, nurserymen, market
ing specialists, and fruit growers.
“We will again have a display
and demonstration of commercial
orchard equipment,” Hancock says.
Rotary cutters, power pruners,
pruning equipment and spray
machinery will be exhibited and
demonstrated at the A&M horti
culture farm.
The conference plans to exhibit
modern fruit handling equipment.
Hancock says fruit growers from
over the state acclaim the infor
mation obtained at the conferences
enable them to keep up with
the latest advancements in fruit
Tony Martin Show
Contract Sigend
The contract has been signed for
the Tony Martin show to be held
here the 25th of this month, ac
cording to C. G. White, director
of recreation and entertainment.
White said this show is not a
regular Town Hall attraction.
Led by Tony Martin and backed
by Tex Beneke and his band, the
show features a “rock ’n’ roll”
group called the Jodimars. Three
of the group originally played with
Bill Maley and his Comets.
Also, The Petticoats, singing
stars for Unique Records and Conn
and Mann, satire and dance team
will appear.
“This is a reeord star parade
show, comparable to the Nat King
Cole show last year,” said White.
“It will afford 2y z hours of top
flight musical entertainment by a
host of recording stars.”
200 Planes Due Saturday
Eighth All-Texas Air Tour
Will Land at Coulter Field
About 200 airplanes will roar
over Bryan and land at Coulter
Field Saturday about 1:30 p.m. in
honor of the 8th Annqal All-Texas
Air Tour.
It is the first leg of a 3,000
mile flight around the state pub
licizing the March of Dimes fund
raising campaign.
Governor Allan Shivers has pro
claimed the week, October 19
throug'h 18, Air Tour and Aviation
Week in Texas.
On hand to welcome the flight
participants will be Bryan City
Fathers, Bryan High School Band,
Bryan Chamber of Commerce
leaders and members of the Bra
zos Aviation Association.
The welcoming group will pre
sent the air tourists with souve
nirs and a brochure of the City of
The flyers will leave March of
Dimes pamphlets and publicity
material for the local commitees.
After a 30-minute stop the group
will take off on the journey which
is to carry it around the state. The
touring planes will make similar
stops at 38 other cities.
The tour will officially start at
Temple with a barbecue and a
send-off sponsored by the Temple
Chamber of Commerce.
We Were Wrong
Instead of being held today
as stated in yesterday’s Bat
talion, the Student Senate elec
tion will be held Oct. 17. Also,
fifteen seniors will be elected
to Senate positions rather than
Local pilots planning to join
the band in Temple include Bill
Caudell, Guy Davis, Earl Ljmch,
Dr. L. O. Wilkerson, Fred Wieck
and Capt. H. S. Wieck of College
Station and Guy Davis, Earl
Lynch, Tony Varisco, Buddy Wil
son of Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Curtis and Capt. Jimmy Pierce.
Coulter Field Manager R. J.
(Dick) Cardwell says the All-Tex
as Air Tour has grown in import
ance and success each year. This
year pilots from 14 states and
Mexico have registered.
The tour has been effective in
pointing out the safety and utility
of the small aircraft and the need
for more adequate airport facili
ties in Texas.
“It serves to better Good Neigh
bor Relations and further the
March of Dimes,” Cardwell says.
Berra Hits Pair; Howard, Kiwanians
Skowron Homer for Total
BROOKLYN, Oct. 10—The New York Yankees over
whelmed the Dodgers and Don Newcombe with a record-
breaking home run assault today and won the World Series,
four games to three, with a 9-0 victory.
Yogi Berra hit two homers and Bill Skowron smashed a
grand slam homer to back up superb three-hit pitching by
23-year-old Johnny Kucks.
The Yankees thus duplicated Brooklyn’s 1955 feat of
winning a seven-game series after losing the first two games.
It was the Yanks’ 17th World Series victory in 22 attempts
since 1923 and their sixth in seven series against Brooklyn.
The Dodgers took the first two games in Ebbets Field.
"-'♦‘The Yanks won the next three
j-1 I in their stadium and then
Konme Greathouse i Brooklyn squared the series
yesterday in their home park.
Today’s game was the first
breakthrough by the visiting team.
Berra, who clubbed a bases-
loaded homer off Newcombe in the
second game, hit over the right
field wall the first two times he
came to bat against Newk today,
each time with a man on base.
The seven-game series drew a
paid attendance of 345,903 with
33,782 fans watching the final
game. The net receipts for the
series were $2,185,353.59.
The four Yankee homers set a
series record of 12 by one club in
a series, breaking the mark of ten
set by the 1952 Yanks, and Berra,
with 10 tarns batted in during the
series, Smashed another record.
The Bronx Bombers got things
rolling early as Hank Bowers lined
a lead-off single into left. Bauer
stole second on Newcomb’s first
pitch to Martin . Big Newk fanned
Martin and Mantle to the pleasure
of the partisan Ebbets Field crowd,
but Berra’s drive over the right
field screen ended the rejoicing.
Berra did it again in the top of
the third. With one out Martin
rammed a single into center and
Newcombe struck out Mantle for
the second time. Yogi hit another
into the same place to make the
score 4-0, and Dodger fans began
to lose hope.
Elston Howard drove Newcombe
to the showers to open up the fifth
with his second home run in World
Series play over the score board in
right. Don Bessant came in as re
lief and lasted through the sixth,
g-iving up no runs and two hits.
Roger Craig went to the mound
for the Bums in the seventh and
Martin greeted him with a single
to left. Mantle walked and both
runners advanced on a wild pitch.
Berra was intentionally passed but
the Brooklyn strategy backfired
when Skowron drove the first pitch
into the lower left field stands for
a grand slam homer to make it 9-0.
After Howard doubled, Craig was
removed and Ed Roebuck came in
to pitch for the Dodgers.
Wins Ad Award
Ronnie Grathouse, 1955-56 Bat
talion Sports Editor, now working
as advertising- manager for the
Hondo (Tex.) Anvil Herald won
an honorable mention for a full-
page ad at the recent advertising-
meeting of the Texas Press Asso
ciation in Austin.
Purpose of the meeting was to
present the annual awards for the
best ads and best ad campaigns
carried during the preceding- year
throughout weekly Texas news
Greathouse, who was g-raduated
from A&M last spring-, together
with Ralph Cole, last years’ Bat
talion Managing- Editor, went to
work for William E. Berger, own
er and publisher of the Hondo pa
per after their graduation. Cole
is News Editor there.
William R. Hears!
Named ‘J’ Speaker
William Randolph Hearst Jr, will
be one of the main speakers for
the 27th annual Southwestern
Journalism Congress to be held
here March. 21-23.
Hearst will bring with him two
of his top staff members in Kings
bury Smith, general manager for
International News Service and
Frank Conniff, editorial assistant.
Also to be featured will be Sig
Michelson, vice-president in charge
of news and public affairs for-
Columbia Broadcasting System.
Approximately 250 students and
faculty members from the 14 mem
ber schools of the Congress are
expected to attend.
Tickets On Sale
For U-H Game
Student and student date
tickets for the A&M-Univer-
sity of Houston football game
will go off sale at the athletic
business office at 5 p. m. to
day, according to Pat Dial,
business manager of Athletics.
Prices are $1 for students and
$3.50 for dates.
The game will be played at
8 p. m. in Rice stadium, Hous
ton. Over 60,000 people' are
Freshman Treated
For Exhaustion
Peter Edward Wheeler, fresh
man from Tulsa, Okla., was treated
and released at College Hospital
yesterday after-noon for what he
describes as “exhustion”.
Wheeler says he returned from
intramural football practice to his
room in dormority 2 and was “not
feeling well.”
He was carried to the hospital at
7:30 p. m. by Calloway - Jones
ambulance. Ambulance attendants
say he was unconcious when they
arrived. He left the hospital about
8:30 p. nr.
Evening Fire
Sends Trucks
To Pet. Bldg.
Fire sirens blasted out last
night at 7:30 and sent three
fire engines screaming down
Jones St. where they screech
ed to a halt in front of the
Petroleum Engineering Build
Men grabbed hoses, unreeled
lines and dashed into the
building and up to the second
Smoke poured out from un
der a door and wrenching it
open they saw the cause . . .
paper in wastebasket was on
Two Local Youths
Are 4H Delegates
Ross Salyaggio and Jimmy Potts,
Brazos County 4-H Club members,
are listed as two of the four- win-
.nctt's in - the 1956 statewide pro-
gram for naming delegates to the
forthcoming National Junior Fact
Finding Conference of the Ameri
can Poultry Industries.
Brazos County Agent W. M.
Kimbrough was listed by the State
4-H Club office as the official
chaperon for- the Texas delegation
to the conference.
The Conference will be held in
Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 15-17, 1957.
Mrs. Patterson
Dies In Hospital
Mrs. L. V. Patterson, 46, wife of
LaVerne V. Patterson, 508 Kyle
St. in College Station, died yester
day afternoon at 1:45 in St. Jose
ph’s Hospital in Bryan.
She is survived by her husband,
a new member of the A&M Indus
trial Education Department; two
children, LeVerne F. and Margaret
E., 7. Attending her at the time
of death was her- sister, Mrs. Mar
garet Hildebrand of Indianapolis,
Funeral services are tentatively
set for- Saturday in Robert, Ill. un
der direction of the Danforth Fun
eral Home there.
Hear Report
From CS Men
Dr. Les Richardson, super
intendent of A&M Consolida
ted Schools and Dr. John Rog
ers, president of the s c h o o 1
board, presented a report on
school conditions in College Sta
tion at the weekly luncheon of the
College Station Kiwanis Club in
the Memorial Student Center yes
“The Consolidated School enroll
ment has risen 24 per cent, since
school year 1952-53,” Dr. Richard
son said. “This is somewhat under
the national average due to fewer
transfer students this year.”
Dr. Richardson said that grades
1-4 in Consolidated increased eight
per 1 cent from 459 in 1952-53 to 492
this year; grades 5-8, 66 per cent
increase from 249 to 413; and
grades 9-12, 57 per cent increase
from 153 to 240. Lincoln school en
rollment stayed virtually the same
as four years ago, with 345 stu
“This shows an over all increase
from 1,206 people to 1487,” he said.
Dr. Rogers listed, as major
changes in the system due soon, the
elimination of county superinten
dent position, state assistance in
paying a driver training teacher
and five-subject curricula for all
students who wish them.
“All of these programs will be
reviewed when the Texas legisla
ture next meets,” Dr. Rogers said.
K. A. Manning was re-appointed
by the club board of directors to
serve as secretary next year and
Charles Richardson was re-appoint
ed treasurer. Charles LaMotte, out
going club president, Woody Briles,
president-elect and Luther Jones
were chosen to represent the club
at the district convention in Corpus
Christi soon.
Ed Packingham, of College Sta
tion was a guest at the meeting.
Safety Course Held
Twenty-five persons are attend
ing the 40-hour course for i safety
supervisors being held at A&M
this week. The course is being con
ducted by the Texas Engineering
Extension Service. The instructors
are R. F. Matthews and Elmer
Frede of the TEES.
Weather Today
Generally fair weather with some
high scattered clouds are forecast.
The 10:30 a.m. temperature was
79 degrees. Yesterday’s high .and
low readings were 92 and 55 de
OATH OF OFFICE is administered to
White Coliseum yesterday afternoon.
650 Cadets in swearing- in ceremonies in G. Rollie
The entire corps of cadets attended the rites.