The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 09, 1956, Image 1
m . The Battalion Number 170: Volume 55 Senate Filings End Monday; 100 In Race Filing's for positions in the Student Senate were complet ed yesterday afternoon with close to 100 students seeking positions in the election to be held Wednesday Get. 10. Ballots will be east in the Me morial Student Center between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., said W. D. (Pete) Ha7-desty, business manager of Student Activities. Voting machines that were a gift of the class of 1956 will not be available for Wednesday’s elec tion, Hardesty said. The machines will not arrive before Christmas and it will probably be next spring before the machines will be used, he said. Filings for the five senior senate vacancies are: Ronnie Briggs, B7’yan W. Dedeker, Murray Den ton, William (Bill) Dorsey, Jack M. D7 , eyfus, Cyrus H. Holley, Wil liam A. McCarty, Jr., La7’ry D. Piper, William R. Setzler, James C. (Jim) Sharp, Tommy N. Sud- de7 , th, Jon Cobb, Jack Ettinger, James Goode, Byron King, Ted Lewis, Billy Lilly, Pat Marshall, Howard Martin, Kh-by Meyer, T0777 Newman, Tom Norton, Vannis Red man, Jim Rowland, Tom Thedford, Durward Thompson, Paul Tucker, Joe Watson, Jack Weathe7’fo7'd, Don Weber, A. J. Weisenfelder, John West, Randy West, Ja7nes Willborn and Jim Wilson. Juniors filing for their 10 seats are: Walter Resley, Woody Rice, Alex Cla7-k, Harold Conrad, Paul Costa, James Cox, Le7ny Fletcher, C. W. GaTmand, Gen^y Gleason, Jim Groves, Don Jones, C. F. Loms, Billy Libby, Buddy Maedgen, Bra dy D. A7-mst7'ong, Jack C. Bailey, Ray M. Bowen, Jim Brady, Jon L. Haglei’, Tom R. Harris, Edward R. Holbein, Paul R. Holmes, Ray O. McClung, Bill McLaughlin, Thom as L. Owens, Lawrence Leon (Lar ry) Patton, Jim R. Po7’te7’, William A. Sansing, D. Lamar Smith, Bob Surovik and Tom J. Upchm’ch. Sophomoi’e senatoi’ial candidates seeking 6 openings a7’e: Jay B. Bishop, Glen D. Hitchcock, Ray C. Hudson, Ross F. Hutchinson, Ho mer D. Smith, Jr*., Davis Ford, T. C. Johnson, Tom Miller, Dick No- ack, Tom Reddin, Charles Roger's, John Williams and John Thomas. Pui'year Hall aspirants are: Rob ert A. Lee and Fr*ed Wayne Mc Donald. Mitchell Hall: Robert Lowery and Burke Phillips. College View: Ken Mor'gan, Tom Reyman, Joe D. Womack and Tom mie A. Hennard, Jr. Day Students: John Webb and Joe R. Zemanek. Hart Hall: M. Morgan Doug lass. Milner Hall: Ha7*i*y Gr’een. Bizzell Hall: Tommy Green. Law Hall: Jeiu'y Martinets. Walton Hall: Joe Ross. Leggett Hall: Chartes Wilson. Doran 16: Warren Roberts. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1956 Price Five Cents Cadet Oaths '.of Given Today / Office to 650 HE’S GOT IT—Don Watson makes a fabulous catch over two Tech defenders for A&M’s third touchdown in Saturday’s 40-7 stomp in Dallas. —Phot by Noble Eden. ^Infinitesimal” Sen. Kefauver Defends Democrat’s Innocence WILMINGTON, Del., — Sen. Estes Kefauver campaigned inten sively in Delaware yesterday after noon and last night despite a cold and sore throat, asserting any mg doing in the Democratic party in the past was “infinites imal” compared with Eisenhower administration “giveaways.” The Democratic vice-presiden tial nominee, starting a week’s seven-state, 4,000-mile swing, rode in an open car through Dover and Wilmington and made three sched uled speeches as well as one impromptu talk. Kefauver’s first appearance was at an open air rally in front of the Delaware State Capitol Build ing after a midafternoon depar ture Trom Washington. In this talk he said the Democrats “now have a party of idealism, a clean party, worthy of your full support.” Asked at his news conference if this meant he did not consider the party clean in the past, he an swered : “I didn’t mean that in those pro- the Esten Will Speak To Women’s Club C. K. Esten, assistant professor in the English department, will speak to the Bryan Women’s Club Wednesday afternoon. The subject of his talk will be “Genesis of Tragedy.” To illustrate his speech Esten will present a scene from “Caine Mutiny Court Martial” that the Aggies Players presented last fall. Working with Esten and playing the parts that they portrayed in the show will be Harry Gooding as Queen, Charles Ware as Green- wald and Toby Hughs as the court president. Stewart Speaks At Lions Club Arthur Steward, -assistant fessor of business law in Division of Business Administra tion spoke to the weekly luncheon of the College Station Lions Club yesterday in the Memorial Student Center. Speaking on community property laws between man and wife in Texas, Stewart, a practicing at torney, pointed out that under the Texas constitution, property is as signed to man and wife according to three categories. “Property owned by the husband before marriage or the wife before marriage belongs to them alone,” he said, “but all property earned after marriage is community pro perty.” The Lions also discussed the sale of Christmas cards to benefit the Lions’ crippled children clinic and introduced one guest, Bob Davis, a member of the Bryan Evening Lions Club. terms. I felt the Democratic party needed many more hard working women volunteer’s and the enthu siasm of young people. We had grown a little stodgy and that’s why we lost the 1952 election. But we have been much rein vigorated since that time.” In a speech last night at a rally at a Wilmington high school, he said women are going to vote in record numbers this fall and most of them will support the Demo crats because of the “rising tide of inflation.” Kefauver defended his running mate, Adlai Stevenson, from a charge made earlier in the day by Sen. Knowland (R-Calif) that the former Illinois governor was “too naive” to be commander- in- chief of the nation’s armed forces. “We of the Democratic party have a program that is good for the people and we have men who are capable of carrying out foreign policies without losing us all of the friends in the world that Mr Dulles’ and Gen. Eisenhower’s policies have lost us.” President Outlines Growth, Continued Corps Progress Speaking before the entire cadet corps and especially to the approximate 650 cadet officers taking the oath of office, President David H. Morgan today said, “We can never be contented with what we have accomplished—we must continue to push forward in the development of the Corps.” In opening, President Morgan touched on the signifi cance of the ceremony in that it “is one rich in meaning be cause it represents the rebirth of the Corps and signifies our rededication to its principles and our pledge to work un ceasingly for the achievement of its objectives. “No matter what we do or say, the actions of the Corps * ^and of the individual in the t-^ i| ’ll « Corps are the bases upon t ood handlers School In MSC This Week The Bryau-Brazos County Health Unit and the Texas State Depart ment of Health is sponsoring a Biennial Foodhandler’s School in the Memorial Student Center Ball room continuing through Friday this week. Classes will meet daily at 9:80 a. m. to 11 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. to 4 p. m. Certificates in sanitary foodhandling will be issued to per sons attending one class each day, school officials say. C. B. Breedlow of the Texas Health Department is the structor. W. C. Lewis Jr. of the local health unit is in charge of arrange ments. The public is invited to at tend the sessions, Lewis said. Instruction in food handling and bacteria was given yesterday fol lowed by a study of preventing food contamination and spoilage during today’s session. Wednesday the topic will be “Three Enemies of Food Establish ments.” Accident Committee Workers Take Posts Weather Today Clear skies are forecast. Tem- peratm'e at 10:30 a.m. was 88 de grees. Yesterday’s high tempera ture recording* was 92 degrees and last night’s low reading, 59 de grees. Bailey Heads Arts And Science Gronp Eleven faculty and staff mem bers and students forming the 1956 A&M Accident Pi’evention Committee have divided the cam pus into areas with one committee member coordinating accident pre vention in each area. H. B. Segrest, chairman of the committee, will supervise activi ties in the athletic area, including Kyle Field, P. L. Downs swimming pool, G. Rollie White and DeWare Field House, and all other facili ties in the area. William G. Breazeale is in charge of the area surrounding the YMCA building, new chapel, College Ad ministration Building, Goodwin, Law, Puryear, Bizzell, Mitchell, Leggett, Milner, Hart and DormL tory 16. Corps Safety Ifficer Dick Wall and Maj. C. M. Taylor have super vision of dormitories 1-15, Sbisa and Duncan mess halls, the Presi dent’s Home, Basic Division, Wal ton Hall, Grove, Memorial Student Center, Guion Hall, Placement Of fice, Military Science Building and USD A Building. F. D. Nixson will be responsible for the area including the Aca demic Building, Mechanical Engi- gineering shops, Exchange Store, Civil Engineering Building, Phy sics Building, Electrical Engineer ing Building and Bagley Hall. W. T. Berry Jr. is in charge of the temporary classrooms, Petrol eum Engineering Building, A&M Press, Cottorfkeed Lab, Building and Colle^fe Utilities facilities, armory, clothing* warehouse, col lege laundry, Highway Research Building and the old Veterinary Hospital. Dr. G. S. Trevino will supervise all college property west of old Highway 6 and B. F. K. Mullins, Anchor Hall area and the civil en gineering practice field. Dr. A. F. Isbell has been as signed the Chemistry Building, Francis Hall, the new engineering- building, both libraries, the Sci ence Building, Agronomy Building, state chemist and agronomy green houses. Jim Bower, editor of The Bat talion, will watch accident hazards in the area including the Animal Industry Building, Animal Hus bandry Pavilion, Agriculture In formation Office and the Agricul ture Building. R. L. Rogers has the System Ad ministration Building, Agriculture Engineering Building, Museum and College View. Bell Telephone Awards Available Pre-doctoral fellowships in engi neering and physical sciences are now available from Bell Telephone Laboratories, according to Dr. John B. Page, dean of the Graduate School. Graduate students in the fields of electrical engineering, physics, mathematics, mechanical engineer ing, chemistry, or engineering mechanics who expect to receive their doctorates in one or two years may be considered eligible, said Page. Graduate students selected for the fellowships will receive a $2,000 grant, payable monthly. In addi tion, the college will also i*eceive a similar grant to support the stu dent. Application blanks are available in the office of the Graduate School, said Page. Dwayne S. (Dub) Bailey, sen ior accounting major from Port Arthur was elected president of the Arts and Science Council at their initial meeting of the 1956- 57 school year. R. H. Kidd, junior Oceanography major from Menard was elected vice-president and Donald Farek, building products marketing ma jor from Waco, was selected sec retary-treasurer. Dave McReynolds and William K. (Bill) Meals were elected sen ior and junior representatives, re spectively, to the Intercouncil Com mittee. Meeting last night in room 3D of the MSC, 32 member’s of the Council were present at the organ izational meeting. Next meeting date of the council was set as the first Monday night in November at which time a committee will be named to study possible improve ments to be recommended to the Academic Council concerning the School of Arts and Sciences. which public opinion is form ed,” Morgan said. “The public sees the Corps only on parades and reviews. Un fortunately, too many people think of the Corps only in terms of these functions and in terms of bracing on the campus and r eports of men tal harrassment.” In explaining the feeling of some Aggies that some of the correction placed on freshmen students has a role to play “in the so-called de velopment of man,” the president pointed out that “change is a part of life itself. Yet there is tre mendous resistance because we all feel so smugly secure in old pat terns of action.” The Corps Is A Privilege “As I have stated in previous talks,” Morgan said, “the Corps comes first. It is more important than any individual. Since ROTC is an elective, it is a privilege and not a right to be a member of the Corps. The privilege of r emaining must be earned. “However, if it is to be a privi lege to be in the Corps, the Corps must be worthy.” The president went on with “Gen tlemen, hazing is to A&M as drug is to an addict or alcohol is to an alcoholic. One shot or one drink leads to another until the very soul of the individual becomes dis integrated. “The Corps can be one body, or it can be a disintegrated mass with cancerous growths eating away at its heart and body until even its soul is destroyed with only the frame showing,” he added. Morgan praised this crop of ca det officers by saying “we are convinced that we have the depth in leadership this year which we lacked last year. You, the cadet officer’s have the ability and we have confidence that you will use that ability in the best interests of the Corps.” Morgan said he Avas encouraged (See PRESIDENT, Page 2) Boiler Blast Kills Two; Ten Listed Critical MILWAUKEE—UP) — An explosion ripped through the administration building at the Ampoc Metals Inc. foundry on the city’s Southwest Side yes terday killing two and injuring 21 persons. All 30 people in the building at the time of the blast have been accounted for. Fire department authorities said the blast was caused by a mal functioning- boiler for the hot water heating system. The explosion blew out two floors of one corner of the mod ernistic glass and brick building. Mi’s. Clara Baxter - , 35, an office worker, was killed in the blast. Charles Plenke, 49, a clerk, died in a hospital several hours later. Ten others in the hospital were listed in poor to fair condition. For over an hour more than 100 rescue workers feverishly dug at the rubble believing at least six persons were trapped. Chess Enthusiasts Plan Organization An organizational meeting of the Memorial Student Center Chess Committee has been set for 8:30 Wednesday night in the Social Room, Games Group Chairman Hugh Wharton announced today. Purpose for the committee will be two-fold, Wharton said. First will be do play chess and to further its -interest on the campus. The chess team will also function on an intercollegiate level. This team will consist of entirely student members, Wharton said, but anyone interested in the game is invited to attend the Wednesday night meeting which will see a constitution and by-laws adopted. The group hopes to bring in state and national champions to play in exhibitions and marathons. Beran To Head Bell County Club James Beran of Temple has been elected president of the Bell Coun ty Hometown Club. Other officers are Lambert Matl of Holland, vice-pi’esident; Cecil McComas of Temple, secretary- treasurer; John Houston of Tem ple, sergeant-at-arms and parlia mentarian; and Wayne Schmidt of Temple, reporter. Meeting dates are the first and third Thursdays each month. Three Join M.E. Department Staff Three new staff members have been added to the Mechanical Engi neering Department, according to C. W. Crawford, head of the de partment. They are Admiral Robert H. Bibbs, Dr. Jack R. Woolf, and Oscar W. Albritton. Admiral Gibbs has been added to the staff as an associaate profes sor. He has completed 30 years of commissioned service in the U. S. Navy and is a graduate of the U. S. Naval Academy, class of 1925. Dr. Woolf is now with Engi neering Experiment Station and the ME Depart. For the past four* and one-half years he has been head of a propulsion group at the Ft. Worth branch of the Convair crop. Albritton is a graduate in mining and metallurgy from Texas West ern College in El Paso. He will be I in charge of the work in physical [ metallurgy. Drivers Unhurt In Campus Wreck Both drivers and passengers es caped injury in a two-car collision near the parking lot for dormitories 1-12 on Bizzell Street at 1 p. yesterday. Campus Security patrolmen said Charles Elbert Todd, 16, and Henry Lee Wine, 17, both of Bryan Route 3, were drivers of the cars. Both are A&M Consolidated High School students. Day Student Reps Still In Contest W. G. Breazeale, civilian coun selor, has announced that another run-off is necessary to determine the position of civilian day student representative to the Civilian Council. Breazeale said the run-off would be held tomorrow from 8 to 5 the Office of Student Affairs. The two students deadlocked in the election are Billy R. Bates and Robert W. Hamilton Jr. Brea zeale said he couldn’t give the number of votes cast so far for the position. UofH Ticket Notice Student and date tickets to the University of Houston football game this week will go off sale at the Athletic Business Office Wed nesday at 5 p. m., Pat Dial, bus iness manager said today. '1 ■'U itfei DRIFTING APART—One half of the old Post Graduate Hall, between Walton Hall and Dorm 16, is hauled away by house movers who plan to move the other side later. The structure, which had not been used in recent years, was purchased by a local businessman for $2,262.