f ! : 1 r* 1 ' t V.-i \ > The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 4 Friday, September 28, 1956 STUDENT CO-OP RIFLES & SHOTGUNS BROWNING — REMINGTON & WINCHESTER PISTOLS BROWNING — COLT — H & R & HUGER ROD and GUN CORNER THE HUNTING SEASON POPULATION OF WHITE-WINGED DOVE IN THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY DROPPED FROM NEARLY A MILLION IN 1950 TO ABOUT TEN THOUSAND IN 1955. A DROP OF 99% IN FIVE YEARS!!!!! Speaking 1 of dove, we have the finest hunting equipment a hunter can outfit himself - with. Come in and see the inexpensive decoys in our store. They insure a bag limit every trip. See JIM AENCHBACHER JR. at Hill crest Sporting Goods 2013 So. College Bryan Churches Invite Sunday Attendance A&M Presbyterian Church “GOD AND MY FAMILY” is the sermon topic for the 8:45 and 11 a.m. worship services Sunday. The Rev. Norman Anderson will de liver the sermon. Sunday School meets at 9:45 a.m. Fellowship pro gram begins at 7 p.m. A Bible study on “Ethesians” will be led by Mrs. R. R. Lancaster. A listening party for the Aggie- LSU game will be in progress Sat urday afternoon at the Presbyter ian Student Center. St. Thomas Chapel The Rev. Robert Darwall will preach at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. morning prayer and worship ser vices. Holy Communion is at 8 a.m. and Church School starts at 9:30 a.m. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church “A Healthy Self-Love” will be the Rev. Edwin Svendsen’s ser mon topic at the 10:45 a.m. wor ship Sunday. Church School be gins at 9:30 a.m. St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel Sunday masses are said at 8:30 and 10 a.m. Confesisons are heard from 0:30 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, and before masses on Sunday. Hillel Foundation Larry Kelminsib will deliver the sermon at the 7:15 p.m. Sabbath Eve Services, tonight. An Oweg Shabbat will follow. Christian Science Society “God hat not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and ol love, and of a sound mind.” This is the Golden Text from II Timothy (1:7) which will be included in the to be read at services Sunday, 11 a.m. Bibical selections will illus trate how God’s power was shown in the experience of Jehoshaphat. Bethel Lutheran Church The Rev. Wm. Peterson will speak on “Ye Are Bought With a Price” at the 10:45 a.m. worship. Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m. A&M Christian Church “What to Believe About Jesus ™ ’ ...ForaFullerLife...ForYou... CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST 8:45 A.M.—Bible Classea 10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship 7:16 P.M.—Evening Service OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 8:30 A.M.—Church School 10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship A&M METHODIST CHURCH 8:45 A.M.—Sunday School 10:55 A.M.—Morning Worship 5:45 & 6:45 P.M.—MYP Meeting CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 10:00 A.M.—Morning Worship COLLEGE HEIGHTS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 8:45 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:30 P.M.—Young People’s Service 7:30 P.M.—Evening Worship A&M CHRISTIAN CHURCH 8:30 A.M.—Coffee Time 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Services A&M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 8:45 & 11:00 A.M.—Worship 9:45 A.M.—Church School ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHAPEL 8:30 A.M.—Mass 10:00 A.M.—Mass CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 8:30 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 9:40 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Worship 6:15 P.M.—Training Union 7:15 P.M.—Worship CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 10:00 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:30 P.M.—Young People’s Service 7:30 P.M.—Preaching Service BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 800 S. College Ave. Bryan, Texaa 9:30 A.M.—Church School *0:45 A.M.—Morning Worship FAITH EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED CHURCH 9:15 A.M.—Sunday School 10:30 A.M.—Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.—Evening Service ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHAPEL 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.—Sunday School 9:30 & 11:00 A.M. — Morning prayer and sermon * .V W mr rir r 'f ii errs*'"'’’' fiBsaw«rt'3k7..t.-r-.. u . . : " si wm® •. • , • \ ■ • •- •. V..V.A... THty won't BT LATt J Maybe they were slow in dressing • «« probably they dawdled a bit over breakfast • • . but if you know the gait of those little legs you can be sure they won’t be late. This is one of the fascinating paradoxes of youth. A child may have to be prodded to get to school on time—yet he doesn’t want to be late! And the paradox has implication for parents as they plan the religious education of their children. Jimmy may seem reluctant about his first trip to Church School . . . and Susan may shed a tear when Mother “leaves” her in the Beginners’ Department. But wise parents never delay their youngsters’ religious training. It is unfair to handicap a child with a late start in the vital process of moral and spiritual growth. Inquire at the church of your choice, and bring your child to Church School as soon as he is of age. And, remember, parents need religious train ing too! If you do not now attend Church regu- THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest fac tor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and sup port the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and ma.- terial support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. Day Sunday Habakkuk Monday.... .II Timothy Tuesday.. .. Matthew Wednesd’y Matthew Thursday... Philippians Friday II Timothy Saturday... 1 John Book Chapter Verses larly, start with Jimmy and Susan. Copyright 1956. Keister Adv. Service, Strasburg. Va. College Station's Own Banking Service College Station State Bank NORTH GATE Central Texas Hardware Co. BRYAN • HARDWARE • CHINA WARE • CRYSTAL • GIFTS Bryan Communities Since 1909 First State Bank & Trust Co. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BRYAN J/JLr Juneraf ^JJo BRYAN, TEXAS 502 West 26th St. PHONE TA 2-1572 Student Publications The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies’ Bryan Building & Loan Association B K Y A N City National Bank Member FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Bryan “A Nutritious Food” Lilly Ice Cream Co. Bryan MELLO CREAM Christ” is the sermon topic for Dr. W. C. Jones’ 11 a.m. morning- ser vice. Sunday School meets at 9:45 a.m. The Disciples Student Fel lowship will meet following the church supper at 5. Transporta tion is provided for students for morning and evening services. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Sunday services are at 10 a.m. in the Y'MCA Chapel. Faith Evangelical and Reformed Church Sunday is Rally Day at the church, Rev. R. F. Buck has an nounced. Sunday School and wor ship service are at the regular time. “Religion Demands Eearn- estness” is the sermon topic for the 10:30 a.m. woship. Sunday Schpol meets at 9:15 a.m. A picnic supper at 6 p.m. be gins the evening activities. Theme foi* the evening program, which will be held out on the church lawn, is “The Vine and the Bi’anches”. The program will be concluded with the showing of a film entitled “Discipleship”. Offerings of the evening will go to world service. First Baptist Church “How to Make Peace' With God” is the Rev. R. D. Longshore’s sub ject for the 11 a.m. worship ser vice Sunday. Soloist for the ser vice is Dr. A. M. Sorensen, Jr., who will sing “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked.” The 7:15 p.m. meeting will include baptisi- mal seiwice. Church of the Nazarene The Rev. James Farris will speak on “The Beauty of Tithing” at the 11 a.m. service. Sunday School meets at 10 a.m. For the 7:30 evangelistic service the pas tor will talk on the “Outcast of the Garden of Eden”. A&M Methodist Church “Are You a Church Problem?” is the sermon topic for the 10:55 a.m. worship. The Rev. Nolan Vance will deliver the sermon. Sunday School is at 9:45 a.m. In termediate MYF meets at 5:45 p.m. and Senior MYF meets at 6:30 p. m. Church of Christ Mr. Mont Whitson will speak on “Planned Giving” at the 10:45 a.m. service. Bible School meets at'9:45 a.m. At 6:15 p.m. the Aggie class will meet. Bob Davidson will preach at the 7:15 p.m. evening service. Assembly of God Church The Rev. M. E. Collins, Presi dent of Southwestern Bible Insti tute, and E. M. Moore, Dean of the Institute, will be visiting minis ters for the 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. worship services Sunday. Also be ginning at the evening meeting will be a week long revival led by A. M. Freeze of Corpus Christi. Rev. Collins will show slides of his Palestine trip. fiSBSS FRESHMEN- You’ll Be Wearing Your Greens for - 4 YEARS - DON’T BUY Until YouVe Checked LOU’S FRESHMAN GREENS That Tailor Made Look at No Extra Cost ASK YOUR SOPHOMORES 21 EXTRA FEATURES There are several good greens on the market but we think these are the BEST. Put your order in early as they are tailor made and take time to make LOUPOTS North Gate BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD BATES One day . ... 2* per word per word each additional day Minimum charge—40^ DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80^ per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale Mimeograph, A.B. Dick, Model 92. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Texas Forest Service, Texas A&M College Sys tem, College Station, Texas, until 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 12, 1956, on forms available upon request. Ad dress the Director, Texas Foi’est Service, College Station, Tex., for further information. 164t2 Kenmore wringer type washer. In good condition. Call VI 6-6452. 163t3 Convertible. 1951 Studebaker Commander, V-8, all accessories. Good condition. See Jack Quinn, Room 73, Milner. 163t2 For paints, sign materials, shelv ing and building products of all types, see the MARION PUGH LUMBER COMPANY, 4 blocks south of Kyle Field. Old Highway 6. Phone VI 6-5711. 161tfn Rotary console ironer. General Electric. Perfect condition. $82.50. VI 6-7356. 156tfn 17” DuMont Console TV Set, $65 504 Park Place, VI 6-4065. 158tfn Cash and Carry Sale from Aug. 20th through September. Sherwin- Williams outside white paint, gal lon, $5.85; Kem-Glo, gallon, $6.98; Super Kem-Tone, gallon, $4.89; deep colors slightly higher. 3’ Red picket fence, roll $9.25; 3’ Green picket, roll $9.75; 3’ White picket, roll $12.75; 4’ Red picket, roll $10.25; 4’ Green picket, roll $11.25; 4’ White picket, roll $15.25. Fan type trellis, each 89c. COX LUM BER COMPANY, 2705 South Col lege Avenue, Bryan. 153tl3 Pets Gilkey’s Pet Shop. Tropical fish, goldfish, and birds. Your pet sup ply headquarters. 1901 S. Col lege. 162t4. Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. BAYARD KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf A&M MENS SHOP 103 MAIN NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED Found Man’s wrist watch at Kyle Field Saturday. Owner may get watch by identifying and paying for ad. Write Bill Briscoe, Route 2, Rich mond, Texas. 164tfn For Rent Make reservations early for week-ends throughout the year. Two oversized beautiful rooms, each with twin beds, adjoining bath. TA 2-2716. 162t4 If you have any moving to do, local or long distance, do it with a trailer and save money. See Baker Co., Bryan Phone TA 2-8159. 158t8 Late model tvpewriters, perform like new. BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE, 429 South Main, Bry an. 143tf Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf Work Wanted Will care for children in my home daily. Also evenings and for special occasions. By appointment. C-10-X, College View. 164t4 Will care for children in my home daily. Also evenings and for special occasions. By appoint ment. C-10-X, College View. 164t4 Child care in my home. $10 per week for one child. $15 for 2 children. Mrs. Virginia Williams, 1302 A Batts, Bryan. 16412 Child care in my home. $2 per day. C-21-D, College View. VI- 6-6003. 161t6. Will baby-sit for working moth ers, day or night. Information at 2200 B. Echols, Bryan. 161t6 I would like to keep several children in my home for working mothers. Will do baby sitting also. 1104 Milner, CS. 157tfn Attention Working Mothers! All - day nursery. $25.00 per month. Fenced yard, two blocks from campus. 304 West Dexter, Phone VI 6-4142. 155tf Neat accurate typist desires typ ing in mv home. Own electric type writer. VI 6-5805. 142tf PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 8. Main St. (Aerosa from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA 2-1841 BRYAN • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES ■03 Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN, TEXAS Help Wanted Sell sensational “New Improved Blue Ribbon, World’s Most Usable Bible.” Free training, weekly pay. Above average earnings. Call TA 2-4796. 162t4 Part-time experienced grocery workers. No Sunday work. FOOD TOWN, 516 North Main St., Bryan. 156tfn Waitress wanted. Hours 6 a.m, — 3 p.m. Apply in person West ern Restaurant. Interested in em ploying Aggie Wife. 126tf Special Notice VISIT . . . COULTER FIELD in Bryan Highway 21 East O AIRPEANE RENTAL • FLIGHT INSTRUCTION • RIDES TA 2-9400 Day and night nursery. Two blocks from North Gate. Reason able rates. Expert care. 416 Tau ber. VI 6-4430. 162tfn OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive In the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floof YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daili Monday through Friday) at or before thfc deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degree by the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. Nov. 1 is the deadline for filing an appli cation for a degree to be conferred at the end of th current semester. This deadline applies to both graduate and undergraduate students. H. L. Heaton, Registrar Students interested in applying for a Rhodes Scholarship should confer with R. H. Ballinger, Room 302-C, Academic Bldg. 164t6. Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) How Christian Science Heals “GOD DOES NOT SEND AFFLICTION” WTAW (1150 kc.) Tuesday 9:45 a.m. K&B DRIVING RANGE —Open Monday thru Friday— 4 P.M. ’till 10 P.M. All Day Saturday and Sunday Close Sunday 6 P.M. FIN FEATHER RD. BRYAN