Tigers Try Eagles In Houston Tonite A&M Consolidated attempts to spoil the Smiley Eagle’s perfect record tonight at 8 in Houston. The Eagles of 10-AAA have suc cessfully defended their goal twice without allowing a score. For the second consecutive week the Tigers are outweighed and given small chance of victory. Smiley boasts a tremendous weight advantage of 24 pounds per man over the light Tigers. In the back- field, the difference will be even greater. Over all, the Eagles will average 175 pounds per man and Consolidated, 151. Head Coach Horace Schaffer has been well pleased with the Tiger spirit and hustle in practice this week following last Friday’s maul ing. See The NEW UNDERWOOD ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER TODAY! The most desired electrically operated machine on the market makes “mole hills” out of mountains of typing work. FOR SALES — SERVICES—REPAIRS—RENTALS OF ANY TYPE OF BUSINESS MACHINE . . . SEE— ROBERT L. DAVIS ’50 DAVIS OFFICE EQUIPMENT North Gate PALACE Bryan 2'8$79 No Preview Tonight! TODAY thru TUESDAY ^.Warner A Gregory CPecjc 'RlCHARP ( XjEO BaSehxrt Genn IN THE »Jokn Hwstotst PRODUCTION OF HERMAN MELVILLE'S .Technicolor SAT. NITE PREY. II — TUESDAY & FRIDAY — “THE REVOLT OF MAMIE STOVER” with JANE RUSSELL — Plus — “DOWN AMONG THE SHELTERING PALMS” with WILLIAM LUNDIGAN — FRIDAY — — SATURDAY — JOHN WAYNE NIGHT — 3 FEATURES — “Trouble Along the Way” “Island in The Sky” “The Sea Chase” FRIDAY T*iS£ CMirn tCNSW t ^^