The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 4 Wednesday, September 26, 1956 Churches Offer Fellowship Bethel Lutheran Church “The Three of Corinth” is the topic of the Rev. William Peter son’s sermon for tonight’s 7:45 vesper services. The Aggie Wal- ther group will meet at 7 p.m. B’Nai B’Rith Hillel Foundation The Hillel Cultural meeting be gins at 7:15 p.m. Reports on the Hillel Summer Institute will be given by Dan Greenberg, Joe Glocksman, Melvin Kalmans and Emil Eulfe. A social hour will follow. A&M Christian Church Dr. W. C. Jones, pastor, will meet with the Aggie Religious study group at 7 tonight in the YMCA. Church of Christ Prayer meeting will start at 7:15 p.m. “Book of Luke” will be dis cussed at the Ladies’ Bible Class Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Mont Whitson loads the discussion. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church A weiner roast is set for G:45 p.m. for the Lutheran Student As sociation. Baptist. Student Center Vespers are Thursday night from 7 to 7:20 p.m. at the Center. St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel Wednesday evening services is at 5:15 p.m. Faith Evangelical and Reformed Church The evening sei'vice Is at 7:30 p. m. Church of the Nazarene Meeting time tonight for the mid-week services is 7:30 p.m. 1 Wesley Foundation Discussion talks begin at 7:15 at the Wesley Foundation meeting. A&M Presbyterian Church Newt Harris will lead the wor ship tonight at the Westminster Fellowship meeting beginning at 7:15 p.m. at the A&M Presbyter ian Church. Discussion, led by Bob Whitney, will center around “God, Man and Other Men.” The choir will have special prac tice tonight at 7 for an Aggie An them. St. Thomas Chapel Canterbury Association meets at 7:15 tonight. Assembly of God Prayei* seiwices begin at 7:30 tonight. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day . . . . 2e per word U per word each additional day Minimum charge—40f! DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80^ per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale Kenmore wringer type washer. In good condition. Call VI 6-0452. lG3t3 Convertible. 1951 Studebaker Commander, V-8, all accessories. Good condition. See Jack Quinn, Room 73, Milner. 163t2 (1) Transcriber, Dictaphone; (1) Shaver, Dictaphone; and (2) Re corders, Dictaphone. May be seen by calling Animal Husbandry De partment, Phone VI 6-4711. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Business Manager, College Administration Building until 10:30 a.m., Oct. 8, 1956. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all tech nicalities. Address Business Man ager, A&M College of Texas, Col lege Station, Texas, for further in formation. 162t2 Used Frigidaire refrigerator. For further information call VI 6-5030. Price $50. 162t3 For paints, sign materials, shelv ing and building products of all tvpes, see the MARION PUGH LUMBER COMPANY, 4 blocks south of Kvle Field. Old Highway 6. Phone VI 6-5711. 161tfn Rotary console ironer. General Electric. Perfect condition. $82.50. VI 6-7356. 156tfn 1956 Model Rolleiflex F3.5 Tes- ar with complete accessories; elec- conic flash, lig;ht meter, gadget ag. Entire equipment two months Id. Will sell for $295 or trade or tape recorder or typewriter. Jeorge Lee, Dorm. 16-210 or Box 503. 162t3 • ENOmKKRmO AND ARCHITKCTIKAT. 8TTPPI-.TES • BliTTE I.INE PRINTS • BLitHE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Sprints Road UK VAN. TEXAS WANTED USED Slide Rules LOUPOT’S For Sale 17” DuMont Console TV Set, $65. 504 Park Place, VI 6-4065. 158tfn Whizzer Motor Bike. Excellent condition. $50. 201 Montclair. Phone VI 6-5504. 161t3 Cash and Carry Sale from Aug. 20th through September. Sherwin- Williams outside white paint, gal lon, $5.85; Kem-Glo, gallon, $6.98; Super Kem-Tone, gallon, $4.89; deep colors slightly higher. 3’ Red picket fence, roll $9.25; 3* Green picket, roll $9.75; 3’ White picket, roll $12.75; 4’ Red picket, roll $10.25; 4’ Green picket, roll $11.25; 4’ White picket, roll $15.25. Fan type trellis, each 89c. COX LUM BER COMPANY, 2705 South Col lege Avenue, Bryan. 153tl3 Help Wanted Sell sensational “New Improved Blue Ribbon, World’s Most Usable Bible.” Free training, weekly pay. Above average earnings. Call TA 2-4796. 162t4 Part-time experienced grocery workers. No Sunday work. FOOD TOWN, 516 North Main St., Bryan. 156tfn Waitress wanted. Hours 6 a.m. .— 3 p.m. Apply in person West ern Restaurant. Interested in em ploying Aggie Wife. 126tf Work Wanted Accurate, neat typist desires work. Reasonable rates. VI 6-6842 at noon or after 5:30 p.m. 163t2 Child care in my home. $2 per day. C-21-D, College View. VI- 6-6003. 161t6. Will baby-sit for working moth ers, day or night. Information at 2200 B. Echols, Bryan. 161t6 I would like to keep several children in my home for working mothers. Will do baby sitting also. 1104 Milner, CS. 157tfn Attention Working Mothers! All - day nursery. $25.00 per month. Fenced yard, two blocks from campus. 304 West Dexter, Phone VI 6-4142. 155tf Neat accurate typist desires typ ing in my home. Own electric type writer. VI 6-5805. 142tf A&M MENS SHOP 103 MAIN NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED K&B DRIVING RANGE —Open Monday thru Friday— 4 P.M. ’till 10 P.M. All Day Saturday and Sunday Close Sunday 6 P.M. FIN FEATHER RD- BRYAN For Rent Make reservations early for week-ends throughout^ the year. Two oversized beautiful rooms, each with twin beds, adjoining bath. TA 2-2716. 162t4 If you have any moving to do, local or long distance, do it with a trailer and save money. See Baker Co., Bryan Phone TA 2-8159. 158t8 Late model typewriters, perform like new. BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE, 429 South Main, Bry an. 143tf Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf Pets Gilkey’s Pet Shop. Tropical fish, goldfish, and birds. Your pet sup ply headquarters. 1901 S. Col lege. 162t4. Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. BAYARD KENNELS. Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf Room For Rent Room in private home. 401 Dex ter S., College Station. Call VI- 6-4322. 159tfn Wanted Student, for part-time sales work in College Statibti area. Excellent possibility for good earnings. Call VI 6-6723. 163t2 Men. Washroom and track help er. Hours: 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Apply Laundry Plant, A&M Col lege. 162t3 Special Notice VISIT . . . COULTER FIELD in Bryan Highway 21 East • AIRPLANE RENTAL • FLIGHT INSTRUCTION • RIDES TA 2-9400 Day and night nursery. Two blocks from North Gate. Reason able rates. Expert care. 416 Tau ber. VI 6-4430. 162tfn PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 8. Main St. (Aeroai from Railroad Tower) PHONK TA 3-1941 BRYAN Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) Pre-Fall Palate Pleaser Cool evenings hint of fall and indie family appetites for hot, nourishing foods such as stewed chicken with corn meal muffins. It’s a satisfying combination for the hun gry, hard-working bread winner, the outdoor play condi tioned children, and the busy homemaker who finds ease of preparation an added attraction. To stew chicken, place pieces in kettle. Add 1 cup water and % teaspoon salt for each pound. Cook gently 2V2 to 4 hours, until thickest portions are fork tender. Pre pare gravy, using the broth. Serve chicken and gravy with the muffins. Social Whirl Pot Smith won high at the Sept. 20 AGGIE WIVES BRIDGE Club meeting. The group, meeting for the first time for this fall semes ter, had instructors present for the three classes of players. Billie Carruth and Kathleen Volz were hostesses for the regulars; Wanda Westei'man and Yvonne Stevens received the intermediates; and Lyle and Ann Johnson served as hostesses for the beginners group. Hostesses for Thursday’s play ing will be Pat Sprayberry and Jeannie Ci’ist, regulars; Bonny Douglas and Joy Brown, intermed iates; and Jo Ann Jones and Nancy Hogan, beginners. ★ CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WIVES CLUB will meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. J. D. Lindsay. Wives of chemical engineering majors are invited. Officers will be elected in October. ★ Members of the AVMA AUX ILIARY meet Thursday at 8 p.m. in the MSG Social Room. Plans will be made concerning the Na tional Veterinary Medical Associa tion Auxiliary Convention to be held in San Antonio, Oct. 15-18. Senior members will be hostesses to welcome freshmen wives and newcomers to the auxiliary meet ing. ★ A picnic tonight at Hensel Park is scheduled for CIVIL ENGI NEERING WIVES CLUB and their families. Supper begins at 6 p.m. and recreational activities start at 5 p.m. Dorothy Zuckero, president, announced. ★ AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION WIVES CLUB will meet Monday CATERING FOR ir SPECIAL ^ OCCASIONS Leave the Details to me. LUNCHEONS BANQUETS WEDDING PARTIES Let Us Do the Work—You Be A Guest At Your Own Party Maggie Parker Dining Hall W. 26th & Bryan TA 2-5069 LI’L ABNER By AI Capp | /V.y C/T~Y“ the SMA/iry stxomsmjse Co | ONE MORE PICTURE, FOR "HE-MEN'S MAGAZ/NE", MR. STRONGNOSE, AND WE'LL GO P O G O IP THPM COW0/gPf COULP OP (?pap tmiz eeazer utik, TH£y COULP op roue M& ABOUT ^ Ki—t rr „ ^ 1 WOUUPNf OP at 7:30 p. m. in the Anderson Room of the YMCA. All new Ag Ed wives as well as members are invited. Persons needing rides should contact Doris Purser, VI 6- 5331. A&M Social Club Begins Year With Tea The A&M COLLEGE WOMEN’S SOCIAL CLUB will honor the new comers with a tea Friday at 3 p. m. in the MSC Ballroom. Mrs. Ide P. Trotter, president, and her staff of officers, Mrs. Archie Kahan, vice-president; Mrs. Carl Landiss, general chairman; Mi-s. R. E. Patterson, secretary; Mrs. H. E. Heirth, treasurer; and Mrs. John H. Milliff, reporter, will greet the guests. Hospitality committee for the first fall meeting will be the physi cal education wives with Mrs. Carl E. Tishier as chaii-man. Those eligible for membership are local women members of the families of present or former A&M System employees; local women employees of the System; and wives of local ministers and YMCA workers. Objects of the club are (1) to pj-omote acquaintance and friend ship among the women of the Sys tem; (2) to sponsor the formation of several smaller groups for those interested in special activities. The clyb treasurer will be pre sent at the Friday meeting at 2:30 p. m. to accept dues. ON SPECIAL Black and Blue Denims Washable LOUPOT’S TRADING POST YOU CAN OWN A NEW UNDERWOOD DELUXE PORTABLE TYPEWRITER CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN RENT ONE!!! HERE IS OUR RENTAL-PURCHASE PLAN: — Pay Only — $7.00 DOWN & $7.00 MONTHLY Pay only while you use the machine. During the Summer months, we will store and maintain your typewriter for you. During this time no payments are made by you. When you return to school in the Fall, we will have the typewriter serviced and ready for use. DROP BY TODAY AT DAVIS AND SEE THE 1957 MODEL UNDERWOOD DELUXE PORTABLE Robert L. Davis ’50 Davis Office Equipment North Gate Penney’s aCwaTS FIRST Q u A ITT Y I You can do BETTER on a budget at Penney 9 si MEN’S WASH-N-WEAR SPORT SHIRTS 298 Fine Dan River Cottons. Little or no ironing. MEN’S 100% WOOL SPORT COATS 1975 New 1956 Pattern Budget Priced! MEN’S 100% WOOL FLANNEL JACKETS 990 Be in style in a wool flannel — Light or dark colors.