The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 26, 1956, Image 1

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    r-w"'7'B jjH| _g / 7 #
7/ie Battalion
Number 163: . Volume 55
Price Five Cents
UNSUSPECTING HONOREE—Dr. Guy W. Adriance, head of the Department of Horti
culture A&M, speaks before a combined meeting - of the Board of Directors for the A&M
system and the Texas Section, Institute of Food Technologists, only moments before the
department’s new horticultural foods processing laboratory was named for him. At this
point he did not suspect what was to happen. Dr. M. T. Harrington, chancellor for the
System, announced the name of the building, the Guy W. Adriance Horticultural Labora
tory, minutes later during his dedication address.
Guy Adriance Honored
Horticulture Lah Dedicated
A $90,000 food processing labora
tory was dedicated to Guy W.
Adriance, Horticulture Department
head, in a cei'emony last week.
The laboratory was named for
Adriance w r ho has been head of
A&M’s Horticulture Department
since 1935. The new building is
located on Fann Road 60 across
the tracks and directly in front
of the new Vetei-inary Hospital at
the Horticulture Farm Head-
The dedication ceremonies were a
highlight of two meetings held on
the campus last week that of the
A&M System Board of Directors
meeting and the Texas section of
the Institute of Food Technologists.
Adriance is a co-author of the
Fresh man Pictures
For Tomorrow
Freshman pictures will be taken
of A, B, C, Armor and A and B
Engineex's at the Aggieland Studio
tomorrow and Fi'iday between the
hours of 8 a. m. and 5 p. m., Don
Burt, editor of Aggieland ’57 said.
Pictui-es will be taken in class A
winter uniform, but the studio will
furnish blouses. Each man is asked
to biang his own tie and brass.
definitive book, “Propagation of
Horticultural Plants.” It has gone
through several x’evisions and edi
tions and is still considei'ed an out
standing book in the field.
Negro Civic Group
Discusses Projects
The College Station Negi’o
Chamber of Commei'ce met last
night in. the auditorium of Lincoln
School for their regular monthly
business meeting held the foui’th
Tuesday of each month.
Pi’esident Henry Williams pre
sided at the meeting which 20
persons attended. The Chamber’s
four main committees held separate
sessions and then joined for a joint
The principal project discussed
was awards for the Lincoln High
School football playei’s. Heading
this project is Joe Payton, chair
man of the Chamber’s athletic
Other projects discussed included
street improvements around Lin
coln School, suppoi't for the Com
munity House Kindergarten and
better sanitation for the Negro
community here.
Adlai Pleases Arkansas;
Asks For Ban Acceptance
Adlai Stevenson won crowd applause in the Deep South
today with a plea for “law abiding” acceptance of the Su
preme Court ban on race segregation in public schools.
An almost entirely white crowd of several thousands at
Little Rock, Ark., gave the Democratic presidential nominee
a burst of handclapping—and some cheers rang out—when
he declared that regardless of personal feelings all Americans
should accept the decree “as law abiding citizens.”
There was applause too, though not so much of it, when
Stevenson followed his appeal with an endorsement of the
Democratic platform rejecting “all proposals for the use of
force” to carry out the integration ruling.
Stevenson spoke while standing rather precariously on
the narrow ledge of a bunting-draped platform in Little
Rock’s MacArthur park. Then he headed south by plane for
further speeches yesterday and last night in New Orleans
and Miami Beach.
The friendly reception in Little Rock to his segregation
views delighted Stevenson’s staff, which had expected silence
at best.
As it turned out, not a boo was heard, although the crowd
was momentarily silenced and some members of the audience
shook their heads, when the candidate reaffirmed his opinion
that the integration decision was “right.”
Applause broke out almost immediately, however, when
he went on to say:
“Some of you feel strongly to the contrary.
“But what is important is that we agree that once the
Supreme Court has decided this controversial question we
accept that decision as law abiding citizens.
“Our common goal is the orderly accomplishment of the
result decreed by the court.”
Stevenson said too, the office of the presidency should
be used “to bring together those of opposing views in this
matter—to the end of creating a climate for peaceful ac
complishment of this decision.”
Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus, who introduced Steven
son, told reporters later he didn’t think the crowd reaction
was “particularly significant”—that it merely reflected the
state’s desire to seek a peaceful solution of the integration
M. T. Hai'i'ington, System - chan-
cellox*, in dedicating the building,
said, “Guy Adriance is .as much a
pax-t of the A&M System as it is
possible for a man to be. Litei’ally
boxm on the campus, he is the son
of Duncan Adriance, who was
chemist for the Texas Agricultural
Expexhment Station and the gi’and-
son of John Adriance, a member
of the Board of Directors just be
fore the turn of the century.”
Ben Golub, of Houston, presi
dent of Belle Products Inc., seiwed
as spokesman for the Texas Section
of the IFT in accepting the build
ing. “We have had invaluable as
sistance from the college and
Adriance, Golub said.” “This soi't
of cooperation makes us feel won
derful in knowing’ the college is
hex - e to help us meet our problems.
I know that we will get the needed
lift to go on and produce more and
better foods for Texas.”
Prins Will Speak
To Grad School
Dr. J. A. Prins, of the Univer
sity of Delft, Holland, will lecture
on heat convection studies Thurs
day in the Memorial Student Cen
Speaking at 3 p. m. in the As
sembly Room, to members of the
Graduate School Prins is an out
standing scientist, internationally
known for his work in physics. He
has studied in a wide range of
experimental physics including X-
i’ay diffraction, px’operties of
liquids and solids and studies of
the particles of nuclear physics.
He is author of numei’ous ai’ticles
in his field.
Israelites Launch Night Attack
Against Jordanian Army Post
50 Killed, Base Captured,
Armored Cars Destroyed
JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector—(/P)—Israeli troops at
tacked Jordan army positions overnight and reported today
about 50 Jordanian soldiers were killed at Hussan, in Jordan-
held territory.
The Israeli attacks apparently were undertaken in a de
liberate campaign of retaliation.
An Israeli army spokesman said a Jordan police station
was blown up and two armored cars were destroyed.
A Jordan army base was reported captured and dyna
mited and a large amount of booty was taken.
Firing continued in the Jerusalem area through the early
morning hours today.
An Israeli army spokesman
officially announced just af
ter Tuesday midnight an at
tack had been launched on a
Jordan armp position.
Authox'ites in Jordan had an
ticipated retaliation by clearing
traffic from the main road lead
ing from Jordan-held old Jeru
salem into the Jordan hintei’land.
The Israeli ai’my spokesman in
his post - midnight announcement
today said an Isi’aeli army unit
attacked a Jordan ai’my position
in the Hussan area south of Jei’U-
salem dui’ing the night.
Hussan is in Joi'dan territory,
about 2% miles to the south of the
Kiwanians Sell
Football Fans
302 Lunches
College Station K i w a n i s
Club members sold 302 box
lunches to football fans at
tending the A&M-Villanova
game last weekend, Woody
Briles, chairman of the sale, said
at the club’s weekly luncheon
meeting in the Memorial Student
Center yestei'day.
The lunches are sold by the club
at each A&M home football game
for $1 each and have become vei’y
popular in recent yeai’s with those
attending games here.
The report of the nominating
committee for next year’s officers
was read at the meeting and no
nominations were advanced from
the floor. The appi-oved slate of
candidates include president, Bri
les; first vice pi’esident, R. O.
Berry and John Longley; second
vice president, Bill Hensel and Bob
Shrode; and directors, four to be
chosen, D. A. Anderson, Phil
Goode, Loyd Keel, Curtis Godfi’ey,
Howard Gi’avett, Issac Peters and
Roy Wingren.
Dr. Issac Peters introduced a
pi’ospective new member to the
club. He is M. A. Brown, instruc
tor in the daii’y husbandry depart
Two Texans Killed
In Colorado Crash
WASHINGTON, — (A 5 ) — Two
Texans appai’ently were among the
12 persons killed in the ci’ash of a
military Air Transpoii; plane in
Coloi’ado Monday.
The Air Foi’ce said Col. Chai’les
A. Miller, 49, native of Kempner,
Tex., was one of the three Air
Force personnel killed.
Ax-my authorities notified Mi’,
and Mrs. A. R. Simpson at Stam-
foi'd, Tex., that their son, Special
ist 3. C. William L. Simpson, 24,
was presumed dead in the crash.
Officials at Ft. Carson, Colo.,
where he was stationed, informed
the parents that Simpson was list
ed on the passenger list.
Isi’ael-Joi’dan armistice demarca
tion line and about six miles
southeast of Jerusalem.
Baghdad radio said yesterday
Jordan authorities closed the road
from the Arab- administered old
city section of Jerusalem to Beth
lehem. The road passes beneath
the Ramath Rachel settlement
northeast of Hussan.
Hussan is also south of Amin
Adav, where official Israeli re
ports said the woman olive picker
was shot dead by Jordanians.
Israeli spokesmen said at least
five Jordanian soldiers took part
in the Sunday shooting and it in
cluded both machinegun and rifle
Weekend Room
Listings Complete
A listing of rooms in the College
Station-Bryan area which students
may rent for their girls or folks
was announced as complete by the
housing department today.
The rooms are listed on a card
file in the Housing Office in the
basement of the YMCA and can be
referred to by the students at any
Harry Boyer, chief of housing,
said the list was compiled by call
ing practically every number list
ed in the local telephone book.
No Chance To Look
HYDRO, Okla. (A>> — When
George and Martha Clark returned
from a vacation and tour neighbors
asked what they saw. “Nothing
much,” replied George. “I had to
watch the road and Martha had to
watch the road map so we didn’t
get a chance to look around.”
Work Projects Slated
For CS-Bryan Area
Several work projects are under
construction by the Southwestern
States Telephone Co., according to
C. M. Brennan, Sonth Texas di
vision manager.
Construction crews are working-
in Bryan and the surrounding area
to try to improve the service of
subscribers in this area. About
4,600 feet of multiple underground
conduit has been placed from
Coulter Drive to Avondale. The
new duct will permit the telephone
company to put 10,600 feet of 1,-
Polish Officer
Defects With
New MIG 15
ROENNE, Bornholm, Den
mark—UP) — A young - Polish
air force officer flew an ultra
modern Soviet MIG jet fighter
to Denmark yesterday in a
daring 200-mile dash for freedom.
Danish experts marvelled over the
plane and one said: “It’s really
something very special.”
The pilot Flight Lt. Zygmond
Gosciliak, 28, said he flew un
molested from a base near Poznan,
site of the Polish workers’ bread
and freedom uprising in June.
He narrowly missed being shot
down by Danish antiaircraft guns
with his goal in sight.
A Danish army unit readied its
guns when the improved model
MiG To circled over Roenne. The
city was bombed accidentally by
Russian war planes in 1945 and
the gunners remembered.
The Danish gun commander at
the last moment decided to wait
and see if this was another Polish
airman defecting. Two other Po
lish fliers fled to Bornholm in
MIG 15 fighters three years ago.
The swift jet came barreling
down to a perfect belly landing,
sliding 450 yards -across the air
port grass. The only damage was
to the tip of the right wing.
THOUGHTFUL PARKING—Shown above is an example of the type parking causing the
“Navasota” parking lot to be crowded. The lot is built to hold 278 cars. Tuesday morn
ing, before class time, only 249 cars were in the lot with no space left for others.
Saturday Last Day
Last day for dropping
courses without a failing grade
is Saturday, Sept. 29. After
that time, all courses dropped
will be with an automatic ‘F’.
Up until Saturday, students
may withdraw from a course
with a grade of WP.
212-pa‘ir underground cable, run
ning from the central office to
To further relieve the present
facilities, the company will string
around 60,000 feet of aerial cable,
ranging- from 26 to 404-pair, in
various sections of the city.
Other new construction plans in
clude the conversion of former
rural subscribers to exchange type
service due to recent extensions
of the Bryan city limits. Resi
dential expansion in these areas
are causing further loads on the
present telephone facilities.
College Station is scheduled for
new facilities with some 25,000
feet of aerial cables, ranging from
26-pair to 404-pair, being placed
for extensions into new areas of
development. These extensions will
serve to provide relief for over
loaded feeder cables servinb east
and north College Station.
Another project in the College
Station area was the installation
of five channels of rural carrier
to serve the Snook area. The re
cently completed work provides
service for about 60 applicants
and completes a three-year rural
expansion program in the area.
AF Flight Training
Information Sought
Delayed yesterday by hurricane
“Flossy”, three college officials left
this morning by plane for Mont
gomery, Ala. in an affort to get
more information on the proposed
Air Force ROTC flight training
Col. Joe E. Davis, commandant;
H. G. Smith, Easterwood airport
manager and Chaples Roeber, col
lege business manager will return
late tonight.
Primary purpose of the trip is
to discuss finances for the program
with officials at the Air University
at Maxwell Field near Montgomery.
Smith said the program would
necessitate new aircraft since the
planes at the airport now would not
be able to handle the burden of
the program.
Weather Today
Forecast for today is partly
cloudy. Temperature at 11 a.m.
was 83 degrees. High for yester
day was 93 and low was 58 de
“Forget Party Politics, ”
Nixon Tells Texas Voters
HOUSTON, Tex.—UP) — Vice-President Nixon urged
Texans last night to forget partisan politics and reelect the
Eisenhower administration because the President’s program
“is bigger than any political party.”
Bidding to keep Texas in the Republican column where
it swung in 1952, Nixon told voters in this normally Demo
cratic state that “the name of the party is immaterial.”
“It is what you stand for that counts,” he said in a
speech prepared for delivery at the Houston Music Hall.
It was Nixon’s first invasion of the Democratic South
west since he started a 32-state campaign drive last Tuesday.
Earlier in the day he pleaded with Oklahoma voters to stay
with Eisenhower as they did in 1952.
His afternoon speech at Oklahoma City was cut short
because the vice-president wanted to conserve his throat for
tonight’s speech. He spoke about 16 minutes in an Okla
homa hotel dining room before turning over the show to his
wife, Mrs. Patricia Nixon, who captivated her audience for
two minutes.
Nixon was laid low by an attack of influenza and laryn
gitis night before last in Salt Lake City, but said he felt
better yesterday and rested during the two-hour flight from
Oklahoma City.
He was attended enroute by Dr. ^Malcolm Todd, physician
who joined the campaign at Long Beach, Calif.
Nixon said he addressed Texans not as “Democrats or
Republicans, but as Texans and Americans.”
The Eisenhower program, he said “is a program as big
as America itself and it contains principles and policies that
I think represent the best thinkings of both political parties.”
Both political parties, he said, “have contributed greatly
to America’s progress—the name of the party is immaterial.”
For a time, he said, there were ‘“hopeful signs that Mr.
Stevenson would shed the Truman, ADA, Americans for
Democratic Action influence and offer Americans something
better than the dismal program he presented in 1952.”