The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 21, 1956, Image 1

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    ty), Texas
Number 161: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
Ags Open With Villanova Tomorrow
WELCOME TO KYLE FIELD—HOME OF THE FIGHT- years is expected to be present. The above picture was
ING TEXAS AGGIES—Kickoff time for tomorrow’s game taken last Turkey Day, when a crowd of 42,000 filled
between the Aggies and the Villanova Wildcats will be 2 Kyle Field to capacity. The picture was taken from the
p.m. Some 20,000 people will be on hand to view the intei’- pressbox looking north toward the Academic Building—
sectional contest. The smallest opening crowd in recent —Photo by the Aggieland Studio.
Activities Begin Foil Swing
With Dance, Football, Rodeo
■Battalion Managing Editor
Fall semester activities begin in
full swing this weekend as the
Texas Ag-gies play host to the Vill
anova Wildcats on Kyle Field to
morrow afternoon.
Included in the weekend activ
ities are the All-Aggie Rodeo and
an All-College Dance Saturday
night at The Grove.
No Rue Pinalle is scheduled until
the TCU game weekend Oct. 19.
Due to the recent hot weather
the Aggies will open the 1956 foot
ball season with the smallest open
ing’ game crowd in recent years
according to reports from the Ath
letic Office. Some 18 to 20,000
people are expected to be present
at the game tomorrow at 2 p.m.
Despite the scheduled w a r m
weather the Corps of Cadets will
mai-ch into Kyle Field for the
Uniform for the Corps will be
Class A summer khaki with over-
Rock Prairie Man
Dies of Gun Blast
Johnny A. Atkins, 46, was found
dead yesterday afternoon with a
shotgun wound in his chest at his
farm in the Rock Prairie com
B. W. Bobbit, Justice of the
Peace, said the wound was self-
Joseph M. Atkins, father of the
victim, found the body shortly
after he and Mrs. Jo Ann Atkins,
wife of the victim, returned to the
farm from town.
The Brazos County Sheriff’s
Department was immediately noti
fied and upon investigation Billy
Hanover, deputy sheriff, found a
note on the body. Contents of the
note were withheld.
Atkins is survived by his wife,
one son, John Patton Atkins, his
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph M. Atkins of Bryan three
sisters, including Mrs. W. N. Kelley
and Mrs. Paul Katribe of Houston
and Mrs. P. L. Barron of Bryan and
one brother, Janies R. Atkins of
Funeral services will be an
nounced by Hillier Funeral Home
of Bryan.
seas caps. Sabers will be carried
and white gloves, white belts will
be worn. Seniors will wear boots.
First call will be at 12:20 p.m.
and first units will move out at
Order of March for the march-
in will be Band, Corps Staff 1st
Regt., 2nd Regt., 1st Wing and
2nd Wing.
Colors and guidons will be car
ried and will be checked in after
LONDON — <JP) — Secretary of
State Dulles won the support of
most of the world’s main shipping
powers yesterday for his six-point
program of united action to chal
lenge sole Egyptian control of the
Suez Canal.
Despite reseravtions of Pakis
tan, Sweden, Spain, Iran and Den
mark, a big majority of the na
tions attending the 18-power Suez
conference accepted the main pro
visions of Dulles’ approach toward
a settlement with Egypt. An in
formed source said that, with this
backing achieved, the talks will
end tomorrow.
CS Seniors Stage
Dance After Game
The Senior class of A&M Con
solidated High School will spon
sor an aftei’-game dance following
the football game with Rockdale
tonight, according to J. J. Skri-
vanek, principal.
The dance will be in the high
school activity room. Tickets will
be 25 cents a person or couple,
Skrivanek said.
Casaday Injured
Benton Casaday, pre-veterin-
ary major from Llano, was suf
fering from bruises but appears
to have “no serious injury” af
ter being thrown from a bull at
the All-Aggie Rodeo last night.
He is still in the College Hospit
al, but is reported to be “‘resting
the march-in at the rifle range be
neath the east stands.
All-Aggie Rodeo
Always a big attraction the All-
Ag’gie Rodeo raised the curtain on
the first big weekend with their
first performance at the Aggie
Rodeo Arena last night. Two more
performances are scheduled for
the three-day contest with the fin
als being held Saturday night at
At the hub of Dulles’s program—
pegged to a concept of justice with
peace—is the formation of a work
ing organization to be officially
called “the Cooperative Assn, of
Suez Canal Users.”
The backers include the mari
time Big Five who control 75 per
cent of the world’s shipping. These
are Britain, Norway, France, Italy
and the United States.
The association will bind togeth
er those nations ready peacefully
to resist Egyption President Nas
ser’s domination of the canal by
coordinating their maritime, eco
nomic and political policies to
ward Egypt.
A movement to seek early Uni
ted Nations intervention in the
danger-packed dispute also gath
ered momentum.
More Uniforms
Arriving Today
A truck load of military cloth
ing arriving today from Fort Hood
should take care, of the uniform
shortage, said Col. Delmer P. An
derson, professor of military sci
ence and tactics.
For the past several days, Ag
gies have been finding they could
not be issued khaki shirts and
trousers, fatigues, shoes, raincoats
and field jackets.
Col. Anderson said the truck
coming today will mainly consist
of khaki clothing, fatigues and
raincoats. He said there was a
possibility there still would be a
shortage in odd sizes of fatigues.
Some 45 contestants, all stu
dents at A&M, are entered in the
events . which include bull-riding,
bare-bronc riding, bull-dogg’ing
and tie-down and ribbon calf rop
ing to mention a few of the events.
Tickets to the rodeo are on sale
at Loupots, Cooley’s Conoco Sta
tion, 12th Man Inn, the Aggieland
Grill, Shaffers’s Book Store at
North Gate and in Bryan at
Grubbs’ Feed Store, Vincent’s Ser
vice Station and the Guarantee
Store. Admission price is $1 for
adults and 60 cents (at the gate)
for students. Pre-sale price for
students 50 cents.
All-College Dance
An All-College Dance will be
held at The Grove Saturday night
scheduled to begin at 9 p.m. and
close at 12 p.m. Sponsored by the
Office of Student Activities with
music being provided by the Ag
gieland Orchestra, a “cool” moon
lit night has been oi’dered for the
Tickets for the dance are on sale
at the Office of Student Activities
on the second floor of the YMCA.
Priced at $1.50 with or without a
date, tickets will be on sale until
noon Saturday at the Activities
Office and will be on sale at the
entrance to The Grove.
Enrollment Higher
Than Last Year
Registrar H. L. Heaton says
7,113 persons are enrolled for the
fall term here. For the 1955
semester 6,736 were enrolled.
Heaton says 2,007 are fresh
men. At this time last year 1,849
freshmen had been registei’ed.
The figure represents more than
five and a half per cent increase.
At the beginning of the semester
1,791 freshmen chose to take mili
tary science.
Choosing civilian status were
216 freshmen students.
Weather Today
Forecast for today is clear.
Temperature at 10:30 a.m. today
was 81 degrees. High and low
for yesterday were 99 and 72 de
Shipping Powers
Accept Dulles’ Plan
j Ponderous Wildcats Meet
I Question-Mark Cadets at 2
Rodeo Results
For Thursday
Battalion Sports Editor
Question marks are the order of the day tomorrow when
A&M opens its third grid season under Coach Paul (Bear)
Bryant against the invading Villanova Wildcats at 2 p.m. on
Kyle Field.
Aggie fans all over the nation are asking can Bryant’s
Cadets, the nation’s surprise team in 1955, take up where
they left off before last year’s Texas game and show the
same aggressive, powerful game they displayed in ’55. The
followers of Eastern football are wondering if this may be
the year the Wildcast, ex-giants in collegiate ranks, come
back into their own and regain the title “The Notre Dame
of Eastern Football.”
Villanova moved into Bryan -
this morning with 36 players
and took a short workout on
Kyle Field in the afternoon.
The Wildcats will out-weigh
the light Aggie eleven 20 pounds
per man, showing a 215-pound av
erage in their foiward wall.
Although the Philadelphians won
only one of 10 tilts in 1955, their
freshmen team was the finest in
school histoi’y. Twenty-four let-
termen return making this year’s
outlook the brightest for Wildcat
fans in many a year.
A&M counters the heavy East
ern team with a lineup shaken by
recent injuries and quarterbacking
of still uncertain ability. Two Ag
gie guards, second-liner T o m m y
Howard and third-string Barney
Smith, will definitely miss Satur
day’s action while regular left
tackle, 218-pound Charlie Krueger,
is a doubtful starter.
If Krueger is able to play, and
Bryant holds that he will not play
the Caldwell junior unless he is
completely healed, squadman Bob
by Lockett will move into the right
tackle position vacated by letter-
man Jack Powell. Powell lost the
battle of the books this summer and
is now in the army.
Lockett or Bob Clendennon, sen
ior lettermen from Waco, will man
the left tackle spot if Krueger is
n’t available with either Lockett or
Sophomore Kenneth Beck on the
right side according to whether the
Aggies are receiving or kicking off.
“I am going to try to play two
teams, or as nearly to two as pos
sible,” said Coach Bryant, “but
(See FOOTBALL, Page 2)
Listed below are the times
results in the events after
first performance of the All-Ag
gie Rodeo. Final results will, be
announced at the final show; Satur
day night. The totals for each of
the three nights will be compiled to
decided the winner in each division.
Results of Thursday nights per
formance are:
Bareback Riding
(no results until Saturday night)
Tie-Down Calf Roping
Jack Mitchell-15.5 seconds; Bob
Drummond-18.7 sec.; Ray Kirchner-
19.6 sec.; Roger Lacy and Charlie
Hale-tie at 20.2 sec.; Everett
Farthing-31.2 sec.; Virgil Patrick-
32.1 sec.; Hampton Keathley-36
sec. John Kincaid-no time.
Greased Pig Race
Ernest Hightower.
Steer Wrestling
Wayne Ward - 4.9 sec.; Lowie
Rice-6.8 sec.; Charlie McDonald-
9.1 sec.; John Kiker-30.5 sec.;
Rodney Butler—34.8 sec.; Bobby
Wakefield-50.4 sec.; Eddie Farris-
no time.
Ribbon Roping
Jack Mitchell-13.0 sec.; Everett
Farthing-14.2 sec.; Virgil Patrick-
15.5 Sec.; Roger Lacy-21.0 sec.;
(See RODEO, Page 2)
New Staffers
Slated For
Physics Dept.
Dr. J. G. Potter, head of the
Physics Department at A&M,
announced the appointment of
five new members to his de
partment recently.
Dr. Joe S. Ham, graduate of the
University of Chicago, has been
named as an assistant professor.
He came to A&M from three years
at E. I. DuPont de Nemours, in
N. R. Rao, who received his mas
ters degree from the University of
Bombay, was named an instructor.
Joseph Keren, a graduate of the
University of Melbourne, Austra
lia, was named as instructor.
John P. Decker, a graduate of
Arkansas A&M, w r as named an in
structor. He received his masters
degree fi’om the University of Ar
R. S. Musa, already a member
of the faculty of A&M, was trans-
fered from the mathematics depart
ment to physics. Musa received his
bachelors and mastei’s degree from
A&M after attending London Uni
versity and the American Univer
sity at Birut.
Electricity Stops
Due To Overload
Electrical power failure in the
Colleg’e View area the past few
days is due to an overload on the
lines, says A&M electrician Frank
Brown Jr.
Brown says the stoppage of pow
er ■will be remedied when a few
adjustments are done.
Residents in the area had com
plained that power had been off
for about 30-minute periods sev
eral times.
Bryan AFB 9 Kiwanis Sponsored
Annual Kid’s Day Planned
College Station and Bryan Ki
wanis Clubs cooperating with Bry
an AFB will stage the annual
Kid’s Day Saturday. It is spon
sored by the Air Force and the
Kiwanis International.
The celebration is planned to
make tomoiwow’s adults more in
formed and show them some fun at
the same time. The affair is pre
sented on a nation-wide scale with
all Air Force bases and Kiwanis
Clubs participating.
“Any children of school age are
invited to meet at their schools
ready to leave on buses at 7: 30
a. m.” R. O. Berry College Sta
tion Kiwanis Club member in
charge of arrangments said. “In
College Station, buses will leave
from A&M Consolidated High
School and Lincoln School.”
Six A&M Students
Win Scholarships
Six A&M students have been
awarded $1,500 in cash scholar
ships by the Vita Craft Corporation
for divert selling work during the
Winners were Don Andei-son,
$300; David Morris, $300; Joe
Netardus, $250; Thayne Short,
$300; James Sylei - , $150; and James
Witcher, $200.
Vita Craft Corporation’s presi
dent, Glen F. Slough, financed his
education by direct selling work.
To offer opportunities to young
people who ordinarily would be un
able to meet the expenses of a
college education, Slough initiated
Vita Craft’s college pi’ogram in
Refreshments will be served and
the buses will leave for home at
11:30 a. m., Berry said.
“We have planned a day that we
think the kids will remember for a
long time,” said Col. James A.
Gunn, commanding officer of Bry
an AFB. “All our facilities will be
at their disposal.”
Col. Gunn -said that Air - Cadets
would guide groups of the children
on separate tours, showing them
aircraft, training devices, basq in
stallations and other parts of the
“In addition to the tours and the
refreshments, we will have an
exhibition by one of the world’s
foremost archers,” Col. Gunn said.
“Howard Hill, who has starred in
motion pictures and shows
throughout the world, will be at
Bryan AFB Saturday, and has con
sented to present a demonstration
with the bow and arrow.”
The trip will be well chaperoned,
according to Dr. Charles LaMotte,
president of the College Station
Kiwanis Club, with sevei-al mem
bers of both clubs going on the
trip as well as the air force per
KID DAY PLANS SET—Discussing plans for the annual
Kids Day, sponsored jointly by Kiwanis International and
the United States Air Force, are presidents of the Bryan
and the College Station Kiwanis Clubs and the commanding
officer of Bryan AFB. Left to right are Dr. Charles La
Motte, College Station president; Col. .James A. Gunn,
BAFB; and Jerry Massey, Bryan president.