The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 4 Thursday, September 20, 1956 > -for thrifty home-makers ' . i... . . i axif&SS. — ■ - .. . . Welcome to “MILLER’S NEW CUSTOMER SALE” If You Have Recently Moved to Our Area ... We Extend to You a Hearty Welcome to Visit Our Big Friendly Super Market . . . The Home of Nationally Advertised Foods — Not Unknown Brands of Questionable Quality. And of Course a Hearty Welcome and Thanks to Our Long List of Loyal Regular Customers . .. Our "Welcome Mat" is Out to One and All. We're Just "Tickled Pink" to See You ... Come in Today! GLADIOLA BISCUITS Mayfield’s Grade “A” FRESH SELECT EGGS PANTRY MA1U OLEO FOLGER’S COFFEE . No. 2Vz Cans HUNT’S PEACHES . 12 cans 3 doz. . 6 lbs. lb. can 4 cans • MEATS • Hormel’s Pre-Cooked Hams - Shank End .. lb. 45 c WHOLE .... lb. 49c Heart of Texas Fancy Cut-Up Fryers . . . . Choice Veal Round Steak . .lb, . lb 35c 65c Fresh Jumho Gull Shrimp . . Armour Star All Meat Franks . lb. 79c . lb. 39c Rath’s Blackhawk—12 Oz. Cans Lunch Meat . . 3 cans 99 c Bama—12 Oz. Jars STRAWBERRY PRESERVES . . . . 4 jars WHITE OR COLORED SCOTT OWELS . 6 rolls LIBBY’S VIENNA SAUSAGE . . . . 6 cans 24 Oz. Bottles WELCH’S GRAPE JUICE .... 3 bottles Libby’s—303 Cans CUT GREEN BEANS 6 cans • PRODUCE • California Iceberg—Jumbo Heads Lettuce ... .2 beads 25 c Tomatoes Fresh Cello . carton 9 C Cucumbers Fresh . . lb. 6 C • FROZEN FOODS • Libby’s Frozen Fresh Orange Juice . . 8 cans 99 c Libby’s—Chicken — Turkey — Beef Frozen Pies ... 5 for 99 c Rosedale—12 Ob. Cans WHOLE KERNEL GOLDEN CORN . . 8 cans CAMPBELL’S VEGETABLE SOUP . . 8 cans Swift’s—16 Oz. Cans < PARD DOG FOOD 8 cans 303 Cans LIBBY’S GARDEN PEAS 6 cans BRENHAM SPECIAL BROOMS . . . Each M S L L E R' S SUPER MARKET Sunday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday — 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. SPECIALS FOK THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY — SEPTEMBER 20th - 21iul - 22nd Wildcats Enroute Here Confident for Victory Special to The Battalion Villanova University, represented by a party of 50, entrained last night to embark on its 63rd season of intercollegiate football, when the Wildcats meet A&M Saturday at 2 p. m. The official party, composed of 36 squad members, coaches and officials of the University boards the train at 8 p.m. Coach Frank Reagan will put his squad through a light signal drill in St. Louis where they are sched uled to arrive Thursday afternoon. Transferring to the route of the Texas Eagles the Main Liners will complete their long journey early Friday morning. This is one of the most confident band of Wildcats to leave the Villanova campus in recent years. Encouraged by their performance in a recent scrimmage with Navy the squad feels that they have ar rived and will cause plenty of trouble to enemy elevens during the coming season. To show that the pressure is off, the versity put on a surprise three act variety show for the benefit of incoming freshman footballers, coaches and members of the athletic department Monday night. Master of Ceremonies was quarter back John Ferruolo. End Gene O’Pella and tackle Bill Craig stole the show with their rendition of “Tonight You Belong to Me.” Although the scrimmage with Navy lasted for 80 minutes, the score at the end of regulation 60 minutes was 19-13. While review ing the action Reagan and his staff realized that the Middies had not scored on the Wildcat regulars, which was quite a feat since four starters did not even see action. Due to minor injuries and brusies, halfback John Bauer, full back Rollie West and both front line tackles Don Luzzi and Ron Cherubini were confined to the sidelines. But all are expected to be in the starting lineup at kick off time. | Sport Shorts By The Associated Press AUSTIN — The University of Texas put the final strokes to its defense and offense yesterday and planned to taper off practice the rest of the week. The Longhorns reviewed their passing offense and defense, goal line defense, kicking, and worked against punt returns. It was the final day of contact work in pre paration for the game Saturday night against Southern California. The ticket office said today about 45,000 persons were expected for the opener. ★ ★ WACO — Coach Sam Boyd ran his Baylor Bears through a light but snappy workout Wednesday with special emphasis on goal line plays, both on offense and defense. Boyd named a 42-man traveling- squad for the Bears’ Saturday game with California. He said he would not release a starting line up until Friday. : TREMEDOUS GENE O’PELLA—Villanova’s huge (6-5, 230) sophomore end will hold down one terminal for the Wildcats on Kyle Field Saturday. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day .... 2^ per word 10 per word each additional day Minimum charge—400 DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 800 per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale Clean 1948 4-door Dodge. Good mechanical condition. May be seen after five at C-7-X, College View. 160t2 17” DuMont Console TV Set, $65. 504 Park Place, VI 6-4065. 158tfn Harley Davidson “‘165” motoi-- cycle. Up to 80 miles per gallon and 60 mph. Perfect for commut ing. Saddle bags, windshield and speedometer. Reasonable. 907 E. 31st St., Bryan. 157tfn A. B. Dick Duplicating Mimeo graph Machine. May be seen by calling Student Publications, VI- 6-6415. Sealed bids will be re ceived in the office of the Business Manager, College Administration Building until 10:30 a.m., October 1, 1956. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A&M College of Texas, College Station, Texas for further information. 157tfn Cash and Carry Sale from Aug. 20th through September. Sherwin- Williams outside white paint, gal lon, $5.85; Kem-Glo, gallon, $6.98; Super Kem-Tone, gallon, $4.89; deep colors slightly higher. 3’ Red picket fence, roll $9.25; 3’ Green picket, roll $9.75; 3’ White picket, roll $12.75; 4’ Red picket, roll $10.25; 4’ Green picket, roll $11.25; 4’ White picket, roll $15.25. Fan type trellis, each 89c. COX LUM BER COMPANY, 2705 South Col lege Avenue, Bryan. 153tl3 G.E. 30” rotary ironer. Perfect condition. Cost $187. Make offer. VI 6-7356. 156tfn Wanted Graduate students to teach en gineering drawing. Contact W. E. Street, VI 6-4416. 157t5 FOR... Paints, Sign Materials, Shelv ing and Building Products of all types—see the ... MARION PUGH LUMBER CO. 4 Blocks South of Kyle FTeld Old Hiway 6. — Ph. VI 6-5711 Work Wanted I would like to keep several childi-en in my home for working mothers. Will do baby sitting also. 1104 Milner, CS. 157tfn Wanted opportunity to play with string band. Must have job to en ter school. Experience on instru ment and vocal. Write Raymond Yanowski, Bremond. 157t6 Aggie student’s wife will keep children at her home. 4104 College Main. 157tfn. Let me keep your children in my home 416 Tauber, by the month, day or hour. Very reasonable rates for expert care. Just 2 blocks from North Gate. I will keep Children during all football games and all social affairs. References. For further information call VI 6-4430. 157tfn. Attention Working Mothers! All - day nursery. $25.00 per month. Fenced yard, two blocks from campus. 304 West Dexter, Phone VI 6-4142. 155tf Neat accurate typist desires typ ing in my home. Own electric type writer. VI 6-5805. 142tf For Rent Neat, small two bedroom furnish ed house with fenced yard. Call Vi 6-5054. 160tl Furnished room in College Park, private entrance, private bath. Southwest exposure, garage. Call VI 6-5556. 158tfn If you have any moving to do, local or long distance, do it with a trailer and save money. See Baker Co., Bryan Phone TA 2-8159. 158t8 Late model typewriters, perform like new. BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE, 429 South Main, Bry an. 143tf Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf A&M Men’s Shop 103 Main — North Gate AGGIE OWNED Pets - Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. 8AYARD KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf Room For Rent Room in private home. 401 Dex ter S., College Station. Call VI- 6-4322. 159tfn Room for rent, for couple or two single boys. If preferred, kitchen privileges for couple. 307 Glade St. Call VI 6-7076 or TA 2-1501. Help Wanted Part-time experienced grocery workers. No Sunday work. FOOD TOWN, 516 North Main St., Bryan. 156tfn Waitress wanted. Hours 6 a.m. •— 3 p.m. Apply in person West ern Restaurant. Interested in em ploying Aggie Wife. 126tf Special Notice Registered Nurse, with 2 girls of her own, would like to keep a child. For further information' contact Mrs. Moore at A-13-D, College View. VISIT... COULTER FIELD in Bryan Highway 21 Fast O AIRPLANE RENTAL • FLIGHT INSTRUCTION • RIDES TA 2-9400 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official norices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Offic« of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dailj Monday through Friday) at or before thk deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. Laboratory assistants are needed for the fall semester in the Physics Department. Men who have completed sophomore physics courses with superior records are wanted to assist with instruction, grading and the handling of apparatus in the laboratories. The scale of compensaion is $.90 per hour for new assistants and $1.00 per hour foc experienced assistants. The opportunity for experience, as well as earnings, should be considered. Applicants for assistantsbips are invited to bring tentative schedules to the office of the department as soon as possible. Head, Physics Department J. G. Potter 157t5